We Were Happy Once

By whataschmuck

572 39 45

Elizabeth Kelly has known Michael Jackson for virtually their wholes lives. She has loved him for what seems... More

Ch.1 The Beginning
Ch.2 Call Me
Ch. 3 He's Not That Into You
Ch. 4 Self Blame
Ch. 5 Close the Door
Ch. 6 Things Get Heated
Ch. 7 The Grammys
Ch.9 The Good and The Bad
Ch. 10 Trust Issues
Ch. 11 Good Times
Ch 12. Even Better
Ch. 13 Life is Hard
Ch. 14 Lets Get Our Minds Off Things
Ch. 15 Looking Up
Ch. 16 Not Good Enough
Ch. 17 On the Road Again

Ch.8 Lets Go Touring

29 4 5
By whataschmuck

Michael felt suffocated living with his parents. He wanted us to be alone in our own house and have our own life together. He purchased a large house on a ranch and started making modifications toi our new home. However badly he wanted to show me the property, he was scheduled to go on tour so it was going to have to wait. I begged him to take me on tour with him. "Michael please I've never traveled the world and you need someone to be with you." "I've got Bill and it's so tiring baby. I don't want you to get sick." "Michael I am going with you and that's the end of it." He laughed and wrapped his arms around me in a hug. He kissed the top of my head and then pulled away with a sigh. "You know what Beth?" "What babe." He reached behind me with a playful grin on his face and pulled out two super soakers. "I challenge you to a watergun fight" he said, handing me a soaker. I giggled. "This time I will win-" I shrieked as he squirted me. "HEYYYY no fairr!!" He let out a shout as he took off running down the hall. I chased him down the stairs and out the door until he disappeared. I cautiously peered around a bush and got soaked in a surprise attack from Michael. He laughed as I shook off like a dog and then let loose a stream of water into his face he got me again and I tried to squirt more but there wasn't any water left. "MICHAEL! YOU UNDER-FILLED MINE  ON PURPOSE!!" He wiggled his eyebrows playfully. "THATS CHEATING!" I wagged my finger at him and then turned and ran as he dropped his gun and started chasing me. He over took me and we both toppled into the grass laughing hysterically. "I won." He playfully nipped my ear. "You cheated!" "What? Me? Cheat? Never." He furrowed his eyebrows and twisted his face in a mock pout. He caressed my face and pulled me into a passionate kiss. "This'll be even more fun when we move," he said huskily, with a lustful glint in his eye. He let out a moan and hopped up, holding out his hand to help me up as well. He put an arm around my waist and kissed my cheek. "Let's go inside Beth we gotta pack. We leave tomorrow."

Michael woke me up early and whispered "hey babe it's time to go." I moaned and smacked him with a pillow. He chuckled and gently picked me up. I heard him say goodbye to his mom and he opened the door and took me to the car where Bill was waiting. I woke up at the airport, I was leaning against Michael, who was resting his head on top of mine. Bill was sitting across from us reading a magazine. Michael stirred and started waking up. He sat up for a moment and looked down at me, flashy a sleepy smile. I shushed him and kissed his cheek, stroking his curly hair and letting him lay back down. I closed my eyes and blissfully enjoyed a little more sleep. I woke to Michael shaking me and saying "hey it's time to get on the plane." We got in the plane and sat down, I nervously started shaking. Michael smiled and grabbed my hand. "Beth are you ok? You're shaking." "I- I don't like flying." He chuckled. "Me neither baby. Here." He wrapped his arm around me and I rested my head on his chest. The plane took off and I yelped. Michael bit back a laugh. "Michael don't make fun of me." I fake pouted and kissed him. "I'm not making fun of you baby." I rolled my eyes playfully. Michael let out a sigh let let his head fall on the headrest. I kissed his cheek and grabbed a book. He looked down and read the book out loud to me until we both fell asleep.

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