Cardfight!! Vanguard G "The F...

By TheTFMHunter08

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This is a fanfictional story of my favorite Anime "Cardfight!! Vanguard" I don't own the characters, they bel... More

Stride 1: Chrono's Struggle
Stride 2: Tokoha's Ultimate Challenge
Stride 3: Reunion
Stride 4: Battle of the Royal Paladins
Stride 5: Tokoha's Feelings
Stride 6: Blooming Desire
Stride 7: The Paramour of Shion Kiba
Stride 8: Yoshiaki Anjou's Test
Stride 9: The Unexpected Return of the "Deletors"
Stride 10: Suffering
Stride 11: Team Delete
Stride 12: Teams Unite!!
Stride 13: Our Future!
Stride 14: Vanish! Deletors!!
Stride 15: Tokoha's Birthday!!
Stride 16: Desperate Times
Stride 17: The Birthday Gift
Stride 18: Brighter than the Moonlight
Stride 19: Our Time Together
Stride 20: Family Reunion
Stride 21: Secret Feelings
Stride 22: First Date
Stride 23: My Idol
Stride 25: Darkness's Hidden Light
Stride 26: Mon Amour Pour Toi (My Love For You)
Stride 27: Delete-Memory
Stride 28: Just a Feeling
Stride 29: New Memories
Stride 30: Team Sins
Stride 31: Chrono's Preparation
Stride 32: Love Triangle?
Stride 33: First Round!
Stride 34: The Unstoppable Sins
Stride 35: Team Angels
Stride 36: Second Round!
Stride 37: My Heart's Desire
Stride 38: The Deletors's Motive
Stride 39: Third Round!
Stride 40: Team Final Justice
Stride 41: Beginning of Christmas
Stride 42: Christmas to Remember
Stride 43: Welcome Back Chrono!

Stride 24: The Dim Spotlight

723 11 14
By TheTFMHunter08

Author's Note (A/N):
Thank you to all of you readers! We've reached 3,000+! I hope all of you are doing good, during this crisis, and without your support, maybe this story, would be a dump...that's all, and enjoy this part (Stride)of the story! Stand up! Vanguard!!

Asaka Narumi's POV

Asaka: It's another regular day for me, always serving Master Ren...but I'm starting to feel, that I don't love him anymore...

Ren: Uh? Asaka?

Asaka: Huh?

Ren; You know you're cooking right?

Asaka: Oh! Gah!! S-Sorry, Master Ren!

Asaka: I bowed my head...

Kyou: Ahaha! Probably daydreaming about someone!

Asaka: Grr! I stomped his foot! He's so annoying!!

Kyou: Yaaaw!! Ouch! That hurts!

Ren: (Giggles) Just another day...(Smiled)

Stride 24: The Dim Spotlight

Asaka: I went out to buy some groceries, for Master Ren and of course for us, but suddenly I bumped into someone. Oh! Sorry! I wasn't looking...

Misaki: Huh? Asaka?

Asaka: (Shocked) M-Misaki!?!

Misaki: Uh? What are you doing here? Alone?

Asaka: Uh...I was sent to buy groceries! Hehe...I laughed nervously, scratching my head

Misaki: something wrong?

Asaka: It''s nothing...(Sad)

Misaki: It's not "nothing", you can tell me...

Misaki holds Asaka's hand

Asaka: Alright...But then I heard someone called Misaki

Kai: Sorry Misaki, there's-huh? Asaka Narumi...

Asaka: T-Toshiki Kai?! What are you doing here?! (Shocked)

Misaki: Oh! don't know yet! Toshiki is now my boyfriend...(Blushed)

Asaka: Eh!?! R-Really!?! Wow! That surprised me...

Misaki: Y-Yeah...

Asaka: Well, congratulations you two...I wish you all the best! (Smiled)

Misaki: Thanks Asaka...

Kai: Thanks...

Misaki: What about you and Ren?

Asaka: Oh! We're still the same

Kai: Tch! Not surprising...that guy's always dense...

Misaki: Toshiki!

Asaka: No, it's fine...Kai's right

Misaki: Huh?

Asaka: Ever since, he really doesn't care about me...he's not the type of person to love someone...(Sad)

Kai: Hm...

Misaki: Asaka...

Asaka: Anyway, nice to meet you guys, and congrats again! I better go to the grocery store

Misaki: Okay...well see ya!

Kai: See you around Narumi

Misaki: I wish you and Ren will be together!

Kai: Hmph...(Smirked)

Asaka: Hm...I don't know, should I even give up? That guy is such a kid! Doesn't even know that I love him...

At the grocery

Asaka: I can't carry these 4 big plastic bags! This is too much! Phew! I'm so tired...

???: Uh? Do you need a hand miss?

Asaka: No, I got it under control...Not really

???: Are you sure? Those are pretty heavy...I insist miss, let me help

Asaka: (Sigh) Okay...I breathe heavily, I'm so exhausted! The guy helped me carry my groceries, I hold one, and he holds three...of course he's a gentleman, I carried the small plastic bag

???: How rude of me, lemme introduce myself...I'm Michael Akiyama, nice to meet-oh! You're Asaka Narumi! I'm a huge fan!

Asaka: Oh! You know me?

Michael: Of course I do! We were in the same school before, and we were classmates, on top of that I love your Cardfighting Skills! Team Asteroid!

Asaka: Oh...well uh, thanks! (Smiled)

Michael: I actually have a crush on you...

Asaka: Huh?! That shocked me

Michael: Yeah, I've sent you letters, flowers, chocolates, and asked you to go on a date

Asaka: Oh...I'm sorry I cannot remember! Hehe, because there were so many guys that wanted to date me...I scratched my head

Michael: That's understandable, and I know you're in love with Ren Suzugamori, so that's when I knew I don't have a chance to be your boyfriend...

Asaka: Ouch...for a guy like him, he deserves someone better than me...I'm sorry! And also, I think I'm giving up on Ren...

Michael: Uh? Really?

Asaka: (Sad) Yeah...he's just very dense, that's all...

Michael: Oh...that's too bad, I really thought you two are perfect for each other

Asaka: Huh? You-you do?

Michael: Yeah! I'm also a supporter for the both of you! I really respect your feelings on Ren, that's why I stopped bothering you, but what a coincidence, we meet again! Hehe

Asaka: This guy is so nice...Michael, is something else! He's handsome too! Hm...We arrived at Ren's office building, and waiting for the elevator. Here we are...

Michael: Well, I guess I'll be seeing you around again Asaka, nice meeting you again

Michael dropped the plastic bags on the floor, and waved at Asaka

Asaka: He turns around and is about to leave, but then something came up on my mouth! Uh, Akiyama wait!

Michael: Huh? What's up?

Asaka: About the uh...I can't muster my words

Michael: What about it?

Asaka: Is uh, the offer still open?

Michael: (Smiles) Of course it is...

Asaka: Uh, great! I'll accept it...(Smiled)

Michael: (Joyful) You mean...

Asaka: I ran towards him, and puts my index finger on his lips...Yes, we will...(Winked)

Michael: (Blushing) Oh, wow...Th-Thanks Asaka...

Asaka: No...thank you Akiyama! Not gonna lie he's kinda cute when he's blushing

Michael: (Blushing) Uh, please just call me Michael...

Asaka: (Giggles) Okay, Michael...I kissed his cheek, which made him blush even more

Michael: (Blushing) Uh...y-yo-you just kissed me...

Asaka: (Giggles) On the cheek...that's a thank you...I hold his other cheek...See you on our date

Michael: (Blushing) O-Okay...t-tomorrow a-at 11:45 AM, at the park...on the Dragon Empire Branch...uh, d-don't be late...?

Asaka: (Chuckles) I won't...see ya! (Smiled)

Michael holds his cheek, where Asaka kissed him

Michael: (Blushing) S-See ya...ALL RIGHT!! (Smiled)

Asaka: (Giggles) He's so cute...maybe it's time to let spotlight for Ren will be over

Inside Ren's office

Asaka: Here are the groceries

Kyou: About time...

Asaka: It should've been you! Some gentleman you are! (Annoyed)

Tetsu: Thanks Asaka

Asaka: Where's Master Ren?

Ren: Right here! Just in the bathroom, by the way Asaka, are you free tomorrow?

Asaka: Oh, I'm sorry Master Ren, but I have an important day tomorrow, so I won't be free

Ren: Hm...that's too bad, anyway thanks for the groceries Asaka...

Asaka: You're welcome Master Ren! (Bows Head)

Hours Later, in the living room

Ren Suzugamori's POV

Ren: Hey, Tetsu...I called Tetsu, and he auickly responded

Tetsu: Yeah?

Ren: Do you think Asaka's pretty?

Tetsu: (Chuckles) What? What makes you say that? That's the first time I heard you asking me that...

Ren: Just answer my question...(Annoyed)

Tetsu: (Giggles) Ok, ok. She's beautiful, a very attractive girl, and very sweet, especially for you...she's always soft on you. Is that all?

Ren: Not yet...

Tetsu: What else?

Ren: Do you think she's given up?

Tetsu: On what?

Ren: Actually, never mind...

Tetsu: Hm?

Ren: It doesn't matter...Why Asaka...?

Minutes earlier (Flashback)

Ren: I'm in the elevator, then the door opens, and saw Asaka with someone...Huh? I then quickly get out of the elevator, and went to hide, while listening to their conversation

Asaka: Is uh, the offer still open?

Michael: (Smiles) Of course it is...

Asaka: Uh, great! I'll accept it...(Smiled)

Michael: (Joyful) You mean...

Asaka: Yes, we will...

Ren: A date!?! She's going on a date?! With this boy?!

Michael: (Blushing) Oh, wow...Th-Thanks Asaka...

Asaka: No...thank you Akiyama!

Ren: Why Asaka!?! Why date this sore loser? I'm getting very angry...

Michael: (Blushing) Uh, please just call me Michael...

Asaka: (Giggles) Okay, Michael...

Asaka kissed Michael's cheek

Ren: Huh? What the!?! Asaka kissed that boy! I'm pissed! Very pissed, that whimp got lucky

Michael: (Blushing) Uh...y-yo-you just kissed me...

Asaka: (Giggles) On the cheek...that's a thank you...

Asaka holds his other cheek

Asaka: See you on our date

Michael: (Blushing) O-Okay...t-tomorrow a-at 11:45 AM, at the park...on the Dragon Empire Branch...uh, d-don't be late...?

Asaka: (Chuckles) I won't...see ya! (Smiled)

Ren: They're going on a date!?! What the heck Asaka! Why would you date this guy!?! It should've been me! My face turned more red!! I'm so mad! But keep your cool! Act normal

End of Flashback

Ren: Hm...I should follow them tomorrow...

Kyou: Well you're thinking deeply

Ren: Huh? Oh it's you...uh? Who are you again?


Ren: Oh! Sorry about that Kyou (Smiled)

Kyou: Grr...what are you thinking about?

Kyou crossed his arms

Ren: Nothing...

Kyou: Well, that doesn't look like it's seems to be bothering you

Ren: (Sigh) Just thinking about Asaka...

Kyou: (Shocked) Oh! Oh, uh...what a surprise, never thought you like Asaka, ahahaha!

Ren: Why? Isn't she attractive? She's been there with me all this time

Kyou: Well, yeah she is...what are you gonna do?

Ren: I'll be a detective! (Smiled)

Kyou: Eh!?!

Ren: What?

Kyou: What are you trying to do?

Ren: Oh, don't know, Asaka's dating an awful person tomorrow...

Kyou: "Awful"?

Ren; Yep! He looks like a loser, and a whimp

Kyou: So you're gonna be like a...spy on their date tomorrow?

Ren: That's right!

Kyou: Isn't that bad? What happens if you blow your cover?

Ren: I won't, because you're coming with me! (Smiled)

Kyou: Uh...WHAT!?!

Asaka Narumi's POV

The next day, on Asaka's apartment

Asaka: I woke up, and yawned...and it's already 8:32 AM! I have to take a bath, and dress up nicely...this is my first date with it has to be the best one! I'm sorry Master Ren...but I just gotta give up on you, it's clear to me, that you don't love me. I went to the bathroom, took my clothes off, then took a shower, after that I put on the towel, wrapped it around my body, then dried off...and now I gotta pick my clothing. Uh? Which is good? I don't wanna disappoint Michael...I called Misaki for help! Hello? Misaki?

Misaki: Oh! Asaka, hi! What's wrong?

Asaka: Do you have an idea, on what I should wear for my date?

Misaki: Wait, you're having a date!?! With who? With Ren?! (Joyful)

Asaka: Uh...yeah about him

Misaki: What about him?

Asaka: I sorta...gave up on him

Misaki: You what!?!

Asaka: Yeah, it's just...he doesn't care, so then I started to date with my former classmate, which is cute too...and he's so nice!

Misaki: Oh...that's good to hear

Asaka: So can you help me?

Misaki: Well my preference would be...your own self

Asaka: Huh?

Misaki: Be yourself...your clothes from before, it looks attractive on you, it suits you! And it's quite daring

Asaka: Oh, thanks Misaki!

Misaki: You're welcome! Enjoy your date!

Asaka: I will! Thanks! And we ended the call, okay...just like she said...

Ren Suzugamori's POV

At 10:50AM, in the office

Ren: Hey Kyou, you ready?

Kyou: Why do I have to do this? This is your own problem...

Ren: If you help me, I'll reward you something...I teased him

Kyou: What reward?

Ren: You'll find out

Kyou: Argh! Fine...

Ren: Thanks Kyou!

At the living room

Ren: Sorry Tetsu, we gotta leave

Tetsu: What?! And where exactly are you two going?

Ren: Just somewhere...well! Handle my work for me! Best of luck! (Smiled)

Tetsu: But wait-!

Then they both left

Tetsu: (Sigh) The usual Ren...(Smiled)

Outside the building

Kyou: So? Do you know where they're going?

Ren: Well of course I do! Although I kinda forgot...

Kyou: Oh come on...

Ren: Aha! At the park! On the Dragon Empire Branch!

Kyou: Finally...

Asaka Narumi's POV

At 11:45 AM, at the Park (Dragon Empire Branch)

Asaka: Hey! I waved at Michael

Michael: Oh! Hey! You're just in time

Asaka: Yeah, so? Where are we going?

Michael: How about we go get something to eat? It's lunch time

Asaka: Sure! (Smiled)

Michael: Great! Let's go

Asaka: I wrapped my left arm, around his right arm

Ren Suzugamori's POV

Kyou: Argh, I can't believe I agreed to this

Ren: Shh! There they are...

Kyou: (Sigh) Fine...

Ren: They're going in a restaurant, hm...

Kyou: What are you thinking?

Ren: We're going in! (Smiled)

Kyou: What!?! Are you crazy!?! That restaurant is only for dates!

Ren: Then you'll be my date on this! (Smiled)

Kyou: (Sigh) Why did I follow you...

Asaka Narumi's POV

Few minutes later

Asaka: This restaurant is great! I love the meals

Michael: I'm glad you love it...

Asaka: After this, where do we go?

Michael: I was actually planning, on the park again, you know chill there for a while? At the bench...(Blushed)

Asaka: (Giggles) Sure...

Ren Suzugamori's POV

The other side of the table

Ren: At the park, again...

Kyou: Can we just leave now?

Ren: You can go if you want, but I won't...I'm dead serious about this

Kyou: Okay fine...I'll stay

At the park

Ren: There they are...

Kyou: Holding hands together, at the bench

Ren: Time to intervene! (Smiled)

Kyou: Are you nuts Ren!?! You're gonna make Asaka mad!

Ren: Don't know, don't care...time to confront them! (Smiled)

Kyou: This guy's always out of his mind

Ren: I walked closer to them

Asaka Narumi's POV

On the bench

Michael: Hey Asaka...

Asaka: What is it?

Michael: I know I said this before, but I like you...well not just like, "like" you! But um...I...uh

Asaka: (Giggles) He's so nervous, and he's cute...I give him a quick peck on his lips, to know my answer

Michael: (Blushing) You just kissed me...

Asaka: (Blushing) That's my answer...

Michael: (Blushing) I love you...Asaka Narumi

Asaka: We're slowly leaning on each other, and about to have our first kiss! This has got to be my true love! But then...

Ren Suzugamori & Asaka Narumi's POV

Ren: Achem! I intervened

Asaka: Huh? Michael and I turned, and saw...Ren!!!

Michael: Oh...uh...R-Ren Suzugamori! Nice to meet you

Michael bows his head

Ren: I don't need your pity! I answered him rudely

Asaka: Ren! What are you doing here!?! What is he doing here!?!

Ren: What am I doing here? Last time I heard you call me was "Master Ren"

Asaka: Yeah, well we're not in the office

Ren: What's wrong with you Asaka? Why are you dating this whimp?

Michael: I'm sorry...

Asaka: No! Don't apologize to him, he's the one that ruined our moment!

Kyou: Ren, we really should go...

Asaka: You're here too!

Kyou: Uh...

Ren: Really now Asaka?

Asaka: Oh yes! That's right! You just ruined, what's about to happen between us! My long awaited kiss! From a guy I love!

Ren: Tch! As if...we're going! I quickly grabbed her forearm

Asaka: Let go of me! I quickly let go of his grip

Ren: Why did you let go!?! We're gonna get outta here now! Asaka!

Asaka: You can't force me!

Ren: Why not!?!

Asaka: Because...I looked at Michael. I love Michael!

Ren: (Mad) You what! How can she love this guy! Grr!

Kyou: Time to go Ren...

Ren: I won't let you!

Michael stands his ground

Michael: And I won't let you either

Ren: Oh! The boy seriously doesn't have a respect for me now, what a pain...

Asaka: Michael...I said it in a soft voice

Ren: Fine then! I challenge you! To a Cardfight! I pulled out my deck. Whoever wins, gets Asaka! Sound good?

Asaka: What the! I'm not a prize! Don't you get it Ren!?! You always can't see me! My love for you! It's so dim! Our love! Is very dim! That you can't even see it!

Ren: No, Asaka...I can always see your love for me...but this guy stole it from me! This weakling boy...

Asaka: You're such a jerk!

Michael: Fine, I accept the challenge!

Michael also pulled out his deck

Ren: Heh! You're not gonna win...

Michael: We'll see about that, Ren Suzugamori...I've known your skills, ever since

Ren: Yeah? Well that changes today

Asaka: Why am I the prize...?

Kyou: Isn't it obvious? Ren loves you, ahahaha!

Asaka: (Shocked) Ren...loves me?

Kyou: Yeah, we talked about it last night, he can't stop thinking about you

Asaka: Hm...Why now?! Now I'm confused! Michael is a nice guy, very generous...and so gentle. Ren is...such a dork...but there's just a lot of things I love about him...

Ren: I will get Asaka...

Michael: We'll find out...

Ren: Don't worry Asaka...I will love you forever after this match...I will have you, I won't let go of you thsi time...

Ren & Michael: Stand up!

Ren: The!

Ren & Michael: Vanguard!!

To be continued...

Pretty interesting, Ren does have feelings for Asaka🤔, find out what happens on the next part!
(Stride 25: Darkness's Hidden Light)

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