Get Your Guns | Vol. 1 | Jami...

By AllMightyLovebird

61.7K 1.7K 477

Vol. 1 in the Bower series About 8 hours ago Jamie Campbell Bower became what is called single. He found out... More

1| Scotch
2 | Sucker Punch
3 | Tickets
4 | Opening Night
5 | The process of getting laid
6 | Dip Cans
7 | In the spirit of celebration
8 | Uncooperative Deadweight
9 | Random gravity checks
10 | Tent Alert
11 | A clash of worlds
12 | Research
13 | Lasertag Champion
14 | Known as myself
15 | Casa de Skye
16 | Principles
17 | The Heavens Opened
18 | Trickery
19 | Wait Till Tomorrow
21| To Love And Let Go
22 | Bastard
23 | Tree Redheads
24 | Shadowhunter Boot Camp
25 | In Love With You
26 | I want you
27 | Cocooned sore potato
28 | Challenges by Rhys
29 | Bower-napping
30 | Change of plans

20 | Gigs, chicks and rock n' roll

1.4K 49 6
By AllMightyLovebird


Kissing Jamie = Bad idea.

Not kissing Jamie = bad idea...

Do you see my dilemma? I can't even begin to figure out how I feel about him, he's drop dead gorgeous, handsome as hell, he has his moments of intelligence - once a week or so. I have to admit he's a brilliant actor, he's sweet and one of the only people I have met in a very long time that actually seems sincere. No bullshit.

But he is also Jamie... The guy who will for 10 bucks pee in some random guy's coffee or poop in the middle of a park filled with people if dared to do it. On the top of all that he also has patience shorter than a two year old toddler. The guy wasn't exactly what you would call normal - not even close, but he was Jamie.

The night was dark and without a wind to freshen up the streets of London. Everyone went about their business, clutching their jackets and newly bought scarves to protect themselves from the bitter cold November winds. The weather had within a couple hours changed from dull, grey and rainy to icy cold, starry and snow threatening. Every puddle on the ground was slowly icing over. Our breaths hang in the air like small clouds, arising from our mouths and nostrils, as if the human race may just turn into a pack of mighty dragons at any moment.

Jamie and I were pacing quickly down the street trying to keep the warmth in our bodies and maybe get to the pub just somewhat on time. The others would already be there by now, complaining over Jamie's absence. They would probably blame me for honking him when we final got there, none the less we hurried along.

We had consumed the whole pizza and a couple of pop tarts before finally declaring ourselves full enough to continue our errands of this evening. The target was Yuki's pub, where the gig was to be held at 10 PM this evening. Current time 10:07 PM, we were already late. Thankfully we had decided against taking Jamie's car, the argument being "it would be too difficult finding a parking spot near a pub at 10.00 PM on a Friday night." This assumption turned out to be very much correct. Cars filled the street and we would have been a lot more than 15 minutes late if we hadn't walked.

The street in front of the bar was filled to the brim, screaming, chattering girls everywhere. Almost all of them teenagers. Shit. As they saw Jamie coming down the street some of them started screaming and just before Jamie was evolved by a massive wave of teenage girls he whispered in my ear, "go find a good spot in the bar and tell the other I'm on my way, I can handle them," he pointed at the oncoming girls and pushed me carefully to the side, away from the tsunami of teenage hormones coming our way and towards the front doors of the bar that had just in a couple seconds gotten a lot more unoccupied.

I walked in I headed for the stage at the back of the room. Tristan, Roland and Dan currently inhabited it, at first they looked to be in good spirit, but as the girls filled out they started to pout.

"Losing your only admires?" I joked as I took a leapt up on the platform that was the stage. The pub looked as it always did: Dark woods on the floor and halfway up the wall; before it changed to reddish wallpaper, it was all very western. The pool table, the stage the two wood columns in the middle of the room and the round tall tables placed at the outskirts making space for a dance floor in the middle, add a bar to that and you have my favourite saloon.

"Hilarious, Skye..." Roland said shooting me a toothy grin, "where is Jamie, the bastard should be here by now," all of them looked at me as if I was to blame, which I was... But only partly!

"Give him a minute he'll have to get through the crazies out there," I defended him, if he hadn't pushed me away I would probably have been trampled by the wave. Dan was sitting behind the drums looking unexpectedly miserable, wonder what had happened to him. Had Maggie stopped talking to him or had his dog died - oh wait he didn't have a dog... It was Tristan who had a dog right? Oh never mind... though, had Maggie? No, he was probably just having a bad day... right? Of course he and Maggie was still on good terms, anything else would just be utterly ridiculous. Dan continued saying nothing all the same, so if I wanted to know I would have to ask him later.

"Oh well, I hope he doesn't enjoy himself too much, he was supposed to be here 45 minutes ago to help set up!" Roland grumbled picking his bass and hoisting the strap up over his head, so he could stand up properly with it. Tristan was just standing there casually waiting not seeming bothered at all that Jamie was late, but then again he was on his phone intensely trying to top his Flappy bird high score, for what I could hear.

"He told me he should be here at ten," I said kind of surprised, I would have thought Jamie to be more consistent with his gigs, showing up on time being one of the things that is required for being consistent.

"Well, he lied," Roland stated roughly and just in that moment Jamie came charging in with a horde of girls right at his heals and a couple on his flanks. What the hell was he doing? Running as fast as it was humanly possible through the pup dashing in and out between chairs and tables he reached the stage and scrambled onto it grabbing the mike in such a hurry that he almost knocked over Tristan.

I myself had quietly left the stage as soon as I saw them coming charging in, knowing that I did not want to be up on that stage being recognised as 'that girl Jamie had started hanging out with'. It was weird that people didn't seem to notice me at all, but then again who was I compared to their precious Jamie? Nothing. In front of me the guys started taking their places. Roland finished tweaking the bass, Tristan picked up his guitar giving it a strum, Dan started drumming a steady beat on the drums his whole body following said beat, and Jamie did almost exactly the same as Tristan, except he started talking into the mike as soon as the tone emanating from his guitar ended.

"Halloo everybody," he said laughingly and everyone answered him in unison hello! Giggling and screaming at every opportunity, "Quite a run we had there, ay!" he laughed and the girls giggled dreamily, "As you seem to already know we're a band called the darling buds!" at this everyone cheered and Jamie's smile got even bigger.

If I had got my sketchpad on me I would have started drawing him and the others, capture whatever essence the moment contained in a drawing, just as I had done the first time I had seen Jamie. But unfortunately I had left it at home so I settle for a napkin and a pen the bartender offered me. I started to draw Jamie. His vibrant eyes, strong jaw, high cheekbones but somehow I found that I couldn't get it just right. There was always just something off; the problem was that I just could not for the life of me figure out what that something was.

They had first started playing a song called "get your guns" everybody yelled the words back at them in the chorus and soon it got so loud and energetic that it was intolerable not to get up and go nuts with all the other screaming girls. So I got up and mixed with the crowed of crazies.

The next songs was "Venice" this was a beautiful song which everyone swayed along to, sometimes trying to sing along too but that somehow always failed. The third song was "waiting" which everyone also seemed to know. Somewhere in between the second and third song time stopped and the whole world was just Jamie sing, girls screaming the words back at him, Jamie smiling and jumping around the stage like a crazy person. Soon after many songs, he suddenly went awfully quite, almost as if he was taking some huge decision. A quite Jamie was thinking Jamie. Which was usually a really bad thing.

"As you might have known I have for a while hung out with a girl..." he began, oh shit! I franticly tried to find my way out of the crowed, which just had decided to move in on me, making an escape impossible. What the hell! ".. called Skye, she is that redhead you have seen me with.." everyone started chitchatting amongst themselves, " and no guys she is NOT my girlfriend so just quit being mean to her!" if even possible more chitchat raised at this announcement, it was now that people started noticing me. I was roughly standing in the middle of the crowed, my read hair beaming out my position.

"The reason for us hanging out is that Skye here," Jamie reached out his hand gesturing towards me. I froze, maybe if I didn't move they wouldn't notice me, was my idiotic thought. Needless to say it didn't work. As soon as Jamie gestured in my direction everyone turned to look at me. An awkward smile plastered itself on my features. "Is a very talented singer," Jamie finished smiling down at me; he had a spark in his eyes that worried me quite a bit. What was he up to?

"And she has agreed..." no. oh hell no! "To sing" don't you dare say it Jamie! "A song with me!" I'm going to call my lawyer, I haven't signed up for this! "Come up here Skye!" no! Was my one and only thought, like hell I was performing up there with him! What the hell was he thinking! I was an actress not some wannabe singer! What was he doing?! But my opinion in the matter had just gotten invalid. Everyone was pushing me towards the stage. A knot had formed in my stomach. Speeding up my heart rate and sending adrenaline pulsing through my veins. When I got to the stage Jamie reached out his hand to help me up, I took it unconsciously, scrambling up on the stage in what only can be described as pure horror.

Jamie pulled me closer for just a second whispering into my ear, "relax Skye, you look like you have seen a ghost," I just glared angrily at him and unlike the annoyed look I might have expected, his features morphed into a mask of pity and sympathy, "don't worry Skye, you know the song in and out, it's 'hurt' by Johnny Cash," he told me which was both a comfort because I actually did know this song in and out, and unnerving because I still kind of had to perform this said song in front of a gazillion people, or that's what it seemed like. I could go up on a stage and make an utter fool of myself if I had a character to hide behind, and I would care squat, but going up there and sharing a song with Jamie and all these people... For me that was almost too much to handle.

"Is that supposed to make this better?" I hissed quietly at him, but he just grinned as he took my arm tugging me closer so I could sing into the same microphone as him. Then he stroked the first chord, plucking each sting to perfection.

"Just like we rehearsed, Skye" he said and then he started singing.

"I hurt myself today

to see if I still feel"

After the first verse, I shaking joined him and just like that it all went away. The screaming girls, the sickening feeling in my gut, the whole world relaxed and then transformed itself into another one. We were nowhere and everywhere all at the same time. Before I even realized the last tone was sung and the last note had echoed out. Everyone started screaming as they had done at the end of every song and Jamie took my hand and raised it into the air as if I was the winner of a boxing match. As soon as I scrambled of the stage the sickening feelings returned to me. Reality was back. A/N: remember to VOTE, and maybe COMMENT if you are enjoy the story! tell me your thoughts it means a lot! thank you!

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