Friendly Competition [Anakin...

By Trainwreck15

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❗️WARNINGS:❗️ Cussing, slight smut, implied smut, Angst, Detailed deaths/ killings "Marry me then, Y/N." When... More



2.9K 52 30
By Trainwreck15

Then, they heard a lightsaber noise and many people gasping.

Anakin and Y/N immediately break apart and rush over to Obi Wan.

"Easy. Jedi business, go back to your drinks." Anakin says in a undertone as they begin walking outside.

"Who hired you?" Obi Wan asks the girl once they get outside.

"Its just a job." The woman weakly spoke.

"Who hired you? Tell us." Anakin asks again, but quieter and more on edge. Obi Wan gives his Padwan a glare. "Tell us now!" Anakin yells at her. Y/N puts her hand on his shoulder and makes him look at her. This immediately calmed him down.

"It was a Bounty Hunter called-" She was silenced by a dart going straight into her neck.

The three Jedi look over to where the dart came from and saw a man using his jetpack to escape.

The woman had started to turn back and she muttered something inaudible.

Obi Wan reached and grabbed the dart from out of her neck.

"Toxic dart." He explains while examining it.


The three were back at the Jedi temple standing in front of the council.

"Track down this Bounty Hunter you must, Obi-wan." Yoda tells him.

"Most importantly, find out who he's working for." Y/Ns Master Mace Windu speaks up.

"What about Senator Amidala? She will still need protection." Obi Wan asks.

"Handle that, your Padwan will." Yoda answers.

"Anakin, you will not be alone on this. My very own Padwan has been with her on and off for nearly 3 years. She will know how to help with these matters."

"But Master-" Y/N tries to argue, but is cut off.

"Anakin, Y/N, you will be escorting Senator Amidala to her home planet of Naboo. She will be safer there. And don't use registered transport. Travel with refugees."

"As the leader of opposition it will be very difficult to get Senator Amidala to leave the capital." Anakin points out.

"Until caught this killer is, our judgement, she must respect." Yoda responds

"Anakin, go to the Senate and ask Chancellor Palpatine to speak with her on this matter. Y/N, until you set off, I will be expecting to stay and train with me a bit." Mace Windu told his Padwan, a stern look crossing his face.

Anakin, Y/N, and Obi Wan all bow  and exit the room.


"I will talk with her. Senator Aimdala will not refuse an executive order. I know her well enough to insure you of that." Palpatine answers Anakins request.

"Thank you, your exalancy."

"And so, they finally gave you an assignment without a Master? Your patience has payed off."

"Their guidance more than my patience."

"You don't need guidance, Anakin. In time you will learn to trust your feelings. Then you will be invincible. I have said it many times, you and your friend Y/N are the two most gifted Jedi I have ever laid eyes on."

"Thank you, your exalancy. I'm sure Y/N would be glad to hear that as well."

"I see you either of you becoming the most powerful Jedi. Each passing the rivaling rate of Master Yoda."


"I am concerned for my Padwan. He is not ready to be without supervision yet." Obi Wan expresses his concern to Master Yoda and Master Windu.

"The Council is confident in its decision, Obi Wan."

"The boy has exceptional skills. Besides, my Y/N will make sure he gets in no trouble."

"But Master, he still has much to learn. His abilitys have made him... well... arrogant! And I do believe he is rubbing off on the young Y/N. She may become so, too." Obi Wan tries to convince them of faults, but is unsuccessful.

"Yes, Yes, a flaw more and more common in young Jedi. Hmm, too sure of themselves, they are. Even older, more experienced ones." Yoda tries to ease Obi Wan.

"Remember Obi Wan," Master Windu begins, looking down off the bridge at his Padwan training. "If the prophecy is true, one of our apprentices is the only one who can bring the force back into ballence."


"I will be taking an extended leave of absence. It will be your responsibility to take my place in the senate. I will be counting on you, Representative Binks, I know I can count on you."

"Mesa honored to be taking on thisa heavy, burden." Jar Jar Bink's lets off a large sigh. "Mesa except this with moi moi humility and ah-"

"Jar Jar, I don't wish to hold you up. Im sure you have a lot of stuff to do."

Y/N walks up to Anakin. "Are we ready to go?" She asks him.

"Not yet. Senator Amidala has a few more things to discuss." Y/N nodds her head and begins walking off again.

"Wait." Anakin grabs her arm. "I am very glad you were the one assigned with me."

"I am greatful too, Anakin."

Senator Amidala then storms back over to the two. "I do not like this idea of hiding." She says in an angered tone.

"Don't worry. Now that the council has issued an investigation, it shouldn't take Master Obi Wan long to find this Bounty Hunter.." Anakin explains while he and Y/N begin following after her.

"I haven't worked for a year to defeat the milliary creatation act to not be here when its fate is decided." She complains, packing up her suitcase.

"Sometimes we must let go of our pride and do what is requested of us." Anakin looks over at Y/N who is still watching Padmè.

"Anakin, you've grown up." Senator Aimdala says a bit disappointed.

"Master Obi Wan manages not to see it."

Y/N heads over to the window and Anakin follows her.

"Don't get me wrong, Obi Wan is a great mentor. As wise as Master Yoda and as powerful as Master Windu."

"I belive you are quite wrong on the second part." Y/N says looking up at Anakins face.

"Besides that," He looks down at Y/N and picks up a drone. "I am truly greatful to be his apprentice. And I belive in some ways, a lot of ways. We are ahead of our Masters." He pauses and looks away from her. "I'm ready for the trials! But he feels, im too unpredictable. He won't let me move on."

Y/N moves her hand to rest it on Anakins shoulder, but he shoves it off.

"That must be frustrating." Padmè begins.

"Its worse then that! Hes overly critical, he never listens!" He paused and looked back over at the young girl moving from behind him to go sit down. "He doesn't understand! Its not fair!"

"All of our mentors have a way of seeing more of our faults then we would like. They know what will be best in the long run. Trust them Anakin." Y/N verbaly attempts to calm him down.

"Its the only way we can grow." Padmè nods in agreement.

He sighs and sits next to Y/N. "I know." Senator Aimdala gets up to move out of the room for a second.

"Anakin." Y/N stands up. "Don't try to grow up too fast."

"But I am growing up." He says, standing up to tower over her height. "You see it. Padmè said it herself." He then looks her dead in the eyes. It was like she was most beautiful thing he had ever seen. A small smirk begins to form on his face.

"Anakin," Y/N looks away, "please don't look me like that."

"Why not?" He moves his hand to caress the shorter girls face. He could have sworn she gave into it, even if it was just for a second.

"Because it makes me uncomfortable." She moves his hand down from her face and starts making her way over to where Padmè was.

"I'm sorry princess." He said as he looked up.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Y/N stopped dead in her tracks and looked behind her.

"You know, princess of Alderaan, daughter of Bail and Breha Organa." Y/N turned around to meet his gaze. She had no emotion. It pained Anakin to see her like this, he couldn't back out now, he had to act strong for this to work.

"Never. Bring my past up  again. I have learned to forget about it. I will not forget that so easily."

"But can you truly forget? I can't forget about mine. I had just a mother. Surely you cannot forget a whole planet in 7 years."

"But I can pretend. Unlike you, I am trying to prove that I am ready for the trials. I can prove-"

"Unlike you," he moved closer to her again and grabbed her hand. "I am not afraid of what the council will say if I break a few rules."

Just then Padmè walks in. Y/N rips her hand away from the young boy.

"Are we ready?"



Be safe Mi'lady." Captain Typho tells Padmè once we land at the tower.

"Thank you, Captain. Take care of Dormaè. The threats on you two now." Padmè says goodbye to her friends.

"He will be safe with me." Dormaè sheds a tear as Captain Typho walks over to

"You will be fine." She puts a hand on her look-alikes shoulder.

"Its not me Mi'lady, I worry about you. What if they realize you've left the capital?" Dormaè says.

"Then I guess one of my protectors will have to provoke him." She says smiling at the two that were standing of different sides of the transport. She noticed that Anakin was sending strange glances towards Y/N that she didn't seem to pick up. She was a bit suspicious, but desided not to bring it up.

"Anakin," Obi Wan says to his Padwan, making him snap back to reality. "don't do anything without asking Y/N. Even then, consult me or the council ahead of time."

"Yes Master." He quickly glances back to Y/N, but caution of Obi Wan catching on, he quickly looked away.

"I'll get to the bottom of this plot quickly, Mi'lady." Obi Wan moves over to talk with Padmè. " You'll be back here in no time."

"I'll be most grateful for your speed, Master Jedi." She smiles back at him.

Meanwhile, Y/N and Captain Typho are having a conversation.

"I will truly miss having you by my side, Y/N. You were a great companion." Captain Typho says to the much younger girl.

"You make it sound like I'm off to my deathbed, Captain. I assure you Senator Amidala and I will both be fine." Y/N laughs to him. She swore that she could see Anakin shoot Captain Typho a glare.

"I wouldn't be expecting any less from a friend." This made Y/N shoot her gaze upwards to his face. She had never once thought that the Captain she had spent so much, but little, time with would consider her a friend. She had hardly talked to him. This did bring a soft smile to her face.

"Its time to go." She heard Anakin say. She turned around to Captain Typho.

"I will miss you as well." She turned around and walked over to the two.

As Y/N and Anakin were half way out the door, they were stopped my Master Obi Wan. "Anakin, Y/N, may the force be with both of you two." He sends a look towards Y/N. She knew it was sent to say, 'don't let Anakin do anything stupid.' She smiled back as to tell him she wouldn't.

"May the force be with you, Master." Anakin returned the statement back.

They all lifted up suitcases and walked away. Padmè looked behind her and noticed R2-D2 getting up.

"Suddenly I'm nervous." Padmè spoke up, vanquishing the scilence.

"This is my first assignment without Master Obi Wan watching over me. I am too." Anakin said, looking over Padmè to see Y/N.

"I am too, this will be the first time I have somebody as idiotic and reckless as Anakin with me." She teased. "But don't worry, we have R2 with us!" This caused both Anakin and Padmè to let off a small laugh.

"I do hope he doesn't do anything foolish." Obi Wan says when they get out of hearing range.

"I'd be more concerned if Y/N did something, rather then him." Captain Typho laughed. He knew she was more mischievous then she liked to lead on.

Then, the transportation pod left. On its way to bring three people it did not want to have together.

Little did they know then, but having the three with each other, would change each of their lives forever.

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