Life Saver

By Twizzle_n

1.5M 50.1K 73.5K

Tony thought he was texting Steve, but Steve, still not really understanding phones, gave him the wrong numbe... More

Chapter 1 - I don't want to be Alone
Chapter 2 - I don't know?!
Chapter 3 - Stark Industries
Chapter 4 - Vincent van Gogh
Chapter 5 - Injuried
Chapter 6 - An Accidental Meeting
Chapter 7 - Ned Is Gonna Flip When He Hears This
Chapter 8 - The Chase
Chapter 9 - Late Night Talk
Chapter 10 - The Call
Chapter 11 - An Intentional Meeting
Chapter 12 - Making sure you're okay
Chapter 13 -Peter Parker's Not So Great Life
Chapter 14 -Bullies And Crime Fighting
Chapter 15 - How's That Spider Bite Treating Ya?
Chapter 16 - Getting Picked Up
Chapter 17 - Tower Tour
Chapter 18 - Avengers Tower
Chapter 19 - Part of a Truth
Chapter 20 - Panic
Chapter 21 - The Arrival
Chapter 22 - The Conference
Chapter 23 - What the Hell is going on
Chapter 24 - Nightmares and Confessions
Chapter 25 - Who are you?
Chapter 26 - A Calm Day
Chapter 28 - Goodbyes
Chapter 29 - Everything's Okay
Chapter 30 - Acceptance
Chapter 31 - Relations
Chapter 32 - Strange Things Are Happening
Chapter 33 - The Perfect Dream
Thank You!

Chapter 27 - Guests all around

23.1K 973 1.8K
By Twizzle_n

Peter's P.O.V

"I will feast upon this holy chicken nugget and none shall stop me!" I exclaim, holding up a chicken nugget with both my hands.

"And I will feast upon this holy french fry." Ned accompanies, holding up a single french fry next to me.

"And I will eat my lunch like normal human being and not start a cult over some food." MJ sneers, massaging her templet as she eats her lunch.

"Party pooper." Ned and I huff at the same time, earning us a glare from MJ. we continue with our lunch and soon, the day is over. 

"So Peter..." Ned's voice is suspiously sweet. "Now that you're, like, staying at the Avengers Tower..."

"You wanna come over, don't you?" I raise an eye brow.

"Now you're just making assump- Yes." And there it is. 

"That'll cost you some." I joke but his face turn completely serious.

"How much?! I could ask my mo-" 

"Ned I'm kidding. Chill. Don't worry. I'm sure if I just ask Mr. Stark extra nicely he'll maybe let you come."

"Dude, you're seriously the best." Ned's eyes are glowing and MJ leans her elbow on his shoulder, giving me a questionable look.

"Do you also wanna come with MJ?" I ask carefully and she looks at me for a moment before shrugging her shoulders.

"Meh, why not. Not everyday you get to stay at your loser friend's house, especially when that loser lives with a bilionaire." She says nonchalantly.

"Hey!" I huff but she just glares at me, ending the conversation. "Right... Anyways, I'll, uhh... I'll call him, okay? brb." I say, taking out the new phone Mr. Stark gave me. Said he couldn't bare to see me use the old one.

I step away from them and dial Mr. Stark's number. After a few rings, he answers.

"What's up kid? Happy not there yet?" He says cooly.

"Oh, uhh... nonono... or I don't...- *Ahem* I don't know. Haven't really gone out yet. Hey, so I... uhh... I know I just started staying at the tower but is it okay if I bring some friends over?" I nervously stutter. There's a chuckle on the other end, giving me a cold sweat. 

Maybe I shouldn't have asked. I mean, I just started living there and I'm probably already a burden enough. But if I tell my friends they can't come over they'll be disappointed and probably get tired of me since we barely ever hang out anymore and-

"Yeah, sure kid." 

"What?" I say shocked, quickly bringing my hand to cover my mouth.

"They can come. I just gotta know how many and if I have to warn Happy." He's so chill about all of this, it's almost scary.

""Oh... uhh... well, I'm bringing two friends, if that's still okay." I murmur.

"Kid, it's perfectly fine. I expected a whole caravan so that was quite the downgrade if I gotta be honest with you." He chuckles and I smile a little for myself.

"So you're basically calling me a loser." I joke.

"Pfftt. I would never." He says. "Anyways, Happy's soon there, he had to do something. I'll call him and tell him to brace himself for hell."



"Alright... umm... Bye Mr. Stark and... umm... Thanks." My voice falters slightly, but I try to keep iy steady from the shock.

"Don't mention it kid. I'll see you soon."

"Yeah, bye." I mentally facepalm for saying bye again. There's a chuckle on the other end.

"Bye." He says before ending the call and I wanna slap myself.

I take a deep breath before turning around and walking back to my friends.

"Good news! He didn't say no." I say and Ned's eyes light up once again.

"Peter Oh my god I love you right now Thank you for letting me experience this in my life You are the best and always is and I would hug the soul out of you but I need you to hold me up if I faint." Ned says with out pause, his whole being vibrating out of excitment.

"Don't mention it." I smile. "Umm... we'll have someone drive us there and... umm... Mr. Stark said he'd be here soon so... uhh... Let's go." I motion towards the doors and we start moving.

As we step out into the sun, we see a cool black car pull up in front of the school.

"I swear, Happy really got a thing for timing..." I mumble quietly under my breath.

"Peter is that...?" Ned pulls on my sleeve.

"It's just Happy. He works for Mr. Stark." I explain, walking down to the curb and the window to the passenger seat opens, revealing Happy in the drivers seat.

"Sup Happy." I smile nervously.

"Tony warned me. You're friends can get in the back, you'll sit in the front." Happy says tiredly. 

I nod and Ned and MJ get in the back seat while I sit down in the front. The little window between the front and backseat is open and I can see Ned freaking out. MJ just looks at him, then shrugs her shoulders and takes her phone out and takes a picture of him. 

It's something MJ and I sometimes do just for fun since Ned is the biggest fanboy out of the three of us. I run close second and MJ isn't even on the podium.

Happy huffs annoyingly next to me and I give him a light smile, which he ignores. I turn back to look at Ned.

"Ned, buddy, you doing good?" I laugh.

"This is the best day of my life..." He smiles, making me smile.

"Imagine how he'll look like when we're there." MJ snorts. 

"Like the happiest boy in this muffin trucking world." Ned answers.

"Geez kid, you have some strange friends." Happy mutters under his breath.

"But they're nice." I mumble back, making his head turn at me for a second before focusing back on the road.

The car drives into the garage and we all step out except for Ned. Happy huffs again while MJ and I help him out. It's always fun seeing him fanboy like this.

"You know the way up, right kid?" Hapyy asks, locking the car.

"Yup. Thanks Happy!" I smile and we step into the elevator without him. The doors close and I say penthouse. Not a second later, the elevator starts moving. "Alright. So... Ned... you gotta get yourself together. We can't carry you home after."

"I'm sorry... this is just... so cool." Ned breathed.

"How many stars are in his eyes?" MJ asks and I look at Ned, before looking back at her.

"Too many to count." I answer and soon the doors open. We step out and my spidey sense is telling me someone is about to attack me from behind so I turn around and pin the person to the ground, but I quickly let go, realizing my mistake.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry Harley!" I apologize, bringing my hands to my mouth in horror. He lets out a chuckle, still laying on his back.

"Second time. Dude, seriously. You gotta teach me that soon. No one will know what hit'em." He says, starting to stand up and I hold my hand out to help him. "Thanks."

"Wait... You're here? What are...?" I stutter confused.

"I told you I'd visit." He shrugs.

"*Ahem* Sorry to cut your conversation short but are we just suppose to stand here. Ned is soon going to faint and I am not carrying him." MJ says and Harley looks from me to my friends.

"Oh, sorry! Right... Umm... guys, this is Harley. I met him during the conference and he's a good friend of Mr. Stark." I explain.

"Sup." Harley greets.

"Harley, this is Ned and MJ." I say, motioning to my friends. "So, why were you trying to scare me? How did you even know I was the one coming up the elevator?" I ask.

"First of all. Shuri dared me to. Secondly. Friday exists." He explains and I frown a little.

"Who's Shuri?"

"Oh. Right." Harley says turning towards the couches. "Shuri, get your ass over here and meet the cinnamon roll!" He calls out and suddenly a girl around our age jumps up from the couches and sprints over, but she stops in front of us.

"This is the cinnamon roll?" She has a heavy accent and points at Ned. I notice there's a glint of recognision in MJ's eyes, but she quickly recomposes herself.

"No that's Ned." Harley answers. "Here's the cinnamon roll." He motions at me.

"Oh. Hi! I'm Shuri." She says, shaking my hand.

"Umm... Hello..." I smile awkwardly.

"You're princess Shuri, right? Of Wakanda?" MJ asks, her voice faltering slightly.

"The one and only." Shuri answers and MJ, Ned and I stare at her dumbstruck while she and Harley laugh.

"Holy shit..." MJ mutters. "I'm... heh... A big fan of yours. All your innovations and how much more advance the medicine is in Wakanda because of you.  You're a real inspiration." MJ says, making both mine and Ned's head turn to face her and her face is slightly red. 

"Peter? Do I have a fever or did MJ just have a fangirl moment?" Ned asks, snapping out of his trance and stares at MJ, who's face is turning even more red. But Shuri is just smiling.

"Thank you very much. I'm happy my work is helping and inspiring people. It means a lot." Shuri says. MJ clears her throat and glares at us, giving us a silent "Tell this to anyone and you're dead."

We both nod and an awkward silence falls between us. Suddenly, we hear footsteps near the living room and a few seconds later, Clint comes out from the hallway, scratching the back of his head and yawning.

He's still in pyjamas and we just watch him take a bowl and filling it with cereals. Then he opens the fridge and takes out a carton of milk that has a sticky note on it saying "Clint".

"OhmygodIsThatHawkeye???" Ned freaks out and we all continue to look at Clint. 

"I think he forgot his hearing aids..." Harley says, sneaking up behind him.

"What is it with you and scaring people?" I hiss and he looks at me for a second, pretending to think before just shrugging his shoulders and continuing his way.

"Boo!" Harley yells, putting his hands on Clint's shoulders, making Clint jump out of his skin. He lets out a loud shriek and turns around, ready to fight whoever scared him.

But when he sees it's just Harley, he starts frowning and mutters curse words under his breath. Harley is laughing like a mad man as he returns to the group and Clint leaves the room with his food.

"Oh... today couldn't get better..." He says, drying away a tear.

"That sounds an oddly lot like foreshadowing..." MJ comments and we all laugh.

 "Oh MJ... You're so funny." I laugh and she just sighs. "This day can't get worse..." 

"Can't get worse, you say?" We hear someone say from behind us and we all turn around. The man with the shining green eyes is standing there, his arms crossing his chest.

"Oh... uhh... Hi Mr. Loki!" I say nervously.

"What are you mortals doing? Err... *sigh* My brother told me I had to be more social with... *ahem* mortals, around my age..." He huffs, catching us all off guard.

"And... uhh... how old are you?" Shuri asks cautiously, sounding suspicious.

"I am 1048 years old." He says casually.

"But- But- But... How... Umm... How much is that in, like, human years?" Ned stammers and he has all the reasons to. When Loki attacked New York City in 2012, some family members lost their lives.

MJ puts a supporting hand on his shoulder and Ned fidgets with his hands.

"I believe I would be around 17 or 18 years old in human years." Loki brings his hand up to his chin and is thinking for a moment before nodding. "Yes, I believe that's it."

"Seriously?!" Ned yells out, quickly covering his mouth. 

"So you were just a teenager when you attacked New York?" MJ asks, looking sceptical.

"Indeed I...- Yes, I was."

We all share knowing glances and Loki looks slightly uncomfortable. Ned clears his throat before speaking.

"Wanna hang out with us?" He asks, earning shocked looks from MJ and I.

"I... If it'd be alright with you mortals then I suppose so." Loki answers, seeming slightly taken aback from the offer. "So, what is thous names. I suppose it'd be rude if I just called you mortals."

"Umm... Well, I guess you know my name from our meeting yesterday but... I guess we'll just... start again?" I say awkwardly and Loki nods. "So... uhh... I'm Peter."

"Michelle, but I prefer to be called MJ."


"Name's Harley."

"...Ned." Ned nearly whispers his answer but we all hear it.

Another silence falls upon the room. No one has any air to speak and it's starting to get really awkward. Thankfully, Shuri takes the lead.

"So... who's up for watching some vines?" She says and automatically, smiles form on our faces. But Loki just looks a us confused.

"What is these 'vines' thou speak of?" He asks and Shuri and I gasp in unison.

"You- He doesn't?- What?- Oh wait right... He's a god and yada yada..." Shuri mumbles the last bit for herself. Then she takes Loki's arm and drags him to the couches. We all follow and sit down. Loki's frown deepens and Shuri turns the TV on and goes to Youtube. "Loki, I think it's time for you... to meet the internet!"

"Alright..." Loki hums, glancing around the room before bringing his glance back to the screen. Shuri puts on some good 'ol classic vines and that's how we spent our afternoon, educating a god about the internet. And of couse, we quoted every vine we knew.

We even taught Loki some slangs and helped him remember which vines were the most important.

When his brother entered the room, Harley handed Loki an empty soda can and Loki yeeted it at Mr. Thor. It hit his head and he asked to know what Loki yelled out.


So, basically.
We ended up teaching two gods internet slang in, like, 2 hours.

At some point, Mr. Rhodes and Mr. Banner came into the room but when they saw us they stopped, did a complete 180° and immediately left the room, which probably saved them from the insanity that was blooming.

"All women are Queens!" Thor yells out, making his hammer spin.

"If she breathes, She's a THOT!" Loki yells even louder, bringing his daggers out and they attack each other, copying the guys' saber fight from the original video.

"This was a great idea." Shuri comments as we watch them continue their fighting.

"They're going a little long though... Should we stop them? I feel like they could destroy the whole building." Ned panics.

"Nah, let them be. This is probably the most fun I've had in years." MJ says, taking a sip from her soda and leaning back on the couch.

"WHat ThE FuCk iS GoInG oN hErE!?" Someone yells out suddenly.

"Watch your profanity..." I say, making all five of us laugh while the brothers stop fighting.

"Ah! Stark! Good day!" Mr. Thor greets Mr. Stark.

"What- I- I just- Why is it always me...? Parker! Keener! What the hell?!" Mr. Stark yells making Harley and I gulp in unison.

"Well...uhh...You see Mr. Stark.... We... uhh..." I stumble on my words and Harley picks up from where I left off.

"We may or may not have kind of taught the all mighty Norse Gods internet slang? Or maybe not? You have no proof! You can't do anything." Harley contravenes, pointing his finger at Mr. Stark.

Mr. Stark just stares at him with a 'I'm so done with this and with you all' face. He brings his hand to the bridge of his nose and massages a little before looking back at us and throwing his hands up in the air.

"No. Nope. Not doing this today." He says, turning around and making his way towards the hallway but he stops and looks back at us. "Hi, by the way."

Mr. Stark looks at Ned and MJ and they wave to him before he disappears. Suddenly, Ned falls back on the couch and a squeal is making itself very vocal.

"OhMyGodIJustSawTonyStarkAndHeWavedToMeAndHeSaidHiToMeAndAcknowledgedMyExistence! ThisIsTheBestDayOfMyLife!" Ned chokes out,  seemingly also wiping away a tear forming in his eye.

"I think that's enough fighting for a day, wouldn't you say Loki?" Mr. Thor booms.

"I'd say it's too little fighting for a day." Loki huffs.

"Hey, I have a question." Shuri says suddenly. Mr. Thor and Loki sit back down on the couch and we all look at her puzzeled. "How many languages do you guys speak? Because I've heared you are Allspeak, right?"

"That is correct." Mr. Thor answers.

"But, like, what is your mother tongue? is it, like, Proto-Norse or any of the Nordic languages?" She finishes.

"I... actually do not remember. But I suppose it must've been Proto-Norse. But we soon learned languages from around the world. And Prono-Norse turned into the languages spoken in Nordic countries so it is hard to say." Loki answers.

"Say something in another language." Harley dares.

"Då får du nog berätta för mig vilket språk jag ska tala." Loki smirks.
(Then you'll have to tell me what language I should speak)

"Det var då många år sedan jag talade ett annat språk. Jag måste erkänna, dessa dödliga har fått en inflytelse på mig." Mr. Thor answers and we all look puzzled except for the gods who start a full blown conversation in the language.
(It has been many years since I spoke another language. I must admit, these mortals have had an impact on me)

A/N: I only speak Swedish... Sorry to my Nordic siblings!

"I think we should escape... I don't understand shit." Harley whispers terrified.

"Affirmative." I say and we all sneak out of the living room and run around the tower, pranking the people we meet on the way.



"Bye guys! I'll see you tomorrow." I say, waving goodbye to Ned and MJ as they walk away from the tower.  Harley had to leave a little earlier so he could get home and Shuri's brother called for her before Harley left. 

I head back into the tower and head up to the lab. As the doors open, I see Mr. Stark by his desk, working on something. I walk out and tip toe over to him, leaning over his shoulder.

"Whatcha doin'?" I ask, making him jump and nearly drop the object.

"Holy shi- *Ahem* Peter, what have I said about scaring me when we're in the lab?" Mr. Stark scolds.

"...Not to." I mutter.

"Exactly." Mr. Stark has a blank face and there's not a hole to be seen in his complexion. I silently gulp, feeling a chill run down my spine. But suddenly, he starts smiling and he ruffles my hair. I try to swat his hand away, but to no avail.

"Mr. Stark... Stop...!" I grumble.

"Look at you, having friends and stuff. Never thought that'd happen." Mr. Stark jokes.

"They were my friends before I met you, thank you very much." I recoil.

"Yeah yeah..." Mr. Stark waves his hand in my direction and gets back to working.

"So whatcha working on?" I ask again.

"Oh, right." He looks down at it, before handing it to me. "Try 'em." I look at it.

"Headphones?" He nods. I put them on and suddenly, I can't hear anything. I quickly take them off before putting them on again. I look at Mr. Stark and he looks at me with patient eyes. 

I walk over to another table and pick up two metal pieces. I turn to Mr. Stark and motion with my hands for him to cover his ears. He does so and I slam the pieces againts each other with much force. 

Nothing. No sound. Just silence.

I put the, now broken, metal pieces down and take the headphones off.

"I thought I'd make that since I often see you struggling whit loud noises. You can adjust how much you wanna hear from the outside world. It can range from nothing at all to how much a normal human ear can hear." He explains.

I feel a lump in my throat and I swallow the burning feeling also forming in my throat.

"Thank you, Mr. Stark." I whisper barely audible.

"Hmm? What was that Underoos?" Mr. Stark asks, standing up and walking over to me. I feel the warmth radiate from him as he gets closer and when he's right next to me, I wrap my arms around him before quickly letting go.

"Sorry." I say quickly. I hear a sigh before I'm pulled into a warm embrace.

"Don't worry kid."

"Thank you Mr. Stark." I repeat, closing my eyes.



Uhh... How are everyone today?


I know I've been gone for a while and I'm really really sorry! I've had writing block and then I had a medical problem in my life which prevented me from doing anything.

Bascially, I was bedridden. But I wasn't laying comfortable either so I couldn't do anything for days. That, plus it was quite painful...

But again,
I'm really sorry for the wait and Thank you all so fricking much for being so patient with me!

That's All For Now Folks!

G'night, G'day and G'morning!


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