Deku Bow. (Fran Bow AU)

Oleh vallreykitten

727 27 2

a story about Deku Midorya who had discover his Parents was killed, he was sent to an Asylum because his ment... Lebih Banyak

The Pills
guess what.
Chapter 1 part 1 Sober Day.
Chapter 1 part 2 Sober day.
Chapter 1 part 4 Sober Day.

Chapter 1 part 3 My sober day.

27 1 0
Oleh vallreykitten

Deku was frustrated, he sat on his bed arms crossed and pouting. (argh! I don't have time for this!) he thought with anger, then Dr. Markus came inside went in front of Deku, Deku puts his arms down and looked up at the doctor, Dr.Markus wasn't happy with him, his arms were crossed, and glaring at the green-haired boy. "Deku? did you break out of your room?!, that's not very nice" he said. Deku couldn't tell him nor anyone why he breakout, or that he stole the pills, or that he's trying to escape and find his kitty Todoroki, so he had made up an excuse.  "Please sir, I'm hungry! I hadn't eaten anything in days" Deku said looking starving. Dr.Markus wasn't a fool, he didn't believe him just like the nurse did. "I will not hear anymore of your excuses mister!" he said looking annoyed. Deku started pleading. "Sir Doctor! please, just let me go and eat something!" he said as he begged. Dr.Makus sighed. "Deku, you know you have to learn to listen to the ones in charge" he suggested. Deku held his head up and he agrees. "yes sir, I've learned my lesson" he said as he smiled softly. Dr.Markus groans. "just don't it happen okay Deku? just go and eat and go back to bed" he said, then he left the room. Deku walked out of the room, walked in the hallway, and went to the staircase, he walked down and went inside the main lobby that was all fences up, Deku walked passed it, he walked in the room where he saw a security guard who was reading a book. Deku walked over to him. "Sir? can I please have that key?" he asked. The guard scoffs. "yeah, I'll give you the key, if you give me a kiss" he said sarcastically. Deku was gross-out. "ugh, you bastard! how about you kissed your own ass?!" Deku asked in disgust, as he walked inside of another hallway. There 2 open doors, and one door that was fenced, Deku saw a girl who was wearing a blue-green dress, and she was shivering. 
he walked over to her. "hello there, um are you okay?" he asked. The girl looked at him. "what does that suppose to mean?" she asked. "Oh, I just wanted to make sure if you're feeling okay," he said as he smiled. The girl looked away with a frightening look on her face. "I don't want to tell you! the doctor will cut your head open if you don't leave, He likes to eat brains. He already took mine, he ate all of my thoughts!" she said as complaints. Deku got scared, "what? h-he ate your brain?!" He asked feeling scared. The girl looked at him, "He will eat yours, I saw you inside of the doctor's office, you were dead!" she whined. Deku doesn't want his thoughts to be eating, so he knew, he had to get out of there, find his cat and get back home to be with Aunt Yui. "Oh my gosh! That sounds horrible! well I have to go, I hope you get new thoughts, goodbye" he said as he waved. Deku took his pills again with a flash, everything was splashed with blood, there was a teddy bear that was cut from back with blood as it slowly begins to crawl, and there was one of those shadow creatures, it was standing where the girl was standing. 

"I will laugh at you, I will lie to you, I will hide inside you........inside the shadows" 

Deku went off of his pills and everything went back to normal. he walked into another room where he sees a girl taking a nap, and he saw a Kirsishma putting paper on the T.V, Deku walked over and tries to take a piece of paper but Kirsishma stopped him. "don't touch that! you'll die of you do. waves! they didn't work!" he said. Deku doesn't understand what he meant. "huh? what do you even mean?" he asked. Kirsishma looked at him like he was a dummy. "The papers should be working just like they told me," he said. Deku was confused. "but, what is it that paper do?" he asked. "I need the paper to show me what's on T.V" he explains, Deku was being curious. "I see, but how come it's not working?" he asked. "The waves must be powerful, change the channel please," said Kirsishma. Deku went over to the TV and changes the channel, he stopped at a channel with static. Deku stepped away, as Kirsishma put the paper on the T.V. smiled with surprise. "It worked! It worked! it's a miracle! Thank you! Papervision positive" he said, Deku smiled.  "that's great! can I see please?" he asked. Kirsishma huffed "No! this is mine! if you want you can take the ones that didn't work" he said. But Deku remembers he said if touches the ones that didn't work, he'll die, so he was scared. "Thank told me that would kill me!" he said with panic. "What? I'd never said that! you're a liar! I'm busy! Papervision revision in action" He said. Deku takes a piece of paper and puts it in his bag (Now, I can write or draw whenever I'm bored) he thought. he went over to a robe and takes a blue sash (This blue sash is mine now) he thought. Deku take his medicine again, and everything was splashed with blood, Kirsishma's head exploded, the girl who is now a skeleton with the shadow creature petting her, there was a bloody text that says Hide your pain. and there was a Shadow on top of the T.V. 

"Look at me! I say "I care" while you're dying of hunger and thirst, Look at me! I say "you're beautiful" while I give you poison to eat, Look at me! I say "I love you" while I'm teaching you to hate yourself" 

Deku's medicine wears off and walked out of the room, across the hall as he went inside a room where everyone comes to eat or hang out. he went bye to a nurse who was reading a book. "Hello," he said waving. The nurse looked at Deku, sighing, "Oh, Hello Deku, how are you today?" she asked. "I see dead animals miss," he said.  "oh, do you mean ones on the television?" the nurse asked. "No, I mean for real....just forget it," Deku said as he brushes it off. "very well Deku, go play with your friends," The nurse said, as she went back to her book. Deku took a cinnamon bun and puts it in his bag. (Mmm! I can see the cinnamon bun melting in my mouth) he thought with glee, he then walked over to a boy, who was wearing a hockey mask, rocking back and forth, he never saw him around here before. "hello, are you new here? I never saw you around here before" he asked. the masked guy replies "No...." 
"are you from downstairs?" asked Deku. "uh-huh, they think I'm better now," he said. "um what's your name?" Deku asked. 

"can you kill me? please?" he asked.
Deku made a gun with his fingers. 
"Sure, Bang! you're dead!" Deku said. 

"Thank you, I can't talk right now, I'm dead," he said.

Deku took his medicine and he enters the creepy world, the nurse was lying dead, and there was a shadow holding the masked guy. 

"They hide you because they love you! they harm you because they hate you! Oh, poor little boy! everyone feels ashamed of you!" 

The pills wear off, Deku walked to the other side of the room and saw Jirou walking away. he saw a cane, he looked around to if belongs to anyone, so he went ahead and takes. 
"don't touch my sword!" said a voice, Deku looked over at Denki. "I didn't know it was yours," Deku said apologetically.  "you should bow and speak clearly to me, I'm your king!" he said. 
Deku bowed "Oh, I bow to you sir," Deku said. "very well then my child, what is your purpose to your visited?" Denki asked. Deku smiled and folded his hands. "I want your walking cane please," said Deku pleading.  "what walking cane? do you mean my sword?" he asked. Deku nodded, "yes, your highness, you're sword," he said. Denki was thinking. "hmmm.....well what would you do in exchange?" he asked. Deku smiled and tilts his head. "oh, anything you need, your Highness" said Deku. 

"Bring me a castle and horse! and then you can have my sword" he said.
and he went back to eating, Deku had to figure out what to do in order to get the "sword" where is he going to find a castle or a horse in an Asylum?! He could just draw one. 
he opens his bag and pulled out a piece of paper and a green crayon and starts drawing a picture of a castle and a horse. (oh, I'll draw something for the king) Deku thought and gives it to the Denki, he really likes it. "oh! that's beautiful, this is what I dreamt of! you can take my sword, It's yours!" he said. Deku takes the walking cane and puts it in his bag, he takes the blue sash and wrapped it around. (Oh! that's a pretty cane) he thought, then he takes the hook and attached it with the cane and the sash. (Now I can reach high! I'll call it, my Grab O Matic 2000!)
he thought. and puts it back in his bag. Deku took his pills again, the walls, and floors were splash with blood, they're creepy kids out in the window, some flesh and guts on the table and a bloody texted that says. They are Dead. But next to the Denki was another shadow figure, Denki has black hollow eyes and a hollow mouth. 

"The holy man took all your clothes off. Oh, how pretty all these roses are, right? Your Mommy didn't believe you?" 

Deku's Medicine wore off and again, everything went back to normal. he walked away, then he saw Jirou sitting down, he walked over to her. "Hi Jirou, how are you?" he said. "aren't you afraid of me?" she asked.  Deku tilts his head, "no, why should I?" he asked. "because I can do magic tricks, and make you very sleepy" she explains. Deku is amazed by this, he loves magic and magic tricks. "Wow! a Magic trick? that's so cool, can you show me? please?" he asked beggingly. "Show you? but it's very scary, it's better then you do it" she explains. Deku looks down at the floor depressively, "I can't, I'm not a magician" he said signing deeply. Jirou felt bad for him, "I can give you the magical stuff" she said. Deku smiled back. "Really? Yay!" he said. "yes the magical stuff will make anyone fall asleep," she said. Deku is very intoxicated, "Oh! that incredible, Powerful, Amazing, and Grand!" he said happily. "here, as a gift, just take it.....slowly" Jirou said, She gave the green hair boy a blue and pink pill, Deku put it his bag. "Thank you, so um how does it work?" He asked. Jirou doesn't know for herself. "Oh, uhh...I have no idea" said Jirou as she got off the couch and walked away. as Deku he puts the magical stuff on the cinnamon bun and put it back in his bag (Oh! This is a Magical Cake, a very, very sleepy cake) He thought and he giggles underneath his breath. 

Deku walked out of the room and walked out of the hallway and he see the security guard sitting on the chair reading his news paper, Deku takes the sleeping cake out of the bag and tries to give it to the security guard. "Excuse me sir, I don't want any trouble, so I brought you this cake" he said, but the Security Guard looks at Deku up and down, "Hmph, I'am not interested in taking anything the comes from you" he scolded. "just take it sir please, it'll make your life a bit sweeter" he begged. "I don't care if it's makes my life sweeter, just leave well ya?" he said being annoyed. Deku crossed his arms. "So you don't want it?" he asked. "No! now go away!" yelled the security guard. Deku isn't giving up that easy so  he has to find away to get the key without getting caught. Deku walked in the hallway and walked over to the room, he heard two nurses talking. "I told Rio about the latest delivery, but he hasn't looked at it yet" said the old lady nurse.  "well, he'll catch up, hey Rochelle can you do me a favor?" asked the nurse. 
"sure anything to bring coffee to the guard" said Nurse Rochelle. "well, I can't do it because I have to watch the children" she scoffs. "I have better things to do, i'm sorry" said Nurse Rochelle as she walks away and the other nurse went back reading her book. Deku sneaks in and takes the mug but it was hot he scolded his fingers. (ouch! sorry fingers, this is hot coffee) he thought, Deku carried the mug as he walked out the room, walked out the hallway and over to the security guard. "here's your hot hot hot coffee!" he said as he through the hot coffee mug and the hot liquid splash on him, the security guard stood up and he looks angry. "Look what you did, you insane orphan bastard! you did that on purpose! Now I have to go change! Gah! it's burning like hell!! Don't go anywhere you little shit!  He storms off, Deku smirked, he takes the grab-o-matic 30000 out of his bag and use it too get the key. (yes i got it) he thought, Deku walked over the doctor's office door and unlocked it, finally he's in. 

As he walked in he saw another key, he took it off the hook and place it in his bag. (it's good to carry an extra key around) he thought. he walked over to bored and he found a piece of paper that says.  


turn off the alarm from  the security system panel 
in reception. The yellow door will remain open 2 minuets until the alarm in reactivates

Alarm code: 
Janurary 4 =

march 17=

Deku takes the paper and put it in his bag, (oh, a code, this looks very important, finally) he thought. before he walked out. but Bakugo appears, Deku was suprise. "Bakugo...?" asked Deku, "a forgotten boy with no family and no cat will die when the moon arrives" he said. Deku was confuse, "what do you mean" before he say anything, Bakugo shuts the door leaving Deku locked in, he pulled the door knob. (arrgghh!! Bakugo, what the hell?! come on open up!, I can't scream, if i did. I might be in a trouble) he thought. Deku takes his pills and enters the blood world a hand open the vents, Deku crotch down and goes inside the vents. 

(oh, the vents, this looks like my way out, I wonder if Bakugo knew about this) he thought as he crawls, suddenly a rat fell down and landed on it's back. (oh, poor thing I should give it a helmet) Deku thought while he was still crawling. (just keep going and going) he thought again, but since it's so dark. Deku starts to fall. (AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!) he screamed in his thoughts.

[to be continue]

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