Number 5

By Bestfootforward

488K 27.1K 4.8K

In a world where you're defined by class can anything else exist? "At the age of 16, each male and female mus... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28 pt. i
Chapter 28 pt. ii

Chapter 3

22.5K 1.2K 628
By Bestfootforward

Please remember to vote and comment!

We file off the train in awed silence. I feel as though my eyes are bulging. Nothing in the third dwelling looks anything like this. The grandeur of even the outskirts is overwhelming.

The colossal slabs greet the clouds. With every step I take, my reflection, Ana's, Harriet's and the rest of the 3's in the glass windows are mirrored. They're everywhere and it seems that so are we. The 200 or so 3's are reflected off every surface. As we troop along, my eyes are everywhere. The windows, the sky, the buildings...I try and retain everything I am seeing; this is not something I want to forget.

"Boys and girls, please follow the green arrows on the floor to the Summoning Grounds. From there, you will be instructed of your schedules before you are led to your retiring rooms where you shall be stationed for the day. President Mangold's speech will commence at 2.40pm and then the Sorting will begin. If you are absent, you shall be punished." A voice announces from a speakerphone on the surface of the glassed building.

My stomach flips again. The foreboding feeling returns as I realise that there is no escaping now. I'm trapped in a city of glass.

We move in a body down the straight street in front. We are walking in the veins of the city to return to its heart; the Summoning grounds. The monotonous thud of footsteps echoes off the walls and vibrates down the street. Its like our own personal warning that the 3's approaching. I scoff at myself. I make it sound like we're an army marching into battle when we are anything but united.

"Its huge." Harriet exhales.

Up ahead, my eyes focus on the advancing square area. The most pronounced feature of it is the grand pillared building constructed out of stone of the purest white that borders the far end of the square. An broad alabaster staircase leads up to the pillars that guard the entrance to the hall. My eyes flicker from the engravements to the carved pillars and then back to the engravements. Dancing figures decorate the building in rows. We're so close that my eyes can focus on every minute detail. Its breathtaking.

In front of the hall is a scene that is instantly recognised by every 3. The sorting stage causes a simultaneous gasp to be released from each mouth. It looks exactly the same as it has in the pictures we've been shown. Images of President Mangold speaking on the stage enter my mind. That must mean he resides in the hall.

A brazen idea suddenly crosses my mind. I'm shocked at it even myself. Am I that desperate? Could I really do that? I push the thought to the back of my mind. I might as well sign my own death warrant if I decided to act on that idea.

"Earth to Elle." I hear Ana say, snapping her fingers in front of my eyes.


"I've been calling your name for the past two minutes." She says worriedly.

"Sorry, I was just looking at the hall." I respond. Ana glances at the hall and nods. I breathe out heavily. My sister would not want to hear my rebellious thoughts; I don't want to ruin our last day together.

The kids in front of us begin to trail into the square. I grip Ana's hand tightly. What if we see one of them? The moment our feet step into the square, blinding light rays seep through the barricade of towers. My hand flies to shield my eyes so that I'm finally able to see the square. To both my surprise and relief, it is deserted.

"I think they bring each caste in separately." Harriet says quietly.

Now that we're fully encompassed within the square, I note that the buildings surrounding us each have a large number on it. However the interiors are hidden by the mirrored walls.

"Boys and girls, please make your way into Brand Building 2. From there you will be called upon to take your final match test. Please wait patiently and quietly." The speakerphone announces.

The train of people jerks back into life as we move towards the brand building. Its fairly boring to look at seeing as the architectural design is the same as all the other buildings we have passed already. A series of clicks rings echoes throughout the square as the first few girls enter the doorway. As I move in through the sliding glass doors, I feel my bracelet tingle against my skin while my name flashes again with the word 'registered'.

The inside of the brand building is a little drab. The word 'clean' springs to my mind as there is no other defining feature. A few chairs and tables have been dotted around the room for our use but most of them have already been claimed.

"Let's sit by the window. That way we can watch the other castes come in." Harriet suggests.

"I'd rather sit over there." I reply uneasily, gesturing towards the other end of the room. Alas, the space in the middle of the room is filling up so quickly that Harriet simply raises her eyebrows at me.

"You don't have to look at them." Ana comments. With reluctance, I nod my head and follow them over to a table by the window.

"The final match tests are set to begin in 5 minutes. They will occur in alphabetical order of surnames. Katharine Abel and Marshall Bane please report to the waiting room." A voice over a speakerphone announces. A girl and boy instantly rise and weave their way through the crowd towards a flight of stairs.

I heave the haversack off of my shoulders and lean against it. Harriet and Ana occupy the two chairs and talk quietly amongst themselves. However, I rest my head back against my haversack and exhale heavily.

I could do it. Maybe it would change things.

A slight glow under my chin disturbs my thoughts. I lift my necklace to see the little metal spots on the charm of my moon glowing.

'When your match has arrived within the Summoning grounds or if they are already present, your charm will glow. '

He's here or he's just arrived. I turn my head slightly to see flashes of black dashing past the windows. What caste is this? I relax against my haversack once more as my neck stiffens from the awkward angle. I'd rather not know.

Seeing as Ana and I are near to the end of the alphabet, we sit for hours waiting for our turn. At some point, I hear Harriet's name called and she leaves. When she comes back, she seems different. Her smile never flees her lips no matter how hard she tries to disguise it. The afternoon is a blur as I pass in and out of conciousness, exhausted from the travel.

A sharp bang startles me and my eyes open. Searching around the room, everybody else is either engrossed in their conversations or dozing. They haven't noticed the official that has entered the room. They also haven't noticed that he has left the door open. The official moves through all the kids on the floor and climbs up the stairs.

This is my chance. I sit up slightly, checking around the room. No officials. I glance to the side to see Ana has her arms folded and her eyes closed. Slowly I push off my haversack afraid to make a noise. Getting to my feet, I ascertain that nobody has noticed my movement.

A hand latches around my wrist. "Elle where are you going?" Ana asks sleepily.

"The loo." I reply smoothly. Ana yawns and settles back down.

I snake through the sleeping group, moving closer and closer to the door. Its right there; my freedom is right there. Perhaps, if this works out, then I have a chance of freedom; of life.

But should I being doing this? Nothing says this is forbidden but then it won't exactly be approved of. My subconcious urges me forward. The door is right in front of me. I survey the situation again. There is nothing to stop me.

With that I run through the door. The click sounds and my name flashes again on my bracelet. Only this time, the word 'registered' doesn't flash but instead it says 'escape attempt'. My heart begins to pound and a nervous sweat breaks out on my brow. What have I done?

I need to go. I can't go back - they'll know I left. I sprint towards the hall, covering the fifty metres of the square in between the branding building and the staircase quickly. I race around the stage and up the stairs. The adrenaline fuels my legs as I power through my aching muscles. My heart is pumping so fast that I can't bear to look back now.

Reaching the top of the staircase, I run between the pillars and throw open the door that leads to the hall. The plush red carpet is fit for a king; or a president, a president that I have to find. I have to talk to him, no matter whether he is a 1 or whether I'm risking my life. I glance behind me once more and in the moment I take my eyes away from the hallway in front of me, I hear a door open and I crash into a a hard wall.

"President Mangold." I gasp with horror at the man I've crashed into. His hair is whiter in person and it stubbles his chin. "I'm so sorry sir."

"You are not a 1." He responds. His dark eyes flash and I cower back with fear.

"No. I am a 3" I stammer.

"Why are you here...?" He waits expectantly for me to give my name.

"My name is Elle Sir. Please forgive me for running into you." I reply.

"It is alright Elle but why are you not in your branding building?" He asks. His dark eyes seem to soften.

"Um I came to talk to you Sir."

"You a 3...came to talk to a 1? You are not afraid?" He asks. His wizened brow creases.

"I came to speak to my President." I reply bravely. Hopefully he cannot sense my fear. I could be killed for this.

"You did not answer my question Elle. Are you afraid?" President Mangold responds. He shifts his white robe around.


"You are a brave child then."

"Thank you Sir."

"You said you needed to speak with me?" He asks. I try not to express my surprise. The president and a 1 is willing speaking to me? Is this a cruel and sadistic joke that will end with my death. Gathering all my courage, I inhale sharply.

"Sir I must ask you something rather...unusual and shocking."


"Sir, with all due respect, I do not want to be matched. I want freedom and a choice." I stammer. My eyes widen with dread and my mouth dries. I've done it now. Prepare for banishment Elle.

Then the President does something completely unexpected. He smiles. A broad and beautiful smile. A 1 just smiled at me. Despite his age, his is still a 1; beautiful. But being a 1 also means being lethal. My fingers twiddle the sleeve of my dress. Perhaps I should run; I could probably escape now. My age and speed may have an advantage over the President's but then again, anything is possible with a 1.

"Elle you are a brave child for risking ostracism and you are not the first to ask me this question." President Mangold replies.

"I'm not?"

"My granddaughter asked me the same question when she turned 16. You remind me of her." He says. "It is quite unnerving actually; you even look like her. I suppose pretty brown-haired girls with blue eyes are always the troublemakers."

"Is that a good thing?" I ask uncertainly.

"A very good thing." The President affirms with a grin.

"How did you answer her question?" This is where President Mangold's smile falters. My nerves immediately flare up.

"I told her the truth; there is nothing I can do. I do not have the power or the will to change a system that works."


"But you're the President!" I exclaim.

"Elle I am sorry, there is nothing I can do for you. As a compromise for such a brave girl, I will offer you a deal." President Mangold replies. He draws out a small compact screen. "In return for your silence on this matter, I will allow you the comfort of knowing who your match is now so that you have time to prepare yourself and one other thing."


"I won't kill you." He replies with a dazzling smile. I swallow deeply, stumbling over my feet. I should have run when I had the chance.

The President's face breaks into a smile. "I'm joking Elle. Hopefully your match is a bit of a tease because he will have plenty of fun with you."

I heave a sigh of relief.

"I'm being serious though. You must not say a word about this meeting to anyone. Understood?"

I nod my head vigorously. The sound of the door being thrown open has me rushing to hide behind the President.

"President Mangold. A child has escaped." An official cries. "Her name is Elle Silver."

"Commander Xyler, the child has not escaped. I requested her prescence. She is here." The President replies calmly, side stepping to reveal me to the officials.

"Please escort Elle back to her brand building. Make sure she is unharmed otherwise I shall hold you personally responsible Commander Xyler." Threat laces every word that slips from the President's mouth. The commander visibly pales. "Take her in through the back entrance and straight to the waiting room. Do not draw attention to her or yourselves."

"Yes President Mangold." The Commander replies.

"Goodbye Elle until we meet again." The President nods towards me before turning and walking off down the corridor.

"This way Miss Silver." The Commander says, walking towards me and grabbing my arm. As if he remembers Mangold's words at that moment, he loosens his grip.

We walk languidly back out of the hall, down the stairs and across the square towards the brand building. I feel a huge void of utter devastation within myself. I feel empty and unsatisfied. I risked everything for nothing.

The commander pulls me down one of the alleyways round the side of my brand building. Fishing out a ring of keys from his belt, the Commander opens a back door and myself and the rest of the officials are ushered through. We climb up a few flights of stairs before stopping outside the door.

"You must not speak about this to anyone." Commander Xyler instructs. I nod my head vaguely not able to find the words to reply.

The officials leave and I push open the door. I'm greeted with another dull and drab room with two waiting chairs, a enormous set of double doors at the far end and a furious looking Ana.

"Elle! Where the hell did you go?" She exclaims storming towards me.

"I got lost?" I try.

"How could you get lost?" Ana fumes. "The signs to the loo are clearly labelled. You tried to escape and you lied to me!"

'You must not say a word about this to anyone.'

"That wasn't me Ana." I say calmly. Inside I feel absolutely terrible about lying to my twin. "I promise you that I just panicked a little in the bathroom. I needed to be alone for a while."

Ana looks at me doubtfully. "If it wan't you, who was it?"

"I don't know - probably a 1 not wanting to be matched with one of us mere mortals." I shrug my shoulders. Once again I feel slightly guilty but this time it is because it does not feel right to insult a 1 after the...kindness President Mangold displayed to me. By kindness I mean that he smiled and did not kill me.

"Ok." Ana sighs, wrapping her arms around me. "I'm just glad you didn't do anything stupid."

I tighten my grip around her. "Me too."

"Ana Silver, report to match testing room 1. Elle Silver report to match testing room 2." A voice announces over the speaker.

"This is it. Good luck." Ana squeals excitedly. I smile back at her witheringly.

I make my way to the test room. I sit in the booth. The machine asks me questions and I answer them with little enthusiasm. This test is bringing me closer to my match. Throughout the test, I'm still in shock and trying to process what happened with President Mangold.

Grow up Elle. There's nothing you can do to stop this.

My subconcious thoughts snarl at me. Perhaps I should just accept this?

I feel as if I'm in a trance as I head back to the downstairs room. Ana and Harriet eagerly celebrate my arrival with a series of questions about my test and my feelings. I answer politely and simply, feeling unable to gather any kind of excitement into my tone or reponses.

"Boys and girls, the President's speech will begin in 5 minutes. Please gather your belongings and make your way into the designated area in the square."

"This is it." Ana cries. She quickly pulls me to my feet and into a tight embrace.

"I hope you find happiness with your match Elle and I hope he's everything you've ever dreamed of." Ana says.

That will be hard considering I've never dreamt of a man.

"I know it won't be the same without you but I love you so much. You're the best sister I could have ever wished for." Ana whispers.

"I love you so much Ana and I hope find everything you're looking for." I reply quietly. Tears pool in both mine and my twin's eyes as we hold each other at arms length.

"You'll call me right?"

"Of course. I'll see if I can get your new number off mum and dad." I reply.

"Don't cry." Ana laughs.

"Same goes for you." I chuckle.

Bending down, we pick up our haversacks and sling them over our shoulders. Moving towards the door, an anguished call has Ana and I halting in our tracks.

"Excuse me?" Harriet exclaims. "Do I get no goodbye?"

Ana and I glance at one another before charging back towards Harriet and sweeping her into an hug.

"We'll miss you." I say.

"We love you very much." Ana adds.

"Thank you." Harriet replies.

The room is almost empty. The eager boys and girls have already flooded into the square. Ana and Harriet skip on ahead while I hang behind.

This is it. I take a deep breath. I can do this.

Following the 3's into the square, I see my charm begin to glow. He's here, in the very same square that I am. A weird feeling erupts within my stomach. Nerves or butterflies? I do not know.

My eyes fly around the square and my heart rate accelerates. They're all here. Over the heads of all the 3's, I can barely see anyone. I think thats a good thing. I don't want to scare myself further.

Please give me a 2, 3 or 4. Please don't let me be matched with a 1 or a 5.

"Silence please children." The President's voice echoes round the square. His voice booms through the microphone. "Welcome to the Summoning and the Sorting. Today marks the annual sorting between 2 individuals. This system devised in the early ages is a way of ensuring happiness and preventing conflict within our country."

The President's voice drones on and I find my attention being caught by the square. I feel my heart rate accelerate as I catch sight of a mass of blond heads; the 1's stand up front. I find myself repeating the prayer again - please, please, please do not match me with a 1 or a 5. Speaking of 5s, I cannot see them anywhere.

My eyes return to the stage and despite blocking out the sound of President Mangold's voice until I catch his eyes on me. I wiggle uncomfortably under his scrutiny.

"Elle the sorting is beginning." Ana says, tugging on my sleeve. I breathe deeply, desperately trying to swallow the rising lump in my throat. I tune back in to the President's announcement.

"I will first invite the lady up on to the stage before revealing her match and their dwelling. After a couple has been matched, would they please make their way up into the Grand Hall where they shall wait for there travel arrangements to arrive. Without further ado, would Marla Arlow of the 4th dwelling please join me on the stage?"

The crowd parts for the girl to pass through. As she climbs up the stage, I can see her hands shaking. She's very pretty and the boy in front of me wolf whistles. The girl blushes crimson.

"Marla Arlow is matched with Adam York of the third dwelling." Mangold announces through the speaker.

The boy who wolf whistled lets out a low chuckle and starts moving towards the stage. He's her match. I can't help but smile as the the girl on the stage shifts awkwardly, trying to hide the grin on her face. When the boy reaches the stage, he sweeps the girl into his arms and carries her up the stairs towards the entrance to the hall. A few of the girls "Aw" but I find myself rolling my eyes at the unecessary show of affection.

"I hope my match does that." Ana whispers.

The next matches come and go quickly. Every couple seems happy to be matched together. How? I do not know. You can't be happy with someone you've never met.

Harriet gets called up onto the stage. I knot my fingers with Ana's as the President reveals her match.

"Harriet Matthews is matched with Tobias Watson of the 2nd dwelling." President Mangold announces. Harriet beams as a dark-haired boy approaches the stage. She's clearly trying to contain her excitement as he makes his way up the stairs and reaches his hand out for hers. She immediately grips his hand, smiling all the way as they turn around and head up to the hall.

She got what she wanted. Now I can only hope that Ana and I do too.

I tune out again, focusing on the ever-decreasing pool of kids. One by one they have their turn and are matched on the stage.

"Elle its me." Ana's voice calls me out of my thoughts. I hug her quickly.

"Good luck. I love you." I say.

"I love you too." She replies. Her charm on her chain is glowing. She is going to be matched.

Ana makes her way up onto the stage. The President glances briefly at her before returning to his microphone. My pulse quickens. Please let my twin be safe. Not a 1 not a 5.

"Ana Silver is matched with Oliver Knatt of the 1st dwelling." President Mangold says. My mouth drops open in horror. No! No!

This cannot be happening. How is Ana matched with a 1? I see Ana's bottom lip tremble and I know she's trying not to cry. She catches my gaze and I smile sadly at her. A blond boy crosses the stage and ascends up the stairs towards Ana. I see her mouth drop slightly as she admires her match. Or is it fear? I see a tear trickle down her face as the 1 places his hand on the small of her back. His gesture seems it innocent enough. She glances back towards me one last time before heading off the stage and towards the hall.

"Next is Elle Silver of the third dwelling."

My mouth runs dry and my legs feel frozen. I take a few deep breaths before pushing myself forward and towards the stage.

Breathe Elle.

The President's eyes follow me all the way up to the stage. My shaky legs struggle with the stairs. Once I reach the stage, the President takes a step away from the microphone.

"Hello Elle. I do hope this makes you happy." President Mangold smiles before stepping back to the mic. For a minute I question whether he's a 1.

"Elle Silver is matched with..."

Here it goes. Not a 1 or a 5.

"Grayson Knight of the 5th dwelling."

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