Tell Your Truth

lalalalah123 tarafından

52.3K 934 361

Sequel to "Unspeakable Pain." This book picks up right where the last one left of. When a stranger from Jugh... Daha Fazla

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Black Lives Matter
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
last chance!!
Chapter 39
I need to say this.
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Another little thing
Chapter 42
Im sorry
Chapter 43

Chapter 13

1.2K 23 18
lalalalah123 tarafından

Time skip- June 30th, day before they leave for the Fourth of July trip 

Betty POV

Our trip was finally here. Today, we were all packing since we were leaving early tomorrow morning. I finished packing all of my stuff earlier because I had to help Jughead pack Jellybeans clothes. I put my bag in my back seat and drove to FP's house since I was watching Jelly for a few hours before Jug would get here. I arrived and knocked on the door and FP answered it. 

"Hey, Betty! You know you don't have to knock right?" he asked laughing.

"I-uh. I wasn't sure since Jughead doesn't live here anymore." I said and he nodded. 

"Well, even though he doesn't live here, you are still welcome here anytime." he said and I smiled. "Jelly! come here!" he yelled and she ran into the living room. 

"What daddy? I was playing with my dolls." she said as she ran into the room. "Betty!" she yelled and ran into my arms so I picked her up. 

"Hey, Jelly" I said and kissed her cheek. 

"Why are you here?" she asked confused. 

"I'm watching you until Juggie gets here." I told her and she cheered. 

"Can we play?!" she yelled and FP and I both laughed.

"Sure." I said laughing. 

"Jelly, come give me a hug goodbye." FP said and I put Jellybean down and she ran to him giggling, giving him one of her bear hugs. She let go and he crouched down to her height. "Jellybean, I need to tell you something and you have to make sure you listen." he said to her. 

"Okay, daddy! My listening ears are on!" she said and we laughed. 

"I have to go a work trip and I'm not going to be home for 1 week-" he told her but she interrupted him.

"1 week? How long is that?" she asked and I held back my laugh.

"7 days." he said and she looked shocked and sad.

"B-but thats so long" she said he bottom lip starting to quiver. "Who will watch me?" before we could answer she asked another question. "Am I going to momma's? Please don't send me to mommas. I be a good girl, I promise." she said starting to cry and my heart broke at the sight.

"Awe, come here." He said and hugged her. "I promise I will never send you to your moms house, ever." he said and she calmed down releasing from the hug. "And, Betty and Jughead are going to watch you. They even have a little surprise planned." FP said and Jellybean looked at me smiling. 

"Whats the surprise?" she asked and I laughed. 

"I can't tell you." I told her and she giggled. 

"Honey, you have to promise me that you are going to listen to Betty and Jughead all week." FP told her. 

"I will be a good girl. I promise!" she said and I smiled at her cuteness. 

"Go play while I talk to Betty." he said and she giggled and ran off. "I know you and Jughead will take care of her and she'll be fine but if you guys have any questions you can call me. Also, she still gets her nightmares sometimes so she may wake up crying. If she does, you guys know how to handle it. Jug knows this but I"ll tell you too, her nap time is at 1 and she normally sleeps til 2:30-3 ish and then she goes to bed between 7:30 and 8:30, depending on how tired she is. Jug told me to just let you do the packing, so I've done nothing." he said chuckling and I laughed. 

"okay" i said still laughing.

"Well, I better head out now. Bye Jelly!" he yelled and she ran in the room again. 

"Bye, daddy" she said giving him another hug. They both let go and Jellybean came to me, and I picked her up while FP opened the door with his bag in his hand. 

"Oh! I also left some money in the kitchen for you guys." he said before leaving and I sighed knowing we told him we didn't need his money. 

2 Hours Later

"Jellybean it's time for your nap." I said and she groaned.

"But I don't want to." She whined.

"It does not matter if you want to or not. You still need to take your nap so you aren't grumpy later." I said and she thought for a minute before responding.

"I only sleep, if you sleep with me." She said and I laughed. 

"Jelly, I have things to do." I said and she looked at me shaking her head. 

"Please Bettyyy" she begged with her puppy dog eyes and I gave in. 

"Fine" I sighed. She stood up and ran upstairs to her room, me not far behind her. "Put your jammies on" 

"I have to go potty" she told me and ran to the bathroom. I helped her and then she changed into her pajamas and then I put her in her bed. "Can you tell me a story?" she asked me. 

"Sure! What do you want it to be about?" I asked her expecting her to say princesses.

"You and Juggie!" she said and I was shocked. 

"hmmm okay. Well, there was this girl and she had a whole bunch of friends but she was missing something. She wanted someone who truly loved her. Then, there was this boy who had some friends but he still wanted someone who accepted who he really was. Then, when the boys school closed he met the girl. They instantly had a connection but, they were from different sides of the town. He was a southsider who everyone said were these bad guys. While, she was a Northsider, who everyone thought was perfect. But, when these 2 people started dating and fell in love, they showed everyone that Southsiders are not bad and everyone can be a good person. The end." I said and she smiled at me. 

"You love Juggie?" she asked me and I couldn't help but smile. 

"So much. Just as much as I love you." I said and she giggled. I played with her hair while she fell asleep cuddled into me. I felt my eyelids getting heavy and before I knew it I was asleep too. 

Jughead POV

I was doing some work at the bar until I realized it was 1:45 and I told Betty I'd be at the house by 2. So, I told everyone good bye and drove to the house. I arrived and walked in. 

"Hello? Betty?" I whisper shouted knowing Jellybean is sleeping. When I heard no response I was confused. I decided to go check upstairs thinking she might be packing Jellybeans clothes right now. When I walked into Jelly's room I saw the cutest sight. I saw my little sister all cuddled up next to my girlfriend and they were both sound asleep. I couldn't help it, so I took a picture and set it as my new lock screen. Then I realized, these two girls are my whole world. God, they make me such a softy. I went to clean up Jellybeans toys while they were still sleeping. Then I decided to read a book. 

1 Hour Later

I was surprised Jellybean was still sleeping, but I just thought she had a nightmare the previous night. Thats when I heard little footsteps running down the stairs. I saw Jellybean run into the kitchen and try to open the cabinet that had all of the cookies. I chuckled and put my book down then walked into the kitchen. 

"What do you think you're doing?" I asked raising an eyebrow. She jumped and turned around eyes wide with fear in her eyes. Then, when she saw it was me she smiled and ran to me. 

"Juggie!" she yelled and jumped into my arms. 

"Hey, Jelly. How was your nap?" I asked her as we walked into the living room. 

"Good. I didn't want to sleep, so I made Betty sleep with me" She said proudly and I chuckled.

"Is she still sleeping?" I asked her curiously. 

"Yea, she told me a story before I took my nap." she said happily.

"Really? What was it about?" I asked her curiously. 

"I don't remember" She said frowning and I laughed at her. Suddenly, her spirits changed. "I'm hungry" she whined and I kept laughing. 

"Didn't Betty feed you lunch?" 


"And you're hungry again?" I asked like I didn't believe her. 

"Yes" she said like it was obvious and I chuckled lightly and sighed. 

"Okay. You can have a snack. What do you want?" I asked as I stood up and walked to the kitchen, Jellybean following me. 

"Cookies. Duh" She sassed back and I looked at her with raised eyebrows shocked. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be mean. Please don't hurt me." She said crying and running to the couch. I felt so bad that she thought I was going to hurt her just because she was sassy. I actually found the sass funny, I was just shocked. I walked into the living room and saw her sobbing on the couch. I picked her up and she started screaming. 

"NO! NO! Don't hurt me! Put me down!" she yelled while still crying. I put her on my lap and started rubbing her back consoling her. 

"shhh, Jelly. It's Juggie. I'm not going to hurt you." I said and she kept crying. 

"P-please don't hurt me!" She yelled and my heart broke thinking about someone hurting her. She kept sobbing and wouldn't calm down. 

"Jug?" I heard someone say and I looked up to see Betty confused and concerned. "What happened?" 

"She was all sassy with me and I just looked shocked, then she just started screaming 'don't hurt me' and started crying and won't stop." I sighed looking at her with Jellybean still in my lap sobbing. 

"Jelly, you have to calm down. You're going to get sick." Betty said and sat down next to me. Jellybean looked up and saw Betty.

"B-Betty?" she cried and reached for her. 

"Yea baby, it's me." Betty said and kissed Jellybeans hair. After a few more minutes, Jelly finally calmed down and Betty and I both sighed out a breath of relief.

"Jellybean." I said and she looked at me. "I'm sorry if I scared you. I promise I will never, ever hurt you." 

"B-but I made you m-mad." Jelly said looking down. 

"I wasn't mad, I was shocked. I didn't know you could be so sassy." I said and poked her stomach, making her giggle. "But, I will never hurt you, even if I do get mad." 

"Promise?" she asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I promise." I told her and she smiled. 

"Now, can you come give your big brother a hug and then we can go eat some cookies?" I asked her and she gave me one of her bear hugs. Then we walked into the kitchen but I noticed Betty staring at us and whispered something into Jelly's ear. 

"Betty, Juggie says to take a picture, it will last longer." Jelly yelled and Betty blushed. 

"Betts, come in here! I want a kiss" I said and heard her laugh. She walked in and gave me my kiss. 

Betty POV 

After we ate cookies we had to pack Jellybeans bag since we were sleeping at Jugheads apartment. We were cuddling on the couch while Jellybean played with her dolls on the floor. 

"Betts, how do we pack her bag for the week without her becoming suspicious?" Jug asked me and I laughed.

"1. she's four, she doesn't really pick up on things and 2. you literally run a gang. I'm pretty sure you know how to keep a secret." I told him.

"May I remind you that you literally run that gang with me" he said and I sighed.

"Not really." I said looking down.

"what do you mean?" he asked me confused.

"I dont know" I sighed. "It just feels like you do all the work and I just get the title because I'm your girlfriend. I feel like I don't even do anything to help you run the gang." I said looking down. 

"Baby, I promise you it is not as fun as it seems." he said trying to joke around and I glared at him. "Okay, sorry. Not the time for jokes. Anyway, if you wanted to do more why didn't you just tell me before?" he asked and I looked at him.

"I didn't want to be the annoying person who joins a gang and starts demanding things." I said and he looked at me, his look softening. 

"I wouldn't have thought that, Betty. If you want to do more then when we come home from this trip, we can talk about what you can do. Okay?" he asked and I smiled and nodded then kissed him. "Anyway, back to the original conversation. How about I play with her down here while you pack her stuff, then you can tell her to grab her favorite dolls for the apartment. Then we can grab POPs and take it to the apartment and you can hang out with her while I pack my stuff." he said and I nodded and kissed him and ran upstairs. 

I made sure to pack a bunch of cute outfits, pajamas, all her bathing suits- even the matching ones, and her toiletries. I ran downstairs with her duffel bag and put it down by the stairs. 

"Jelly, grab your favorite dolls." 

"Why?" she asked confused. 

"We're staying at Juggie's house tonight."I told her and she listened. I put her and her bag in my car and drove to the apartment, while Jughead took his motorcycle to grab Pops. We walked into the bar and Jelly ran off but I went to the bar. 

"Hey Toni" I said as she gave me my mountain dew. 

"How was babysitting?" she asked laughing and I sighed. 

"It was fine, when I put her down for her nap I fell asleep, too." I said and she laughed. A few minutes later I wondered about where Jellybean went. I started walking around looking for her when I still couldn't find her. I bumped into someone then realized it was Jughead. 

"Hey, Betts. Wheres Jellybean?" he asked and I suddenly got nervous. 

"I- uh. I don't know." I said and his eyes widened. 

"Y-you don't know?!" he yelled and I stepped backwards suddenly scared of his tone.

"We got here and she ran off as usual. I was looking for her before I bumped into you" I said and he snapped back. 

"Oh, so it's my fault?" he asked rudely. 

"no, thats not what I-" i started but he interrupted me.

"God. I knew I shouldn't have left her with you." he said and I was hurt. I get he was stressed but so was I, but he just said he doesn't trust me. Before I could say anything he walked away. Then I saw Fangs in the corner so I walked over to him. 

"Hey- um. Have you seen Jellybean?" I asked blinking back my tears. 

"Yea, she just went to get french fries with Kevin" he said and I sighed in relief. I started walking to the bar and saw Jellybean and picked her up.

"Jellybean, you can't just run off and not tell me where you're going. You have to be careful. okay?" i asked and she nodded. Then I saw Jughead walking over. 

"There you a-"he started but I interrupted him. 

"Here's your sister since you don't trust me." I said putting Jelly in his arms and running upstairs before he could respond. I walked into the apartment and sat on the couch. I pulled my knees into my chest and started sobbing. 

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Vote and Comment! xoxo

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