Sapphire Princess

By josiegeorge

3.2K 145 54

BOOK TWO IN THE BLACK CROWN SERIES After being banished from the palace, Hope finds herself alone trying to n... More



226 14 9
By josiegeorge


Sitting in the coffee shop, I savor the smell. As a vampire, all my senses are heightened so the smell is even stronger than I remember. I love it.

As I sip my iced coffee, I stare out the window and watch all of the people walking by. I'm envious that they all get to enjoy their human lives. Most of them will never appreciate the true simplicity of being mortal.

When the chair across the table from me is pulled out and occupied, I become alert and get ready to run. However, when I see it's just a young girl, I relax slightly.

"I noticed you were sitting all alone. I'm sorry if this is strange, just figured everyone deserves a friend," she shrugs, smiling unsurely at me. I study her for a moment before replying.

Red hair, blue eyes, and a small frame similar to mine. Nothing about her says danger.

"It's not strange. I'm always open to making a new friend," I reply, smiling back. She seems to ease up a little at my response, happy that I'm not totally freaked out by her approach.

"My name is May," she announces, reaching her hand across the table. I happily accept her handshake.

"I'm Hope. It's nice to meet you," I genuinely tell her. It's been a while since I've met someone without a sinister agenda for me.

"Are you from around here? I don't recognize you and it's a pretty small town," she explains, taking a sip from her coffee.

"I'm just passing through. I was hoping to use the library for some research for a school project I have, I'm killing some time before they open," I respond. I can't really tell her I'm trying to find the vampire mother of my dead vampire brother who was killed by my evil vampire father. It doesn't really roll off the tongue.

"That sounds fun! What's your project on? I love school, but I'm home schooled so I don't get the full experience. I can't wait to go to college next year and see what it's all about!" She exclaims, her voice coming out fast and excited. She reminds me of an older version of Eevie.

"Mythology. Vampires and all of that. I don't really believe in it, but I have to do it all the same," I shrug my shoulders casually, trying to make my story believable. How I wish vampires didn't exist.

"Oh I definitely believe in all of the old myths. There's no way humans are the only thing out there. I always thought it'd be interesting to try to dig up all the information and find something," she replies, smiling as she talks with her hands. I'm jealous of her energy levels. Even if I slept for a week straight, I don't think I could ever be this energetic.

"I guess we'll never really know," I tell her. I want to change the topic to something that won't potentially expose me.

"I could help you with your research! If you'd like," she calms down near the end of her sentence, realizing she may be intruding. My eyes widen at her offer. I feel rude saying no, but I can't really explain I lied to her about what I'm looking for.

"Sure. I'm heading over in ten minutes, I'd love the company," I lie, trying my best to smile. This just became much harder. I wish I wasn't so kind.

"Thank you! If you'd like, we can head over now. They always open a few minutes early," she tells me, already moving to stand up. I smile tightly and stand, starting to get slightly annoyed. I may have signed up for more than I can handle.

While we head to the door, I trash my empty cup and try to zone out what May is saying. She's rambling on about random things and most of it goes in one ear and out the other.

"I even read in one book that there's a whole vampire city! It's hidden away somewhere, and only vampires can find it! Isn't that crazy?!" She proclaims and I freeze. Could she be talking about Roris?

Quickly, I recover from my shocked state and try to play it off. She's only talking about folklore. It would be crazy for her to actually believe any of this.

"Where did you read that? There's no way that's true," I brush off, almost rolling my eyes at how insane it sounds. Hidden vampire city? I know nothing about that.

"Just in an old book. I don't know, I kind of believe it. Maybe one day I'll try and find it," she says dreamily. I can't help but scoff.

"I wouldn't waste your time. If it's true, I'm sure no human would ever be able to find it," I try not to feel bad at the look of disappointment that crosses her face.

Looking up, I realize we aren't walking towards the large library, but instead into a concealed alley between two buildings. How did we get lost?

However, when I turn back to May, I know this isn't accidental. She has a stake pulled, where she got it I have no idea. My eyes widen and I try to flash away, but her leg sticks out and trips me, landing me on the ground. Quickly, I get up and face her. I know my eyes must be red, but she doesn't look the least bit terrified. I should really stop trusting people.

"Who are you?" I hiss, adjusting into a defensive stance. I'm not afraid of the small redhead, but I can't be sure she doesn't have friends nearby.

"I should be asking you that. What's a pureblood doing out here?" She shoots back, lowering the stake and crossing her arms. She doesn't want a fight, only answers.

"That's my business. How did you know I'm a pureblood?" I question, not relaxing my position.

"I've seen enough vampires to recognize one in the human world. The unpure wouldn't be out during the day. The sun would kill most of them. Now why are you here?" She asks again. I narrow my eyes, debating on what to tell her. The truth is out of the question. I don't know who she is or what she wants. What lie would get me out of here the quickest?

"I told you, I'm just passing through. If you don't mind, I'd like to get on with my day," I tell her, going to step by her, but she blocks my path. I know I could easily get away, but part of me wants to know what her play is.

"Purebloods don't just past through towns like this. The last two we had killed almost a dozen people. That's why we're stationed out here now," she answers, her face much more serious than it had been minutes ago.

"We?" I look at her in confusion.

"Hunters. Your kind aren't welcome here," she replies in a low voice. For God's sake. Vampire hunters? Seriously? No one thought to tell me about this?

"I have no idea who you are or what you want from me. I promise I'm not going to hurt anyone. Please, just let me leave. I've had a pretty shitty week and I don't need anymore problems," I explain, quickly growing frustrated with the situation.

Pinned in an alley with a vampire hunter I know nothing about. I don't even know what a hunter is. A jacked up human out for blood? A group of kids looking for a thrill? I'm not even sure if this girl is a real threat or not.

"What family do you belong to?" She asks, tightening her grip on the stake. Groaning, I know this will be hard to explain. I know how vampires feel about crossbreeds, and I can't imagine these 'hunters' have a much better perspective on them.

"I'm not a noble. Just a lone pureblood trying to get by," I smile fakely, hoping the explanation is good enough. But of course it isn't.

"We both know that's not how it works. If you're a pureblood, you belong to a noble family. You either tell me the truth or this is about to become a whole lot worse for you," she threatens and it takes everything in me not to laugh. I can drop her in half a second and not even break a sweat.

"Fine! I'm a Blackwood!" I exclaim, completely done with this whole situation. The lie isn't too far fetched, considering I was supposed to be a Blackwood come three weeks from now.

"You're a royal..." she mutters, her jaw almost dropping open. She recovers from her surprise quickly and a guilty look passes over her face. This can't be good.

"Yes, now please-"

"No, I'm sorry, Hope, but you'll have to come with me," she tells me, taking a step closer. I step back, looking at her like she's crazy.

"That's not happening. Just let me leave," I say, going to step past her. At a speed quicker than I expected, she pulls a small needle from her pocket and sticks it right in my side.

A familiar pain passes through me as I spot the blue liquid in the syringe. Damn vampire poison. Whose idea was that?

I try to fight through it, but soon my vision starts to fade. Leaning against the brick wall for support, my consciousness begins to slip from me until everything is black.

Ironically, this is the most peaceful sleep I've gotten in days. There's no nightmares, no Alexander or John or Nathan, just blissful nothingness. I soak in the peace while it lasts.

Which isn't very long. Soon, I'm awake. Pain still throbs in my body, but it's dull and nothing I can't work past.

I'm sitting in what looks like an office, on a very comfortable couch. However, when I see May sitting on the one across from me, I straighten my posture and glare are her. Where am I and how did I get here?

"Relax. There's no need to go all vamp. I only brought you to our area headquarters. It'll be easier to question you here. Harder for you to escape," she explains, examining her nails like this whole interaction is incredibly boring. I should have killed her when I had the chance.

No, that's not right. That isn't who I am, and I know that. The past few days are taking a toll on me and I just wish I was back at the palace, sleeping in bed next to Alexander.

"Then get it over with and let me leave," I sigh, rolling my eyes. I'm over this already.

"It's not that easy, Princess," the name coming from her mouth stings. It reminds me of my fiance, or at least the one I thought I knew.

"You see, we know the royal family. Or at least who's in it. And as far as we're concerned, the King never had a daughter. So could you explain to me how, exactly, are you a Blackwood?" She asks, narrowing her eyes at me. I fight the urge to bang my head against the wall. Come up with a better lie next time, Hope.

"I'm marrying the older Prince," I state, short and sweet. There's no way I'm giving her any information. Right now, she is in the enemy category.

Taking a moment, I look around the room. Large desk in front of a floor to ceiling window, two couches, table in between, and a painting of a very large, old looking house hanging above May. Nothing that tells me where I am.

"So then, you aren't a Blackwood. Not yet, at least. Why are you in the human world, then? I don't think I've ever seen a royal outside of Roris," she comments, leaning forward.

"You need to tell me where I am and who you are before I answer any more of your questions," I inform her. I lean back into the couch, crossing my legs and lacing my fingers together behind my head. I quite literally have forever to do this back and forth.

"I'm a hunter and we're at area head quarters. Keep up," she snaps, growing annoyed at my relaxed position.

"Nice try. Tell me about these hunters. What is your goal?" I ask, stretching back even more. I have the sense we'll be here for a while, so might as well get comfortable. However, I still don't let my guard down. If this is some kind of headquarters, there's most likely many people here with the means to kill me.

It throws me off when May erupts into an uncontrolled laughter. She bends over her knees, trying to catch her breath before composing herself enough to answer me.

"You're telling me that you're living in the palace and no one ever told you about hunters? Vampires are dumber than I thought!" She exclaims, still giggling. I sit straight up, narrowing my eyes at her again.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry. This is just all a little hard to believe. Though, it does explain why I caught you off guard so easily," she snickers again and I try my best not to bare my fangs.

"Just tell me what they are!" I cry, exasperated. I should be looking for Elise right now, not bantering with a teenage girl.

"Hunters are, well, hunters. We're mostly born into the business, like our parents before us and their parents before them. I've trained since I could walk. Mostly, we keep vampires out of the human world. At least the dangerous ones. There's a few who just want to live normal lives, and we allow that. We don't have anything against you, per say, we're just not fans of the whole drinking blood thing. But you, a royal, just lounging around town? That's something we don't see very often. Add in the fact you know almost nothing about the vampire world? Makes me believe you're not a pureblood. I'd say you were an unpure, but you would have fried in the sun. That leaves only one option. So tell me, Hope, what is the palace doing by marrying their heir to a crossbreed?"

I suck in a breath at the word. She knows. She knows what I am and I'll probably be dead by the end of today. Trying to control my anxiety and fear, I refuse to let her catch me off guard.

How do I even answer this? If I tell her the truth, I only give away more secrets. If I lie again, I'll be caught. She's easily been able to decipher all of my lies and I'm worried I'll only get away with so much before she snaps.

"The prince and I are mates," I mumble, sighing at myself. Stupid Hope getting myself into this. There's no one to save me now.

"This just gets better and better! What else are you hiding? I'm sure you know plenty that you could tell us," she suggests, smiling at me in a way that makes me very uncomfortable.

Suddenly, an idea pops into my mind. She wants information about my world, and I need help finding John in hers. Maybe, just maybe, we could be useful to each other. Placing my arms on my knees, I lean forward and smile.

"How about we make a deal?" I suggest. May raises her eyebrows and leans forward, matching my stance.

"This should be interesting. I'm listening."

"I'll tell you what you want to know. But in return, you help me find someone I'm looking for. It'll just be one less vampire for you to worry about. I see this as a win win," I offer and watch as she weighs her options in her mind.

"And who is this vampire you're looking for?" She asks, turning her head slightly sideways.

"Jonathan Casper."

I think she recognizes the name, because she sits up straight and widens her eyes. John's reputation proceeds him.

"You've got yourself a deal, little vamp."


Author's Note: And Hope finds herself in trouble... again. What do you think of May? Do you trust her?

I'm going to try and update again later, but it may not be until tonight. We'll see Alexander again, though!

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