Colors of my past

By Kuroi_Tsuki07

7K 276 32

"It really is good to be back" ~ Rin Cross Arriving once again to Cross Academy Rin what is she to expect. H... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Author's Note

Chapter 4

375 14 0
By Kuroi_Tsuki07

"Finally, the break is starting" I stretched, laying back on the couch. Scanning my surroundings, I relaxed and closed my eyes. "A moment of silence and peac-"before I could finish my sentence the door was opened. "These are the Headmasters Private Quarters" Yuki smiled happily as she walked in "I'm sure he wouldn't mind you being here since it is hardly use...d" her eyes landed on me. Pointing a finger in my direction Hanabusa turned to her unhappily. "I thought they were supposed to be empty" ignoring the three I laid back again.

"Rin...why are you here?" she seemed unbothered by the question and simply shrugged. "Honestly I did not run away from my dorm for this" Rin kept her eyes closed as she answered 'You know where the door is, you don't like it then leave' "HUH!?" blowing a fuse he began to ramble about how important his family is and what not. 'Does it look like I care, I came here to hide away from the world for a tiny bit so keep it quiet' cuddling deeper into the cushions Rin relaxed even more.

Yuki's and Zero's presence left the living room leaving a grumpy Aido with Rin. "Move over will you" he demanded childishly earning a grunt from Rin who groggily moved away. "This is all so annoying, why do I have to stay alone in a room with you" he grumbled sourly his blue eyes glaring at the resting form beside him. "Uruse" jumping at the husky voice coming from the lump he moved closer. "Hmph...this so annoying" faking another complain he waited patiently for another remark, yet none came. Annoyed he shook the person harshly uncaring that they were a vampire hunter, "Get up, if I can't rest peacefully than you can't either!?" not noticing the hand that grabbed his collar Aido couldn't stop a yelp from being ripped out off him as he landed on the ground harshly. A blue eye gazed at him coldly sending waves of fear down his back. "I said shut up" his fear-stricken face soon turned smug at the sound of Rin's voice again. 'Why are you smirking?' taking a seat on the couch as if nothing happened Aido ignored the other person. A silence ensued in the room from then on.

=====With Zero and Yuki=====

*THUD* Lavender eyes gazed at the door in alarm, "What the hell was that?" Yuki fiddled nervously with the plates worry filling her up. "Do you think Rin and Hanabusa are okay?" turning back to his previous task Zero simply 'Tsked'. "Maybe I should go check on them to make sure Rin hasn't killed Hanabusa" Yuki suggested heading to the door already. Glancing at her from the corner of his eye Zero agreed with her and she left the Kitchen. Although I doubt Rin would do something like that after all she .... He slammed the spoon on the counter and gripped the edge. I shouldn't care about anything she does, she had a connection with my family's killer and now she is taking Ichiru in...Rin I will kill you someday because I h-hate you

>>>> TIME SKIP >>>>

'Yuki he doesn't have urges anymore' I stopped her from going further and headed to the sink. "How can that be...he never got the chance to drink her blood" her voice became quieter at the end, gazing down at the ground Yuki ignored Zero's worried stare. Hands pausing briefly, I sighed before continuing my earlier 'speech' 'The blood of his 'Master' is coursing through his veins. Zero will never fall into a Level-E' facing them both with my uncovered eye in seriousness I finished my sentence.
His reaction was immediate as he lunged to my form and gripped my neck, "How can that be and why would she even bother" he spat, body shaking with fury. 'I don't know' hands crushed my throat with more force as his eyes flashed red for a moment; the air grew dark and more power radiated from his body.

"Zero!?" Yuki pulled him away from Rin. A fearful and worried expression on her face as she gripped his hand "This isn't the way to get answers" ripping his hand from her hold Zero stalked away, slamming the door shut as he left. "Rin you shouldn't provoke him...Zero still has a lot on his mind and this will only cause him more pain" her wine-red eyes gazed at me angrily. 'Whatever' I too left her there and headed to the woods. Fresh air sounds like a good idea.

'Aido?' I called out in confusion seeing him heading to the moon dorms. "He caused such a big ruckus for this" I lightly shook my head and walked away.


I silently listened in on their conversation perking up as Yuki mentioned Kaname's action. She laughed nervously assuring Zero that it was a joke although he did not take it as such. "I will never let that happen, even if I have to make Kaname my enemy or you end up hating me"


"Zero what will come to happen is truly inevitable, even I can not stop it and soon I will have to reveal myself" eye-glowing red causing the nearby shadows to quiver Rin's eyes went to the moon. "Yuki you better not hurt him and bring about more trouble because......something sinister will be waking up soon"

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