Bechloe - The Start ✓

By chloebbecam

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Beca Mitchell has a secret, she tried to hide it, but it got out. What happens when someone comes back with t... More

Chapter 1 - The Move
Chapter 2 - The New House
Chapter 3 - The Neighbours
Chapter 4 - Chloe Beale
Chapter 5 - School Part I
Chapter 6 - School Part II
Chapter 7 - The Sleepover Part I
Chapter 8 - The Sleepover Part II
Chapter 9 - The Sleepover Part III
Chapter 10 - Chillin' Day
Chapter 11 - Oh Shit
Chapter 12 - It Can't Be
Chapter 13 - The Argument
Chapter 14 - The Meeting
Chapter 15 - The Talk
Chapter 16 - First Day Back
Chapter 17 - Problems
Chapter 18 - Another Meeting
Chapter 19 - Opening Up
Chapter 20 - Building Bridges
Chapter 21 - Results
Chapter 23 - Confront, Head On
Chapter 24 - New Enemies
Chapter 25 - Hangovers
Chapter 26 - Finding Out
Chapter 27 - The Truth
Chapter 28 - Where?
Sequel Is Coming!

Chapter 22 - Drunk In A Field

105 7 0
By chloebbecam

"Right, girls, what we gonna do tonight? I wanna get drunk and corrupt Em" Amy said.

"Yeah I'm in"

"I'm in"

"We're in too, but how are we gonna get the alcohol, none of us have fake ID let alone Beca who looks 12 years old, no offence babe"

"Woah, no need to bring me into this, you could have asked how are we gonna get the alcohol" Beca eye rolled.

"Go have your domestic over there, and as for the alcohol, luckily my brother will go for us, he owes me a favour after I bailed him out last week"

"Want some money towards it Stace?" Amy asked.

"Yeah, you can pay considering you got me kicked out of class"

"Wasn't my fault, I got sent out too you know"

"What? Where were you?"

"Well, I went to the library, like you, but I should've known you'd be at the back of the courts"

"Alright, well let's just meet by the courts after last lesson and we'll go to mine?" Stacie asked.

Everyone just agreed and before Beca and Stacie could sneak another smoke in, the bell went.

"Ohh, hey Mitch, quick one and then we'll go in?"

"Sure, you guys staying or going?"

"I'll go babe, I'll just say you both needed to go to the bathroom"

"Alright, thanks Ames and Chloe"

"Don't be late" Chloe kissed Beca and then left the girls.

"God, I thought that Geography wasn't going to end" Beca moaned as she got out.

"It's not that bad, better than PE, shawstank"

"I'd rather than Geography. Least you can talk and have fun and you have the girls with you, I'm on my own and I can't even listen to music"

"Oh, come on, babe, least now we can get drunk and I have a few games for us all to play"

"Of course, you do Chlo, you always have drinking games"

"What's a little drinking without games. Stace, have you got a pack of cards? I found a new game and I thought we could try it"

"Yeah, I've got some lying around, come on then. What do you wanna do for dinner?"

"How about Taco Bell? If you're going to involve me in drinking at least let's get a Taco"

"Sounds good Mitchell, let's go"

"Oh, Conrad, we need a spare cup"

"Ok, I'll just make sure he gets us a pack"

"Tell him the red cups"

By the time Amy, Emily, Chloe, Beca and Stacie had left Taco Bell and Stacie's brother, Aiden, had gone and got the alcohol, it was dark, and the girls were on their way to the park by Stacie's house. Aiden had bought the girls a lot of alcohol, considering he did owe Stacie a massive favour, they had vodka, tequila, coke, and a case of bud, and also bought them a little surprise which Stacie did give him the extra cash for.

"So, tell us BM, what's this new drinking game you have found for us to play?"

"There's a lot of rules as each of the cards have different things to do, it took me ages to just remember the rules, I had to write them all on my phone. But be prepared for a long drinking game and getting drunk"

"You're talking our language Mitch, give us the rules"

"Ok, so you have your pack of cards in a circle around the cup and we go around in a circle pick up one card and whatever number is on the card you have to either drink, make up a rule and so on. But each card has its own rule, shall I tell you them or do you just wanna play and each time I'll tell you the card?"

"Let's just play and you tell us, what's the cup for Shawstank?"

"If you pick up a King, you tip a little bit of your choice of drink, and it doesn't matter and whomever picks up the last King, has to drink the cup in one"

"Shit, sounds like my kind of game Mitchell, how come we've not played this before?"

"I only found it last night. We need a phone light or a torch or something so we can see the cards"

"Oh, here, use my phone"

"Thanks, Chlo. Stace wanna get some drinks started?"

"Sounds good, what's everyone drinking?"

"Bud for me Conrad"

"Vod coke" Chloe said

"Same as Ginge for me"

"Budweiser please Stacie"

Whilst Stacie make the drinks, Beca set the game up on the bench.

"Right, everyone ready to start playing?"

"Who goes first?"

"I set it up so person to my left, so Amy that's you"

"Alright, so I just pick up a card?"

"Yeah, pick it up and show us what it is and I'll tell you what it does"

"Sounds simple, it's a 2"

"Easy, just choose someone and they have to drink a bit of their drink"

"Stace, take a drink"

"Trust you"

Stacie picked up her card next.

"5, what does that do?"

"That's the thumb master, so any point, if you place your thumb on the table, we all have to do it and the last person has to drink some of their drink, and it only ends when another person picks up that card"

"Simple then, pick up a card Beale"

Chloe chose a random card.


"Oooh, my favourite card, this is the one people get drunk on. Again, like Conrad's until someone picks up the same card it doesn't end. This is the question master, so you can ask any question to any one of us and they have to answer with 'fuck you question master' and if they remember, you have to drink. If they don't remember, then the person who answers the question drinks"

"Oh ok, sounds simple, and I'm that until another one picks up a Queen, right?"

"Yeah" Beca asnswered.

"Err, Becs? Take a drink babe" Chloe winked.

"Oh fuck you"

"Maybe later" She winked again.

"Guys, keep your sex private, don't think Stace or I wanna hear"

"You get used to it Ames"

"Anywaaay, I'll go. I got a King, so, here's some bud in the cup"

After an hour and a half, the game was still going, Stacie and Chloe were both very drunk.

"Can we stop a minute? I need to go for a wee"

"Sure, hey Conrad, can you chuck me a fag?"

"I can do you one better, young Mitchell"

Stacie went in her bag and brought out a bag.

"Stace, is that what I think it is?"

"Maybe" She winked at Beca

"Holy shit, I mean I'd be in but it's bad enough going home drunk, let alone high"

"That's what that is? Chloe said you were all crazy, but I didn't expect you to be this crazy"

"Well, my mum's out for the weekend, do you guys wanna stay at mine?"

"I'm in, but I'm not smoking"

"Wait, so we've been here drinking all night when we could've been at yours?"

"Errr, yeah, haha, I guess so"

"Bloody hell Conrad"

"What's she done now?" Chloe heard as she was coming back from the bushes.

"We've been drinking in a field when we could've been drinking at hers as she has a free house"

"Shawstank, who doesn't like getting drunk in a park?"

"Anyway, how do you guys feel about doing something fun?"

"We're already drinking and playing a game, what else could be more fun?"

"This is what could be more fun, Beale" Stacie threw the bag into Chloe's lap.

"How did this night go from drinking in a park, to now getting high? Did Amy and I enter some parallel universe while we went for a wee?"

"Well, Fat Amy's in, I'm up for a laugh"

"Chlo, you ok?"

"Yeah, yeah, come on, let's do it"

"You serious Chlo? You wanna try it?"

"Dixie Chicks serious, besides, there's a lot you need to learn about me, young Mitchell"

Stacie rolled the joint as Beca tried her hardest to get some tobacco out of a cigarette, but in the end, Chloe had to take over.

"How long have you got to keep that on?"

"I've got to get it checked up next week, but probably another 3 weeks. Just don't every punch a wall girls, you end up with no hand"

"Yeah, but at least your ambidextrous, so you're all good" Chloe stated.

"You're what?" Stacie asked.

"Ambidextrous, means I can use both hands for the same things, so I can still write at least"

"Oh yeah, I've heard of that, I thought it was a different word. Right girls, the joint is rolled, who should go first?"

"You rolled it, so you go"

For the rest of the night, the girls had forgotten about the card game Beca had got them playing, and instead spent the next couple of hours, talking, drinking and getting high and eventually going back to Stacie's to crash for the night at around 4am. 

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