By moonsun_light0726

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:SEQUEL OF I'M YOURS TO KEEP An unfortunate night of event turn and make Lauren, a heiress of JCI, a cold hea... More

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By moonsun_light0726

Previously: "I don't want you..," Clara said while looking at Camila.

ALL of them widened their eyes, shock was evident in their faces, especially Lauren after Clara said it.

Camila kind of expected this but she was holding her tears, "I—I understand..," her voice is trembling when she replied.

Lauren was still frozen in her feet now looking at her mom, disappointment in her face. How can her mother said it to her woman? She's the one who said that she had to follow her heart and find a woman who can accept all of her flaws now that she found the woman, she didn't like it? What the hell?!!! 

"I-I guess—I-I'll be back later—t-to check you," and she turn her back, now jog off outside the room, she was suffocating and needed to get out.

"WHAT THE FUCK MOM!?" Lauren finally said after Camila left, "how can you say it to her?! Fuck!" and she went out following Camila.

Clara is still confused, what have she'd done? "did I say something wrong?" she asked to the people who still in the room.

Dinah was the first to recover from the shock, she nod as answer.

"What did I say?"

"That you don't want her auntie."

"What? I didn't mean it that way! I wanted to say is that I don't want her to hurt my baby," she explained.

Dinah face palmed, "auntie, we all too confused, but you know you said it the wrong way."

"Oh no, now I understand why she cried."

And they all nod.

"What will my baby say?"

And Ally answered, "she was pissed, of course, Camila is the only one who broke Lauren's walls, Lauren was like, well devastated after what happened to you auntie, when we opened up to her about your condition she started to shut us off again, she was like a hungry wild wolf, a lion, after meeting Camila she is now a puppy."

And the two nodded in agreement.

"Well Camila was a good woman then."

"Yes she is auntie," Normani replied, "and she truly loved Lauren."

Dinah continued, "she make Lauren all jelly and she's your saviour."

"Oh no..."

And the three sighed.

LAUREN caught Camila in the lounge, she saw her crying, "Camz..," and she approach her and pull her into her arms, tightening her embrace, "I'm sorry..."

"I-It's okay Lo, I-I understand—I-I am okay..."

"You're not," and she saw her having a panic attack, "fuck!" and she rub her arms, "breathe Camz, breathe with me, I will not leave you, I don't care anymore, I will not leave you, okay? You hear me Camz?" and she saw her nod, "good, good..," and she rock her, calming her down.

ALL of them jump when the door opened harshly. They saw Lauren, still angry.

"Can you give us a moment please? And take Camz shift for an hour DJ."

"Sure Lauren."

The three nod and left.

Clara couldn't look Lauren in the eyes, the tension around the room was thick.

"How—How could you do it?" she was fuming.

"I didn't mean it that way Lauren."

"What way mom? What way?! She was having a panic attack! My God!" and she is now pacing back and forth.

"I'm sorry..."

"She saves me mom, especially you, I am so happy because you're okay now because of her, the bullet now has been removed out of you, I owe her a lot, but most importantly I love her, she's the one for me! I take your advise and she had all of it, but now—ugh!! I'm going crazy!"

"Let me explain Lauren."

"Then explain!"

"I actually wanted to say earlier that I don't want her to hurt you."

"You don't have to say it to her mom, she didn't hurt me and you know, you've done it to her, you hurt her and you hurt me," and she left.

And Clara bury her face in her hands, she didn't expect it to be this way.

CAMILA stirred awake from her nap, her hand were sweaty so she opened her eyes and look around, she was in her office, she then remembered that she had a panic attack. Did Lauren carry her through her office? Then she looked to the culprit of making her hands sweaty and saw Lauren, holding her hand while sleeping. She smiled because Lauren was there with her. Then she looked up to the wall clock, it's now 3 in the afternoon, she still didn't give Clara the medicine. Clara was still recovering so she slowly removed her hand from Lauren's grip and move out of the bed. She gave Lauren a peck on its temple and then she took her lab coat wearing it then left her office.

She didn't see Ally in its cubicle maybe she's taking a break so she face her ID's barcode and it beeps then the elevator opens and she entered.

She stopped in front of Clara's room, "you can do it Camila, you can do it," and she inhale then exhale, "okay," and she enter the passcode, once it granted she grab the handle and push it inside.

She didn't waste any seconds, she did her job as soon as possible. She was now injecting the EDTA to the IV when someone suddenly talk, she jump, her heart beats faster, then she saw Clara, now awake and looking at her.

"Oh uhm—I-I was..."



"You don't have to be scared, you're a doctor, I presume full year?"

"Yes Mrs J."

And Clara's brows furrowed, "Mrs J?"

"Uhm it's you Mrs J."

"I know, but why? You can call me auntie Clara or mom."

Camila got blush, this is sudden, "oh uhm Laur—I mean Sir Doctor and I—we still didn't reach that phase, it's still been a week."

And Clara nod, "its okay, you can still call me auntie Clara."

And Camila nod, "okay, uhm auntie Clara."


"Uhm I leave now, I'm done checking."

"Stay for a bit, let's talk."

And Camila gulped then nod, she pulled the chair and stops it few inches in front of the bed.

"Move closer."

Camila followed then she sits, now fidgeting.

"I'm really sorry about earlier, I know I kind of hurt you but I didn't mean it that way, my fault I'm sorry."

"Its okay Mrs-I mean auntie, I understand, we're talking about Lauren, I'm not in her league and you want someone greater that match hers."

"No, no, not that," and Camila look at her confused, "what I was trying to say earlier before I ruin it is that I don't want you to hurt my baby."


"I understand you take it negatively, I later realize when Dinah explained."


"Forgive me Camila."

"No auntie, I really understand."

And Clara nod, "thank you."

"You're welcome."

"Thank you too for saving my life."

"Oh, you're welcome, Lauren was there too to assist me, I'm not experienced as hers, it was just I gave interpretation of what I've read in your results, she was more capable than me."

"I understand why she couldn't," and she sighed, "I bet she told you what happened."

"Yes, she opened up to me slowly, she snapped at me first when I saw one of your results, it was purely incidental when I first saw you here because it was restricted."

"Am I in 17a?"

"Yes auntie, Lauren made a room too, she lives here and never goes out."

"I see, my poor baby, what year is it today?"


"I've been slept for 2 years, my god."

"Yes, Lauren told me."

"If she snapped at you, how did you manage to convince her?"

"She practically begs me to help her."

"That was new, she never begs, it looks like she was that frustrated."

"Yes, she does it the wrong way actually."

"What do you mean?"

"Because she was hysterical throughout those years," Camila answered, "as I said earlier, it was purely incidental, she had no choice but to bring me here because she doesn't know where I live since I was wasted, I was drunk, it was the night of Dinah and Normani's engagement, they invited us and they convinced Lauren to come."

"That was good."

"Yes, it was, since this floor is restricted I don't know where I was and I'm confused because there's only two doors here, I really thought at first this is an emergency exit so I opened it and saw medical equipment then I saw you, lying here unconscious, I still not signed the full year contract that moment."

"How did you get in, it was locked."

"I really don't know."

"Hm it looks like Lauren is expecting you to see me here."


"What happened after?"

"I was shocked when I saw you here, I actually first saw you in the photo frame, it was you and Lauren, it was there in Lauren's room, then I put the puzzle together after seeing your result, your name written in the result, then she told me about you, we fought I was angry at her because she was doing the wrong thing, she made a research which is nonsense."

"What research?"

"Slowing your heartbeat, so the bullet will not get closer, she didn't know why your heartbeat changes from time to time, it was her options, you were still under Dinah's care."

And Clara nod, sighing, "she knew what happened and you're right she's hysterical, I will understand if you slap the shit out of her."

"I didn't, I kind of shut her off then I began my research because—"

"You slowly fell in love with her."

"Yes, she's the reason why I signed a full year contract, it was a silly crush at first, because she was so great, an amazing doctor, she gave me advice sometimes the other reason of my staying, I want to know more, she's a great teacher if you tell me."

"She is, I'm glad," and saw her nod, "I'm surprised the poison still not scattered I'm unconscious for two years."

"You took care of your body auntie, because the tissue was covering the bullet but not long enough, I really hurried Dinah to took your result and I saw that you're being poisoned because of the bullet."

"A lead bullet."

"Yes, .44 remmington magnum."

"A revolver, I remember, yes it was a revolver when I saw it in his hands and shot me."

"Lauren was shot too, I guess it's not my place to tell you."

"Oh no, tell me."

"Oh okay, uhm she had a long scar here," and pointed her collar bone then travel it towards her chest, "3 inches long, 2cms wide."

"That fucking asshole, I'm really hoping he was dead ugh! How dare he."

"The important is she's alive and you are too."

"You're right."

LAUREN jolted awake when she noticed her hand is not holding Camila's hand anymore so she look up and didn't found Camila there, even inside the office, she was gone, "Camz?" and no one answered, the bag pack was still there even the phone, "shit!" and she rush out of the office.

She searched for her everywhere but she didn't find her. She then saw Dinah, doing the rounds so she called her.

"Did you see Camz?"

"I didn't, why, where is she?"

"She was there in her office, I'm guarding her because she was having a panic attack earlier but when I woke up she was gone."

"Maybe she's doing her rounds?" Dinah guesses.

"I didn't see her everywhere! Help me find her."

"O-Okay," and she followed Lauren.

WHEN they couldn't find Camila everywhere they went to the last place of choice, 17a, and they saw Ally, eyeglass rested on the bridge of her nose.

"Laur..," and she saw Dinah, "DJ, wait what are you doing here? Visiting auntie Clara again?"

"No," Lauren replied, "I am searching for Camz I couldn't find her anywhere, she was not in her office too, we search for her everywhere."

And Dinah continued, "this is our last place."

And Ally nod, "I will check," and she type some on her computer and search for Camila's name of entry and her eyes widened, "she was here and she didn't leave yet."

Lauren didn't wait another seconds she jog to the elevator door and quickly type in the passcode without scanning her ID barcode. When it opened, Dinah and her entered.

"You stay there Ally, call me if Camz went out."


"DON'T think negative Lauser."

"How can I not think of it? Mom doesn't want Camila, eventhough she's against us, I will not leave Camila."

And Dinah nod, 'no need to tell her, I guess,' and she sighed, "let's just hope for the better okay?"

"I'm trying."


And they reach 17a.

"I'm calling Ally if Walz went down," and she saw her nod then she took her phone and call Ally, "how was it Smallz?"

"Still no sign, I guarding the elevator, the stair, even the emergency exit."

"Okay Smallz, thank you," and she ended the call, "she's still in the room."

And Lauren nod, then they stopped in front of her mom's room.

"Uhm let's give them time."

"I don't want to see Camz in tears, not anymore," and she quickly entered the passcode, held the handle bar and pushes it once the code accepted, "Camz!" and she stopped because she clearly hear a laugh then she took a step towards them.

"Lauren," and Camila stood when she saw her girlfriend and grabbed her hand, "hey."

"Mom didn't want you and I don't care, there's no need to get her trust, you have me and that's enough, come on," and she pull her.

"Lauren wait," and she look at to Clara.

Camila pulled her hand out of Lauren's grip, "Lauren wait."

"What now Camz?"

"Your mom and I are just talking, nothing else."

"What do you mean?"

"She explained, it was just a misunderstanding."

"What?" and she saw her nod.

"What she was trying to say earlier to me is that she doesn't want me to hurt you."


"I know you had a fight, talk to her, she misses you if you don't know that, we've come into good terms now Lo, you must too, I'm sorry if I somewhat ruined your relationship to your mom, I know you misses her too," and she took her hand and held it, "please Lo, talk to your mom."


"For me, please."

And Lauren sighed after a second of silence, "fine, for you."

And Camila smiled, "hear her out, lower your pride as you always do to me, can you do that?" and saw her nod, "good," and she kiss her, "now go, talk to her and I'll wait for you."

"Okay, I'll do this for you," and she touch her cheek, "you have me and I will never leave you, okay?"

"Okay Lo."

"Okay," and she walk back to the room and pushes the door then she went in.

Camila now noticed Dinah, "Cheechee."

"Yo Chancho, you finally noticed me, I hope I brought Mani here with me."

"Oh Cheechee," and she embrace her.

"Does you and auntie Clara is okay now?"

"Yeah, she's amazing."

"I know, I'm happy for you Walz."

"I'm really sorry about the honeymoon."

"Hey now, you didn't do anything bad and besides auntie Clara is like a mom to us, she's more important than the honeymoon, we can repeat it again if we want to."

"You're right."

"When will she be out?"

"1 week is long, she's recovering fast, maybe two or 3 days but she can't go to work yet."

"That's good."

"I know."

CLARA saw her daughter and she smiled, "hi Lauren."

And Lauren didn't look up, she just stay there.

"I'm sorry for the misunderstanding, Camila and I already talk about it."

"She told me."

"Can you look at me? I miss my baby."

Lauren's anger towards her mother vanished when she heard its magic words to her my baby she's always be a baby to her mom and she accepted that, then she look up to her and she embrace her tight.

"I miss you mom."

"And I miss you too my baby, I'm sorry and I'm glad you found a woman, don't let her go, okay?"

"I will not."


"About Mike..."

"As long as I'm alive don't mention his name to me, he hurt you."

"You knew?"

"Mila told me and don't tell me she's not in the place to talk about it because she's in the place to talk it to me."

"I know."

"She's your fiancée."

"She's still my girlfriend mom."

"Oh I know sooner or later you will propose."

"I am, but I'm not rushing her, she deserves something special and I will do it special."


A/N: I hope this fucking COVID-19 ends along with Shawmila (lol). Stay safe co-CS. Stay in your home and read more stories in wattpad to kill the boredom and to keep you from sane. 

As what Camila sang, "Don't stop believing..."


Until the next chapters...

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