Unpunished/Vkook ff

By LunaticPsycho119

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From kindergarten to elementary school, and finally, middle school, Kim Taehyung was the worst nightmare of b... More

Chapter 0: Reasons
Chapter 0.X: Have Its and the Have Nots
Chapter 1: We Meet Again
Chapter 2: Cat and Mouse
Chapter 3: Protect...
Chapter 4: Onslaught
Chapter 5: ...Me
Chapter 6: Jungkook's Type
Chapter 7: Wants Are Needs
Chapter 8: A Scumbag's Diary
Chapter 9: Carol of the Bells
Chapter 10: The Deal
Chapter 11: Kook's Secret Guest
Chapter 13: Warmer
Chapter 14: Brotherhood
Chapter 15: Goody Two-Shoes
Chapter 16: Robs vs Kook
Chapter 17: A Quest for My Guardian Angel
Chapter 18: Happy Kookie
Chapter 19: Dohyun
Chapter 20: Swollen Lips
Chapter 21: Beast in a Cage
Chapter 22: Mine.
Chapter 23: Knight
Chapter 24: Aid
Chapter 25: Three Words
Chapter 26: Secret Lover
Chapter 27: Taehyung's iPhone
Chapter 28: Sugar Daddy(?) Jungkook
Chapter 29: Clubby Wannabe
Chapter 30: Eager
Chapter 31: Deceit
Chapter 32: Lovey-Dovey
Chapter 33: Animals
Chapter 34: Trust
Chapter 35: A Face-To-Face
Chapter 36: MOTHER
Chapter 37: Friends
Chapter 38: Truth
Chapter 39: The First Word
Chapter 40: Falsity
Chapter 41: Most Important Word
Chapter 42: Attention
Chapter 43: Lost in You
Chapter 44: Fatherhood
Chapter 45: Not Like You
Chapter 46: A Tale of Moon and Sun
Chapter 47: Hopes and Dreams
Thank you!

Chapter 12: "Virgin Kim"

3.1K 127 53
By LunaticPsycho119

Jungkook's P.O.V

Like a zombie, I dragged myself out of bed after hardly waking up to have a shower. It took me a while to fall asleep after Taehyung had left my house, and instead, I'd spent hours into the night laying on my bed while staring at the ceiling. Drained of energy, heart racing, and memories of our act were still running through my mind, his moans yet echoed in my head.

Kim Taehyung was too much. I didn't wish to compliment him since I thought others had done enough of it already, but he was incredible. The man was too irresistible, left me yearning for more.

I didn't remember his haphazard apology. It didn't matter to me, and I didn't want it to, I refused to.

Throughout the holidays, our school held a non-mandatory math course, which I'd told Robert I wasn't planning to attend. Yet, although tired, with anything other than numbers in mind, I'd arrived to meet my friend's confused greeting.

"It's a one-time thing," I explained while walking him down the hallway. "You didn't answer the phone, and I wanted to talk... How are you?"

"I'm fine, calm down." I felt horrible for kicking him out the way I did, and his words failed to change it. "I hope it went well for you, whatever 'it' was... Did it?" he told me. "And are you staying for the lesson? It'll be a pain to go through on my own."

I avoided his first question, answering, "I suppose it's the least I could do."

The guilt hadn't let go. I was so angry I had to watch him cry the day prior. It wasn't fair Robert suffered by her hands when he tried to treat her better than anyone else. Better than how I behaved with the person of my sexual interest.

A realization then hit me: Ember's pretty shit at math.

"I'll catch up to you in a bit, Robs," I said before leaving, "you can go now."

Searching through the building for giggling groups of girls, crossing corridors, passing lockers and classrooms, I'd spotted the one I was after.

My hands clenched her shoulders and turned her towards me, knuckles whitening against her sleeves' light-red fabric.


"Jesus!" Ember jumped with a hand on her chest. "Oh my god, Kook, you scared me for a second there." She and her friends began to laugh. "So grumpy..."

"You don't have the right to play with his feelings!" I yelled.

"Relax. It was just a prank..."

Her friend pushed me away. "The faggot got a little buffed, and now he thinks he's sooo scary!"

My palm was twitching.

"That's right," said Ember, "we've heard all about how you were crying for your mama while—"

Despite clenching my fist in an attempt to suppress the need, as she was talking, I let it hit her face with no regret.

"Are you insane?!" Ember held her cheek with mad eyes.

"Stay away from us, you freak!" Another girl pushed me away to the other side, two more stepped in front of her, and the last one left checking on Ember's aching bruise. Why did I have the feeling these girls were going to put up a fight? Even if they did, another hit and the trouble I could get into would double. It was a no-win situation for me now.

Bitches. I fled to the corridor I came from and punched a locker at my side.

"Come here."

I grabbed the collar of Kim Taehyung's jacket from behind the moment I saw him and began dragging the boy to the male's bathroom. All of the books and notebooks he was holding fell onto the ground. "Wait, Jungkook! The course is about to begin!"

After all those years, I couldn't escape my past, not if I wished to stay in the small town I was desperate to call home.

Taehyung's P.O.V

Jungkook closed the door after us. "You're going to do whatever I say like we agreed, right?" The cold tone sounded like a result of a bad attempt at keeping his temper— whatever happened before he noticed me, had made him furious.

Worried about the course, I nodded, telling myself I could help to calm him down.

"Good," he said and began taking off his belt. "Get on your knees."

I blinked. "R-r-right here? Right n-n-now?" Somehow, even though my lower body remained still sore from the night before, his request felt much dirtier.

"If you don't want to, I won't force you into it. But I'd love that..." Jungkook said, about to turn away.


I fell on my knees in front of him and looked up, earning a smirk. "Don't like seeing me disappointed, uh?"

I used to believe my obsession with him couldn't intensify any more. "You and I had a deal. I have no interest in breaking it." I was wrong. No part in me wished for what we'd had to be in vain.

"You're a man of your word, I see..." Jungkook slid down his pants. "Are you trying to sound honorable? I can take advantage of that self-pride of yours." I glanced aside as he exposed himself with burning cheeks. He grabbed my chin and lifted my face to meet his alluring, dangerous grin. "Don't get scared and do as I say, then maybe, one day, I'll respect you. Maybe."

I sat in place, frozen, a complete lunatic, not sure what I was supposed to do, or, more specifically, how to do it.

Jungkook pushed my head forward. Embarrassed, I wrapped my mouth around him, closing my eyes not to meet his, paranoid of getting an insulting glare or mocks for doing something wrong.

Finally, I got the courage to gaze up; his black orbs weren't fixating on me in a degrading manner but stayed shut, his head thrown back, cheeks rosy, and breath heavy. He didn't appear scary at all, though I was scared. With a sudden urge to please him more, was I doing enough?

Jungkook groaned. His grip on my hair tightened, the heavy panting turned into quiet moans, and my fear vanished. I forgot about the course, my family, the restaurant... There were only Jungkook and the soft sounds escaping his pink lips.

He'd never appeared more stunning. I refused to believe he was human.

Clenching onto his muscled thighs, I felt him brushing against my tongue as my mouth was taking in more and more. The sensation began taking over, turning from alright to pleasant, to enjoyable.

"You can moan just from that...? Such a lewd man..."

Although his shaky voice didn't sound as disgusted, these words filled my mind with painful shame. He thrust his hips with a sudden move, hitting the back of my throat. It was relieving. I was tearing up, and he didn't know the reason.

Jungkook's P.O.V

Still recovering from the great pleasure, I held Taehyung's head in place so he'd finish his job, absolutely loving the sight. The one and only, Kim Taehyung, was lowered on his knees in front of me, licking off my cum.

I was already addicted.

I glanced at the watch on my wrist. Taehyung was late. He didn't want to be late.

"We're done here."

I let him go, took a deep breath, and dressed. He remained silent. I began walking towards the classroom, and he was following me without uttering a thing, picking his workbooks up on our way. I found it annoying.

"We can't come in together, you go first," I commanded. Again, not a single sound, he simply hurried to the lesson with watery eyes. Something felt wrong as I waited for a few minutes to pass outside, and I hated it.

I opened the door to sit near Robert, and unlike the teacher, my friend found the late arrival bothersome. "Where have you been?"

"The bathroom. The door got stuck..."

For some reason, the actual answer still left me with a bitter taste.

"Hey, Robert, did you know Kim Taehyung's a homosexual?" I whispered.

"If you're going to say that like it's bad, take off your rainbow watch," he murmured without glancing away from the tutor.

"It's not, though he does seem like the deviant type..."

Robert rolled his eyes. "What does that even mean?"

"Like the kind of guy that would just sleep around... doesn't he?"

"Yeah, sure he does. 'Virgin Kim' is a fucking player, you know?" he spat. "Wrong, Kook, Kim's got some shit to deal with, he doesn't have the time to be a fuckboy. You, Mr. Know it all, are so far off."

I blinked at my friend, then swallowed, then blinked again. He let out a frustrated sigh.

"Since the beginning of high school, all of his past friends started getting laid, you can imagine sex was a big deal for the douchebags back in the day, and all he cared about were his studies and work. They literally called him that for two years. Why do you think all these fuckers hate him? Plenty of girls had approached him, a few guys too, and he rejected everyone," Robert explained. "But, of course, you're so good at reading people, just as exceptional as you are at solving conflicts."

"So I was wrong," I muttered, "I admit..."


"Is everything okay?" I asked.

He did not answer. Again, somebody stayed next to me, completely quiet.

My eyes moved to my left, catching Kim Taehyung, glancing my direction. He wasn't looking at me, but staring through, fixated on the window I sat by. How did he manage to stay a virgin for so long? His brown doll-like orbs displayed a lost expression. Without much attention, with no notice, he allowed his straight nose to point at me directly, and though it was hard to see from that distance, I remembered he had a mole on it. He had another one on his rosy cheek, and one more on his lips. The night before, I discovered he had them in other places too. The first area I recalled was his neck, the skin he covered with that jacket, not hiding these marks alone; he was also hiding the marks I left when I gave him my virginity.

A guy who sat behind him tabbed his shoulder. "What's Kim thinking about?" he asked with a teasing grin. Taehyung flinched at the sudden question, making his ex pals chuckle. He mumbled something and glanced away, his face an even deeper pink shade, the lost puppy-seeming stare staying. A relatable reaction, I thought, then wandered along, what was he thinking about?

Everything Taehyung and I had been experiencing, was new to him as well. He had a reason to be more hesitant, and even if not much, it had to have meant something. It was hard to believe he remained untouched all that time, to think I was the one who changed it, however, appeared more than unbelievable: Impossible.

In the meantime, he'd been working hard for those who'd disrespected him, possibly with no other choice. Whatever state Robert referred to in the other's life, it was safe to assume it was hopeless and dire.

That information shed new light on the deal, made it darker.

"You talked to them, didn't you?" Robert muttered. For a couple of minutes, I nearly forgot the conversation with him didn't have a satisfying end.

"The girls? Of course, I did..." He was glaring at me through his glasses. "Does that make you mad?" His look was the answer. "Why?"

"'Little Robert is being protected by his boyfriend again, how cute!' Did I ask you to?" I lowered my head with a small shake. "Then why the fuck would you do that?!"

"I'm sorry, I felt so bad for abandoning you yesterday... I thought you wanted me to threaten them..."

"The 'douchebags,' they're dumb, but these pretty devils would see right through you!" I stayed quiet. Robert sighed again. "It's alright. I get it, Kook, don't beat yourself up for this. You were there for me the entire night before, and the reason why you had to go was important, wasn't it?"

"I... don't even know anymore..."

"Did it not go well?" he asked softly.

I scanned around the class and respotted Taehyung sitting uncomfortably in his seat. "I thought it wouldn't be..."

"Oh. I'm sorry."

Robert doodled something in his notebook, tore it from the page, and handed it to me. It was a star, the word 'Golden' written in it, and underneath, the caption: 'There was an attempt.'

"Don't you see? We're growing! One day, you and I will go on a double date with our gorgeous partners and remember these days to laugh our asses off along with them," he said and patted the top of my head.

I'd returned to watch Taehyung. He was listening to our teacher and writing down even the smallest things, ignoring everything not to miss anything. "'All he cared about were his studies and work...'" I repeated.

"What are you staring at?" I heard Robert.

"The course tomorrow, it starts the same as today, right? Meet me at my place so we could eat breakfast and get here together," I said. The other appeared confused. "I guess it isn't easy getting the scholarship, and if at some point I'd decide to give it a shot, I'd have to try harder."

"Don't tell me it's because you've figured Kim's trying to get it."

"That's exactly why." If the two of us, Taehyung and I, were doing our best to get that money, the odds of one of us winning would double. Everything now began to add up. I supposed it was the reason I'd found him at school in the first place, in a way, that was the kid's only opportunity to afford a future. That, for a change, he didn't deserve to lose. 

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