behind the scenes ! junhao


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"JUN PLEASE DON'T FUCKING JUMP OUT YOUR FUCKING WINDOW!" Seventeen year old Xu Minghao wasn't able to functio... More



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"Where should we go first," Jun questions, one hand on the wheel as his other relaxed on the small compartment box that sits in the middle of the two front seats. Minghao shrugs his shoulders, the faint music filling his ears that flowed from Jun's car speakers. "I'm fine with anywhere."

"I am too," Minghao replies, giving the boy a small smile. He rests his left hand on the compartment as well, their hands brushing against each other awkwardly. Jun shifts in his seat, taking a deep breath as he continues to focus on the road like he's supposed to. There was no time to be distracted, "wanna get ice cream?"

"You craving something sweet?" Jun asked with a small chuckle following, he can't see any physical response done by Minghao since he's staring at what's in front of him.

Minghao clicks his tongue, "I mean, I'm not much of a sweets person but it popped into my mind. It somewhat sounded good so why not you know?" Jun nods his head, understanding the boy's reasoning. " cream Junnie?"

"Ice cream it is." He responds, pressing on the gas slightly for the vehicle to gain speed. Minghao glances to their hands, still only sitting beside each other like ducks. Should he make a move? If a mini Soonyoung was sitting on his right shoulder, the blonde definitely would have been screaming to hold his hand. Minghao was still contemplating, he didn't know how far they were from the shop and what if this was his only chance? The urge inside him was boiling, so why push it away? Slowly, his slender fingers slide against the black leather, and Minghao's pinky touches Jun's. The brunette, slightly startled by the unexpected company doesn't do anything after the small reaction. Minghao taps his left ring finger on Jun's hand, hoping the boy would understand the message. If he didn't, that would have been awkward...

Jun turns his hand upward, palm facing up as he comprehended what Minghao was implying. Their palms touch, Minghao didn't think he'd get this far but he allows his fingers to go in between the crevices of Jun's fingers. Shortly their interlocked and Minghao can only stare the other way as it's finally happened. "Hey, don't get all shy on me when you're the one who initiated this," Jun comments, letting out a cute laugh. "you can look at me, we're at a stoplight."

Minghao's head was flooded with blaring thoughts to where he didn't even realize Jun's car stopped moving, he's hesitant at first to look at Jun. But, with the lack of light around them, Jun shouldn't be able to spot the forming blush on his face. So, he does. Turning to the boy with a shy expression and squeezes his hand tighter due to the rush. "S-Sorry.." He apologizes shortly, releasing some of the pressure. But Jun holds his hand with a firm but comforting grip,

"Don't apologize, it's okay."

As the light shines green, Jun removes his foot from the brakes and presses on the gas. His right hand interlocked with Minghao's, with his left gripped on the wheel. This felt odd, maybe because Jun had ideas of making the first move himself. Or maybe because they felt like they were on a date - or, were dating. Cause that's what some couples do, hold hands and sneak out during the night because fuck the rules. Yeah, it seemed like one of those movies.

Once they arrived at the ice cream parlor, Jun had parked the car and they exited. Ensuring to lock the vehicle, the duo walk towards the door and Minghao opens it for both of them. Entering the store, nobody was there except for one worker who was behind the counter, occupied on their smartphone having no clue the two boys had entered. "Look around, I'll pay for whatever you want." Jun says firmly, Minghao shakes his head but the brunette denies his refusal, "it's okay. My treat tonight, next time you can treat me."

"Fine..." As Minghao rolls his eyes, walking to the glass that displayed the different flavors. He crossed his hands, lips pursing as he was unsure of what to get. "Junnie, what are you getting?" Minghao questions, looking to his left to where Jun was. He was on the other side of the shop, skimming through the flavors as well.

"I don't know yet, maybe something simple," Jun says, "but, the unicorn flavor is kinda interesting."

Minghao lets out a laugh, "That's far from simple."

"Nothing wrong with trying out odd things."

After a couple of minutes of searching through the flavors, Minghao had called out for the parlor boy who was still distracted by his small device. The boy unplugged his headphones, eyes widening slightly as he jogged over to the two boys. "Sorry, the shop's been quite slow so I didn't expect customers. Plus, I'm taking over a shift for my friend, not fun."

Jun tiptoes, catching the boy's name. Hansol. "Don't you attend the academy nearby? You seem familiar."

"Oh yeah, I do." He answers shortly, removing a clean ice cream scooper from the tin that held hot water. "But, what can I get you?"

"I'll get a cup, two scoops," Minghao replies, he points to the flavor in front of him. "I'll get the cookies n' creme." Hansol grabs a cup and does his job. Once the order was done, he hands it to Minghao. The light brunette then turns to Jun,

"And for you?"

"I'll get the same, but cookie dough." He answers, Hansol nods and runs to the other side as that's where the flavor sat. Sliding open the freezer, he scoops out two balls of the ice cream flavor into the cup. Jun met up with Hansol as running back would seem like a hassle. Plus, they were already near the register. As Jun got his ice cream, he paid for the total amount and thanked Hansol right after. The boy returned to his phone, while the duo went on with their night.

Minghao was sitting at a table, Jun shortly joined him and they ate their ice cream in silence. Jun felt awkward, mostly because he gobbled his treat in the span of two minutes. While Minghao was taking it slow and savoring the flavor. "Want some of mine?" Minghao offers, scooping a dollop onto his spoon, "ah." He says shortly, not giving Jun the time to respond. The boy doesn't refuse his small offer and opens his mouth, allowing Minghao to feed him.

Hansol who watched from the counter removes his headphones, "Are you two dating? Also, aren't you Junhui?" Minghao lets out a snort as he watched Jun choked on the ice cream he was just fed. Hansol assumed that was a yes from his reaction, "I guess..yes?"

Minghao shakes his head, "We aren't." This slightly disappointed Hansol, mostly because he was witnessing a new side of Wen Junhui. In the gym, he seemed so serious and aggravated. It was rare to find him at peace. "Or.are we?"

"Minghao!" Jun shouts in embarrassment, refusing to believe the words that came out of his mouth. How can he tease Hansol like that, and him?

"What? It does seem like we are..." He shortly inputs, shoving another spoonful of ice cream into his mouth to shut himself up. Maybe that was a bit too much.

"Well, if you are," Hansol starts off, "you two are very cute. Also, Junhui doesn't look like he's gonna kill someone. I've seen you almost rip your hair out during practice. Not a pretty sight."

"No wonder why you're so familiar," Jun finally says after getting the ice cream to run down his esophagus properly. "are you a volleyball player in our junior varsity team?"

"Yep," Hansol answers, giving the boy a smile. "it's nice seeing you like this." Shortly his eyes avert to Minghao, "can you tell your boyfriend to stop picking fights with Jihoon? I'm scared I'm gonna witness a murder one day in the gym."

"Jun, stop picking fights with Jihoon."

"He's the one who starts them!"

Hansol shakes his head, "So you two are dating!"


After thirty minutes of convincing Hansol they weren't dating, they said their goodbyes and drove off to their next undecided location. Jun and Minghao's hands once again interlock in the car, though they were both shouting at the younger male they weren't a thing. This picture definitely screamed a different message. "Sorry for making Hansol think we're dating." Minghao apologizes, realizing it didn't only mess with the employee's head but with Jun's as well.

"'s okay." Jun replies with a reassuring tone, "besides...I wouldn't mind people thinking we're dating."

Minghao shifts in his seat, maybe starting this conversation made the atmosphere a bit awkward. But, Jun said it was fine - did the message have another implication behind it? He was somewhat afraid to ask, because what if the boy meant it in a way where he was okay with it because Minghao was his friend or due to the fact that he was attractive in his eyes? The thoughts were rambling in his head, overtaking as he didn't know what to conclude to. Jun probably thought of him as a simple friend, while he, on the other hand, was still struggling with his 'potential' crush. "Okay..."

Jun still paid attention to the road, having no clue where they were going. His eyes realize that they were now in downtown, a place where there were many restaurants and karaoke spots to keep wandering individuals occupied. He merged to the right side of the lane, pulling over as he found an empty parking spot. Putting the car in park, Minghao turns his head to Jun and gives him a confused expression. Wondering why he pulled over without any warning. Was he getting kicked out?

"Come on, let's take some photos. You wanted to get into photography right?"

Minghao's eyes widen, he nods his head shortly - internally appreciating the fact that Jun remembered. And that he wasn't getting kicked out. "Yeah."

wenjunhui has just posted!

wenjunhui: he's blurry for the aesthetic

hongshua: sneaking out without me )):
> replying to hongshua: sorry 🥺

jijihoon: shouldn't you be at home sleeping, it's a school night?
> replying to jijihoon: shouldn't you )):<

kmingyu: invite me next time
> replying to kmingyu: give hao and i free cake

xuth8 has just posted!

xuth8: he took off his sweatshirt cause it was hot and i hate his shirt

kwonsoonhie: i think it's fucking great
> replying to kwonsoonhie: pls no swearing under my post #thx

jwonuwu: we're gonna have brain dead minghao pt. 2
> replying to jwonuwu: be ready to drag me back to the dance room after physics

The clock almost hit three a.m., Jun and Minghao were out and about roaming throughout Korea as they made unforgettable memories with each other. Currently, they were sitting in a Dunkin' Donuts parking lot. The shop was luckily open as their hours were all day, Minghao had bought them half a dozen donuts to snack on due to their adventure being tiring. Jun had popped open the trunk, lowering the last row of seats and with him being prepared - he laid down blankets and pillows so they could rest comfortably. Jun picked a donut out of the box with his index finger and thumb. Shoving the circular treat into his mouth, he chomped on it quietly. Minghao who stared, only let out a laugh as he realized how much of a messy eater he was. "Slow down, it's not going anywhere."

"I know," Jun replies, he covers his mouth to conceal the chewed up food from Minghao - knowing it could be gross to some or most. "I didn't realize how hungry I was."

"Yeah, the ice cream was a while ago. Plus, running away from the pigeons wasn't really fun."

"I thought it was kind of funny." Jun comments.

Minghao raises a brow, "I don't think getting chased by a flock of birds that have the capability to poop on us is fun."

"But, it is a funny memory."

"Fine, I'll give you that."

The two boys then lay on their backs after finishing the donuts that were in their hands. Allowing the silence to creep amongst their atmosphere. Jun who turns over slowly to look at Minghao has no words, mostly because he couldn't describe the feelings that were running through his body. Turning his head back, during the movement he captured Minghao's hand being right next to his. Jun's fingers make their way towards Minghao's, connecting their hands gently. There was a spark of electricity that wrapped around Jun's heart, giving him life as he things certainly felt right. Minghao wasn't shy this time, he held Jun's hand a bit tighter and smiled. Being free has never felt so good, but, being with Jun made things even better.

Minghao's thoughts have been circling around Jun, maybe because the tiny voices in his head were trying to tell him something. To be specific, they were trying to reveal to Minghao that potential definitely wasn't potential. But, it is a certain crush on Wen Junhui. "Hey Junnie," Minghao calls, staring at the boy's car ceiling as he spoke. Jun set his attention on the younger ravenette and waited for his next words. "don't get angry at me okay?"

"Depends on what you're gonna do. Don't go running out on the street okay?"

"I won't," Minghao says, pushing himself up slowly so half his body was lifted. "this may give me a greater adrenaline rush."

Jun didn't understand his words until he felt Minghao give him a small kiss on the cheek. The ravenette turned away, their hands still interlocked while Jun was still processing what he was just given. The spot that Minghao kissed burned, or - maybe it was just because Jun's cheeks were heating up. That one spot was just sizzling as the touch was forever engraved into the brunette's head. "Minghao.."

"Sorry." Minghao suddenly spits out, realizing he wasn't granted permission. "I should have asked if you were comfortable first..."

"I am," Jun says, lifting himself up to where he matched Minghao's level. Tapping the younger's shoulder, Minghao hesitantly turned his head. Jun looked at him - the way his eyes sparkled was different, Minghao sensed that he was yearning to do something just as stupid as him. Seconds later, Minghao felt Jun's hand cup his cheek gently.

Minghao closed his eyes, waiting for the result to occur though it was painfully slow. Jun's hand was shaking, scared that he was going to ruin the sweet movement. But, his rising anxiousness faded once his lips pressed against Minghao's - he relaxed once he realized that Minghao didn't push him away.

When Jun pulled away, he became just as shy as Minghao. The silence surrounded them once again, but Minghao let out a small laugh minutes later. "Am I a bad kisser?" Jun questions with a small, worried tone.

"No," Minghao starts off, looking at Jun. "it's just I'm gonna have to explain to my friends that I had my first kiss in a Dunkin' Donuts parking lot."

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