Billie and Brandon: Unpredict...

De SevenandBillie

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When Billie falls pregnant as a seventeen year old in high school she is forced to make decisions about her l... Mai multe



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De SevenandBillie

"Billie, I don't know if anyone has ever told you this, but you are such a cute little pregnant girl." Selena said, leaning on a desk and watching Billie as she painted.

"Stop it. Shouldn't you be at work."

"My shift doesn't start for another hour" Selena waved off her diversion. "Besides, we're talking about how cute you are. I mean you're just small, and you've got this round belly and you're just so tiny. It is the cutest thing. No wonder Brandon can't keep his hands off of you. Every time I see you in the hall, he's always hugging you or touching you."

Billie rolled her eyes. Selena wasn't the only one who was obsessed with telling her how apparently cute she was while pregnant. Drew would flaunt over how adorable she was all the time. Then Sarah and Derek had joined in on the fun. And don't even get her started on Brandon and Brooklyn. She had thought Brandon's behaviour was annoying, but Brooklyn took it to a whole new level.

But it was nice that she was pulling all the stops to make sure Billie was comfortable and felt welcomed in her home. Brooklyn said it was because she'd never had a chance to have a daughter to pamper and her pregnancy with Brandon was so high risk to even try for another child. Billie was like the daughter she'd never had. And that did manage to bring a smile to Billie's face, so she just let her do as she wished.

"So what did you and Brandon do for Valentine's Day? You never actually told me."

Billie snorted. "That was two weeks ago, Selena. It's almost March."

"All you told me is that you enjoyed the date. And I was away on college visits for a while. So tell me now. Where did he even take you?"

"We went to the movies. That' all."

"Nope." Selena shook her head, a sly smile in place. "That's not good enough. Details please."

Billie sighed, setting her brush down and absentmindedly fiddling with the locket around her neck. She knew Selena wouldn't let it go no matter what she said.

"That's literally it. We went to the movies and then he took me back to his place and made dinner. What more do you want to know?"

"Ooooh made you dinner?! Was it good?"

"Amazing." Billie said, smiling to herself.

"Damn. You're husband can do everything."

Billie rolled her eyes. People had taken to calling them husband and wife recently thanks to Selena. It didn't bother Billie totally, but she did get a little flustered from the implication. Sure, they spent a lot of time together, and she basically was living with him by that point, but they were far from that. And Billie still had her reservations on letting Brandon in on occasion. He respected her when she needed her space, but she could see that he was slowly wedging himself in past her guard. And she knew slowly she was letting him in.

"So then what?"

"What nothing." Billie said, averting her gaze slightly from Selena's shrewd look.

"You said you were at his place. Did you spend the night? And by spend the night, I mean spend the night." She said, waggling her eyebrows.

Billie said nothing, pretending she was suddenly interested in a smudge on her canvas.

"You're avoiding answering me."

"I'm not."

"Oh I see..." Selena grinned widely, her eyes shining in mirth. "He took good care of you, didn't he?"

Billie fought the blush that threatened to take over her face. That night had been pretty crazy. She still was plagued by memories of the way Brandon had absolutely made her lose her mind in pleasure. The date itself was memorable, but damn, the end of it had left Billie a total mess for a couple days.

Brooklyn hadn't been kidding about the intense sex drive.


And now she was horny.

"C'mon. Details. I know you want someone to talk to about this. Did he go down on you?"


Selena laughed. "What else?"

"I'm not disclosing any more details you nasty, pervy girl."

Because the things he'd done to her were pretty non disclosable. She'd take them with her to the grave.

"Oh c'mon! We could totally swap sex stories."

Billie rose a brow. "Wow. Really?"

"I'm sure they swap sex stories during their basketball practice."

"Maybe later. And by later, I mean thirty years from now when I'm no longer anywhere near you."

Selena laughed, picking up her school bag from the floor. "I read online that some pregnant women are horn dogs. Are you? How much sex do you actually have on a regular basis."

A lot.

She kind of tended to attack Brandon when she saw him. But she couldn't help it. Every time his lips curved into that sexy smirk as he saw her, Billie lost it. She'd forced him to skip bio quite a handful of times for that very reason. She blamed the hormones. (Although she couldn't deny that her psycho, raging sex hormones were a blessing in disguise.) She felt a little bad for him. On evenings she spent the night at the Adam's, Brandon was almost always yawning all day the next day. She knew some of the team teased him and gave him shit for being "whipped" but joke was on them, because Brandon was getting fucked pretty often. And they weren't.

Billie stepped away from her canvas, deciding it was just better to finish out this painting another day. Her thoughts were all on Brandon now and there was no way she'd be able to focus.

"Not telling." She finally said, gathering her books to put in her school bag. Drew would be coming soon and they would walk home together. She'd started to reduce her work schedule, only going a few times a week since she was growing larger now and overworking herself wasn't recommended.

"Aww you're no fun." Selena stuck her tongue, waving as she made her way out of the room. "I'm off to work. Bye."

Billie chuckled to herself as she gathered her stuff and made sure to clean up her area. She put all her materials back in her cubby and washed off dried paint from the paintbrushes. Then she made sure all of the paint was closed properly and all the paper put back away. Ms. Redmond was all for letting students use the facilities after school to their heart's content, but recently, people had been leaving the room a mess and not cleaning up after themselves. Billie didn't want the privilege taken away, because she needed the classroom to paint as much as she hated it. It was her fault she had taken art anyway.


Billie turned with a smile as Brandon walked into the room.

"Thought you had to get to basketball practice?"

"I do." Brandon said with a smirk, sliding his arms around her torso and pulling her to him. "I just wanted to say goodbye to my baby before I left. Both of them."

"Aww Brandon. Can't live without me?" Billie said playfully, craning her neck up and smirking, "I'm staying at your place this weekend, you know? You'll have all weekend to see me."

"I know.." He said softly, gently rubbing her back. He glanced up at the wall behind her and his brows lifted in surprise. "Hey. Is that me?"

Billie knew what he was talking about. Ms. Redmond had put the seniors' last semesters oil pastel projects up on the wall to show the underclassmen what kind of work she expected in the future. Billie had used as many colours as possible to recreate the shadows of the silhouette of Brandon shooting a hoop.

"When did you draw that?"

"Last semester. It was my final project." Billie said, a little embarrassed he had seen it. "I was going to give it to you as a Christmas gift, but I chickened out."

"Any chance I could have it now? I love it."

"What?" she snorted. "Didn't think you were that vein, Kane."

He leaned down, grasping Billie's chin and tilting it up. "I want it because everything you made is special to me, Billie."


"Good answer..." she murmured.

He closed the distance between their lips. Billie sighed into the kiss, lost in the sensation of his mouth moving with her. A kind of nirvana that she knew only Brandon could help her reach.

She pushed against his chest, putting a bit of distance between them, face flushed as she tried to catch her breath.

"Brandon, if you keep kissing me, I won't let you leave for practice."

He said nothing, only covering her mouth with his again, engaging her in a sensual kiss that made her knees buckle. She climbed up on the table behind her, gripping the top of Brandon's training clothes and tugging him forward so their kiss wouldn't get broken. She leaned into him, that familiar surge of arousal coursing through her veins once again, only made stronger by the fact that Brandon was in his training clothes.

He broke the kiss with a sharp intake of breath when she brushed her fingers against the front of his pants.

"Billie...I have to go...or we won't be able to stop."

But he didn't let go of her. He nuzzled her neck, breathing slowly to control himself, his hands rubbing languid circles on the skin under her top (and when had his hands gotten there anyway?) Billie sucked in a few shallow breaths of air, feeling flushed and revived and suddenly wanting it more than she ever had before.

"Get your pants off." Billie said.

Brandon raised his head and met her gaze, looking a little surprised, though not looking like he was about to object.

"In here?"

Talking about Valentine's Day with Selena had made her super horny. And kissing Brandon had brought her over the edge of her self-control.

"Yes here. So get your pants off."

With almost no hesitation, Brandon started untying his basketball shorts, while Billie kissed him heavily, scooting forward and wrapping her legs around his waist. She laced her fingers in his hair, pulling him closer as he let his shorts drop to the ground. He began to fiddle with her zipper, leaning her back onto the table as he hovered over her, one hand braced beside her. Billie slipped her tongue in his mouth, moaning when he cupped her with his hand.

She knew it was potentially risky getting her Brandon fix in a classroom where the door wasn't even closed, but the school day had ended a little while ago, and the thrill of it was actually turning Billie on more.


And then there was an embarrassed squeak of surprise as the voice of Drew suddenly disappeared.

"Oh! Sorry guys!" she said from the hallway.

Billie could just imagine her covering her eyes, her cheeks burning red at the indecent display. They hadn't actually done anything yet, but Brandon's back was facing the door, and Billie could only imagine what it looked like from Drew's angle with him leaning over Billie and her legs wrapped around him.

Billie snorted and pushed Brandon to get up. He lifted himself off of her, his face the slightest bit red at almost getting caught as he rearranged his pants.

"It's all good, Drew." Billie called out, though she did note that Brandon looked very put off. She leaned up and pressed her lips to cheek apologetically. "Brandon has practice to go to anyway."

She couldn't imagine how unpleasant it would be fore him to have to go through practice with a boner though.

"Billie...why do you do this to me?" He said in faux despair.

"Don't sweat it, Que..." She grinned, climbing off the table with a soft pat to his cheek. "I'll make it up to you later."

"You'd better." He whispered in her ear. "Or I won't let you sleep tonight."

With a final kiss to her lips, he left the room with an amused smile as Drew walked in, peeking cautiously through her fingers.

"She's all yours, Drew."

Billie picked up her bag from the floor, slinging it over her shoulder.

"I'm sorry I interrupted your...moment."

"It's no problem. I'm sure someone else would have walked in on us eventually. I think it's better that you did."

Drew's face wrinkled in slight disgust with a tinge of mortification at the memory of what she'd seen, and Billie laughed, walking with her out of the classroom. She was only going home with Drew to pack for her weekend stay at the Adam's. She was actually looking forward to spending time watching Brandon and his dysfunctional, but very heartwarming relationship with his mother.

It never ceased to amaze Billie how lucky she was that she'd ended up becoming close to two families who treated her as a daughter as well. Although, one downside to staying at the Adam's was that Brooklyn forced her to do stretches, weight training, and yoga, claiming that it was to boost the lethargic endorphins in her body. But Billie had a feeling it was because Brooklyn was appalled by all the candy (and ketchup) that had become Billie's sole dietary cravings, and she was trying to even it out with some healthiness.

They continued their walk down the sidewalk towards Drew's home. Drew was skipping beside Billie, humming to herself, her face extra bubbly.

"So, have you had any movement from Jellybean yet? You're twenty-five weeks in. Shouldn't you be worried?"

"Still no." Billie smiled, resting her hand on her abdomen and rubbing it lightly. "Dr. Torres told Brandon and me a while ago that it's because I have an anterior placenta."

"What does that mean? Is it bad?"

"No it's alright. My placenta is just kind of towards the front. But it also is kind of lying low, I think a bit of it is still partially covering my cervix. It's like a pillow, so that might be why I haven't felt any fluttering. But she thinks I'll definitely feel kicking when the baby wants to start hitting me. In any case, I'm not worried about it. Jellybean will start fighting me when she's ready."

Drew laughed. "Something tells me she's going to be super feisty. Like you."

"Probably. And I'm probably going to feel it pretty harshly." Billie prodded her swell curiously, "She's pretty big. She's measuring in at about the size of a twenty-nine week old fetus."

"Do you think she'll take after you or Brandon in height?"

"Probably Brandon..." Billie grumbled in annoyance, "Brooklyn told her pregnancy with Brandon was the same way. Apparently, he was a pretty big baby. And then he grew tall pretty quickly."

"It's alright! I'm sure your second baby will take after you."

"Second baby?"

"Because you and Brandon are married. Of course you're going to have more kids."

Billie shot her an annoyed look but Drew only grinned, ignoring her.

When they finally reached her room, Drew helped Billie pack her overnight bag, that same contented smile on her lips as she giggled slightly to herself.

"Drew, what is up with you?" Billie asked curiously Drew was by nature usually cheerful, but she was acting way more intense.

"So you know how I went on that mini college weekend at UCLA two weeks ago?"


"Well I attended this interesting course about names and the meaning of names and what names can mean and the importance of names in some cultures. And then I figured out Jellybean's."

Billie's brows lifted as she paused in folding a shirt. "What did you come up with?"

"Nova as the first name. Because she is something new in your life. A new love. But she's going to be one of the best things to happen to you. Jade as a middle name. Nova Jade O'Connell. Or Nova Jade Adams too, I guess. She's your new love who tied two very clueless, dense, and ridiculously bullheaded people who were in denial together." She smiled sheepishly. "Do you like it? Because I can change it if you don't. This name just feels right."

"Drew. I love it." Billie said, hugging Drew with a happy laugh. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." Drew laughed.


Honestly I broke this chapter in half because I could not be bothered writing a full one today. So this chapter basically has no context.

This world is truly fucked. I really regret naming Drew's dad Derek.

Thank you all for commenting names. Naming rights go to:

Nova: milehigheilish

Jade: @lookwhos_saddaddy  , @tate_eilish

Enjoy the softness of these chapters because after next chapter it will be all drama. You have been warned.

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