Harley Quinn / Poison Ivy x M...

By XXXHarleyIvyXXX

219K 2.9K 1.6K

Y/n is a childhood friend of Harley Quinn Harley sets off on her own to take over Gotham with the help of he... More

Till Death do us part
Y/n bio
One _ shot ( Harley Quinn )
Comfort ( Harley Quinn x male reader )
New Oc
So, You Need a Crew? / Enter Inferno
Suggestions For 2x7
Finding Mr Right
Suggestions for 2x9
Suggestion for my Oc
And the Winner for 2x9 is
My Backstory for Inferno ( and sort of a backstory for Y/n )
Suggestions for this Scene
Being Harley Quinn
When should I introduce my Oc's ?
Your a Damn Good Cop. Jim Gordon / Enter Vortex
The Line
L . O . D . S . V . P
A Seat at the Table / Enter Midnight
Harley Quinn Highway
Devil's Snare / Power Unleased
The Final Joke
New Gotham
Riddle U
Trapped / Enter Riot
Thawing Hearts
Help ?!
All The Best Inmates have Daddy Issues
There's no Place to Go But Down
Inner ( Para ) Demons
Dye Hard / Secret Revealed
A Fight Worth Fighting For
Lover's Quarrel
The Runaway Bridesmaid
Season 3 when ????????
It's Returned ! Holy shit
Maybe a stupid theory
Another One ?!
Season 3 Update
Should I uh , add this ?

A High Bar

13.4K 188 113
By XXXHarleyIvyXXX

Y/n was sitting with Harley on the couch , watching TV , while Poison Ivy was making coffee

" Ivy no rush , but Howie mandle is Only showing how to make Thanksgiving leftovers into a nativity scene " Harley called to The redhead

" Oh my God , wait what ? " Ivy asked before rushing to the couch before handing Harley and Y/n the drink

As Howie was explaining what he was doing he " But first , let me introduce my surprise co host , you know him as the clown Prince of Crime , let's give it for the Joker ! "

Joker laughed before appearing on camera

" Shit ! " Harley exclaimed

" Get ready America , Howie's got something he's dying to tell you " Joker said , revealing a bomb attached to Howie

" Oh , no , no , no , no , Not Howie " Frank said

" You know what's stupid ? , Me for playfully implying that on yesterday's show that the couple formly know as joquinn , is no more "

Harley growled while listening to this , Y/n didn't like it ethier

" Thanks Howie , when I dumped poor sad watchin"

" She's right over here ! " Frank said , pointing at Harley

" Frank " ivy warned the plant

" I promised I would respect her wishes to drift into the darkness of totally anonymity , and for the record , our couple name was , joker " The clown Prince of Crime laughed

" Oh that liar trying to blow up the cleanest nicest talk show hosts on television ?" Harley asked , standing up

Ivy and Y/n stood up as well , " Just ignore him , he's beating you , not worth getting angry over " ivy said , trying to calm Harley down

" Yeah Harley , it's not worth it " Y/n said , putting a hand on her shoulder , which she brushed off  , even though he was getting a little angry himself  , how dare the joker insult his Harley ? His ? Where did that come from ? Y/n shook his head

" Sorry but that's all the time we have today Howie , and speaking of time , yours is running out " joker said  , revealing a bomb and activating it

Howie starting running around , " I need a very nude porno girl " , he yelled ( a/n , I can't understand what he said , my bed if I guessed wrong )

Harley smashed the tv

" Jesus , harls , this is why I don't put the tv out " Ivy explained

" Good tv ? , Where you hiding that bad boy ?" Frank asked

" Yeah ivy , where is it ? " Y/n asked

Ivy glared at him , before turning her attention back to Harley

" If he thinks I'm just going to fade away into obscurity , he doesn't know what's coming " Harley said

" Who cares ? , Your doing great , you got a killer new outfit  , you Started meditating " ivy said

" No I haven't started meditating I just downloaded the app " Harley corrected ivy

" That's the first step , your a strong independent woman who doesn't care what other people think "

" Right ?! , Who cares what joker and his stupid legion of doom buddy's think " Harley said confidentially

" Preach ! " Frank said

" Hell , I'll show them in person how little I care " Harley said , pulling out her phone , typing something

" What no , what are you doing ? " Ivy asked

"Logging into joker's calendar " Harley explained

" Oh God where off the rails " ivy said , waking towards the clown girl

Y/n walked over while saying , " I agree "

" No , let it play out " Frank protested

" Oh wait , there is a party at the Gotham mint with legion of doom guys  tommorow , if he wants to fuck with me in public I will fuck Right back ! "  Harley said , raising her bat

"Oh boy " Y/n said , he hated party's . He was a introvert , so he didn't have many friends until Harley and ivy , and he considered them to be his best friends

" Please do not do this " ivy said

" I agree with you ivy " Y/n said

" Please do this shit "

" I'm just gonna show those guys that how awesome I'm doing now , it'll be so fun ! , And you can meet a hot guy and use your love potion " Harley said , sounding excited

" This isn't a love potion , it's a distilled pheromones , it makes men infauted with me And then kills them by turning them into plants " The red head explained

" Right a love potion " both Harley and Frank said at the same time

" Please come with me please " The clown girl begged

" No " ivy said

" Don't even think about it " Y/n warned , holding up his hand

Harley smirked , " aw come on Y/n please ? , You can't say no to me "

" This time I can Harley " Y/n said , giving her a ' No way ' look

" Do it , Do it , do it , do it , do it " Harley and Frank Started chanting

" Stop , Frank shut up " Ivy warned

" Stop saying do it , fine " ivy gave up

Poison Ivy's phone  went off , Harley picked it up

" Oh shit , Howie exploded " Harley said

" No ! " Both Frank and the redhead exclaimed

" Joker , you son of a bitch " Harley said angrily , before smashing The phone with her bat , while Poison Ivy was upset that Harley Destroyed her phone

Harley , ivy and Y/n arrived at the mint

Harley had glasses , a scarf, and a tiger

The tiger growled , so did Harley , Y/n shook his head

She picked up a bottle , drank it , then removed her glasses , only to reveal that the party they crashed was a penguins nephew's birthday party , however the some members of the legion of doom where there , including bane , Scarecrow And two face

Harley removed everything , giving the tiger to a guy

Ivy walked up to her and asked , " did you know this party was for children ?

" I do now , although technically one boy becomes a man today " Harley replied

Y/n rolled his eyes , ' I regret this decision ' he thought

Penguin walked up , " Are one of the dancer's for my nephew's bar mitzvah ? " He asked before realizing who he was talking to , " Jesus , Harley , haha , Rock bottom came fast since joker dumped ya "

" Um , she dumped him , And you smell like shrimp shit , excuse us " ivy told him , Y/n Snickered before following

" We should leave " Ivy said to Harley , Y/n nodded , " I didn't want to come here "

" No , no, no , all of the legion of doom bigwigs are here , I can show them how great I am and I am gonna " Harley said

" This isn't your coming out party , this is a thirteen year old boys party " ivy tried telling her

" Look , a lot of people have made a name for themselves , bane , he decided to blow up Gotham stadium during trivia night " Harley explained

" Fine , just go don't leave me alone , or some d _ list villian will hit on me or ask do to a heist with me , the Longer we wait  ,  the longer we wait , okay she's gone "

" Kite Man " a guy in a green outfit whispered

" Woah what was that ? , Woah haha , did I just hear the wind say kite man ? " He asked , activating his kite , knocking two kids over

" I think your alone " ivy told him

" Hell yeah ! " He exclaimed , pumping his fist into the air

Y/n rolled his eyes , this idiot better not try and flirt with Poison Ivy , little did he know

( Time skip after joker leaned Harley was at the Gotham mint )

Harley walked up to bane , scarecrow and two face , " uh oh , who are these trouble makers ? , No I'm kidding I know it's you , scarecrow , two face , other half of two face , Bane " Harley said  , mocking the last part

Scarecrow and two face laughed

" I'm going to blow up this bar mitzvah ' bane pouted like a child

" Quinn, great to see ya , where have you been ? " Two face asked

" On your left where you can't see shit " She replied

All three of them laughed

" So , guess who finally got a plan to get rid of Batman , your girl " Quinn explained , but joker walked up behind her

" Guess who is trying to run , before she can crawl " joker asked

The others laughed nervously 

" Jesus " joker said in disbelief

"  Glad your here  J man  , pull up a chair doesn't bother me , doesn't bother me , who's going to be fun or is going chicken ? "

" Your going somewhere else , this is the legion of doom table , why don't you find the crazy bitch table " joker told her

" Spoilers ,it's just a real table " Bane said

" That was IMPLIED " joker yelled

" Who wants to ditch this jester and tear up Gotham with me ? " Harley tried convincing them

" Haha , come on laugh , laugh with me " joker said to the legion of doom members

They laughed

" You know what ? , Who Needs ya anyway ? , This table is far from the dance floor anyway " she said before dancing away

She sat at a different table , only for it to be Joshua's friends

" Can you believe those assholes? , You know what ? , Doesn't matter , I'll sit with you guys " Harley told them

" Uh no, this is the Joshua's best friends table "

" Unless , your the girl Joshua finger banged at camp ? " A kid with glasses asked

" If I said yes , would you let me sit here ? " Harley asked

" Trick question , Joshua has never finger banged anyone ah " a kid said before high fiveing his buddy

" So , ivy , ivy , Bo , ivy " Kite Man said , " let me ask you a personal question , have you ever seen Gotham central park "

Ivy was looking at her phone , before interrupting him and asked " from the sky ? "

" From the sky , yeah you get it " kite man Said following her

Y/n followed Them , he didn't like this guy one bit

" I was thinking you and I should do a heist together " kite man Said , trying to convince her

" Uh , you know what ? I'm kinda worn out from doing all the heist stuff , It's just kinda hard being a weak woman and what not "

Kite Man ran in front of her , pushing y/n out of the way , y/n scowled , clearly starting to get jealous

" I'll do all the heavy lifting so you don't have to break a nail , it'll be a breeze , breeze " Kite man explained

" Yep " Poison Ivy said , putting a hand on her head

" This is because my powers are wind based "

" Hey buddy , you don't have any powers " Y/n tried telling him , but he didn't listen

" You don't have any powers , you just have a kite like every kid across the world , and she doesn't want to take a heist with you cause your stupid ! " Harley yelled at him , before she and Y/n walked away

" Do you think I'm stupid ? " Kite man asked

" I mean , don't you ? " Ivy shot back. Before walking away

" These assholes always trying to pretend to friends but there really , just , ASSHOLES " Harley shouted

Joker looked up and winked at them

Y/n flipped him off

" They think ,I'm in the there league , but they don't know shit ! " Harley said , smashing the table , somebody the parents and kids left behind them

Mrs Cobblepot came up to them , " Hey girl's and guy ,  so glad you could come , I know where all evil here , but maybe try putting some sugar on that salty language , you know , kids "

" Sorry Mrs Cobblepot " Harley said

" Yeah , never again sorry " ivy replied

" Dude , we gotta get the fuck outta here " The redhead told Harley

" Hell no , I'm not giving up I'll show these legion guys I can do something not even they can " Harley explained , " What's one thing in this room one of them never had the balls to try ? "

" The fruittella ? " Ivy asked

" Even worse , I'm going to rob the Gotham mint " Harley told ivy and Y/n

Harley , Poison Ivy and Y/n where at a food table , two guys walked up

" No cuts " one of them said , before ivy tossed them with a plant

" Stop let's get real for a second , the Gotham mint is inpenetrable , there do confident , they rented the atrium out to the legion of doom " Ivy explained to Harley

" Look I'm doing this thing , alright ? "

" What If Batman shows up ? "

" I'll kill him "

" Where's the getaway car ? "

" I'll steal one "

" Where will you put the money ? "

" Look around , every kid is wearing a backpack , god , look ivy , all the you said It can't work are all the reasons I gotta do it , they may not like me but they will respect the shit out of me " Harley explained to Poison Ivy and Y/ n

" I'm starting to regret not bringing my armor , at least I brought my gun " Y/n grumbled

" All right fine , go , just go steal the money , just do me one favor before , don't leave me alone here I oh ...... " ivy looked down only to see a kid , who looked like he was under a spell

" I really should quite but I just can't " the kid said , drinking something

" Go away fragile child " Ivy told him , before walking away

" Hey , how about we ditch this place and go sneak into a pg 13 movie "

" My love potion ? " Ivy asked

" I stole your juice , and gave it to these kids , hell yeah ! " Kite man explained

"Your a idiot " Ivy said , waking up to him while pushing the kids out of the way

" Ooh , you mispronounced genius " kite Man said

" No , that potion makes fall in love with me and then kills them " The redhead explained

" What ? "

" Yes , what did you think you kite fucking freak , my name is POISON , ivy " She told kite man

" Damn , see this is why I stick to the kites , so simple  "

Y/m rolled his eyes

( Time skip after Harley beats up the guards )

Poison ivy and y/n where holding on to kite man's kite as he flew to her apparement

"Sometimes I just fly to have a quite place to think , just really let  my thoughts run wild " Kite man said to ivy and y/n

" Thoughts , pluar ? " Poison ivy asked

" What a idiot " Y/n said , hopefully ivy wasn't falling for this idiot , little did he know

( At Ivy's apparement )

" Alright I'll get the antidote , just you know don't like touch anything " Ivy explained

Y/n followed her

After she found what she looking for she said , " All right , let's boggie , kite man ? " Poison ivy asked , but he was no where to be found

" Oh no " She said , as ivy had found that kite man had taken his clothes off , which lead to a bedroom

Y/n clenched his fist , why was His friend tolerating him ?

They opened the door to find kite man on the bed , naked .

" Kite man , hell yeah ! " He exclaimed

" What are you doing ? " Ivy asked

" Getting ready to have sex " Kite man replied

Y/n couldn't believe this , he grumbled " Now I wanna kill him "

Ivy heard and punched him in the shoulder

" Why ? ! " She asked in disbelief , Y/n silently agreed

" Because after a great date , you usually have sex " he explained

Frank laughed , " Sorry , Sorry ,I was going to say something , but I wanted to see how all of this played out "

" Oh shut up  Frank " ivy said

" Ooh " the plant replied

" I'm gonna need you to put your clothes back on because this is not a date " Poison Ivy explained

Kite man pulled the blanket over himself , " I'm sorry if this wasn't a date , why did they bring me back to your place ? "

" Idiot " Y/n said , getting annoyed

" For the antidote " ivy said , getting frustrated

" Oh , I thought they was just a line "

" Why would I use a line on you ? " Ivy asked

" I don't know , I mean why would you even have me come ? , I mean a cab would have been easier , you know , I know it , we all know it "

" Jesus , get dressed " Poison Ivy told him

( Time skip after Harley tries to confuse Joshua )

Poison ivy , Y/n and kite man where returning to the bar mitzvah

" So um , I hope taking off my clothes didn't come across as  " kite man began

" Creepy ? , It did "

" It didn't "

" No  I apologise , it's just I've never been alone with a woman of your caliber , your eyes , your smile , your sillkey "

" Oh God , you know what ? "

" Strong woman , osily , the , I'm gonna be quite for a while "

There was Silence for a few minutes

" You know , it is kinda cool seeing the park from the sky , I mean when your not talking , and where just soaring majestically , your not so bad " ivy told him

" Hell yeah " kite man said

Y/n REALLY didn't like this guy , why was one of his best friends being nice to him ?

' No , If she falls in love , I'll be happy for her , at least I have Harley ' He Thought , Y/n would try and be happy if Poison Ivy fell in love with kite man

The flew over The bar mitzvah , where it looked like something had gone wrong

" Ah shit , something Is going on down there " Ivy said , Y/n nodded

" Quinn , what happened ? " He wondered out loud

( After Y/n , Poison Ivy and kite man rescued Harley and fought the legion of doom , they all returned to the apparement  )

" So , do you realize you don't have to prove to anyone how awesome you are ? " Ivy asked Harley 

" Yes , except for the legion of Doom , I need to get in into the legion of doom " Harley said

" What ? , After all that ? , Why would you want to be a part of that club those guys are such dicks ! " Poison ivy said .

" I agree " Y/n said , nodding his head

" No not all of em , when we where leaving bane said ' You go girl ' Harley told ivy

" No he distinctly said , ' ooh gogurt ' " Ivy corrected Quinn

" Ah what they had gogurt ? , Ah man ,  ivy listen , any one who is a respected super villian is In the legion of doom , that's how you know you've made it , if joker can get in , so can I , so THAT'S what I'm gonna do " Harley explained to Ivy and Y/n

Y/n replied , " Harley , I love you , but your crazy "

Harley rolled her eyes

" What you need to do is 13 year old boys out of this apparement , there starting to take root " Frank said

" Oh " Poison Ivy said

" Ok boys , so I got the antidote to turn you back into humans , ok ? , But the only effective way of doing it is when my Silvia , interacts , with uh , my Silvia " Ivy explained , trying to avoid saying kiss

" So  , is this a kiss ? " A boy asked

" No , it's not a kiss , it is , it is antidote delivery system , nothing more , you'll still be sexless nerds by the time night is over ok ? "

Y/n Snickered

After she returned them to Normal by kissing them. A kid who had obviously

" Yeah , I missed you all ready Buddy " Ivy said

" I'm still a little bit treeded " the kid tried  , but didn't work

" Ah fuck off kid " The redhead told the kid

" Yeah fuck off " Harley agreed

Y/n Started laughing , but calmed down and said seriously , " I agree , get the fuck out " , he really didn't like kids

( A/n : phew , finally done , anybody who wants to join my Harley Quinn 2019 role play , feel free )

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