The Storm parts 1-3

By biggiant

3.3K 88 32

A girl named Sarah is driving her car, her car gets stuck in a storm. When a mysterious creature helps her. More

The Storm parts 1-3
The Storm part 4
The Storm part 6
The Storm Part 7
The Storm part 8
The Storm Part 9
The Storm part 10
The Storm Part 11
The Storm Part 12
The Storm Part 13
The Storm Part 14 Last Chapter

The Storm Part 5

372 6 2
By biggiant

Gavin sat the food down in front of her, he slowly began to eat, being careful not to scare her as he carefully and slowly lifted the humongous wooden spoon to his mouth.

There was an akward silence between them, as each of them thought of what to say.

Sarah, looked around neverously, but never really at the giant, she cringed inwardly as he ate. The Giant made a coughing sound to break the silence.

Gavin said " Where, were you going in the car, when I found you?

Sarah, said I-I- was driving to visit my friend Victoria, in the next county, when my car broke down.

Ahh, the giant nodded in understanding, good thing I found you than. I've lived out here for a few years now, Do you mind if I pick up your car, to take a look at it?

Sarah, stopped eating with the spoon mid air to her mouth in suprise and shock, she had never in her life seen a giant pick up a car, she couldn't belive this giant who was suppose to not exist was asking her.

Sarah, looked up at his billboard size face and asked him, "Why are you asking me? your a giant, you can do what you want, your bigger than me" she said uncertaintly and with a hint of fear in her voice.

Gavin frowned as he listened to her, he slowly scooped her up, as he did so, he said to her calmly, "Its allright, easy, don't be afraid, he gently brought his tree sized fingers and hand under her, he slowly brought her a few inches from his face.

Sarah,curled into a ball, screamed, as she felt herself being lifted up in the air, she felt like she was on an elevator, as she felt herself stop, she felt him breathing on her. She heard his loud soft voice booming it sounded from all around her. He said " Just because I am bigger than you does not mean that I am going to bully you or that I can do anything I want you to know, dear that, you are a person no matter what size you are. OK?

Sarah, slowly uncurled herself on his huge massive hand, and looked at him. She looked at him, trying to see/sense any patronizing, or condescending tone, in what he said, she didn't sense any. Sarah, smiled and said OK, totally blown away that a giant was so gentle, and not mean or scary, like in the fairy tale books or movies.

Gavin asked gently " May I look at your car? Sarah " slowly nodded.

Gavin slowly sat her down on the table, than picked up her car using his index finger and thumb, Sarah was neverous that he might accidently break it. Sarah, was shocked at how her car looked like a toy in his hand.

Gavin brought the car close to his face, and peered in the window and slowly opened the passenger door using his thumb and index finger.

To Be Continued


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