The Tale Of Kira And Saga | ✓

By taledust

1.6K 102 13

"Will I see you again?" he straighten his posture, looking alarm. "There's a possibility." She smiled, "I rea... More

f o r e w o r d
e p i g r a p h
s a t u
d u a
t i g a
e m p a t
l i m a
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t u j u h
d e l a p a n
s e m b i l a n
s e b e l a s
d u a b e l a s
a f t e r w o r d

s e p u l u h

57 7 0
By taledust

Kira enter her car that was still parked recklessly in front of the entrance and quickly drove away from the building. She notice how the sky is getting dark telling everyone that it was about to rain. Her mind drift back to Samuel and she's getting worried. So she grabbed her phone and call Reena, she picked up immediately.

"Kira, I was just about to call you." she said, "I'm home, where are you?"

"Yeah, I was with my dad."

"You were?" Reena asked, to make sure she didn't hear it wrong. "How?"

"Yes, we talked. Listen I can't talk about it right now but has Saga called Danny yet?"

"No," She replied, "I don't think he has."

"Alright, I'm gonna look for him." Kira said, she was about to end the call when Reena called her name telling her to wait, "Yes?"

"I'm just letting you know that he's a good person." Reena said. "I've worked with him for a whole year and I can tell you that I know him enough to tell you this. Despite whatever it is that you dad tells you, he's a good person."

Kira smile, Reena was not the one to say things like this. She was never the one who sweet talks or give good advice, that was not her thing. Her thing was I-will-knock-you-out-if you-hurt-my-friend. And Kira appreciate her attempt.

"I know, Reena." she finally replied. "I know and that's why I'm gonna find him."

After the call ends, she decided to gave it a shot and call Saga. Much to her disappointed and he did not pick up. Taking a deep breath, she decided to try once again. She was about to gave up and end the call before it leads her to a voicemail until the call went through and she could hear his voice answering her.

"Yes?" He had said, sounding disinterested.

"It's me." She gulp, waiting for his answer. But he didn't speak. For a moment she thought he ended the call but when she check her phone, the call was still going and that made her frown. She needs to see him. They need to talk this one out before it gets worst. Biting her already bruised lip, she finally decided to speak again.

"I need you, Samuel. Come and find me." This time she didn't wait for his reply, afraid that he'll say no or refuse to see her. So she ended the call and let out a huge breath of relief.

Finger crossed he actually come and find her.


Saga furrowed his eyebrow and frown when the call ends. He really wasn't expecting her to gave him a call, if he had known that it was her that call he wouldn't pick up. Or would he? He still don't know.

It took him a couple of minutes to gather his thoughts. Where could she possibly at? But then again they didn't really go anywhere other than the diner or the arcade. Maybe she'll be at the diner? But then there must've been a reason on why she asked him to find her.

come and find me, she said.

Could it be?

Could she possibly be waiting for him at Kaze's now?

He did find her there, near the stacked old records. Looking at the four boyband cover. Without any second thought, he took a U turn and start driving his way to Kaze's. Fifteen minutes later he park his car but still reluctant to get out of his car.

Why am I here?, He had thought to himself over and over.

On his way here, he kept thinking about what would she say to him after he finally found her? What could she possibly need from him?

Did her father already told her about him? It's that why she wanted to see him and end things with him? Jesus, it hasn't even start yet.

Did she want to end things —whatever this thing is that is going on between them? Surely there's something going on between them, right? They did share a couple of kiss here and there, that's something, right? He couldn't be sure.

What if she didn't see it the same way he did? What if she wanted to tell him that it's over because she finally knew that he's nothing but trouble?

His brain keep letting out questions after questions and it start giving him a headache. He check his phone to see if he had any text message but then it rings, Danny is calling him. Sighing, he decided to end his friend misery and answer the call.

"I'm okay." He said the minute the call went through.

"YOU BITCH I WAS WORRIED!" Danny exclaim, making him which in pain, pulling the phone away from his ears.

"Sorry," He mumbled, "Listen, I'll call you later alright? I have to do something."

"No, don't you dare hang up. Samuel you better—" he ended the call. He smirk at the thought of his furious best friend on the other side of the line. He gave the store one last look before he decided to just screw it and got out of the car.

Much to his disappointment, he didn't find her. He look around the shop who seems to be pretty crowded with bunch of ten to fifteen people and he didn't find her. He wanted to leave and look for her in other places but where could she possibly be?

He took a sit on the floor, rubbing his face with both of his palm. This is where he found her. There's no other places. Surely she didn't expect him to go to the Cho's residence and find her on that study room now, did she?

Shit. Did she?, he thought.

He quickly got up on his feet nearly bumping the stacks down when Kaze's door open and he saw a familiar black hair enter the stop. She was soaking wet. Her teeth are clattering and she was shivering. She hasn't notice him yet though. She gave Kaze a sheepish smile before she turn to her right and made the eye contact with him.

Despite her surprise, she gave him a warm smile. Slowly but surely she made her way to him, the water were dripping down to the floor as she walk.

"Hi," she said when she's finally in front of him.

"You're soaking wet." he stated, giving her a confused look that make her chuckle

"Yeah, I don't know if you notice or not but it's raining outside." she gesture to the window,

"Don't you drive here?" he asked again,

"Oh no, I..." she paused, looking at the floor. "I walk here."

"What?" he could hear the clatter of her teeth as she finally failed to cover it. Realization hit him as he took off his jacket, wrapping it around her. "From where?"

"Just from my place," she replied, teeth still clattering. "It's okay, I'm—"

Without thinking, he wrapped herself around his arms and start rubbing her back with his hands. "You're freezing."

"It's fine—"

"Kira you could get sick,"

"I'm okay Samuel, really."

"I'm going to drive you home."

"What? No..." She couldn't even protest because Saga was already carefully dragging her out of Kaze's. His left hand was still wrapped around her back with his thumb slowly rubbing circles into her making her blush.

"I think the rain is getting worst." He said now that they're standing near the entrance.

"You think?" Kira replied, giving him a teasing glance.

"Don't look at me like that I'm not the one that's soaking wet." He replied, raising his eyebrow to her.

"Fair enough."

"Wait here, I think I have an umbrella on my trunk," He was about to open the door and walk out when Kira grabbed his upper arm, stopping him.

"Let's just make a run for it." She suggested.

"What? No. You'll get even more soaked."

"Well, it's not like I'm not already soaked now am I?"

He contemplated for a while before he finally give in and nod his head, "Alright, but cover your head with my jacket,"

Saga open the door. He was ready to make a run for it. It was a simple thing to do really but Kira somehow manage to trip on her own feet and fall, she unconsciously grabbing Saga for support, taking him off guard and they fell. The pair burst out laughing while still laying on their back, covered in mud and clearly drench because of the rain, and still holding into each other.

And none of them couldn't think of a better way to spend their than being with each other.


"Here, you can use this." Saga said, handing her a black shirt and a sweatpants. After the falling incident, Saga wanted to drive Kira back to her flat since it was closer but she refuse. She had told him that they needed more time. He knew exactly what she meant by that so he agree and drive back to his place instead. Now here they are, barefoot on his room, completely drench and covered in mud. Saga car was a mess and Kira felt bad about it. She was also trying not to move around so much she won't make that big of a mess in his room too.

"That's the bathroom. I'll use Danny's." He said while pointing at the door that was the opposite of his bedroom. Kira nodded and made her way to the bathroom and clean herself, instantly feeling so much better now that her hair and back are not covered in mud.

Thirty minutes later she was finally out and Saga was in his room, shirtless and holding a mop. Smiling at the sight, she clear her throat and bite her lip holding back a laugh. He stop moping the floor and look up, giving her an intense look before he also, clear his throat and continue moping the floor.

"A help would be nice you know," He finally spoke, raising his eyebrow at her.

Kira chuckle and shakes her head. She grab the other mop and start helping as the two silently working on cleaning the mess they made when their enter the flat. When they finished, Saga went to the kitchen and asked if she wanted something to drink,

"Water's fine." She replied, taking the glass from him she lean back on the counter and watch him made his coffee. She was tapping her finger on her glass, thinking of for her to start the conversation, but nothing came up. She had no idea how to didn't know how to approach the topic.

She glance at Saga who are now wearing a plain white shirt and she couldn't help but stare at how good he look with his slightly damp hair, he was sipping his coffee when he gave her a look over the rim of his mug.

A few seconds had passed and he still didn't say anything and she knew sooner or later she would have to say something. Deciding that it's literally now or never, she finally asked the first question that pop into her head, and coincidentally it just had to be the question that's been bugging her on the back of her head.

"What did he say to you?" She asked, putting her glass on the counter and fold her arms in front of her chest.

He look at her and sigh, shaking his head a little he let out a small laugh. "You don't wanna know."

"Did he told you to stay away from me?"

"He did," He replied as a million questions come running through her mind.

"What did you say to him?" She couldn't help but asked. He sigh again before putting his mug down on the counter and mimicked her posture.

"I told him I couldn't even if I tried." He shrugged, "Besides I already gave you my oath and I am not one to break oaths."

Kira was biting her inside cheeks, fighting her smile. She could picture her father's annoyed expression and oh how she wish she witness it.

"I'm sorry." She blurt out.

"You know you apologize a lot," He said, walking closer to her. He wrap his left hand around her waist, rubbing circles around her backs with his thumb and use the other to caress her cheek gently, the gesture make her heart burst and she hope he didn't notice her burning cheeks because of the blush.

"You don't have to apologize over something that was not your fault, Kira." he said softly, making her nod. She could feel his heart beating as she place her forehead on his chest.

"He did a background check on you," She whisper the words but she knew he could hear her because his body stiffen and he stopped rubbing the circles on her back.

"What did you know?" He finally asked,

"Not everything," she answer, looking up to see his face. "He said a few things but I stopped him, I told him I don't want to know, not from him at least."

Saga nodded but didn't say anything so she continue to talk, "My father is very protective of me, partly because that's just how he is but...but mainly because I look a lot like my mother."

"The painting?" he asked and she nodded.

"One day my mother got a visit from an old friend, she was her closest friend, and they decided to rekindle their friendship. My father was not happy about it, she was trouble you see, she have a history with the law but my mother always believe that everybody can change for the better. So they hang out again, despite my father dislikes."

Kira gulp, before she added, "One day, she came to our house in the middle of the night and begged for her company saying it was important and she needed her. My father was out of town at that time, so she left him a voice message and agreed to go with her. Her friend state was a mess you know? So my mom offer to drive but her friend refused, she even accuse my mother of not trusting her, so my mother went against her better judgement and gave in."

Kira let out a sigh and start rubbing her temple, "She knew it was wrong, she knew her friend was intoxicated but she gave in. She let her drive. Around fifteen to twenty minutes later they got into an accident, her friend didn't see the truck coming and it hit them. The impact was worst on my mother since she passed away on the spot. I was five at that time"

"Kira," he said softly, wiping away the tears that she didn't know was there.

"He met Helena five years later and they have Keenan," She smile a little, remembering her little brother.

"When I turn twelve Helena got into an accident, she didn't got hurt that bad but the driver who hit her car was intoxicated and my father just lost it."

Kira pursed her lips before she continue, "He start to control everything and everyone that's around me. He checked all of their background and will threaten them if there's something that he didn't like. I've lost so many friends, and no boys dare enough to ask me out because of him but I didn't mind it that much, at least not anymore. But then last February he gave me this proposal about merging his company, basically telling me I had to marry Mathias Crown. I finally realize that this can't keep going on so I refuse. I tried to reason it out and he wouldn't see it. He couldn't understand my judgement so I left, now I only have Reena."

"There's a lot of people that cares about you, Kira" he said softly, making her smile.

"She's the one that stay through the biggest change in my life. I had nothing, I left everything behind. The only reason why I brought the car with me was because Helena begged me to. Reena was...she was going through something too at that time, you see but when I call and tell her I left, she told me she'll live with me. I refuse but she knew I didn't like to be alone. She helped me a lot,"

"She's a good friend."

"She is." she agreed.

They ended the conversation there. It wasn't until later tonight where Kira was laying down on his the bed looking at the ceiling when she started to say what has been stuck on her mind ever since she sees him at Kaze's.

"Listen," she started, "I know what my father did was wrong, and I know there's other way for him to protect me but he just didn't want anything that happened to my mother happen to me."

"I know, Kira." he replied, pulling her body closer to his as he kissed her temple. "I know."

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