Anima Luctuosa Dæmoni: a O!Ci...

By MidnightNinja27

28.3K 1.2K 162

AU: The Phantomhives Were Never Attacked I don't care if I fall in love with a Devil as long as that Devil wi... More

Caelum Mihi...
The Phantomhives...
The Duke...
The Samhain Ball...
Living Wildly...
Birthday Delight...
Going on Holiday...
From Bad to Worse...
An Unwelcome Guest...
A Series of Multiple Deaths...
Yin and Yang...
Hide and Seek...
The Game...
A Beautiful Day...
Identical Boys, Different Paths...
The Wedding...
The Aftermath...
The Ancient Past...
Better the Devil You Know...
In the Moonlight...
The Fields of Punishment...
The Prison of the Damned...
Just Desserts...
Best Served Cold...
Postquam Beatus Umquam...

The Engagement Ball...

933 47 25
By MidnightNinja27

Narrator's POV

Around a month after the disaster on the Campania, after Astre suffered through another round with a cold, the Phentomhives were invited to another costume ball.

Though, unlike the Samhain Ball, this ball was hosted by Duke Crowther for reasons unknown.

Well, unknown to all except for the Duke, Earl Phantomhive and Astre.

Astre was going to be publicly proposed to, the ball was being held to celebrate that and the theme was to honor how they 'met'.

Knowing this, Astre was once again dressed up as a demon, though he wore a different costume.

Unlike his grander costume from last time, this one was simpler and designed to give him a devilish innocence.

He wore a plum colored blouse that had a white bib-like collar that tied around his neck with a white and black striped ribbon, but the blouse itself was tied around his waist with a long violet ribbon —both of which were ripped up towards the bottom—, he also wore black shorts over white and plum spiraled stockings that left non of his skin exposed, additionally he wore black gloves that went all teh way up his arm —though you couldn't tell that due to the long puffy sleeves of his blouse— as well as plum and black heeled boots, black demon horns and a plum tail.

This time, Ciel was dressed not as a pirate, but as a skeleton, wearing a suit with a matching black top-hat adorned with a white bow whilst his skin was painted lightly to emphasize his skeletal shape.

Rachel, this time was dressed as Cleopatra and Vincent as Julius Caesar.


A few days before, Duke Crowther pair a visit to Earl Phantomhive a few hours after lunch.

They met within the Earl's office and, as was custom, Duke Crowther asked for permission to propose to Astre.

The permission was granted and a dowry of £10,000 was agreed upon.


Upon arrival to Crowther Manor, Astre saw it more packed than he had ever seen it before and judging by the amount of servants bustling around he hoped Sebastian wouldn't get tired.

Once the family was brought inside, they immediately found him selves greeted by their host —who was once again dressed as a vampire.

"Good evening." 'Alexandre' greeted to the family, then turning to Astre and kissing his hand, "How are you this evening?"

Astre smiled and followed him away from his family, on his arm as he greeted other guests.

As the party progressed, dancing began and, obviously, the host and his fiancé were the center of attention.

In the center of the dance floor, Duke Crowther and Astre danced beautifully.

Even though the bluenette was messing up half the steps and constantly stepping in his partners feet, their dance looked far more exciting than the robotic movements of the rest of the dancers who were dancing perfectly.

As the dance continued, the dancers eventually tired and began to disassemble for refreshments.

While sipping at some rosé wine, Astre sat at one of the many tables littering the sides of the room with Sebastian.

"Alors, comment avez-vous mis cela ensemble?" Astre asked (So, how'd you put this together?)

"Avec le retour de ma pleine puissance, il était facile de gérer autant de rats. Il n'y en a que vingt." Sebastian replied (With my full power returned it was easy to manage this many rats. There's only twenty of them.)

"Vous ne vous sentez donc pas fatigué du tout?" Astre asked, wanted to be clarified (So you aren't feeling tired at all?)

"Non, mon amour, je ne suis pas fatigué. Je ne peux ressentir de l'épuisement que lorsque je suis vorace." Sebastian answered, stroking Astre's hand in his (No, my love, I am not tired. I can only experience exhaustion when I am ravenous.)

"D'accord." Astre said (Okay.), smiling softly at him, "J'imagine qu'il y aurait une crise si ces crétins découvraient un jour des rats à leur service. Il convient aux rats de servir des rats." (I imagine there would be a fit if these morons ever discovered rats were serving them. It's suitable for rats to be serving rats.)

"En effet, ça l'est." Sebastian agreed, chuckling (Indeed it is.)


Across the room, Ciel was furious.

All of his life, no matter what social gathering he went to, he had always been the center of attention.

After all, he was the heir to one of the richest families in England, the future Queen's Watchdog!

Everyone paid attention to him! Not his stupid sickly spare!

But, yet, the universe seemed to be confused since Astre had all the attention tonight.

Growling softly, Ciel walked over to his younger twin once the later was finally alone —Lizzy, who was dressed like a ghost, following dutifully behind him.

Once they arrived at the refreshment table, where Astre was picking up a few hors d'oeuvres to snack upon.

Astre sighed when he saw them, "I already know what you're going to say, Ciel, something about stealing your spotlight and then you'll threaten me; save it. You've had your entire life in the spotlight, I think I'm entitled to two days. The only 'spotlight' I want is tonight and my wedding day, and then it's all yours and I'll be out of your hair forever."

That's when Ciel realized what tonight was: Astre was going to get proposed to.

That wasn't fair! He had been betrothed to Lizzy since birth and yet his spare had been in courtship for less than a year and yet was getting engaged first!

Now livid, Ciel reacted in anger and grabbed his twin by the throat, pressing his nails against Astre's neck, growling, "If you keep this up, the only day in the spotlight you'll be getting is your funeral!"

And that's when Ciel heard a gasp beside him, turning he saw an older woman staring at him.

Looking around, there was at least twenty people staring at him attacking his brother, and the rapid whispering drew in everyone else's attention.

Vincent and Rachel quickly made their way through the crowd and separated the twins.

Rachel —as well as Duke Crowther— made sure Astre was alright while Vincent dragged Ciel away.

Once they were out of the ballroom, Vincent let his anger out, "How dare you attack your brother! You are no longer a child, so stop acting like one! You have just sullied the family name by causing this scandal, especially in front of several of my business partners, they might retract their agreements with me now because of you! Go sit in the carriage and wait for us to try and repair our reputation."

Vincent then returned to the party and Ciel was sent away to the carriage like the naughty child he was.


Back within the ballroom, Vincent and Rachel were apologizing frantically to the other guests, saying they didn't know what came over their son and that he must be intoxicated.

And while the scandal was a minor one, seeing that Astre hadn't been hurt beyond being frightened, but it would permanently but a taint on his once flawless reputation.

Honestly, what hurt his reputation more than the attack was the speculated public drunkenness.

Meanwhile, Lizzy was very mad, at Astre in particular.

It's not like Ciel hurt him, and yet that idiot was playing the victim.

Her sweet Ciel was the true victim with the way his reputation had been tarnished!

Looking at the one-eyed blunette, Lizzy saw how people were fawning over him and giving their sympathies.

She was disgusted, how did anyone even acknowledge the inferior twin?

As soon as Astre had once again been left alone, Lizzy walked up to him.

"How dare you get Ciel in trouble!" The blonde girl demanded

"He got himself in trouble. If he didn't want to cause a scene he shouldn't have attacked me." Astre shrugged, sipping at his drink, "But, this act is getting rather annoying?"

"What act?" Lizzy asked with a huff

"The act you're pulling for my brother, you can truly think he's the most amazing thing to exist. After all, you and me know better than anyone that he's just an entitled brat." Astre explained

"There. Is. No. Act." Lizzy said, "And Ciel is amazing, far better than Asthmatic Astre."

"Sooo original." Astre said, rolling his eye, "Make fun of the illness I inherited from my mother when your precious Ciel could've inherited it as well."

Lizzy was shocked, usually Astre never fought back and just took the words, "Well, uh, no one actually likes you, they're just kissing up to you to get to the Duke."

"Obviously." Astre said, "I know how the political game works, Lizzy, I'm not an idiot like you, Ciel and your goons seem to claim. I've counteracted my weak body with a strong mind."

Lizzy was stunned, not knowing what to say.

Astre shook his head at her, "Honesty, cousin, I pity you. You've been delusioned just as much as everyone else has been by my brother. Just look at yourself, your entire personality is being obsessed with cute things and my brother. You used to love fencing and hunting and yet you've abandoned that because he wants a submissive wife."

"W-What." Lizzy mumbled

"You see, when you're as lonely as me, you have a lot of free time to just observe others. You act like your blissful with him when I bet the real you is as miserable as me around him. He's a leech, Lizzy, save yourself while you still can. You're not married yet, there would be no scandal of divorce if you're swift and convince your parents to brake off the betrothal." Astre advised

"You're lying!" Lizzy fumed, "I love him! You're just playing the victim!"

Astre didn't reply to her rampage, just letting her burn herself out.

Well, you couldn't say he didn't warn her; if she didn't mind being leeched on, that was her problem.

But before Astre could stand and walk away, Lizzy slapped him harshly, causing a smack so loud it sounded like a broken glass.

The loud sound attracted the attention of all the guests yet again and it didn't take much to guess what happened due to the large redness on Astre's cheek.

Lizzy stares at her hand in horror as she realized she too caused scandal.

It didn't take long for her mother to rush up and drag her outside.


A hour or so later, the ball was nearing its end so the Duke tapped against a wineglass, gathering attention.

"If I may have your attention for a few moments, I'd like to make an announcement." Duke Crowther said

The man then turned towards Astre, going into his knee as he pulled a small box from his pocket, "Astre Lune Phantomhive, will you marry me?"

Those closest to the couple could see the white gold ring and its three stones, an amethyst, a white diamond and a sapphire.

"Yes." Astre smiled, extending his left hand

The beautiful ring was slid onto his appropriate finger, standing out against his black gloves.

As kissing in public as well as hugging was frowned upon, they held hands instead.

Dozens of women cooed over the beautiful ring and men congratulated 'Alexandre' on his future bride...

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