RINGING BLOOM [ ☽ oikawa toor...

By rensuke

217 12 11

You're in love with your big brother's best friend, Oikawa Tooru. ☽ nsfw More

heart to heart

eye to eye (ALTERNATIVE)

71 7 2
By rensuke

[ ★ hey so if you didnt wanna read thru that clusterfuck of a first chapter or u clicked next to see wtf this is, ummm this is basically an alternative version of the first chapter! its a much shorter, much more simplified version and u can pretend all the stuff w oikawa happened before, its just iwaizumi found out about u guys in a different way :) n e wayz i hope u guys like this! check out my tumblr for more works ]

 "Nii-chan, I'm going out," You call out.

"Again?" Iwaizumi Hajime, your older brother, sounds kind of suspicious because this is probably the eighth time you've said you were going outside of the house in what, two weeks? He knows you're antisocial, introverted, and a house hermit, so you don't blame him that he's getting suspicious. "With who?"

"My friends," You reply casually. You're proud of yourself for mastering nonchalance, despite your guilt for lying to your big brother. "Himari and Lisa. We're just hanging out at a cafe."

"You guys spend so much time together lately. How do you have the energy, I swear," is all Iwaizumi mutters as he retreats to his room. "Get home safe. You have enough money, right? Text me when you get there."

"Yes, sir~"

You leave the house as quick as you can. You're wearing a giant hoodie that swallows up most of your frame, but once you're a good dozen meters away from the house, you take off the hoodie that makes the spring heat sweltering. Underneath your hoodie is a cute outfit you were proud to put together, and you know Iwaizumi isn't dumb enough to think you'd wear that to a girl meeting. No, you're not meeting your friends at the café.

You're meeting Oikawa Tooru, your boyfriend of four months.

You never got to really privately hang out with him before, mainly because you didn't know how you would keep it up with your usually lenient but nonetheless protective brother on you, but just recently you've had the idea of holding this facade where you go hang out with your friends, but in reality you're just spending time with Oikawa. Even your aforementioned friends Himari and Lisa are in on it.

As soon as you get to the cafe, you spot Oikawa immediately, sitting at a table on his phone, his glasses sliding down to the tip of his nose.

(You know he's been wearing his glasses more and more lately because you once said they were cute on him.)

"Tooru~" You sing out, shaking his shoulders with playful glee and he whines a little bit about how you messed up his game, but then kisses your cheek as a greeting. It never fails to make you flush red.

"You're still wearing your glasses?" You note to him, poking at the bridge between the lenses and enjoying how his eyes kind of cross once your finger pokes. "I thought you said you liked contacts better."

"I do," He states in such a matter-of-fact way that you feel a little less confident. "But glasses aren't so bad."

"You mean you're wearing them for me."

"Noooo, I don't know where you got that from! Always jumping to conclusions, I swear."

You poke his nose in an attempt to frustrate him further, but he only laughs it off and pinches your cheeks. "Hey, do you wanna go order some stuff? I heard they have good pastries here~ And great milk bread, too!" His chest puffs out like it's an honor he did the extra research, and you laugh at his charm.

"Yeah. You want your usual?"

"You know me so well~"

"Okay. Wait here, I'll get you milk bread too."

Oikawa frowns and slides over some money. "You know, you're gonna make your poor boyfriend feel bad if you pay for everything. I brought money too."

"Haven't you been treating me to food for the past, what, seven dates?" You narrow your eyes and push away the money adamantly. "You're reinforcing gender roles. You're so sexist!"

"Hey, you know what I mean!" Oikawa whines to you, holding your hand gently and pushing the money back. "Save the money for clothes or something."

You decide to relent, but not without a price. "You're right. Plus, I can just buy more food with your money now that you're offering."

His gasp makes you laugh as you stand up. "You're so mean, you're gonna make me go broke. Again!"

"Hey, I always order something cheap when you treat me!"

"Fair, fair~"

You feel your phone ringing in your back pocket as you run your fingers through Oikawa's hair before walking to the rather short order-line, reciting your order in your head. Two pieces of milk bread, chocolate croissants, espresso with extra sugar for the fucking baby over there, and an iced latte. This'll be fine. You order your treats and once you receive them, you walk back over to your boyfriend.

"I got milk bread~" You sing out lightly, shaking the packaged bags of fluffy bread in front of Oikawa. He grabs them without even bothering to humor you, to which you whine. He laughs, his voice airy and genuinely happy, and kisses you.

The two of you are so engrossed in this happy, warm-hearted kiss that you don't notice the cafe door swing open and a certain person starts walking towards you.

"Hey, [Name], I was craving coffee so I decided to swing by and- what the fuck."

You break away from Oikawa so fast that it gives you whiplash, and you're staring into the eyes of your big brother.


"What the fuck are you doing with Oikawa?!"

"Nothing, nothing, Iwa-chan!"

"Were you two literally sucking face? Oh my god I'm gonna throw up. [Name], what happened to standards? You guys are dating?"

"Nii-chan, I can explain-"

"Iwa-chan, you're so mean to me! Of course I surpass her standards!"

You're kind of amused the way your brother growls and drags Oikawa by the ear-- and giving you a glare that forces you to follow-- and drives you both to your house.

The car ride is awkward and silent, but you enjoy it because it's funny how your usually lax and calm brother gets so riled up over this. You don't want to see him mad, but it's also hilarious to watch your boyfriend get scolded (read: beat up) by Iwaizumi, no matter how much you love Oikawa.

And as soon as you all arrive at your house, Iwaizumi hisses something into Oikawa's ear (that you're sure is somewhat akin to a death threat) and the two of them disappear into Iwaizumi's room.

"[Name]-chan, please help, Iwa-chan's gonna beat me up, Iwa-chan this isn't what it looks like kinda maybe just let me-"

"Shut the fuck up."

You wave at your boyfriend cheerfully before your brother's sharp glare makes you shut up once more.

Ten minutes later, during which you heard Oikawa screaming for mercy and the telltale roar of Iwaizumi's voice, your boyfriend walks out of the room scratched up but nonetheless happy to cuddle with you.

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