Just another Frerard vampire...

By Medicalrelationship

43.1K 1.9K 1.3K

Gerard has been watching over Frank for centuries, loved him for centuries but Frank doesn't feel the same wa... More

Crimson walls
Remember me for centuries
The Titanic cameo
Regret, freedom and more regret
The cheesy vampire fight scene
Mikey and his mate
The end of the beginning
The serpent in my head, the warmth in your bed
The dark light, the gory nature
*Authors note*
A past ghost
I love you my love
Supernatural world
Pierced hearts and falling daggers
Farewell. Bastard.
New Author

The back stabbing bitch and the man-whore.

4.1K 164 82
By Medicalrelationship

'WELL FUCK YOU!' I launch a black, crumbled pillow at my long term soulmate and the guy I recognise as my bestfriend naked together on my bed. She covers her body up sparsely with a messy handful of red bedding. while he is hiding behind, dirty, worn hand still resting peacefully on her tanned hip making me feel sick to my stomach.

'How long?' I scowl with all the hate in the world, showing my teeth slightly. The skank looks at me with her brown pleading eyes. Brown hair falling just past her ears. She sighs, eyebrows knotting. 'Please Frankie..'

'Don't call me that. How fucking long?' Speaking sharply, like the end of the knife that has been stabbed in my back. She sighs, turning to look at the male behind her. He looks up, hair messy, sweat spread across his forehead. 'Sorry dude.'

Although he wears a woeful face, I can tell he's pleased with himself. 'So I put a roof over your head and all the time you were fucking my girlfriend?!'

Would he do that to me? He has stayed here rent free for 2 fucking years, after he was kicked out my his manic- depressive girlfriend. And this is how he repays me? I think of my self as a nice guy but right now I want to rip his face off.

'If you weren't naked now I would fucking jump on that bed and beat you to a pulp!' I point at him, glaring through my fringe, bouncing a bit on my feet. Emily finds a night gown, throws it on and runs to me. Trying to grab my arms, like a lost puppy. 'Frankie. Please.' I push her off. 'Don't kick him out, please, don't over react!'

WHAT? She's worried about me kicking HIM out? Seriously? Fucking bitch. I grab her shoulders and push her weight up against the brown wall. 'Guess what, I'm kicking you both out!' I hear her gasp out in shock, opening that whore mouth, she screams. 'THIS IS MY APARTMENT!'

She cries as he pushes me off her. The cheap eyeliner running down her face. Liar. 'I bought this place!' I saved up for years for this house. Emily loved it and I loved her, so I bought it. Even if it wasn't the biggest or boldest home it was ours. But not anymore.

She smirks and half laughs still in a hot mess. 'But guess who's name you but on the paper. Frankie.' Drawing out the F, just to prove she holds the power. I growl in a beastly manner.

The man-whore rises from the bed, now with a pare of tight boxer shorts on. 'I think you better leave.' He stands at a mighty 6"4" while I'm stuck at a petit 5"3" however, don't be fooled, I can pack a punch.

I step closer, looking up at the beast of a best friend. 'So, your going to live in MY apartment for free, sleep with MY girlfriend then kick me out?' He laugh in what I've just said. I'm such a push over, I'm so blind. All the signs now hang from the wall in bright neon print.

Most say. 'Your an idiot.' I once again look up at him. I go to punch the smirk of his face but my hand is stopped by his big bear claw, I'm thrown to the floor. Emily grabs James from behind but his muscles soon push her off.

The punch lands on my stomach making me howl in pain. 'JAMES PLEASE.' She pulls him off me, I scamper off the floor, and onto my unsteady feet.

I block him out and look at my former soulmate, regret and sorrow fills her eyes. I can see she knows this is a mistake, but I know it can't be fixed. 'And a month before Christmas?' I speak in a broken whisper, that's all that's left. The anger is gone and left a shell, the last 5 years seem to fade away in the 5 seconds we stand in silence.

Picking up my coat, winking at her one last time with a broken smile and with that I leave, as I shut the door I see her cry more into the red bedding.

The warmth of our small home is replaced with the bitter lonely New Jersey air that seems to nip at my sore features. Feeling sorry for my self I kick a lone bottle across the path, watching it roll across in the wind. Sighing, well it's back to moms I guess.

Im sure a proud mom awaits me. 24, no girlfriend, home, job, a pat on the back for Frank Iero, best son ever. But hopefully a hot plate of pasta will be waiting for my presence. I'm already hungry and I've got a thirty minute walk home, great.

Zipping up my leather jacket, pulling the red hoodie hood from underneath over my cold head. Soon enough I reach the long twisty alleyway that I really don't want to pass. I'm pretty sure three people have gone in there and never come out the other side.....

Fuck it. I pace through the damp, dirty alleyway that stinks of shit in all honesty. The only light, the full moon that glows bright and large. The tiny water particles grimmer but disappear as my shadow engulfs them.

It's so deadly quiet I can hear my loud footprints as well as my shallow beating heart. Clip, clip, clip, fuck I should have worn my vans. The heavy bottom of my boots tap against the cold hard floor. Looking down I notice my lace is undone. I stop to reach down but the clip clop of boots doesn't. It seems to get closer.

My heart starts to race, I turn around. No one is there, yet I still hear the taunting sound. Panting in panic I back up against the bleak, brick wall, head darting from left to right. The sound gets louder, more haunting.

Adrenaline pumps through my veins making me leap off and start to run through the darkly lit alleyway. Never looking backwards, forever sprinting on and on. Soon enough I run out of breath. As I stop so do the footsteps.

Wow Frank. You should really lay of the horror films for a while.

Feeling embarrassed for myself i unzip my hood.....FUCK. I'm pushed up against the wet wall, a tall shadow with a strong grip and no mercy easily resisting my kicking and struggling.

'LET ME GO. HELP. HELP!!!' One arm lays firmly against my neck, making it a struggle to breathe. His other pins my arms above my head. Looking up, this stranger scares me. This skin pale, black hair messy, strong statute that makes me very intimated.

'HELP!' I go to kick him but he pushes harder on my neck, I go limp. I plead into his eyes. And oh my god they're bright red. 'I'm not going to hurt you shhh Frank.' How does he know my name? Why are his eyes red? I breath slower when he releases his arm of my neck, but my hands still out of reach. 'Please let me go.' I croak. Not believing a scary guy in a scary alleyway with scary eyes will come in peace. Especially since this the deep, dark abyss that is the centre of NJ.

'I don't want to hurt you Frank.' His breath smells funny. Not in a bad way, but it smells metallic-ly if that's a word.... 'What do you want?' I ask, stone faced. He smiles. 'You.' In shock I kick him right in the crotch. He lets go instantly and falls to the ground, i hear him groan at my violence as I run for my freedom. The end of the alleyway in sight but soon I'm dragged back onto the murky gravel.

The stranger on top of me, holding me down by the shoulders. 'LET ME GO FREAK!' He rolls his eyes. 'FRANK. I DONT WANT TO HURT YOU!' He says almost comically. I huff. 'How do you know my fucking name?' He climbs off me in a second, quick as a flash. Weird. He gives me a hand.

Hesitating, I look at the hand, even though he's friendly, he's also very frightening. But slowly reach up anyway. I'm pulled to my feet by a warm smile. I'm extremely confused right now. I look at our intertwined hands uncomfortably. I go to wriggle away. ' Ok I'm going home now.' Pulling against his grip I need to get away but I am soon closer to him as he whips me into his dark eroma.

'You need to come with me Frank.' I wince as his grip tightens. 'Ah your hurting me.' I yank against him, more frantically by the second. 'FRANK!' His voice goes cold. I'm pushed up against bricks, the grit hurting my back.

Is this how it ends? I hope not. This creepy man isn't normal. Supernatural almost. The eyes, strength, agility, it's not normal. This guy would whip James' ass easily. More importantly my ass, easily. Fear races through me as I look at this creature in front of me.

'I tried to play nice Frankie, I really did.' His eyes and voice are almost apologetic. I frown but before I know it there is a piercing pain in my neck, I scream, paralysed by this mysterious shadow. Blood trickles down my chest. 'V..vampire..' I chock out. A black cloud surrounds me till I can't see a thing. My legs giveaway. I blank out, not wanting to awake to my fate.

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