The Tale Of Kira And Saga | ✓

By taledust

1.6K 102 13

"Will I see you again?" he straighten his posture, looking alarm. "There's a possibility." She smiled, "I rea... More

f o r e w o r d
e p i g r a p h
s a t u
d u a
t i g a
e m p a t
l i m a
e n a m
d e l a p a n
s e m b i l a n
s e p u l u h
s e b e l a s
d u a b e l a s
a f t e r w o r d

t u j u h

77 7 0
By taledust

Saga parked the car near the ice cream store and took a deep breath. He was early. He contemplated for a minute if he should or wait for a few minutes or just went straight to her now. Deciding on the latter, he get out of the car. Making sure that he has everything, he stop on his track when he saw a familiar figure about to enter the shop. He duck his head, in hope that the man will not notice him but failed miserably when he sees Mr. Cho gave him a glance and look straight into his eyes.

Unsure of what to do, he wait for him to react first, to say something —anything. He didn't though. He just break the eye contact and left him standing near his car as Mr. Cho pull the door, entering the shop.

"Shit," Saga mutter to himself, "What the fuck was that?"

He lean on his car and waited. He could see Kira's face and Mr. Cho's back. He looked composed —at least his back look composed, while Kira was the total opposite. He could see her emotions as clear as day on her face. She was annoyed, irritated, and clearly upset. He saw how her face fell when she sees her father and he couldn't help but wonder why. He notice she had the same expression last night when she left the dinner table.

Saga had been waiting for twenty minutes and decided he had enough waiting, taking a deep breath he made his way to the door smiling at the thought of finally seeing Kira again and spending the afternoon with her. He pull the door and notice the hurt on Kira's face making his smile flatter and he notice how Mr. Cho's back went rigid for a second before he gain his composure and gave him another look,

"Is is a bad time? I can come back later if—"

"No," Kira cut him off, "He was just leaving."

Saga couldn't understand the words Mr. Cho said next. But it does not take a genius to tell that he was unwelcome here, his blatant stares was enough proof for that. Saga held his breath, hopefully it wasn't obvious that he was nervous. His eyes went to Kira who replied his father words in Korean.

"Anya, appa." Kira said, giving Mr. Cho a stern look that match his. Saga assume she was refusing whatever it is that his father said,

"I think it's enough talking for today." Kira said again, no longer speaking Korean to her father. He was surprised to say that Mr. Cho sigh in defeat and walks away, giving him one of his stern looks —that he knew now that he experience it enough, before pushing the door.

If that's even possible Mr. Cho infamous stern looks gets more sterner and scarier every time he experience it, and he got a feeling it won't be the last time he get those stares that he was dreading.

The bell chimes telling them that he was out, with that he sigh in relief apparently so does Kira.

"Are you okay?" Saga asked as he walk closer to her. He put his hands on his pocket holding himself to tuck her hair behind her ears. He was worried at her disheveled state.

"Yes," She nodded at him, "Yeah, I'm fine."

Saga smile at her, it was obvious to both of them that she was lying. But he didn't mind, "Alright, go grab your things. We're going out."

Hopefully he'll manage to cheer her up.


As cliché as it sounds, Saga had bring her to go to the nearest arcade in town and surprisingly she have a very good time. It took her mind off things, and she must admit Saga did a wonderful job at cheering her up.

They did not know what to play at first but then they ended up playing this shooting game machine called aliens and killed a bunch of them, it was a stress relief really. They play dance dance revolution and failed miserably since none of them can dance.

They play Mario Kart, and Tank-Tank she won both, of course. Saga also play claw crane. He didn't win anything though but he did tried —six times to be exact, until Kira decided it was enough. Saga protested about it, telling her he was so close but really he said that everytime and in Kira's defense, it was painful to watch him struggle and keep failing. So she asked him if they can play another shooting game instead because she quiet enjoyed it.

"Can I tell you something?" Saga asked, now that they're at the diner that was on the opposite of the arcade. They sat down near the window looking at the neon bright lights coming from the arcade.

"Sure," she took a bite of her fries. "What is it?"

"I was actually thirty minutes early today," He paused, looking at her cautiously. "Um...I was about to walk away from my car when I saw your father about to enter the shop."

Kira didn't know what to say, does that mean he listen their arguments? she asked herself. Not that he would understand it if he did, they were speaking Korean. As if he was reading her mind he continue,

"I didn't eavesdrop or anything, I stay near my car and waited before I decided I had enough waiting" he said still looking at her cautiously, afraid that it'll upset her. "but I mean, I could see your expression from the window. It just seems bad. I couldn't help but wonder what happened,"

Kira sigh, still not sure what to say to him. She could feel his eyes was watching her every small move. She look up to see his eyes and was greeted with such concern and warmth. There were so many emotions dancing in his eyes. She love it, yet it confused her.

Frowning, she look down. Breaking the eye contact.

She never felt so much emotions coming from a guy before. The guy she knew were always so composed that it makes them look rigid and cold. It's safe to say that Samuel Gale is different. She haven't decide if that was a good thing or a bad one.

"Kira," he called, making her look up to see those beautiful eyes again. He grabbed both of her hands and wrap it into his. "I wasn't asking you to talk about it, I was just letting you know that I'm here if you ever need a company."

"Are you really though?" The words came out before she could even stop it. She sound vulnerable and fragile. She doesn't like it.

"I'm always gonna be here for you, Kira." he replied slowly, kissing the back of her hand. The small gesture that make her heart burst in joy, "I'll always be here. I promise"

Kira hesitated, "Promises are made to be broken, Samuel."

"Alright then, it's not a promise but it's an oath." he replied, "I, Samuel Gael. Oath to always be there for you, Kira Cho. Whatever happens, I'll always be there for you. Just give me the time and place, and before you know it I'll be right next to you."


The drive back was silent. It wasn't awkward or anything, it just a comfortable silent with Kira who quietly hummed some of the song that was played on the radio and it made him smile. He love that she was comfortable enough to do that in front of him,

Everybody's Changing by Keane was playing when Kira suddenly jump on her seat, "No way! I love this song"

Saga chuckled and turn the radio up for her, she lean back on her seat and start singing along and he follow suit, not even trying to sound good and it made her laugh. They ended up singing their hearts out and it sounds terrible. He loved every moment of it, so does she.

They were still laughing when saga parked the car and Kira notice that her car is back. She look at the her unit patio when a certain movement catch her eyes. She could see their sliding door are wide open and she could see a familiar red hair pacing around the room. She didn't think much about it until she sees the person in front of Reena.

"Shit." Kira cussed, quickly unbuckle her seatbelt and ran inside. Saga was quick to follow her too. Their unit was on the second floor and Kira was running while she went up the stairs, she almost fell because she trip on one stair but luckily Saga held her. She was back wrapped in his chest just like last night and it made her heart flutter. His scent was intoxicating for her and he was so close that she could feel his breath fanning on her.

Shaking her head, she could hear Reena's faint voice followed by Brandon's and she quickly snap out of her daze, remembering that this was not the time. She gave him a nod, and they made their way to her door.

Adam and Dave were standing awkwardly in the kitchen, while Reena and Brandon were yelling on each other throat near the living room window that was wide open.

"You're a piece of shit. Nothing but a piece of shit." Reena had spat, jabbing her finger into his chest.

"What about you, Sabrina? You think you're better than me?" Brandon spat back, mocking her. "Do I need to remind you what happened? I was there too. Don't act like you're a saint. You're as fucked as I am."

"How dare you!" Renna was about to jump on Brandon and that's when Kira jump in front of her, hugging her making both of them almost fell but she was quick on her feet and balance herself and Kira. "Let me go, I'll fucking kill him!"

"No, Reena. You don't want to do that." Kira said, trying to knock some senses into her best friend.

"Yes I do!" Reena jump trying to reach for Brandon who was smirking at her. "You better wipe that smirk off your face, Wilson!"

"Or what?" He replied, challenging her.

"Don't fucking tempt me!" Renna spat again, wiggling her way out of Kira's grip.

"Or what?" Brandon said again, "You'll hurt me?"

"Kira fucking let me go so I can beat his ass!"

"No, Reena. You do not want to do that!" Kira repeat her words, "Violence isn't the answer, snap out of this."

"Fuck yes I do, just let me go I'll fucking prove it to you!" She replied, still struggling to get out of Kira's tight grip. "And violence is always the key when you're dealing with a prat like Wilson!"

Renna jump again trying to took Kira's off guard. She glare at Adam and Dave who were still standing in the kitchen, just staring at the them. "Tell your friend to shut up, idiots."

"Unlike some of you my friends doesn't like to intervene any of my shits, Kira." Brandon said clicking his tongue, making Reena even more angry now that he also insult her friend.

"How dare you!" Reena said, "Kira fucking let me go, let me hurt him!"

"Sabrina," Kira replied sternly, she is getting tired holding her friend back. "Stop this nonsense and I will let you go."

Reena was still struggling and wiggling for a second, but then she stopped. Still breathing heavily she finally said, "Okay, okay. I'm calm."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes!" she yelled, but then she huff out a breath before taking a deep breath as if to recollect herself and replied in a calmer voice this time, "Yes, I am."

Kira slowly let her best friend go, and look at her cautiously. She took a small step back and wait if her friend would do anything stupid but Reena was just adjust her blouse and skirt, and was fixing her hair too, as if to gather her last sense of pride.

"Good, now that you're calm—" She should have known that she spoke too soon and jinx herself. Because within a blink of an eye, Reena was already straddling Brandon and the was next thing she know they six of them were already on their way to the hospital.


Sabastian made his way to the hospital corridor with Daniel following him closely from behind. He was having a date with his boyfriend when Dave called in panic saying Brandon was unconscious and they were on their way to the hospital.

He saw Adam and Dave talking to the nurse. Sabastian quicken his pace to reach the pair, "How is he?"

"He's fine. He's awake." Adam replied giving Sabastian an assuring look. "Dave, go take them, I'll finish this."

Dave gave his brother a nod and take Sabastian and Daniel inside. From afar he could see three heads waiting outside. Kira was glaring at Reena who was scowling, and glaring at the floor. When they were close enough, Sabastian finally asked the two girls, "What the hell happened?"

Kira look up and see a fuming yet worried Sabastian.

"Well?" Sabastian added.

"Tell him, Sabrina." Kira spoke, making her friend scowl even more while Sabastian raise his eyebrow at Kira who was using Reena full name, letting them know she was upset at her best friend. Renna sigh then mumble the words under her breath.

"What?" Sabastian asked, making Reena groan and repeat herself but it was still inaudible. Finally had enough, he snapped, "Jesus Christ, speak woman!"

"I straddled him and accidentally knock him out." She finally said out loud. Too loud even. Earning wary glances from the nurses that walk pass by. To be the cherry on top, Brandon was coming out of the room while holding an icepack on the back of his head, grumbling to himself. Everyone eyes were looking at the pair back and forth.

But not Sabastian's he was still staring at Reena as if she grows another head.

"What?" He blurt out, "What the fuck were you thinking, Reena?"

"I wasn't." She grit her teeth, still frowning.

"Good to know you rarely used your brain, Sabrina." Brandon said casually. Reena glare at him, she was about to gave him another retort but another voice stop her.

"Alright easy now, we don't want anyone to get knock out again now do we?" Adam said when he finally get to Brandon's side, patting his back. "Come on guys, who's hungry?"

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