The Jerk's Cursed Girlfriend...

By kindledmetaphor_

858 119 94

[BOOK #02 THE JERK SERIES] ~sequel to LOCKED IN AT SCHOOL WITH A JERK... As Karen Walters prises a new role i... More

01: I undertake the role of the infamous girlfriend.
02: Scrutiny under the public eye.
03: The things pride makes you do
04: Society's presumptions don't define us.
05: Happy 7th Schmuck
06: A forbidden moment in the bliss of solitude.
07: Love's abloom this Weekend.
08: When the past creeps unto you.
09: Loitering on the wrong side of town
10: Rendezvous with the Reeds
11: Secrecies in the quiet of the library
12: The Trio procures a dubious plan.
13: A Theatrical Audience at the Gym
14: Abrupt farewell amidst the ecstasy of harmony
15: The fateful endeavor ends in a bloody reunion.
16: Insanity blended with chaos equals disaster.
17: The Alliance takes on a perilous hunt.


29 5 8
By kindledmetaphor_

20: Inevitable casualties of battle cannot be reimbursed.

Karen's Pov:

[2 Days Later]

Josh's hands deftly tap one key over another, his face encompassing deep concentration as he plays the concluding chords of his piece.

The music fades with a lilting melody for a finishing touch and he looks up confidently.

As a much awaited, the auditorium erupts with an applause.

Josh steps down from the stage and I meet him halfway.

"Good luck." He whispers with an encouraging smile on his face.

"You were great." I whisper back and slowly make my way across the stage towards the grand piano.

I feel like a billion eyes are watching me, peering at my soul. I try to diminish the unearthly fear of falling on my face as I step on the polished floorboards.

I take a seat at the piano and glance at the crowd my breath hitching a little.

I could not be getting stage fright especially right now.

Just ignore the crowd.

How can I? All of them are staring at me specifically.

Jared Reed's eyes bore into mine. Beth is sitting right next to him a determined look on her face.

Yesterday was the only day I willed myself to devote the crucial attention towards the piano and my solo.

After ourdebilitating confrontation with the cops on Saturday, I was in no mentality of pursuing this occasion anymore.

And yet, only a mere month ago I'd been rigorously prepping myself for this moment.

Everything changed the second we conducted an intrusion into the enemy's landmines.

We thought we were doing the right thing but apparently, we hadn't thought through any of it.

The consequences, risks and liabilities were imploding in our case now.

Jared was at home with me on Sunday.

He sat next to me in taut silence as I fumbled with one key and another my mind unable to comprehend which piece I wanted to play.

Jared reached over and held my shaking hands.

"I can't do this." I sigh piteously.

Not after all that's happened. How could I?

"You can." He asserts gently.

"I can't focus, Jared. I honestly don't feel like doing anything at all."

"Of course, you do." He agrees. "But this is your future, career and ambition we're talking about."

I comprehend his words.

"For Dad." I say quietly and pick up the sheet music from my Chopin collection.

"For Dad." I console myself with a deep breath and play the first chord.

Don't focus on the whole solo.

Just think about making the one note count. The next will come on its own.

Or not.

Do not let those thoughts astray.

Shut them off.

Deep breath. Again.

I start at a placid pace and let the keys flutter under my slightly quivering fingers.

And the chord progression flow through my fingers like I'm possessed by the harmony itself.


Josh's Pov:

She's sensational. She just channeled all the nervous energy into tense emotions driving her forward.

"Karen's gonna win this." I say to Beth under my breath.

She takes my hand and I smile at her gratefully.

Despite the nervousness I'm suddenly experiencing after my performance, I manage to return the smile.

It was natural for me to be apprehensive about who would win even though I'd promised myself to be a good sport about it.

But how far could compressing my reaction go?

My phone chimes suddenly and I click open the screen to view a new message.

I cannot believe my own eyes as I shake my head at the unaccounted for reveal before me.

What are the odds?


Jared's Pov:

The auditorium listens mesmerized and I feel the rhythm speaking to me from under the surface.

I rest my eyes on the pure and demure figure seated at the piano, her stature poised in contrast to the nervousness she'd been harboring yesterday.

Her eyes betray no fear and she looks up a little and catches my unwavering gaze on her. Karen sends me a fleeting yet shy smile.

She has nothing to feel inferior about.

She is gorgeous.

Exquisite in fact.

An invaluable angel in human embodiment.

And she's mine.

After everything we've been through, I'm still holding onto tightly to the girl I love with all my heart.


Mackenzie's Pov:

I spectate Karen's solo from the back of the auditorium before I leave.

Everything got back to normal today.


The hallway is immersed with laughter and chattering like nothing happened.

The oblivious and unaware faces around me flicker past me like unreal manifestations of a utopian realm I can never exist in, not even reach remotely.

I feel an envious wistfulness towards them.

They lead dormant, quiescent lives.

If I'd thought my life had been a total mess before, this second wave of hopelessness should've sent me off the edge.

Like we didn't lose someone. Another bright future obliterated completely from the Earth.

The locker's adorned with sorrowful messages and photographs.

What's the point?

The former possessor of this locker won't be able to see it.

Are they just embellishments of our regrets too?

I reach for the painting in my bag and stick it along with the rest of the cards and garnishes. 

It comprises a scenic backdrop of a bench under the profound shade of a weeping willow. 


I take a stroll through the streets contemplating how life goes on when someone else's is cut short.

It seems brutal.

What comes after death?

Eternal agony or peace.

Is it the easier way out?

Somehow, I don't think it is.

Death sets free the sufferer but it deranges those left behind as we grieve the soon to be forgotten.

In ten years maybe this will just be an incident from my high school years.

But right now, it feels like the end of the world as we see it.

I turn the corner and make my way into the hospital, the only resort of peace I have left.


Karen's Pov:

The music has seized me and I play on and on unaware of my surrounding.

An incredible sense of aura washes over me and I open my eyes beaming.

I can feel the rush of blood in my veins. The adrenaline courses a new passion through me and I feel the music galvanizing considerable as it washes all over me.


Mackenzie's Pov:

I clasp my fingers onto the back of his hand and intertwine them against his, my thumb drawing imaginary circles on his unresponsive hand.

I wish he'd clutch it back already.

I close my hand under his soft yet scarred one and I bring it up to my lips.

I never noticed the scars before.

It's because he wields all those queer tools at the garage.

Maybe I should've asked him to teach me that too.

The heart monitor beeps perpetually and it's the only comforting sound besides his steady breathing.

My head's imploding with the thousands of questions I need to ask him when he wakes up.


Karen's Pov:

I press the last few keys to end my solo and then let the echoes wash over me.

Lifting my chin, I take in the crowd before me. Time appears to have slowed down considerably or so it seems.

The auditorium is quiet for a moment as if in awe.


Mackenzie's Pov:

I run a hand through his unruly hair and observe him in silence.

He looks perfect even in his sleep.

I reach over carefully and plant a fleeting kiss on his forehead.

Mason's grip on my other hand tightens suddenly and I gasp and stare at him.

His eyelids flutter and I anticipate, my heart beating fast.

Mason exhales and his dazzling blue eyes meet mine intensely.


Karen's Pov:

Jared gazes at me with a look of vicarious pride on his face. I hold his gaze briefly and as the sound warps in, a deafening applause fills my ears.


Mackenzie's Pov:

His eyes are dazzling.

No, serious. They're so captivating, I can't-

All the questions burning in my only minutes are replaced by a blank void as I simply stare at him.

"Hey." He says his voice sounding raspy.

"Hey." I echo grasping the glass of water on the bedside table and shift onto the hospital bed. Mason accepts graciously as I tip the water into his mouth.

"Better?" I ask him my voice sounding pert even though my heart's racing erratically. He nods slightly his hand still closed around mine. If anything, he seems to be gripping tighter by the minute.

I return the glass to the table and am about to resume my seat when he tugs me nearer towards him.

"You're okay." He acknowledges taking me in ardently.

My guard lowers immensely and I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Instead, I parry sarcastically.

"Seriously, Mason? You're the one who got shot."

"Ah, the things we do for love." He chuckles at me his eyes twinkling.

Yes, Mason's is definitely back.

"God, I've missed that smirk." I murmur and cross the space between us all my defenses breaking with one chuckle.

I tentatively touch his chin and lean towards him.

Mason's eyes widen in fascination as I seal my lips against his slightly parched ones.

The stirring in my chest is more profound than ever. My hands never leave his face and feel him down to his chest in hope of soothing any amount of searing pain he's feeling right now.

Mason inhales sharply, his arms grasping mine and returns the kiss profusely.

I hope this kiss symbolizes what I can't seem to voice promptly.

Mason breaks the kiss to catch his erratic breath.

"What was that?" He asks enthralled.

I roll my eyes a little.

"Let's just say I'm not exactly adept at expression of intense emotion." I say planting a kiss on the side of his mouth.

"You take part in debates." He counters.

I chew on my lip nervously. "That's different."

"I want to hear you say it." He whispers into the depths of my soul.

"I love you, Mason Parker." I say boldly before my heightened emotions diffuse and I lose my intent to tell him the truth.

He beams and tears of joy rush down my cheeks as he leans forward to give me one more kiss.

"Don't you dare to scare me like that ever again, Mason. Or I swear I'll maul you myself." I whisper against his teeth.

"Oh, I look forward to that." His hot breath tickles my neck.

Someone clears their throat evidently watching the whole spectacle.

I turn around at once.

"Just here to check on my patient, I swear." Mrs. Walter says defensively and I smile sheepishly.


Mackenzie's Pov:

"Is everything all right, Mrs. Walters?" I meet her as she emerges from the ward.

"Perfect." She nods. "Just make sure he doesn't exert himself too much. Wounds still healing."

"Mrs. Walters?" I ask her momentously.

"Nora." She acknowledges.

"I can't thank you enough," I say my words tumbling out like a raucous waterfall. "For everything you've done. I'm indebted to you for life."

"Mackenzie." She smiles and pats my shoulder.

"Seriously, I mean it." I insist pensively. "You saved his life and I owe you."

"God blesses people with second chances, we're just the healers." She says soberly. "We salvage some yet mortifyingly fail others."

"It's not your fault." I tell her sincerely.

"Exactly, it's the way of the world." she agrees. "But that doesn't negate the acute sorrow you feel because of the departed."

I blink back the wetness in my eyes.

"Karen told me about her Dad. I can't imagine what it's been like you all this time."

Nora reminisces, a placid smile on her face.

"It was extremely languishing at first. It got better, eventually." she swallows rapidly. "Months, years. But the void never truly leaves you."

Like a hollowness consuming your soul.

"Some days are unbearable, days when I lose a patient unavoidably. Every time I lose someone else I remember exactly how I lost him."

I intake a sharp breath.

"I'm really sorry, Nora." I express my condolences not knowing what else to say.

Nora shakes her head calmly and gives me a placated smile.

"Don't worry about it."

She takes a step on the tiles and then turns to face me.

"You know, when a man unflinchingly risks his life for you, he's undoubtedly precious."

I feel my cheeks burning up and can't help beaming.

Does Karen's mother usually render relationship advice to people in the hospital?

She twerks her eyebrow at me amused. "I wonder if how Karen's recital is coming along."


Beth's Pov:

I feel like biting my fingers nervously.

Karen clenches Jared's hand tightly her face betraying not a single flicker of tenseness.

Josh's mouth is set in a straight line as he anticipates patiently for the announcement of the scholarship.

I sigh repeatedly.

Why does it feel like I'm the only one who's agitated to the point of screaming out loud?

Josh nudges me and I meet his amused eyes.

"No nervous jitters." I probe him.

Josh opens his mouth to answer but is interrupted by the sound of the speaker calling for tranquility in the auditorium.

"It took a lot of discernment and reasoning to pick our champion but even after all the meticulous observation, it was a tough choice."

Quit stalling woman.

There's a pause.

"The scholarship is awarded to no other than our champion soloist Karen Walters."

Karen immediately looks at Josh apologetically but he urges her on incessantly.


Karen's Pov:

I make my way up to the stage in a sensation of bewilderment.

I scan the exhilarated crowd as they applaud loudly. The deafening sound of clapping echoes all around me as I take the certificate in my trembling hands.

I sense of euphoria washes all over me and I can feel the smile illuminating on my face.

This is it.

The moment I've been waiting for. The lucky break so I can achieve more, challenge myself more, break through all my limits and put myself out there.

Why had I been shying away in the shadows of dark crevices when the taste of golden daylight was so sweet?

I've been hiding from the vacant stares of people my whole life, trying to be invisible but turns out, I loved standing on stage in front of them while they clapped.

I am so ready to fulfil my father's legacy and pursue my destiny in a way I've never opted for before.

I no longer feel daunted by the crowd. It invigorates me, instills a motivation within me.

My friends are on their feet now, cheering me on. Jared has his world famous smirk on his face.

My voice comes out surprisingly confident as I thank everyone profusely.

"It's like a surrealistic dream to be here on stage in front all of you. Um, thank you, for everything."

I turn towards the judges who smile briefly. "I'm honored that you considered me as a potential winner of the scholarship."

"Penny, I can't thank you enough for your unconditional support.

"My friends are irreplaceable." I beam at them as they watch me contentedly. "And lastly, I'm indebted to the school for funding and supporting this program compliantly."


Beth's Pov:

"Karen so deserves all this, I see it now." Josh says with a smile on his face.

"Are you all right?" I ask him somewhat concerned as to why he looked so cheerful.

Jared turns to his best friend.

"What about you?" He asks him. "You strived for this too."

"Not like her. And I think I'll do just fine, considering I just got accepted into the med school at Seattle." He smirks back at us revealing his phone to us which displays an email for confirmation.

"What?" I gasp at him.

He does know how to send people reeling.

"Damn, dude. You almost gave me a heart attack." Jared exclaims.

"Is it so hard to believe that I could become a doctor?" Josh teases as Karen makes her way towards us.

"Oh My God," She utters her eyes widening. "You didn't?"

"I did." Josh says proudly.

"You said, you'd never make it." I prod him in the stomach furiously.

"Nah, I knew I was smart enough to get in." Josh says nonchalantly

"Dude, its take me a while, but...I'm proud of you. Seriously?" Jared says breaking free from his train of thoughts and stretches out his arms.

We witness the cutest bro hug in the history of bromance.

And amidst the glory and celebration, I reminisce the festering tingle inside of me as I realize that Josh is leaving town now.


Mason's Pov:

I grin at my fans as soon as they enter through the ward's door.

"Wow, look who's here." I say as Josh gives me a smug smile.

"You know when I asked you to protect people, I didn't necessarily mean you had to go and kill yourself." He says derisively.

"My bad." I say blandly. "You seem happy."

"He just got into med school." Jared states slapping Josh on the back.

Josh smiles modestly. "Seattle."

"Damn, congrats." I say impressed. "What else did I miss?"

"The recital." Karen says and Mackenzie gasps.

"Did you get in?"

Karen clasps her hands together. "Yes! I still can't believe it. Josh gave a speech though."

"It was awkward as hell." Beth adds rolling her eyes dramatically.

"Does it hurt?" Jared asks pointing towards my injury.

"Barely, I feel like a whole new man." I say.

"You guys are practically bound by blood now, aren't you?" Beth says ironically.

"What?" I balk.

"Wait, she's right." Josh says and laughs.

But the laughter dissipates soon after. Something is definitely off about all of them. Mackenzie had been glancing at them nervously as if they all knew something I didn't.

"So, is Megan sedated or something?" I say and there's an unsettling air harbors in the room.

"Come on, she could hurt someone." I continue unable to catch the hint.

"Uh," Jared says taking a deep breath. "She isn't exactly here right now..."

My heart does a somersault.

"She's dead isn't she?" I question my voice dripping with dread.

Mackenzie hand encloses on mine and her mouth is set in a straight now.

Megan, the queen of Weston High and one of its leading valedictorians is dead.

She was only just relating her pernicious scheme of torture with us only three days ago.

I can't meet their eyes. "How did it happen?" I ask after what seems like an eternity.

"She smothered herself the morning of Saturday. It was too late when they found her." Beth says soberly.

"Then, I guess we didn't save anyone at all." I say heaving a sigh.

"Some people just don't desire to be saved." Karen says a lone tear rushing down her face.

"She cleared us of any suspicion regarding Jeb's death." Jared tells me intently. "She left a voicemail in which she pleaded guilty to his murder and for torturing us all that time."

"She what?" I balk in surprise.

"There's a preliminary investigation prior to the funeral on Friday." Josh says.

"Investigation?" I say my eyes widening.

"Fitz was ready to admit Megan into an infirmary for retards." Jared points out. "There has to some kind of manifestation behind that."

"She blamed him, didn't she?" I ask expectantly. "For her suicide?"

"So we've heard." Jared assents.

"All of us have to give a statement in the regard." Josh says. "In court."

"It's the least we can do." Mackenzie accounts.

"Then we do exactly that." I declare and there is a murmur of assent. 


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