Never wished for you (Camren...

By ubitchbackof

104K 5.1K 3.6K

Have you ever did something wrong for love just to realise it was never enough , it could have given you happ... More

Chapter 1: inheritance
Chapter 2: the one
Chapter 3: will you?
Chapter 4: A girl?
Chapter 5: I do !!
Chapter 6: i do! Part 2
Chapter 7: first night
Chapter 8: hOnYmOoN
Chapter 9: plan cruel
chapter 10: Unwanted Feelings
Chapter 12: My Protector
Chapter 13:A troubled start
Chapter 14: wedding girl
Chapter 15:Friends cuddle right?
Chapter 16: what is the truth
Chapter 17: wife
Chapter 18: Mike
Chapter 19:there is two side of a story
Chapter 20: let me explain
Chapter 21: You deserve me
Chapter 22: Pedro
Chapter 23: Unforgettable past
Chapter 24: Value never changes
Chapter 25 : Harsh Reality
Chapter 26: Trust
Chapter 27: sISteR
Chapter 28: It's a new feeling I'm finding
Chapter 29: keena
Chapter 30: keena part 2
Chapter 31: different prosprectives
Chapter 32: you just feel it
Chapter 33: damn feelings
Chapter 34: Dinner
Chapter 35: aftermath
Chapter 36 :mijo
Chapter 37: dick wife
Chapter 39: all the thing she said
Chapter 40: surreal
Chapter 41: easy
Chapter 42: promises are meant to be broken
chapter 43: is this our Happy ending?
Chapter 44: surprise?

Chapter 11: Lost

2.6K 117 52
By ubitchbackof

Lauren's POV

These  couple of days were strange because Camilla started being more rude than usual. I think that's because I took her to the room without her consent. I mean she got reasons knowing what she has been through  but still  I'm a little bit confused if I should just apologize to her or this will just make her more angry.

So confusing isn't it? I don't even know what to do with her. I just don't want her to be mad at me. This just kills me. I mean, it's okay for her to be rude to me, it doesn't affect me because I know she have so many reasons.  But I just don't want her to be mad at me.


Because I just don't want her to be mad at me. I want her to be happy with me, not mad. I wanna give her every little happiness of this world. Everything I can afford...everything I can do. Anything  just to make her happy. I want her to smile again just like the first day we met.

"HIKE.......... ARE YOU KIDDING ME? NO WAY I'M GONNA DO THIS WITH YOU ....NO FREAKING WAY" said Camila stomping her left foot just like a CUTE little kid

"Camila calm down it was organized by Mr Cabello so we should respect his wish and just go with it" I said trying to calm her down but like always I got the opposite reaction

"SHUT UP LICK ASS" I looked at her  horrified because just the thought of licking Mr.... JUST EWWWWWWWWWWWWW and somehow Camila understood what i was thinking and she burst out laughing wrapping her arms around her stomach.

And believe me the sight of her laughing is one of the best thing that anyone can wish for or maybe just for me I don't care. The only thing that I know is that she is the most beautiful women that i had the pleasure to meet.

Anyway, after that, Camilla agreed. To go on a hike with me.

There was no one with us. There was only me and her. We have been walking for a while. And honestly, I don't even recognise the map it's so confusing, but I think she does so all the time i've been following her.

All of a sudden she stop and looked at me.

"How long do we still need to walk?" She asked taking my breath away

"What do you mean? You don't know where we are going???!!!??"

"How can I know I didn't even wanted to come here "

"Well I thought you knew because you were the who was walking like she own this forest ? In short i though you knew so I was kinda following you"

"What the hell are you even talking about, if you don't know either so where the hell are we now???"

As soon as she said that the rain started pouring which started making us really wet.

So this time I tried to lead the way and find a place where we can find shelter from the rain when all of a sudden I slipped and camila fell on me.

Neither of  us moved, the time stopped as soon as our eyes met she didn't said anything neither did I.

The water of the rain dropped from camila's to mine but still no one moved.

It was like we both were paralised, everything surrounding us just disappeared. 
I could only hear the sound of the rain drop. 
And I looked at Camila's wet lips which was only few cm away from me and so kissable.

"Move" she said still looking at me not trying to move at all

" I can't  you are on top of me" I said making her jump away from me

After that I got up but we weren't looking at each other we just started walking covered with mud all over our body.

But then my intelligent mind got a great idea.

Camila's POV

I was walking without looking at her, I don't know what happened but everything  just freezed I couldn't even move or think. It was just me and her I just don't know how to explain what happened but somehow I don't regret getting lost in her beautiful green eyes.

When I was busy in my thoughts I didn't even realise that Lauren wasn't with me anymore she just disappeared when I looked behind me there was no one.


I was about to start panicking when all of a sudden I felt someone behind me with an umbrella. Wait it wasn't really an umbrella it was like an umbrella made by leaf and branch.

"Where the heck did you went?!!?!!!" I said hitting her.

"OUCH" She said rubbing the spot where I hit her.

"I was making this for you so you won't get sick" she said giving me the"umbrella" while covering my head with her hands and looking at me like I'm the most precious thing in this world.

"You don't need to do this for me!" I said suddenly feeling guilty for all the time I mistreated her

"I do"


"Because you are my wife!"

"It's all a contract Lauren!!!"

"I know but still you are my wife. I vowed in front of God and I'm gonna respect that till your name is connected to mine " I was about to yell at her to stop saying these stupid things.

But a strong wind just blow us up

"We need to find a shelter otherwise we will get sick " I just nodded and put the 'umbrella' on me and started walking.

Lauren was next to me but not under umbrella letting me use it alone.

So I grab her pulling her under the umbrella but I was about to loose control when Lauren wrapped her arms around my waist and help me regain my balance. 


"Hey look there " she said pointing at a cave type of thing

"No way what if there is a snake or a cave monster?"

"We don't have other choice" she said and grab my hand guiding me towards the cave

"Wait here let me see first " she said and went inside the cave.

After few seconds she came back

"All good", she said smiling.


Sorry for any mistakes and late update
Love you all❤️

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