Him book 1 {completed}

By mevixx

828K 24.7K 2.6K

"Your late. I meant what I said about on the dot." Devlin says calmly, not looking up from the piles of paper... More

2: Him
3: Dreams of Him
4: Little red
5: Fall
6: Death
7:Going up or Down
8: Welcome to Cali
9: Catulus(meooow!)
10: Surprise
11: Cloud 9
12: Josette
13: Home Sweet Home
14: truth comes out
16: Warning
17: A thousands times Yes
**17: Continued**
18: Layla-Fia

15: Live a Little

27.5K 934 80
By mevixx

(Song: Party Girls by Ludacris Remix)


Two months has passed sense my mothers death.

I'm a complete mess.
I quit my job.
I isolated myself from the world.
It's been weeks sense I last spoke to Devlin.

Ashton and I live together in my outrageously big apartment. She came to comfort me for my loss.
We usually stayed home with a bucket of Cold stone ice cream. Crying our eyes out, watching sad movies like the Green mile, or Forrest Gump.

The only reason I stayed in this building, is because Devlin wouldn't let me leave. He said that if I left, he wouldn't be able to keep an eye on me.

He even pulled the o'l guilt trip on me.
"I promised your mother." he said.

After he spoke those words to me, I was never the same.
I drank.
And when I say I drank, I mean I drank a lot.
I can't remember a moment I was actually sober.
Ashton moved in with me after her and her husband got a divorce about a week ago.
He cheated on her and ended up getting aids.
I could smell the disease on him like a blood hound.

That day my mother died, I went over to Ashton's house and cried like a baby. When Sam walked in, I could see his aura. It was tainted with darkness. When he too, came to hug me for comfort, I saw flashes of images of him sleeping around with the people at his job.

All those late night overtime, was him getting a late night override.

I told Ashton about him sleeping around. I couldn't believe he would do such a thing to her. I healed her so that the aids wouldn't try to destroy her body.
But her baby... Not so much.
It never even got a chance to have it's first breath.

Devlin knew about that too. That's why he was looking at her strangely at the hospital.

It was just a horrible year for the both of us.

I was sprawled over the couch with a half empty carmel flavored, cold stone bucket.
Jenny was just about to tell Forrest that she loved him, when suddenly, the screen goes black.

Something black smacks me in the face.

"Hey!" I scream annoyed, as I pry the soft fabric off my face.

Ashton was standing in front of me, warped in a towel. Her strawberry blonde hair, was freshly washed and combed up into a messy bun. "Come on let's go dancing! We can't stay inside for the rest of our lives. Our young bodies crave the adventures of the fun life. It's been like a year sense I've had a mans hands on me." She says while wiggling her eyebrows.

"It's been two months, not a year." I say with a burp.
My head was killing me from my hang over. The good part about being a half angel; this headache would last me about three minutes or less.
I haven't told Ashton about me being an angel. Devlin told me that humans can't see our wings unless we allow them too. So I didn't have to worry about trying to hide these massive feathery fluffs from her.

"Well it feels like centuries!" She throws her hands up in the air.
"We are both going out. Pulse you need a major soak in the tub. I hate to tell you this Rah-rah, but you stink." she wrinkles up her nose.

I throw a pillow at her and she easily dodges it. Her laughter filled the air with light.
I found a small smile creep onto my face.
I lift me armpit up to sniff myself and regretted it.
"Your right, I think it's time that we do live a little. I'm going to start by taking a hot bubble bath."

"With extra bubbles." Ashton implies.

I roll my eyes and yank the black dress off the floor.

After my long bath, and struggle to detangle my hair. I held the dress up to examine it.
"Are you sure this is even a dress?" I asked Ash while she put on her makeup.
She was in a nude colored tube skirt with a black bra like crop top.

"Yes, it says I'm sexy and ready to party." she says while applying red lipstick on. She smacks her lips together.

"It looks like it's saying I'm desperate and I'm a hooker." I grumble.

"Just put it on and stop being a baby."

I sigh as I pull it over my head.
The dress barely covered my asś. The front of the dress, dipped dangerously low. On the back of the dress were strings that chris crossed one another in the shape of an X.
My back was visible for all to see. Which was fine with me. My wings could breath. I tucked them closer to my back. That way they wouldn't get bumped into while people danced around me.

Ashton walked over to me and did my hair and makeup for me.
When she was done I felt like I was going to run for Miss. America.

She flat ironed my hair, and put big Shirley temple curls in it. For my makeup, I had the after dark, smokey eyeshadow, with the cat eyes. On my lips, I had a deep royal purple color.

Ashton whistles at me.
"My work here is done. Your going to turn a lot of heads tonight."

We put on our heels and head out into the night.


That's the name if the club. It sounded pretty corny to me.
There was a long line, guarded by a red rope. A huge, hulk looking doorman, stood in the way. His huge beefy arms folded across his chest.
Ashton insisted that we use a limo to drop us off at the front.
As soon as I got out the car I heard screams.

"Korra, It's Korra!" Someone yelled.
Which was followed by a lot of people asking for autographs, asking me where have I been, and what not.

The guard directed Ashton and I in personally. Straight to the VIP part above the club!
Everything was neon and black lights. I felt like I was in some kind of sexy freak circus.
Women and men danced on mini platforms or inside of cages hanging from the ceiling.
Every type of party light you could imagine was decorated around the whole place.

I felt a little better with my outfit because a lot of the girls her barely had anything on.
Now that I looked around everybody was with someone. Whether it was just two or three; the most I've seen was five. All grinding and kissing one another.

"Okay let's split up and play that game we use to play." Ashton says with a playful grin.

"Ring-a-Ling? But I forgot how to do it." I say.

"Just do your famous eye thingy." she yells over the music.
It started to pick up to a fast beat.

Let me explain Ring-a-ling. It was a game we use to play at parties. We use to see how many numbers we could get in one night. Either girl or boy. Then when we got home, we would try to call all of them. To see who could hold the longest conversation with them. e
We would usually scream like banshees and hang up.

It was stupid.
But that's what friends do. They do stupid things with each other.

Ashton was already gone before I could tell her to be safe.
I knew Ash could handle herself. I've seen her knock out men, four times her tiny self.
But that wasn't what I was worried about.

Ever sense we stepped foot in this club. I could feel darkness all around me. It was like the whole club pulsed with it.
I was getting a little dizzy with all the dark vibes going off.
Something evil lurked in the shadows, watching over everyone. Even me.

I felt like I could feel their eyes on my neck.

I backed up into someone.
Something spilled on my neck and I squealed from the shock of coldness.

"I'm so sorry." A sweet voice said from behind me.

I turned around and almost screamed.
This guy was drop dead freaking gorgeous.
Standing at about 6'3 with a clean cut. He whore a white suit with a single black rose in the pocket. His Snow White hair was tousled on his head as if he just rolled out bed.
He defiantly stood out like a sore thumb.

His grey eyes shined with something I couldn't put my finger on.
His aura was strange. It was like nothing I had ever seen before.
With swirls of black, red, and yellow.
A tiny black cloud hovered over his head, resembling a crown.
It soon vanished when he clears his throat. I think he said something else, but I was too distracted by his stormy eyes.

"I asked if you would like a drink." He repeats.
"Oh-uh sure." I say stupidly.
He leads me to the bar and our hands touched.
In that moment the world decided to flip me over.
I couldn't remember which way was up which was down. I stumbled across the floor with him.
He handed me a colorful fruity drink. A puff of smock rose out if the drink. the smoke changed into a skull. Strangely, it reminded me of Devlin. My mind was to far gone to grasp onto an image of him.

I slurped the drink up in 5 seconds flat.
I was pushed to the dance floor. Lead only by this unknown mans, silver-grey eyes.
We danced in a seductive way.
With our bodies so close together, I was sure he could feel my thundering heat beat.

"What is your name, pretty little anguli?" He spoke in sweetness.

Did he just use Latin!
Wait focus Korra. He asked what's your name.
Tell him your name!

No! Don't tell him your name.
You know nothing about this guy! He's not even human! A voice spoke to me so loudly in my mind. It sounded just like Devlin.

"M-my name is... L-Lotte." I say. My voice sounded weird. Almost like I was in a cave. My voice bounced back and all around me.

He smiles and I could have sworn I saw fangs under theses black lights.
"Your lying." he says.

"You can trust me." He cocks his head to the side.

My fingertips were driving me crazy. I could feel the heat of my light powers wanting to protect me.

"Who are you?" I whisper softly.

He traces his fingers down my spine between my wings.
I shiver from his ice cold touch.
A gasp escape my lips when he gently strokes my wings.

He can see them!

"The question is what am I little anguli." He smirks.
I wanted to get away from him. To scream for help but I couldn't. His eyes were so hypnotic. I couldn't look away.
My legs grew weak.

"W-what are you then?"

"My name is Kingston. I am the Incubus King. I see that you bare the mark, of the angle of death." He lightly tugs on my koala bear necklace.

"He took something precious of mine, so I'm going to take something of his." he pulls me closer.

I needed to get out of here!
My eyes frantically searched for Ashton.
"Don't worry about her. She's having the time of her life." He jerks his head to side, to a poorly lite corner.

Two men, with scary beauty features, were touching all over Ashton. Kissing, sucking, licking her body, as if their very lives depended on it.

When Ash opened her blessed, closed eyes. They were completely white and bloodshot, like she was in a trance.
She didn't even look like herself. I saw on of the men flicker and change into some hideous ugly beast. Then quickly shift back into a handsome male.

I looked all around me, and noticed other humans with the same, lifeless eyes, as Ashton.

I saw a small trail of purple light seep out of a human male, and into a female succubus. The poor human grew paler.
She was feeding off of him.


"Let her go, she didn't do anything to you!" I shout.
Well, at least I think I shouted out. It probably came out like a helpless whisper.

"Why, is she not having fun, no?" He leans his face into my neck.
His hot breath was toxic.
I fought against my will to give into him.

"Don't fight it little anguli, you know you want to let me take you. I will take you to a pleasurable place. A place you never even knew existed." His voice was so seductive.

I could smell my own arousel in the air. I was dripping with lust.
And he knew it.

He swooped me up in his arms and took me to a hidden place in the shadows of the club.

"N-no people will see!" I coo.

What is wrong with me? I wasn't going to actually let him screw me!
Was I?

"Everyone else is occupied. They won't know." he mumbles on my neck. He trailed chilling kisses down my collar bone.

I bite my bottom lip.
Damn it, I should have listened to him, and stayed in the safety of my home!

He hiked my dress up, tearing my panties to shreds. In one fluid motion; he buried himself inside me.
I cry out from the sudden force.

"That's right anguli... Don't fight it." he said through a grunt.
Kingston pumped inside of me rapidly.
He repeatedly hit my sweet spot until I felt my body fill up with fire.

I didn't want to succumb.

Devlin where are you!?

"I'm-I'm....ahh!" I couldn't get my words out. They were shattered to pieces, like my body was in my orgasm.
Kingston came after me.
Spilling his cum inside my.
The force from his ejaculation, had my body shatter with another ear splitting, scream of an orgasm.

I felt the full weight of grief and pain, as the wave of reality washed over me.


My body buzzed with new found rage.
I felt like it was coming from someone else.
My necklace burned my skin.

"You little shit!" I say in a more confidant voice. It almost sounded like Devlin.
Which would be impossible because he wasn't here.

With fast reflex, I lunged for Kingston's throat.

"Don't. Ever. Touch her. Again!" I screamed in a menacing tone.
Yep, it sounded just like Devlin. Kingston's eyes seemed to glow. His pupils slit, like a cats.
He clawed at my fingers around his neck.
My fingers tightened there hold.

I heard growls from all around me. I snapped my head up and noticed that other succubus and incubus were crowding around us.
They crouched low on the ground ready to snatch me away from their king.
Yet, they held their ground.

Black smoke floated by their feet. Almost as if it were keeping them out.

"Catulus!" Devlin's voice was now behind me.
My hands were still wrapped around the bewildered Kingston.

I turned around and saw him.

He looked just as sexy as I remembered him.
He grew a lot more hair on his chiseled face. He looked so weak. Those blue eyes of his were filled with madness of furry. His scythe had black smoke fuming off of it.
He was dressed in all black from head to toe.
His hood slowly eased it's way over his head.
Putting him in total darkness.
His glowing white eyes were the only thing showing.

"You can let go of him, he won't touch you." he tells me. His voice sounded demonic and gruffly.

I slowly pry my fingers away from his throat.
The rage I felt from before, now lingered in the air.
I realized that it was Devlin's rage I felt before.

Kingston stayed on the ground and smiled.
"Well, well well, if it isn't my brother-in-law Angelus mortis. So nice to see you after all these centuries." I could sense the heavy sarcasm in his words.


"He's Josette's little brother. A pain in my asś too. He thinks that I sold Josette's soul over to the devil on purpose. It's a lie. I loved her." Devlin says through clinched teeth.

"You killed her! You know you did!" Kingston spits, "So I took something of yours. Just like you took my sister!" He laughs like a lunatic.
I could see the wickedness in his eyes.

It scared me.

I think I'm gonna be sick.
My stomach didn't feel to good. I dropped down to my knees, and threw up every once of liquid I drank tonight.

Devlin was by my side.
Kingston sat up and chuckled to himself.

"You hear that?" Kingston asked.

I strained to hear whatever he was hearing. I could only hear the anger growls and grunts of the other demons. They still struggled to get past the smoky barrier.

I felt Devlin freeze in place.
"What? What do you hear?" I asked.

I searched his black hood to see any signs of his face. I finally gave up.

"It has began." Kingston says.

The crowd now began to chant something.
I couldn't understand it.

"Cambion. Cambion. Cambion!" Their voices seemed to grow louder and louder each time they repeated that word.

Devlin placed his hand over my stomach.
He quickly draws his hand back.

"Devlin?" I whisper.

"No, your wrong Kingston. The unborn child bares my mark."
Devlin stands up, while helping me up.

The chanting stopped.
Kingston wasn't smiling anymore.

I stopped breathing.
Unborn child?
A baby!
I had a baby inside of me!

Kingston paced in front of us.
"The child may have your mark, but it also has my genes as well as yours."

I lightly place my hand over my flat belly.
Something pushed against my fingertips.
I gasp.

This can't be happening!

"Listen it's heartbeat Mortis... Feel it's aura. It's tainted with royal incubus blood. When it is born, It will come to me. I shall make it my slave!" Kingston laughs.

Thoughts of my baby doing his dirty work filled my head.
He can't have my little nudger!

"Your sick!" I scream.
I could feel my wings extend.
My clothes changed into something new.

I now had on a white skirt that was cut at the sides.
White ribbons formed around my breast. Silver armor appeared as well.
A sword grew into my hand.
Silver glowing tattoos covered my exposed skin.

My whole body pulsed with energy.

I held the sword tighter in my grip, as I charged for Kingston.

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