Life of an Anxious Wolf

By SanderStalker

9.7K 690 307

Book 2 to Birth of anAnxious Wolf if you haven't read that read it first otherwise this won't make sense Now... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12


1.1K 88 29
By SanderStalker

One day in June the forest was alive with activity, a pair of squirrels were playing tag as they ran from tree limb to tree limb. Several birds were having a conversation across the forest. Their melodious song filling the ears of the other woodland dwelling creatures. Including a mouse who was scurrying along on the ground and jumping out of the way of some sort of predator into his little burrow safe and sound. 

Among all this nature was two men making their way along a well worn trail. One had black hair that was gelled and styled to perfection. He wore a dark blue polo shirt and a pair of black casual work shorts. Upon his face rested a pair of black squared glasses. Through which his grey blue eyes watched his companion fondly. 

The other man had fluffy brown hair that flopped around as he bounced with excitement. He had dazzling brown eyes and a bright smile to match. He had on a bright blue tea shirt and a pair of cargo shorts. He was practically vibrating with excitement as he tried to drag the other along the path. 

“Logan come on! Come on! I want to meet them at the border to surprise them!” Patton squealed in excitement. 

    “I understand your excitement Patton, but there is really no need to rush. I made sure that we departed from the pack house with plenty of time left to ensure we would get there before their arrival.” 

    “Why don’t we shift and run there so we can get there faster?” Patton said, pulling on Logan’s arm trying to make him move faster. He was ignoring what his mate had just said, he was just too excited. 

    Logan smirked, “Patton, I wished to have a romantic stroll with my mate before our Alphas return.” 

    Patton paused all his protesting and looked at Logan’s face, an even bigger smile spreading across his face. “You wanted to be romantic?” Patton question.

    Logan smiled before nodding.

    “Okie!” Patton said falling into step with Logan and resting his head on his shoulder as they walked. Soon they found themselves at the pack border. There they would wait. 

    It was about a half hour later when Patton got impatient, “I’m bored!”

    “This is why I was trying to prevent you from rushing to this location. They are not set to arrive for a while yet.” Logan pointed out.

    “I was excited! I mean think about it! They wouldn’t be coming home if they hadn’t found what they were looking for. They are both too stubborn for that. That means I am going to have a new little friend! Not to mention Molly is due any day now! That’s two little friends.” Patton was beside himself with excitement as he bounced up and down on the balls of his feet.

    Logan shook his head and was about to respond when both their heads shot up. They had caught the smell of their two Alpha’s and a new scent was accompanying them as well. If Patton had been in his wolf form his tail would have been wagging like crazy he was so excited. A few seconds later two tired looking wolves emerged from the woods. 

One was huge, had red fur and glowing red eyes, the other was slightly larger and had black fur and bright glowing purple eyes. The black one had what looked like a small bundle situated delicately to his back. 

    “Welcome back!” Patton cooed excitedly. He started running at them. The red wolf, Roman, stiffened slightly seeing Patton move so fast towards them. He glanced at his mate quickly before linking Patton.

    ‘Hang on there a second Pat!’ Roman tried to warn, but he was too late. Patton was already too close.

    Virgil’s eyes flashed and a loud threatening growl rumbled from his throat before he snapped his jaws at Patton. Logan just barely grabbed Patton out of harm's way.

    “Virgil?” Patton says shaken slightly by what had just happened. Him and Patton were close, best friends even. Why would he?

“Sorry Pat, he’s really protective.” Patton and Logan turn to find Roman had shifted back. He was a tall muscular man with bright red hair. That was marred with filth from his long trip through the woods. He had on a white muscle shirt and a pair of jeans. “He is especially so when he is a wolf.” Roman turned his attention to Virgil. “Stormcloud it's just Patton and Logan. He’s perfectly safe. Just relax.” Roman said gently. He walked over to Virgil and scooped the bundle off of Virgil’s back. The bundle squirmed a little and a small cry could be heard coming from it. Patton’s face widened into a huge grin and he tugged on Logan’s arm pointing at the bundle in Roman’s arm like a five year old wanting to show his parents something. Logan smiled fondly at his mate and nodded in understanding. 

The baby’s cries started to get louder as he woke up more. Virgil whimpered and his ears laid back on his head. He quickly shifted and grabbed the boy from his mates arms. Roman who had been trying to soothe the child himself huffed and rolled his eyes. Virgil pulled the small child in close to his chest cooing gently to the baby. The boy calmed and started making happy gurgling noises. Virgil glanced up at Roman, who was grumbling to himself in annoyance, and gave a sheepish smile. “I did it again didn’t I?” Virgil stated. 

“You know Virgil I am more than capable of calming him down.” Roman stated.

“I know, I know. I’m sorry. It’s just hard. Hearing him cry sets all my nerves off. I can’t just stand by and not do anything.” Virgil said looking back at the small babbling baby boy, a fond smile gracing his lips. 

Patton who had desperately been trying to keep quiet before couldn’t keep it together any longer. A loud almost girlish squeal escaped from his lips as he bounced on the balls of his feet. 

Virgil’s head quickly snapped up at the noise. His eyes flashing a bright purple at first before relaxing seeing it was only Patton. 

“HE IS SO CUTE!!!! What’s his name!” Patton said excitedly.

Virgil reluctantly approached Patton and Logan to allow them to get a better look. He trusted these two implicitly but he had promised himself to never let anything happen to this boy and he was going to make sure this promise was kept. “Patton, Logan meet our newest pack member. This is Thomas.” 

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