Picturing Us

By hernameisnanii

486 3 6

Best friends are everything. They're always there for you, no matter what. Hanson Carter has two best friends... More

Picturing Us (1)
Picturing Us (2)
Picturing Us (3)
Picturing Us (4)
Picturing Us (5)
Picturing Us (6)
Picturing Us (7)
Picturing Us (8)
Picturing Us (9)
Picturing Us (10)
Picturing Us (11)
Picturing Us (12)
Picturing Us (14)
Picturing Us (15)
Picturing Us (16)
Picturing Us (17) {Final Chapter}

Picturing Us (13)

17 0 0
By hernameisnanii


"I'm kidding, guys." I said, although I really wasn't. Although Hanson and I are official, I still can't get that kiss out of my head. The words just fell out of my mouth. Knowing that I brought up would cause something that's not gonna be great, worries me. Finn will probably hate me for knowing, so will Hanson.

"Oh!" Finn said, followed by laughter. Hanson laughed, that you can tell was obviously fake. You could see her panicking through her smile.

The bell rang, causing all of us to get quiet. Finn and I went toward our English class, but Hanson didn't. We both looked at her. "Oh, yeah. I'm just gonna go get some water from the vending machine." she announced.

"Oh, yeah." I said.

"Kay, see you there." Finn followed.

We continued walking away, which caused a whole new level of awkward. It was silent, neither of us wanting to say anything.

I wanted to ask about the kiss, while Finn looked as if he wanted to give me "the talk". You know, the whole "if-you-break-her-heart-you-die" talk.

"So, Levi." he began. And here we go...

"You won't mind, you know, about the kisses?" he asked. He held onto the straps of his backpack, looking at his converse.

"Why would I mind? It's just acting." I said, as smooth as possible.

"Yeah, I know. It's just that you're Hanson's new...No, you're her first boyfriend. I just wanna make sure. She really likes you." Finn spoke as if nothing happened. Seems like the kiss was literally nothing. He looked so innocent, the kind that isn't in a way.

"Oh, yeah. I feel the same way about her."


Water or juice box? I asked myself, as I stared at the vending machine. I had a lot of other things to think about, but I decide to think about this. I was so into my thoughts, I couldn't believe how lost I was.

"Ugh!" I yelled, kicking the vending machine.

"Woah, woah, woah, don't take all your anger out on the machine, Hanson." Matt showed up. "The twinkies are in there!" He blocked the machine, like he was protecting it.

"Well, I can't decide!"

"Hanson, you need a bubble bath." Matt said, in his attempt to calm me down. He grabbed my shoulders and led me toward the nearest bench. We sat down, and Matt began to talk. "I have a feeling that this isn't just about a juice box."

I stood up, as he sat down. "Why are you always helping me solve my problems?"

"I don't know."

"Do you think Levi was really kidding?" she asked, pacing.

"I don't know."

"Are you sure Finn is in love with me?"

"I don't know."

"If that vending machine broke and you had to choose between fruit snacks and a twinkie, what would you choose?"

"Twinkie!" he yelled, jumping up onto his feet.

She giggled, "You can answer that question, but you an't answer any of my other questions. What kind of friend are you?"

"The best." he smirked. "Look, I can't solve all your problems for you, Hanson. Trust me, I would if I could." he politely punched my arm, "But that's up to you."

"Since when have you become Mr. Philosophy?" He started to talk, but I interrupted him. "Oh, right. You don't know." I smiled. I stole the apple from his hand and took a bite from it. "I'd better get to class."

I walked off toward my class, leaving Matt there, apple-less.


"And there she was, with cake all over her face, screaming for me to stop taking pictures of her!" I laughed along with Levi, who was laughing also. I was telling the story of the time I surprised her on her birthday last year. "It was the funniest thing!"

We continued laughing as the smell of homemade pizza reached our noses. Hanson, Rachel, Levi, and I looked around at each other, all wondering what kind of pizza Scott was cooking.

"Don't just stand there! Open the door!" I yelled.

Hanson knew that I was starving, so she took her 'sweet' time taking out her keys. "Ope, not that one."

"God, Hanson!"

"Sorry, Finnie!" she laughed. She finally opened the door and I sprinted toward the kitchen.

"Woah, woah, woah, Finn." Scott stopped me. "This is for dad."

"Dad?" I asked.

"Yes, Dad." A grown man showed up behind me in a blue Navy uniform. He was buff-ish, but not too buff. He had the same color eyes as Hanson.

"Dad!" Hanson and I screamed, running into his arms. Hanson's dad was taken back by my instant excitement. Hanson's dad was like my dad, I love him as much as Hanson loves him.

"Woah, kids." he said.

Rachel and Levi walked into the kitchen. "What's with all the commo-General Carter!" Rachel yelled, just as excited. Hanson's dad is the funnest dad in the whole world.

"Rachel, you get prettier by the second!" he hugged her, but noticed Levi over her shoulder. If I had a problem with Levi's first impression, imagine how General Carter will feel.

"And who might you be?" he asked.

"Uh, Dad." Hanson walked over to Levi. "This is Levi Kingsford, my..." I trailed off, "boyfriend."

He slipped his hat off his head and held it to his side. He moved forward him. You could hear the clacking of his boots on the hardwood floor. "Levi Kingsford."

"Yes, sir." he nodded.

You could feel how intense the room got. "So, you're Hanson's new boyfriend." he started.

"First boyfriend." I added. Rachel hit my arm, telling me in her way, to shut up. "Well he is!"

"He's a nice kid, sir." Scott insisted, hoping that Levi's face wouldn't get punched in.

"No need for the nice comments, Scott. I kinda like him." General Carter said. He held his hand and Levi shook it, relieved.

I smiled, drinking the Gatorade, I pulled out of my backpack. Everyone's happy, right? Wrong. I'm still stuck with a girl I'm not in love with. The girl I love is right in front of me, holding hands with a different guy. I just had to slap a smile on my face, like nothing was wrong.

"I'm gonna go get my camera!" Hanson screeched, running down the hall. She was excited, the way that could make anyone happy.

General Carter turned to Scott and Scott took out his wallet. General held out his hand out, with a smirk on his face. Scott slapped a twenty onto his hand. "Thanks."

"What was that for?" I asked.

"Well, I just won a bet that has lasted almost three years." General sat down on the kitchen table, slipping the twenty into his pocket.

"Yeah, thanks a lot Finn." Scott blamed me. "You costed me twenty dollars."

"What did I do?"

"I thought that Hanson would have a boyfriend, but Scott thought that it would be..."

"Me?" I finished. "What?" I yelled in disbelief.

Levi laughed as he sat down next to General Carter. "Really?" he asked him.

"Yup." he popped the 'p'.

"I would've bet Finn, too. He's that all American boy."

"See! I told you!" Scott interrupted, loudly.

"Wow, but come on, you honestly think that Hanson will fall for a snob like him."

"Right?" Rachel joined the conversation.

"Okay, Ray-chel." I said, saying every syllable in her name. "We've been through this. I am NOT, underline not, just a snob."

"He's also a slob." Scott added.

Rachel high-fived Scott. General stood up and defended me. "Hey, leave my boy alone. Nobody's perfect."

"Thank you!"

Hanson showed up with her camera. Levi turned to smile, but General stopped him. "No, need son. Hanson just takes pictures, you really don't have to smile."


Hanson went around the kitchen, snapping pictures of everyone and everything. I could tell that she lost track of pictures, so did I.


"I'm going to bed, kids. Don't get crazy tonight." Dad said. It was just Levi and I now, sitting in the living room.

I was happy to see my dad. He had come home surprisingly and he even met Levi. Today was one of the best days ever.

So now it was just us. Rachel and Finn left and Dad just went to bed. We sat on the couch, watching movies all night.

"So, Hanson?" he turned to me.

"So, Levi?" I replied, facing him.

"I say? We play twenty questions."

I took a sip of the smoothie Scott made before he went to sleep. "Alright, you first." I set the cup on the table.

"Okay... Hmmm...Ah! Who is your ultimate celebrity crush?" he asked.

"Well that's totally not, awkward." I laughed.

"Answer the question, Hanson."

"Fine, fine, fine. Every since I could remember, I've always had a crush on...Andy Samberg." I confessed.

"Andy Samberg? Looks like I've got some competition!"

"Okay, what about you?" I asked.

"Fine! My celebrity crush had always been...Miley Cyrus."

I laughed so hard, I was practically crying. "Hey, it's better than Andy Samberg!"

"No...no it's not!" I said in between laughs.

"Fine, next question. Did you kiss Finn?"


WOAH!!! So many Cliffhangers!!! On a roll, bruh, on a roll!!!


Sorry for the wait...I have great ideas for this story, I just don't know how to get there yet... But i'm figuring it out...


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