He's My Hero! | Boku No Hero...

By Michord_

883 76 62


Short Announcement
A New Chapter for a New Book
Finding Codes In The Pages
Deciphering Dark Secrets
Reading Different Parts of the Same Book
Writing The Sweet Moment in Ink
A Story that Wasn't Published
(P.1) Corroding, Rotten Paper...
(P.2) Corroding, Rotten Paper...
Blood-Stained Ink Tell Lies
Sorrowful Lyrics and Hopeful Write-ups
A Saved Draft
The After-Story

Printed in Black & White

30 3 0
By Michord_

Me: I hope you enjoy today's chapter! I worked VERY hard on it! Read with caution! Viewer Discretion is Advised!

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Entry #13, Unknown Alleyway in Kamino Ward

Things have been so... restless... ever since I left the school and went after Deku. I'm currently hiding from the villains in an alleyway and writing my first record. I plan on making a few records so if I die and Pro Heroes find this, they can pick up on my work. Hey, at least they can't get me in trouble of I die? No, Shoto, don't think like that...

Anyway, here's what happened so far.

After I got my info from Bakugou, I packed some necessities into a bag and left the campus. I asked Bakugou to cover for me while I was gone and if I died, well, the news would cover that. I hope he doesn't get in trouble, he's been helping me ever since Toga attacked. He's a good friend, aside from his attitude. Izu's lucky to have met him at a young age...

Anyway, I left UA and took a train to Yokohama. No one noticed me, thank god. I wore the scarlet hoodie I gave Izu. It reminds me of him... And it might remind him of me... I just need to hope. 

I was dropped off at the heart of Kamino Ward and looked around. Some parts of the busy city looked familiar, so I followed off of vague memory. It's been too long...

I stopped at the location and sure enough, the place was fixed. But when I entered, as the news said, no one was inside... A few bottles of champagne and used cigarettes littered the table. 

"Has Izu been drinking? He did use a cig when he encountered me in the city..." I thought suddenly, thinking what else he's done since he joined the LoV. I shook my head. "It's not his fault... It's not his fault..."

I looked around the bar, looking in every room and the back area. There seemed to be an emergency exit door that leads outside. I followed it and couldn't believe my eyes. 

A sort of large building stood behind the bar. Pipes and channels came in and out of the building. The windows were blocked with wooden blockades and the walls were grimy. Broken metal fences surrounded the place. Broken lights flickered on and off inside and out of the building, God knows how old the structure is. A black car was parked in the front, probably a getaway vehicle. Piles of bloody trash bags and trash cans were shoved in the corner of the parking lot. A bloody hand was poking out of one of the bags, making my stomach turn. 

"How many people has Izu killed...?" I thought again but shook my head. "He's not doing this on his discretion, Error's controlling him... Not him... Let's just get this over with."

I skillfully and silently snuck up to the long window above the doors. I perched on the pipe under me as I looked inside.

There they were. Every single main villain from the LoV, including Toga, sat on strapped-up packages. The place must have been an old post office or something. Shigaraki sat on one of the boxes, scratching his neck, Toga was cutting the straps off of a few containers, a man with a top hat and mask was polishing blue marbles, a man with purple burns all over his body was doing some push-ups a few feet away from everyone else, and a man with a white and black jumpsuit was watching Toga. 

Izu was polishing a bloody knife while chatting with Shigaraki and Error. I could just barely hear their conversation because I was a few feet away.

"So what did you do next?" Shigaraki asked, taking off the hand on his face and looking at Izu with a crazy face. 

Izu smirked wickedly and stood against the packages, waving the knife in his hand carelessly. "I killed them! What do you think I did, cut their arm off, and leave them to rot? Hahaha!" 

Shigaraki and Error laughed along, getting the "Overhaul" joke. I found it despicable how they could joke about the lost life of another. What have they done to my Izu?

Error moved the strings around on the Deku doll, making Izu grip his face and laugh maniacally. It looked like... He was crying...? He looked lost, out of place. He was doing things he didn't want to, but he was still doing them. I clenched my fist, wanting to break the window and kill all of them, but I couldn't. 

"The best thing I can do is call for back-up... No, the Heroes would take too long. There aren't any Hero Agencies close to Kamino Ward." I reasoned. 

Suddenly, a knife came flying my way and I leaped away, jumping to the roof with amazing acrobatics. "Have they found me?" I asked myself. 

"Hey, there's a punk on the roof. Izu, go kill them." A glitched voice said. I could hear shuffling and the front door open. "I need to get out of here," I whispered as I jumped off of the building and ran into the city. I could hear footsteps behind me, so I ran into the crowd of people. 

After a few minutes of running around, I stopped hearing footsteps. Good, they must be gone. I should hide though. I said to myself as I ran into an alleyway. 

And here I am. Sometime after when I ran in here, I pulled out my phone and called the police to investigate while staying anonymous. I told them the location and then I hung up. It's been a couple of hours now. I can see a few police officers heading to the building now. It's midnight right now, so the city lights are brighter than every. I have to say, the city isn't a bad place. 

Shit, I hear someone. I'll write later.

Entry #14, Kamino Hotel, Room 3-6

I've managed to get a hotel room in the Kamino Hotel. I haven't heard anything about the villains and I didn't think that this would take so long. It's Day 3 in Kamino. I didn't write for the night and the whole day yesterday because I was all over the place. 

I tried getting back into the building, but the police had the place surrounded. When the police began to investigate, no one was inside. I was watching everything on the rooftop of a work building, overviewing the situation in silence. I checked my phone multiple times, notifications from the students at UA asking me "Where are you?" or "Why aren't you coming to school?" questions. I decided to not respond nor block them. They aren't apart of this. 

Ironically, since I'm one of UA's best students, news about me missing has reached from UA to Kamino pretty quickly. Soon enough, all of Japan was searching for me, along with the wanted Izuku. 

I feel like a villain, having to hide from others. I met up with a few people who changed my bio so I could enter local places like stores and hotels. Thus, how I got into this place without questions. My fake name, for now, wasn't my decision, it was whoever assigned it to me. My name was currently "Kori Bureizu" Kind of revealing but it's better than Shoto Todoroki.

("Kori" is a rough definition for ice and "Bureizu" is a rough definition for Blaze.)

Anyway, I'm still not any closer to finding and saving Izu from the LoV. Things have gone too complicated and dangerous. They've moved positions, so they have another hideout. I should have done something, anything, to them while I was over there. All I needed to do was rip the blue stings off of the Deku doll and take him back... But there were too many of them. I wouldn't have stood a chance... 

I should just let the Heroes take care of this... I'm too weak to save him...


No. No, I have to try. I'm underestimating myself; I'm one of the best students at the most prestigious school in all of Japan, not the weak kid I used to be. UA has helped me become who I am now, the information I have learned there will help me! I can't just give up, I need to save my Izu now or he'll be evil forever. Things will get worse if I don't act now. 

That's it. I'm going to attack. It's 1 am, the middle of the night... I'll make them pay for taking my Izu from me. 

I don't care if I have blood on my hands after this... I need to save him.

I don't think I'll be able to write about this in a record, but when I can, it'll be when Deku is back in UA and back with me. I have to be strong. 

I'll write later... For sure...

(Because of the storyline, we will go into Todoroki's POV without him writing.)

Todoroki's POV

I put my notebook in my bag and pulled out a sharp knife. I plan on cutting the strings with this. I don't know if the strings are fire-proof but they are not indestructible... 

I put the knife in a satchel on my waist and closed my back. I threw the bag over my shoulder and opened the window, letting the clean, midnight air wash over me. This is it. I need to save Midoriya... It's now or never. The Pro Heroes don't know their weaknesses as I do. Bakugou told me everything he knew, and he was kidnapped by them. He would know more than anyone else since no one has come back alive after seeing them. 

I. Will. come back alive. With my Izu.

*  *  *  *  *

I jumped out of the window and landed on the pavement with an ice ramp to save me from the fall. I ran into an alleyway and dropped my bag behind a dumpster. I can't bring this with me; it would only slow me down. It's best to hide it for now. 

I looked up at the two walls on my left and right and jumped on one of them. I pushed myself to the other and twisted my foot, jumping onto the other, and repeated, making my way to the rooftop. I jumped roof to roof to the hideout. 

When I made it there, the black car was gone. Light tire tracks were in the dirt. I dropped down with an ice ramp and followed the tire tracks cautiously. 

After a few minutes of following, I stopped at the entrance to a dense forest outside of Yokohoma. The tires entered the forest and into the darkness. 

I raised my hand upward in front of me and lit a fire with my hand. I took a deep breath and walked into the forest, not looking back. I was determined to find Izu.

Even if I die trying...

*  *  *  *  *

Me: Hey guys! Thank you SO much for reading! Remember to vote, comment, add to list, and share for more! BYE!!

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