I Need You to Stay

By my_chemical_idea

20.8K 830 218

Lisa is an ordinary girl who is just a fan of My Chemical Romance but when she goes to one of their concerts... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 7

865 34 5
By my_chemical_idea

Hey guys!! So I was suppose to post last night but I didn't because I was so tired. Im glad you're all like the story from what I see by your comments! Thank you so much, it gives me so much motivation :)

I opened my eyes and heard something vibrating on my nightstand. I looked around for a few seconds not realising it was coming from my phone. My eyes landed on screen to see Gerard calling me. I felt panic hit me. One part of me didn't want to pick up because i was scared. The other part of me was curious in why he was ringing me at 11 in the morning. I took and deep breath and picked up my phone answering it quickly.

"Hello" I said in my morning voice

"Hi, did I wake you?" Gerard asked. My stomach did a flip when I heard his voice.  

"Um.. Yeah, but it's okay" I said trying to push back a yawn

"I text you earlier but you didn't reply so I thought I would ring you. I was just wondering would you like going for some coffee with me today?"

I felt butterflies building up in my stomach. I was wide awake now. I felt like I could climb mountain Everest with the excitement that was going through me. I realised I didn't answer him yet and I was daydreaming for a couple of seconds

"Its okay, if you're busy. It's my fault I should have asked you earlier" He rambled snapping me back into reality

'No! No! I would love to go.  Sorry I was thinking" I blushed noticing how much I really do daydream 

"Great, how about I'll meet you at your shop and then we walk to Starbucks around 1?" Gerard asked I could heard some guys voices in the background probably Frank, Mikey or Ray

"O-okay, see you then" I  smiled 

"Bye Lisa" Gerard said my name softly like the word would break if he said it too loud 

I put down my phone. I got up and started jumping on my bed feeling the springs under me. 


"Lisa Elizabeth Roberts, what has gotten into you" Mom said opening my door

"Mom, I'm going to get coffee with Gerard!!" I squealed bouncing up and down kneeling on my mattress

"The ass guy?" Mom crossed her arms over her robe

"Yes the ass guy!" I grinned starting to feel my cheeks ache

"That's great honey!" Mom sat on my bed and stroked my cheek

"I have an hour and half to get ready, I don't know what to wear" I jumped up from the bed and walked over to my wardrobe

"Well let's go through what you have" She came up behind me and stroked my hair with her fingers as I went through my clothes 


I waited outside the shop holding my sides while the cold wind blew around me. I heard a knock on the shop window from the inside. I turned to see mom gesturing me to come in mouthing the words "It's cold". I shook my head and turned around to see Gerard in front of  me smiling with bar of chocolate in his hand. I felt a smile come across my face immediately. His red hair blowing across his face because of the wind.

"Fuck sake wind" Gerard pushed back his hair with his free hand

"Hi to you too" I smiled walking towards him 

"I got this for you." He handed me the big bar of chocolate. "I was going to get your flowers but than I remember you said that flowers are a waste to you and that you're a chocoholic" he continued 

"Oh wow, thank you. I can't believe you actually listen to me when I babble" I smiled looking down at the chocolate

We started walking towards Starbucks the wind blowing against us. 

"Fuck it's cold" I hissed pulling my sleeves over my hands

"You want my coat?" Gerard asked pulling it down over his shoulders

"No, I'm fine. Seriously keep it on." I said 

"Oh okay, well let me at least do this" Gerard wrapped his arm around me and moved his hand up and down my arm. I leaned again his chest putting my head under his chin while walking.

"Is this helping?" Gerard said softly 

"Definitely. Thank you" I smiled smelling his scent 

We got to Starbucks and broke apart opening the door and feeling this warm air hit my freezing cheeks and nose. The smell of coffee was overwhelming but nice.

"What you want?" Gerard asked walking up to the counter 

"Um... Caramel Frappuccino?" I pulled out money from my pocket 

"Get a sit, I'll pay" Gerard smiled 

"Gerard I'm paying from my drink."

"No, you're not. No person who I bring on a date is paying for there own coffee now go sit down" I froze.

Hearing the word "date" from Gerard's mouth is one of the most amazing thing. I went to the window seat and stared absently outside thinking about what he just said.

"There you go" Gerard said placing my Frappuccino in front of me as he sat down across the table 

"Thanks" I smiled back taking a sip

"I love drinking coffee on windy days like this" He said looking out the window 

"Me too" I nodded in agreement

I stretched out my legs accidentally kicking his ankles. I quickly retreated my feet to my side of the table

"Sorry" I said quietly blushing 

"It's okay" I felt his foot gently touching my shoe. I stared at my cup afraid to make eye contact.

"Frank really wanted to see you today" 

"Frank? Why?" playing with my tissue

"He's just really curious about you" He licked his lips

It was hard to believe that someone was actually curious about me. It felt nice. I wasn't used to the feeling of having someone attention like that. 

"What's your dream job?" I looked into his eyes getting lost in them for a split second

"I would like to be a lab technician, do research on disease. Why?" I asked

"Just wondering. So why aren't you in college" Gerard took a drinking from his cup

"My mom can't afford it for me to go to the university I got a place in, plus she wouldn't be able to take care of the shop on her own. I don't like leaving her" I explained looking down to my empty cup

"Oh, but you would like to go to university" Gerard raised his eyebrows 

"Definitely, I would try and pay it on my own but I work in the shop all the time and my mom can't afford to give me a wage but I don't mind. She's under a lot of stress." I folded my arms. "What about you?"

"Uh.. I wanted to be a cartoonist but the band started before I could start my career so I never really experience it" Gerard smiled 

I looked around to see where the bathroom was and turned back to Gerard

"I have to pee, I'll be back in a minute" I said shuffling out of my seat

"I hope you're not going to climb out the bathroom window and leave me here?" Gerard chucked as I walked away 

"Damn! You ruined my plans" I smiled looking back

I went into the bathroom and checked in the mirror to see my eyeliner was running a little. I tidy it up and then went to the toilet. I washed my hand with the nice smelling soap and dried them. I opened the bathroom door to see Gerard was talking to some people that were around our table. The three girls were facing away from me but one had blonde hair and the other two had brown. I could here giggling coming from them. I walked over and tried to squeeze my way to my seat but the blonde girl turned around and gave me a dirty look 

"Stop pushing me" She said quietly.

I looked over to Gerard who was too busy writing autographs on pieces of tissue for all of them.

"Gerard?" I said but the girls laughter's went over my voice.

I went outside to get some air and wait for them to go. 

*5 minutes*

*10 minutes*

*15 minutes*

I looked in the window to see the girls sitting were I sat and still talking to Gerard. He looked distracted looking around.

"Fuck this" I said quietly to myself and started walking home. I pulled out my phone 

Me: Hey, I'm going home. I don't want to interrupt who you were talking to. Thanks for the coffee

Gerard text back immediately

Gerard: Oh, I'm sorry about this :( I was trying to hint to them that I was with someone. Can I ring you later?

Me: Yep sure. Bye

I felt upset but I don't know why. I shouldn't be upset, Gerard had fans coming over to him it's not like he was flirting with them, but they were definitely flirting with him. Who I am to care? It's not like we are together. Gerard was the first guy to actually make me feel important. Like I had something to say. He listened to me and didn't make me feel invisible. But in my world I am nothing. He's in a band that changes peoples lives. Why would he even listen to person who is so insufficient like me. I have my world he has his. I would be lost in his and he is too big for mine 

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