
By Chicago_PD_

25.6K 541 89

"I'm not scared of an egotistical bastard like you" "You will be, especially when I'm done with you" "Doubt... More



2.4K 60 2
By Chicago_PD_


Sliding underneath the police tape, I was able to slink by without drawing unwanted attention. Not many people knew of me, and I definitely wasn't in the mood to pull out my credentials at 4 in the morning. Throwing my hair into a pony tail, I spotted Burgess standing next to the body of our next case. Moving to where I was standing by her side, I glanced down at the victim only for a somber look to fall over my features.

"Do we know who she is yet" I asked softly turning my head enough to look at the brunette face.

"Brianna Downy, 7 years old". Bending down I pulled the sheet away enough to see her face. Shaking my head softly, I softly closed her eyes with glove covered hands. The last moments of this little girls life was full of fear and pain. Scanning over her, I saw the small indent in the side of her neck from where a bullet nicked her, the wound killing her in a quick and painful way.

Not able to look at the girl for much longer, I carefully laid the blanket back over her before standing up. "Who else was with her"

"Mr. Nick Downy. They had just gotten back from a small family trip". Glancing to the ambulance behind the tape, Kim and I looked at the blanketed covered man sitting in the back. He looked so broken. "Maybe you will have a better shot talking to him, I will get the rest of Intelligence up to speed.

Sending her a grateful look, I slowly approached the man knowing he was not in the right mindset. After all, he did just lose his daughter. Showing a sympathetic look, I stood towards the side that way I didn't startle him to much. "Mr. Downy". Picking his head up, broken sad filled eyes met mine, tears glistening with the first responder's lights flashing around the scene. "I'm Agent Keenan Reid, I work with Intelligence. Sir, I'm truly sorry for your loss"

Already knowing what was about to happen, I could only watch as more tears fell down his cheeks and sobs starting to overtake his body once again. "How could this happen, she wa-was so young". Laying a comforting hand on his shoulder, I gave him a few moments to compose himself, this wasn't easy, he just witnessed his daughter's death and now is about to be asked questions.

"She seemed like a great kid Mr. Downy. I know this is a lot to ask, but can you tell me what happened."

With a small nod of his head, he wiped away the tears the best he could. "Brianna and I had just gotten back from my family's cabin in Florida, we were there for a week to celebrate her birthday with the rest of the family. I started to carry her into the house because she was sleeping, the next thing I know she cried out in pain and I..I..."

Connecting the dots quickly, I nodded my head to stop him. "You didn't hear any sounds before hand, like a pop". Giving him a few seconds to think back to moments before the tragedy, he could only shake his head. "Again, I'm sorry for your loss Mr. Downy. We will probably come by in the next couple days with more questions. Is there anybody you can call to be here with you?"

With a few more seconds of talking, I handed him a card with my number on it, just in case he remembered something before walking away to give him time to grieve. Making my way back to where Intelligence was, everyone held the same somber look. It was never easy handling child involved cases, especially homicides. "Were you able to get anything out of him"

"He held his daughter as she took her last breath. They had just gotten back from celebrating her birthday in Florida, he was carrying her inside because she was sleeping. The next thing he knows she cried in pain, died a few moments later. He didn't even have a chance to help her"

Looking towards the ground, I tried to keep my own emotions in check. The idea of being so helpless and just feeling your child's life slip away from them is terrifying and traumatic. When a parent out lives their own child they will always hold that against themselves, always questioning what they could have done to take their place. I wasn't a mother, but I understood how that felt completely.

All cops and first responders watched as the coroner's van pulled away from the scene, no one moving or talking until it was out of sight. The only thing heard were Mr. Downy's cries and that alone was heartbreaking and haunting. A young girl lost her life, and it was our job to do everything in our power to solve it. "We don't work on anything else until this is solved, is that clear"

Without hesitation, we all agreed with his command. Starting to walk away from the scene and towards my car, I couldn't help but stop as I past one of the houses with trees surrounding it. Shooting my eyes to the trees and moving them towards the Downy house, I could tell even from the ground it was a good vantage point to take a shot from. Making a mental note to come back during the day to get the owners permission to climb the tree, if the shooter was in one of those trees, it looked about the right distance to night make the shot without alerting anyone of a gunshot.

Climbing into the suv, I glanced into my backseat to see my sniper case subtly stowed away underneath the seat. Pulling away from the scene, I ended up following behind Jay's truck while Kevin and Adam followed behind me. It was an Intelligence convoy and one that doesn't play games. Parking behind each other in a line, we all waltzed into the precinct about to enter the bullpen when Platt stopped me. "Reid"

Casually walking over to where she stood tall and proud behind the desk, I gave the woman a smile. "Hey Platt, what's up".

Grabbing an envelope that was somewhere behind the counter, she handed it to me a small smile on her face. "This came from an Aaron Hotchner, looks pretty important". Carefully taking hold of it, I sent her a look of appreciation. Before I could walk away she placed her hand on my arm softly. "Let me know if you need me to do something, I am happy to help you out as much as I can".

"Will do, thanks Platt". Scanning my fingerprint through the scanner, I walked through the metal door and up the stairs. The other's were quickly digging into the Downy's life to try and get a good baseline. Once we get their daily routine, spending habits, basically anything that looks normal then we can focus on things that are out of place.

"Keenan, Sarge wants to see you". Already, I didn't even do anything yet. Sending Hailey a nod in thanks, I knocked on the door waiting for his permission to enter. Upon hearing the words, I entered his office shutting the door behind me. I was nervous to say the least, I always hated being called into a superior's office, I felt like I was about to get in trouble for something I had no clue about.

"Is everything ok Sarge"

"Until we figure out what's going on, I think it would be a good idea if you would stay with Mr. Downy. For all we know the shot could have been meant for him".

Nodding slowly, I bit my cheek in thought. "Is there anything I can do to help from there". I am just trying to get on their good side, try to get them to trust me a little bit more.

"For now just keep on the house, talk to the neighbors see what they know. We'll let you know when we find something". Not going to argue with the older man, I said ok before walking out of the office. Bypassing the others without another word, I didn't even realize I held the envelope in my hand.

Stealthily passing by Platt without her seeing, I left the precinct. If only I knew that this was going to get a whole lot worse than I thought. Not only was I going to be a protection detail, I was about to use my badge to get things done.

Author Note
Our Queen is about to meet her love interest and I'm so excited to write him into this book. Sergeant Elijah Torreto of Chicago SWAT! He is an OC so he does not live in either Criminal Minds or One Chicago, he is by my own creation.

As I said, Keenan Reid is a Supervisory Special Agent who specializes in tactical operations, so essentially she is the common factor between the two. She coordinates with both teams for tactical take downs and enters with SWAT since that is her field specialty. Simply she will enter the house before any other members of Intelligence, putting her life in the line more often.

The envelope she gets from Hotch will be explained in more detail next chapter. Let me just say I am kinda in love with Keenan, I think she is just that one character who does her own thing and is able to get anybody to open up to her. She doesn't take bullshit, but still gets nervous when being called into the office for a simple conversation. I try to make her relatable yet show that she is very confident in herself as a profiler.

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