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One more week.
One more week until I start a new life.
My new university life.

Gerard went off touring again 2 months ago. We had our crying session and I waved goodbye. We were half way through and only six more months and he can come home for good. I was still devastated that he was going, it is always hard to let go especially from what happened the last time.

It was a new year and a new start for all of us. I wasn't the only one moving out of the apartment. Mom was moving out as well, Jeff and her decided to take there relationship to the next level and she was going to move in with him. It made made sense, she didn't want to be in the apartment on her own all the time since I was going to be at university. Mom was totally head over heels in love with Jeff and he was the same. I never saw her like this. She my dad left when mom was pregnant, I never saw her with anyone. I liked it. I wasn't going to be worried about her when I was in university, wondering how she would be coping with being alone. She has her own social life and that would distract her from worrying about me.

As the week went on the apartment got emptier and emptier. You could see more of the walls appearing. My room was nearly empty the only things in it were the bed and a few boxes that I had to put in the car.

I looked around to see the walls that I never saw so bare until now. This was my room since I was born. My little secret chamber, is what I used to call it. This is where I took my first steps here. Where I had my first kiss and lost my virginity. This is the room where I would sit on my bed for hours just falling in love with the bands that made me who I am. I remember putting up my first poster and that was the start of the obsession of music, years after my wall was covered in drawings and posters, Everything that I loved.

Here I am now, 19 years old, finally leaving the birds nest. I wish Gerard was here to help me pack up. He was the one that made everything possible for me. I'm scared that I won't like my new life. I'm scared that one day, I'll just want to go back to this room and lie on my bed and blast the music out of my speaker until I fall asleep. I won't have that safe place anymore to make me feel better. I know I will not find another one like this room.

I looked around for the last time, taking in the smell and the lighting. I wanted this to be imprinted on my brain. I ran my hand along the wall feeling the residue from all the blue tack I used to hold her up my posters. I took one final deep breath.

"Goodbye" I whispered the last words I would say in my secret chamber.

I picked up the last box sitting in the middle of the room and slowly walked out of the room, closing the door behind me.

Mom was there taping up the last box full of kitchen things.

"You ready?" Mom asked standing up and wiping the sweat of her forehead with her sleeve.

I nodded walking towards her.

"This is the start of an exciting new journey, isn't it?" Mom smiled rubbing my arm. "I know you're going to miss this place but life moves on."

"I know" I smiled weakly

Mom picked up the box and we made our way out of the empty apartment. I took one last look of my real home forever and I closed the door.

I made my way down to the car which was taking me to my new life.

Hey guys! This has been long journey! This is the last chapter of this book and I hoped you enjoyed every word of it. I enjoyed writing it so much. I feel sad now that's finally over :( I'm hoping you still want to read the sequel :) Lisa and Gerard still have one heck of a journey ahead of them. Please tell me your overall thoughts on the book. I would really appreciate it. Thank you for sticking with me for the past couple of months writing this book :)


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