fine line (scott mccall)ยฒ

By anticosmic

150K 4.4K 1.7K

in which they fall in love again (started: july 14, 2020) (season 4-6b) (... More

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8.8K 183 60
By anticosmic

        "Thanks for picking me up," Blair thanked Cora who was currently driving the girls, Blair didn't have much time when she got Lydia's text explaining that Derek was in trouble and that they were tracking down the Calvera's to find him. Blair had tried to call Stiles or Kira since she had gotten Lydia's text multiple times and neither of the two had responded which was causing Blair to worry further about her friends and Derek since no one was picking up their phone.

Isaac didn't hesitate to help bring Blair to the airport as he ushered her out of their apartment once he heard Derek was in trouble with Argent who drove both of them to the airport as she hopped onto the quickest flight to Mexico. Both of them understand that she had to leave since the family came first to Blair.

"It's our brother, right? Now I can't get you any further than this because of the hunters so you're going to have to walk the rest of this way." Cora announced as she pulled the car to the side of the road so that she could stay far away from any of the Calveras possibly seeing her. Blair opening the glove department since she had told Cora to bring her a couple of knives if it came down to it.

"That's fine. Lydia hasn't answered and of my texts, and neither have Kira or Stiles so I have a feeling they're in trouble. Better try and help them than also get you in trouble too." Blair pointed out as she stuck the knives in her shoes and clipped one inside the sleeve of her dress - praying it wouldn't slice her arm accidentally when she began walking. Cora having a smile of amusement on her face when she noticed Blair doing a poor job of trying to hide knives within her outfit.

"And Scott?" Cora asked, wondering if the young Alpha had answered his phone since he and Blair were practically dating the last time she was in Beacon Hills. And also because of the fact she knew Scott was the only one out of those teenagers who would actually be able to save Derek if he was in trouble. While Stiles was quick to find clues and evidence, Cora vividly remembered Scott being the strongest out of that pack - besides Derek of course.

"I didn't call him. He's kinda my ex now." Blair answered honestly, Cora opening her mouth in slight shock and closing it when she realized they didn't have time for them to discuss Blair's relationship. However, she was definitely going to bring it up later since she still wanted to know the in's and out's of her sister's life. The two had started to grow closer over the time Cora had been back, much to Derek's displeasure since both of them always seemed to be texting each other - Cora somehow knowing every time he was in danger due to Blair's texts.

"I'll text you once I find Derek, I promise. Try not to get caught on the way out of here." Blair finished quickly, pulling Cora into a quick hug before hopping out of the car, Blair getting ready to close the door before Cora interrupted her.

"Nice hair, by the way." Cora complimenting Blair's new hair before driving away - not giving Blair the time to tease her about actually noticing her hair since Cora rarely recognised anything about someone's appearance. Blair moving to the directions Cora had given her on her phone since she knew it was only a five-minute walk to the nightclub that the Calvera's owned.

Blair didn't need to see much more as she suddenly spotted a familiar redhead sitting at the table - watching as the woman across from Lydia suddenly threw a knife at one of the guards who fell to the ground dead as a result. Blair already knowing she needed to act fast since she could tell it was a tactic to scare Lydia further - if that was even possible considering she looked like she was about to cry out of fear right now. Blair watching as Lydia's face turned terrified at the woman's actions - not thinking that the huntress would be quick to kill one of her own.

Blair stood behind one of the pillars as she noticed Lydia standing up - none of the passerby's seeming to question exactly what had happened as they carried on like a man didn't fall to the ground in front of them. Blair slid the first knife out of her boot, acting quickly as she launched it forward and it landed in the hunter furthest from her shoulder. The other hunter turning his head as he held his gun out in the direction of where the knife had come from - Blair already moving from the spot, launching her second knife into his shoulder as Araya stepped up, clearly pissed at whoever was taking down her men.

"Well, Ariel. It seems you got yourself in a right mess this time." Blair commented as she walked forward beside Lydia, as she held her hands in front of her. Lydia letting out a sigh of relief that Blair had actually answered her texts and had came for her since she wasn't actually sure what Araya wanted with her.

"And who the hell are you?" Araya asked Blair who stepped forward so that she could cover Lydia more from her view. The huntress not recognizing Blair for who she was but instantly recognizing her infamous face - the one of the Valkyrie.

"Blair Hale, also known as Lydia Martin's personal security guard, and I would prefer it if you didn't have any guns or other weapons pointed at my friend." Blair finished with a small smirk on her face, crossing her hands over her chest as she glared at the older huntress. The huntress picking up on her last name right away, able to piece together who she was and what she was really here for immediately.

"We can do this smoothly and your friend doesn't get hurt as long as I get my answers about Scott McCall." She answered, Blair noticing the hunters taking the knives out of their shoulders as they sat them down on the table - glaring at Blair as they did so, pissed that she managed to stab any of them with her knives in the first place.

"Fine, but if thing one or two tries to touch me I'm cutting off their testicles." Blair threatened the hunters behind her, grabbing the knives of the tables that were covered in their blood as she wiped it off the table. Lydia not knowing if she should be disgusted or impressed at what Blair had just done to the hunters.

"You've got potential as a hunter." Araya told her as the two followed after Lydia who was getting escorted by the two men into the club. Blair immediately not liking the immediate assumption that because she could fight she should be a hunter. Blair knew she would rather die than ever become a hunter.

"Yeah, well I don't really like it when crazy bitches tell me what I have potential at." Blair retorted back as her lips formed a tight smile while she followed after Lydia - Araya deciding to let Blair walk by herself since the girl proved more than capable of defending herself against Araya's men. The guards escorting Lydia to the chair as Blair fell short at the door once she noticed Scott tied up to the other metal chair - her eyes widening at the sight in front of her since she definitely didn't expect all of this when Lydia had first texted her.

"Let her go. Look. You've got me. Just let the others go." Scott tried to fight for Lydia to stay safe since he didn't notice Blair at the door while Lydia got tied down in the seat beside him.

"Touch me and I'll spit in your eye," Blair warned Severo who was trying to grab onto her arm, Severo turning to Araya who nodded her head as they let Blair walk to the dial by herself to avoid increasing the number of hunters Blair had taken down already. Scott staring up in shock at Blair, since he had explicitly told everyone to not tell Blair since they believed they could figure it out without worrying her - an order that Lydia had explicitly ignored once she heard how reckless Scott and Stiles's plan was and knew that they needed Blair since she was a much better fighter than both Stiles and Lydia were.

"Your hand goes here," Severo ordered Blair who gently placed her hand on the dial, her eyes finally meeting Scott's eyes who grew worried as he stared back at Blair since he didn't know what to say or do now that she was here. Scott could tell that Blair was going to get herself in trouble if she kept talking back to the hunters and he didn't want her to be in the same position as him and Lydia were currently in especially since she was human now and couldn't heal anymore.

"So, let me explain what's about to happen. This one, the spitter, wants answers about her brother. So she's going to turn the dial on the Alpha. If she doesn't, I turn the dial on the Banshee." Severo explained to the ground, Blair whipping her head to the hunter beside her at his explanation of what he was going to try and force her to do as she raised her eyebrows at him in disbelief.

"What the hell makes you think I'm going to do that? Not all of us like inflicting pain on others like you hunters do." Blair spat out as she crossed her arms against her chest, standing defiant against Severo in front of her. Severo not taking her words under his notice since he knew she would agree once she actually saw that her friend's lives were in danger if she didn't cooperate.

"Are you sure? One of your friends has the power to heal. The other? Not so much." He breathed into her ear, Scott and Lydia sharing stares of concern at that news - Lydia convinced that Blair wouldn't be able to hurt Scott since she knows how much she cared about him and that she was going to be absolutely screwed if Blair didn't turn the dial.

"What are you doing? Is this a game to you?" Scott asked the hunters in shock, not seeing why either he or Lydia had to get hurt in order for them to get information about Derek rather than them just being straightforward and honest with them.

"This is a test, Lobito. Let's see if you pass. We're going to ask some questions. You answer them, nobody gets hurt. You don't answer, we turn on the dial." Araya explained as Blair stared at her in disbelief, her eyes scrutinizing her as she started to believe that these hunters might be psychopaths since she was pretty sure that this illegal. Scott noticed Blair's apprehension immediately and knew he needed to convince her that it was okay before she turned the dial.

"Do what they say. Okay? Whatever they want. I can take it." Scott started to reassure Blair, Blair's eyes softening once she heard his words as she nodded her head knowing she had to listen to him.

"So...We don't know where Derek is. We want to find him as well. You know who took him." Blair grew confused at Araya's accusations towards him since she was positive that Scott wouldn't have put himself or the pack in this position if he knew where Derek was in the first place. None of them knowing what this huntress was alluding to since she wasn't being clear in any of her words.

"What? How would I know that?" Scott asked, leaning upon the chair despite the fact the chains were going with him as he moved his hands in frustration of Araya's words.

"That doesn't sound like an answer to me," Araya answered sarcastically, Blair rolling her eyes at the woman's lack of coherence. Araya seeming to become vaguer as she continued on as she only hinted to what she meant or what she wanted from Scott.

"We don't know. Why do you think we came here?" Lydia asked, pursing her lips slightly in question, backing up Scott as the two stared up at Araya confused. Neither of them understanding why Araya was questioning them on the exact subject that they wanted answers on.

"Blair, turn the dial. Should we turn the dial on Lydia instead?" Araya asked once Blair showed a slight moment of apprehension as Severo began to grab onto the dial beside her as he got ready to hurt Lydia. Scott already knowing that Blair needed more of reassurance otherwise she wouldn't be able to hurt him. Both of them knowing the main reason she was waiting on pulling the dial was due to the reminder of the last time Blair had hurt Scott since she was still carrying the guilt of everything the Valkyrie had done.

"No, no! Do it, Blair. Do it." Scott encouraged her, Blair finally placing her hands back on the dial as she got ready to turn the dial on Scott. Blair keeping her eyes on Scott as she tried to keep herself from breaking at the fact that she had to be the cause of Scott's pain once again.

"Let's start at one," Araya announced to Blair while Scott kept his focus on Blair as she turned the dial up to one for him - Blair's heart beginning to pound as she watched the pain start to course through Scott's body. Scott gripping on the chair tightly as the electricity began to shake through the binds on his hand. Blair closing her eyes to avoid seeing the pain she was inflicting onto Scott.

"Tell me. Who actually has Derek? Who had a reason, a vendetta particular to the Hales?" Areya asked Scott, Blair opening her eyes again as she watched Scott began to pant out of breath as he tried to figure out exactly what the huntress wanted him to say.

"I said I don't know." Scott repeated himself in between pants, the sweat beginning to drip down his forehead as he tried to explain to her that he didn't know what was happening. Blair biting her lip at the pain that Scott was suffering through, not being able to handle just sitting back and watching him get hurt without being able to do anything to stop it. Without any super healing, Blair was at a disadvantage with all the hunters currently occupying the room considering they were just as skilled if not more skilled than her when it came to fighting.

"Oh, you don't know because you haven't figured it out yet. So think! Who could've taken him?" Scott continued to hold his head back in pain as Araya pressed him for answers. Blair's lip beginning to bleed due to how hard she had been bitting it.

"Tres," Severo ordered her, Blair turning to him completely pissed that he was trying to further Scott's pain - Blair despising the fact she was involuntarily the cause of his pain and she wasn't going to just let it get worse.

"He can barely handle one, I'm not turning up the dial on him. He can't tell you anything if he's unconscious or dead." Blair argued back with Severo, her voice growing tense as her anger increased with the man - not being able to help it when he tried to get her to hurt Scott even more.

"It's okay. It's okay." Scott insisted, breaking Blair's possible argument with Severo. Blair's face tightening as she finally brought the notch up to three on the dial. Scott holding back at the electricity soaring through - trying to force himself to handle this amount of pain at once without shifting.

"Who had the power? The power of a shapeshifter?" Araya pressed for the answer, Blair watching intently hoping Scott would be able to push himself to answer her and end all of this.

"Come on, Scott," Blair whispered under her breath, Scott focusing on her voice to try and calm himself down in order to focus on healing himself. Scott using Blair to anchor him back so that he wouldn't wolf out at the hunters and give them another reason to hurt him and his friends.

"I don't know," Scott grunted out in pain as he answered again, Araya starting to become frustrated at the Alpha for not being able to figure it out faster.

"Oh! Someone who could have turned without you knowing. Turned, but not by a bite!" Araya asked him, Blair drawing a blank in her own mind as she tried to figure out exactly who she was talking about since she didn't know anyone who could have gotten turned into a werewolf and have a vengeance against Derek.

"I don't know!" Scott screamed out in pain as Lydia began to tear up at the sight of Scott in excruciating pain.

"Diez!" Araya ordered Blair, who held her hand out in opposition as she began to stand up for Scott who was currently not in the position to do it himself.

"He can't handle any more of this." Blair pointed to Scott, the last thing she wanted was to put him through further pain since he was struggling to even form sentences right now.

"Diez!" She ordered one more time, Blair tightening her jaw as she refused to touch the dial - refusing to be the reason Scott got seriously injured again. Scott hoping that Blair would listen to her before they started to hurt Blair and Lydia.

Araya pushed Blair out of her way as she turned the dial-up herself on Scott, tired of waiting for Blair to listen to her orders. Scott screaming out in pain as he flashed his eyes red at them while roaring out before finally breaking himself out of the restraints.

"Say the name, Scott," Araya ordered him as Scott finally lifted his head up, seeming to know the answer this time when she asked him.

"Kate." Scott breathed, looking between Blair and Lydia whose mouths were parted in shock at the name of Allison's dead aunt - all of them convinced that Peter Hale had killed her a couple of years ago.

Blair ran over to Lydia first once they were finished with the interrogation as she helped untie her, Lydia finally standing up as she wrapped her arms around Blair - glad that Blair had managed to get here in time even if it didn't stop the Calvera's from hurting Scott. At least she had shown up despite the fact Scott had dumped her a couple of weeks ago.

"Glad you didn't stay in France." Lydia greeted sarcastically, the two girls letting go of each other as they passed Scott his jacket as he pulled it back on. Lydia stepping back slightly to give Scott and Blair their space to reunite since she didn't want to be in the middle of that awkward reunion.

"You okay?" Blair asked, speaking for the first time to Scott since she had arrived. Blair and Scott finally taking in each other's presence before Scott wrapped his arms around Blair slowly. Blair letting him hug her despite the fact he was covered in sweat from the electricity. Blair smiling since she didn't actually know where the two stood with each other anymore.

"Yeah, I'm okay," Scott whispered as Blair wrapped her arms around his neck slowly - trying to not act shocked at Scott immediately showing physical affection to her right away.

Scott nodding his head as the hunters began escorting the two girls out of the building while Araya forced Scott to stay back so that she could talk to him about Kate Aegent. Blair turning back to make sure Scott was okay as he gave her a reassuring smile since he didn't want her to worry about him.

Blair was first to run from the hunters once she spotted Stiles, Stiles moving away from Malia as he ran up to Blair before catching her in his arms and laughing at her actually being back since he didn't think he would see her for a while at least. Malia watching the scene in front of her as she began to growl out in jealousy - Kira's eye's widening once she heard the noise coming from Malia as she made eye contact with Lydia who was already rolling her eyes at Malia's behaviour. Kira not knowing what to do to diffuse the situation since she didn't even think Malia had a reason to be jealous of Blair and Stiles.

"How the hell did you know we were in Mexico?" Stiles asked in shock since he and Scott came to an agreement to not call her since they knew she needed more time away from Beacon Hills after everything that had happened to her with the Valkyrie.

"I called her," Lydia spoke up beside Blair once Blair let of Stiles, Blair giving Lydia a bright smile - glad that someone had enough common sense in the group to call and tell her that her brother was in danger and that no one knew where he was. Stiles staring at Lydia in shock as Lydia shrugged her shoulders.

"The plan was stupid." Lydia commented, tapping Stiles on the shoulder before moving next to the jeep where Malia and Kira stood. Malia coughing when Stiles kept talking to Blair since she didn't exactly know that the two's relationship was completely platonic. Lydia not able to help herself as she rolled her eyes again at Malia's jealously as it was another reminder that Malia hadn't been here long enough to know the two acted like siblings and had zero interest in each other that way.

"Keep the claws in, roomie. I'm not going after your boyfriend." Blair commented sarcastically, Malia's eyebrows raising once she heard Blair's words since she didn't think Blair remembered her from Eichen. Kira and Lydia staring at the two in confusion before Lydia realized that Malia and Blair had been bunk buddies during their time in Eichen and by the looks of it, they certainly didn't become best friends during that time.

Blair left Stiles's side as she walked over to Kira as she wrapped her arm around her waist. Kira leaning into her arm as she smiled up at her. Kira already beaming at the fact that Blair was back in Beacon Hills since she was the closest to her and Lydia in the group.

"I missed you," Kira commented, Blair, humming in agreement knowing how much Kira had missed her due to the consistent text messages she got asking her how to properly act with the pack since Kira didn't exactly know if half of Stiles's comments were serious or not since he was always being sarcastic.

"Why are you wearing a dress?" Malia asked confused, staring at Blair from the other side of Kira as she took in the black dress Blair was currently wearing. Malia not understanding why she would show up to Mexico wearing a dress.

"I was at a memorial service when Lydia texted me." Blair shrugged her shoulders, not trying to be too descriptive in case she hurt anyone's feelings since it was clear to everyone who she was talking about.

"Who died?" Malia asked bluntly, oblivious to everyone's frozen stance as she talked. Even though Malia knew that Allison had died recently, she didn't piece together that Blair would be going to a memorial service for Allison since she died a couple of weeks prior. Malia was still trying to work on her social skills with Stiles - Stiles liking to think that she was improving from her immediate response being to smack them since she had smacked him and tried to smack Blair when she first met the two at Eichen.

"Allison Argent," Blair stated, her voice slightly harsh as she talked - Malia taking that as a sign to stop talking as Stiles gave her a motion to quit.

Everyone was still trying to process Allison's death and it was particularly hard on everyone in the pack besides Kira and Malia since they didn't get the chance to know her as well as the others did. But anytime she was brought up, it was like a pang to the heart as they had to be reminded of the friend that they had lost too soon. All of them wanted more time with her, more things they wanted to say or do but they would never get that.

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