Parker Stevens, I Can Hold a...

By smilingthroughitall

75.4K 1.4K 342

(Unedited and started in 2010, beware of plot holes, terrible grammar and other misfortunes) Grace Tailor sho... More

Parker Stevens, I Can Hold a Grudge.
Parker Stevens; Chapter Two
Parker Stevens; Chapter three
Parker Stevens; Chapter Four
Parker Stevens; Chapter Five
Parker Stevens; Chapter Six
Parker Stevens; Chapter Seven
Parker Stevens; Chapter Eight
Parker Stevens; Chapter Nine
Parker Stevens; Chapter Ten
Parker Stevens; Chapter Eleven
Parker Stevens; Chapter Twelve
Parker Stevens; Chapter Thirteen
Parker Stevens; Chapter Fourteen
Parker Stevens; Chapter Fifteen
Parker Stevens; Chapter Sixteen
Parker Stevens; Chapter Seventeen
Parker Stevens; Chapter Eighteen
Parker Stevens; Chapter Nineteen
Parker Stevens; Chapter Twenty
Parker Stevens; Chapter Twenty-One
Parker Stevens; Chapter Twenty-Two
Parker Stevens; Chapter Twenty-Three
Parker Stevens; Chapter Twenty-Four
Parker Stevens; Chapter Twenty-Five
Parker Stevens; Chapter Twenty-Six
Parker Stevens; Chapter Twenty-Seven
Parker Stevens; Chapter Twenty-Eight
Parker Stevens; Chapter Twenty-Nine *****FINAL CHAPTER*****

Parker Stevens; Chapter One

3.3K 53 7
By smilingthroughitall

hello again, thanks if you stuck around:3


A loud beeping noise brought me out of my vivid dream where I slapped Parker Stevens after he had kissed me. 

            I groaned and rolled over, slamming my alarm clock, wishing that it would crawl in a hole and die. I couldn't believe what an effect Parker left on me. But then again it was my first kiss and I was planning on saving that for, sigh, Teagan Fellar. Sure, Teagan didn't even notice my existence, but what can I do? It's not my fault I have a close to an obsessive crush on him, it's his fault for being so damn attractive...with his green eyes, his blonde hair, his perfectly white smile, his amazingly sculpted six-pack. Yes, of course I've seen his six-pack, I Facebook stalk him and there just happened to be pictures of him shirtless on his profile.

            "Grace!!! Are you up!?" I heard my dad call from the basement. I groaned again. It sucked having heating vents that you could hear anything that happened in the room above it. And, of course, my dad's 'man cave' is below my room. I got up slowly, cracking my back and stretching my short limbs, and walked over to the vent beside my desk. I got down on my hands and knees and yelled, "Yeah Dad!" into the grate. 

            "Good! Breakfast before you go or no desert tonight!" He yelled back. My dad was a strong believer in the '4 meals a day!' motto. Breakfast, lunch, dinner and desert. My dad was a baker, so it would only make sense that he liked to eat desert. 

Rolling my eyes, I stood up and started getting ready for school. It was the first day back from break today and I wanted to shoot something. I wish we owned a gun, maybe a rifle? In case a robber came, not for my recreation reasons of course. Why would I need one! Ha...

            I pulled my brush off of my dresser, pulling it through my shoulder length dark brown hair, getting all the knots out of it. I grabbed a white v-neck shirt out of my drawer and a pair of regular wash skinny jeans. I pulled them both on, satisfied with the outfit when I looked in the mirror.  

             "Grace, it's cold today, so make sure you layer up." I heard my mom say from outside my bedroom door. 

            "Okay mom!" I called back. Looking down at what I was wearing, I sighed. I ran over to my tiny closet, and when I say tiny I mean TINY, and grabbed a grey cardigan off a hanger.  Slipping it on, I walked back over to my dresser and applied green eyeliner around my teal green eyes, matching it with a layer of mascara. I pulled on a white headband, pulling my hair off of my face, and I was done. 

            I ran out of my room and headed straight to the kitchen. I grabbed and orange out of our fruit bowl and quickly peeled it. 

            "Good morning!" My mother said in a cheery voice as she passed behind me, a coffee mug resting safely in her hands. She was still in her robe, her face still clear of make-up and her corn silk blonde coloured hair pulled up in a ponytail. She smiled brightly at me, green eyes still looking half asleep.   

            "Morning," I mumbled through a mouthful of orange. I swallowed then glanced over at my mom who was pouring herself another cup of coffee. "Day off?" I asked her because normally at this time she would've been dressed and ready to go, rushing out the door in the next five minutes. 

            "Yup!" She said, popping the 'p'. 

            "Aha, makes sense." I said then popped another piece of orange in my mouth.

I glanced over at the clock and jumped in surprise. It was almost 8! I must’ve fallen back to sleep after hitting my alarm.

“DAD! WE GOT TO GO!” I yelled, causing my mother to jump in fright at my loud voice.

My Dad’s grey hair appeared around the corner of the stairs leading to the basement a moment later. He smiled when he saw the empty orange peel in my hand.

“That’s my girl!” He said and my Mom laughed. I rolled my eyes and threw out the peel, running to my room to get my backpack. I stuffed it with my pencil case and binders and threw it over my shoulder. I ran to my front door, sliding on my boots considering how much snow was still outside.

“Let’s go Dad!” I called towards the kitchen doorway where my dad’s head appeared from. He jingled his keys in his hand and pulled open the hall closet, throwing me my jacket and grabbing his own.

My mom walked out of the kitchen and leaned against the doorway.

“Bye, Honey.” My Dad said, kissing her on the lips lightly. She smiled and looked over at me as I pulled a huge blue knit hat onto my head; letting most of the fabric hang off at the back. I quickly ran over to her and kissed her cheek.

            “No boots on the hardwood!” She scolded as I ran out the front door, coat, hat, gloves and backpack all in check. I heard my dad’s heavy footsteps behind me as I hurried down the front steps and ran to the side of our medium sized bungalow, running towards my dad’s small Toyota Prius.

            “Slow down kiddo, it’s still early!” My dad called from behind me as I waited patiently at the passenger side of the car, hopping up and down in the freezing cold.

            The car made a noise which told me it was unlocked, and I tugged on the door handle, jumping into the car as fast as I could. I shut the door behind me, shivering in my seat because of how cold it was in the car. It must’ve been at least 8 degrees colder than it was outside.

            My dad hopped in the car a moment later, immediately starting it. He rubbed his hands together and turned on the heat, full blast. My dad was a bit overdramatic, which is where I seem to get it from.

            “Off we go.” He mumbled, pulling out of the driveway and onto our street. All the houses on our street were almost exactly the same, ours sticking out quite a bit because of the electric-blue colour painted on our door and garage door. Every other house had plain white doors, matching the plainness of the entire street. The only reason our house was different was because I had convinced my dad a few years back, when I was settled on being a painter, that I would give the garage and front door a paint job if he paid me $50 bucks. Of course, my dad agreed, and I went out and bought electric-blue paint. At first, when he came home and saw what I had done, he was pissed, but it’s grown on him.

            I saw my school from the corner of my eye and my dad pulled over to the side of the road. I never liked that my dad drove me to school, so I had him drop me off on the street across from my school instead of in the parking lot.

            I hopped out of the car, shutting the door and waving at my dad as he drove away. I sighed, watching my warm breath slowly float up into a cloud, then adjust to the weather and disappear. I slowly looked both ways before running across the street to the school entrance.

            Once inside, I looked down at the ground, trying to keep myself hidden from those that like to pick a fight with anyone.

            Someone ran into me, most likely on purpose. I looked up, ready to glare and bitch at the person who did so, but I felt my mouth drop before I could say anything.

            There, in front of me stood a smirking Parker Stevens.

            “Hello Grace Tailor! What a funny place to meet you!” He said with fake excitement. I instantly felt hatred run through my veins and my mouth pull into a snarl. He laughed at my expression.

            “What the hell are you doing here.” I said through my clenched teeth. How the hell did he remember me!? I thought he was drunk AND high!

            “I just moved here a couple of weeks ago and my parents wanted me to go to school with my cousin, so here I am.” He said, his lips pulling back into a smirk. I felt my fists tighten, my jaw starting to hurt from how hard I was clenching it.

            “Who’s your cousin?” I asked, wondering what awful person must be related to this horrible monster. I can’t imagine-

            “Teagan Feller.” He replied with a shrug of the shoulders.

            WHAT!? “I’m sorry, are you serious!?” I said, gawking at him. I couldn’t see the resemblance at all! Okay... Maybe a little in his facial features, but Teagan was not at all like Parker. Teagan was nice, AMAZINGLY attractive, sweet, athletic, dreamy, adorable…And Parker was just a jerk!

              He nodded, his eyebrows furrowing at my expression.

            “Why, is it so hard for you to believe that my dashing good looks and charms could possibly be the same as Teagan’s?” He responded, wagging his eyebrows and recovering from his confusion.

            “I hate you.” I said harshly. It didn’t seem to faze him.

            “Hate is a strong word, Grace.” He said.

            “Exactly.” I snapped, then turned and walked away from him, unable to believe that I would most likely be seeing him every day for the rest of the year. And probably next year if he stayed.

            Oh no. I had to get rid of him.

            And fast.


have a good day/evening/night:)

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