Revealing the Wolf's Way: Boo...

By FrancescoTehrani

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Book 1 of the Revealing the Secrets series (Not complete; on hold) Summer 1987: A young man searching for th... More

Chapter 1 (William)- The Cabin & The Cave
Chapter 2 (Arastoo) - The Writing on the Wall
Chapter 3 (Seth) - Three may keep a Secret...
Chapter 4 (Seth)- ...If Two of them are Dead
Chapter 5 (Michael)- An Invisible Empire
Chapter 6 (Demetrio)- The Assassin's Target
Chapter 7 (Totit)- Love is Gone?
Chapter 8 (James)- State of Mind
Chapter 9 (Todd)- Poor Sport
Chapter 10 (Seth)- The Guardian Angel
Chapter 11 (Michael)- AGENT-OF-INFLUENCE
Chapter 12 (Totit)- Plans Derailed
Chapter 13 (Demetrio)- The Three Apples
Chapter 14 (James)- The Retreat
Chapter 15 (Todd)- Kaija and the Wolf
Chapter 16 (Michael)- Honeypot
Chapter 17 (Totit)- Sleeping with the Enemy?
Chapter 19 (Demetrio)- A Thousand and One Nights
Chapter 20 (Seth)- A Howling Wilderness...
Chapter 21 (Seth)- ...Does Not Howl
Chapter 22 (Demetrio)- Not Personal, Only Business

Chapter 18 (James)- The First Supper

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By FrancescoTehrani

April 14th, 2032
Outskirts of Carson, Washington

The more James thought about it, the more he had seemed to recognize Karen's father's name: Leonard Des Moines. Or at least a name connected to Leonard, and Carson, with the surrounding area. There was something familiar with all of that, he just could not figure out what it was. As a teen, knowing that he wanted, and preparing, to become a writer and author, he had to do ton of research. Since then, he had come across so much information, knowledge, and history, that it was hard to remember everything. Unless he used it for one of his novels, it was hard to keep track of what he knew, and learned. But there was something there. Carson especially rung some sort of bell in his head. And it was not in regards to one of his books.

It took most of the afternoon for James too get situated in Karen's cabin before dinner. Almost all of the other retreat members ate dinner together in the spacious dining room of her cabin. These people have been living together for months or even years. They developed some deep solidarity and familial relationships, especially with Karen and the psychotherapist, Dr. Oscalie Ballou. Currently there are 7 members: 2 new ones who have been here for a few months, and 5 who are "regulars" who come and go for months but have been attending for many more months and years. Twins Clara and Tara are new. Xavier, Guy, and Forest have been here on and off for 2 and a half years. Hunter and Vanessa have been for about 4 years, on and off.

Clara and Tara were identical twins, with the former suffering from anxiety, and the latter suffering depression. Xavier had paranoia and thinks that the government and other people are always listening. Guy was an achondroplasia dwarf with OCD and some depression. Forest had a fear of trees and most things green. Hunter was schizophrenic and would hallucinate, thinking that "imaginary" animals would talk to him and tell him what to do. Finally, Vanessa watched her parents get killed in front of her when she was younger and grew up with anger and PTSD ever since.

They all got help from Dr. Oscalie "Cal" Ballou. She grew up and was educated in New Orleans before traveling the world helping people. Eventually, and 14 years ago, Karen's father hired her to work at the retreat. In a way, Karen could consider her an older sister. Dr. Ballou knew that she could never be a filler, or replacement. She only helped Karen when asked. Cal would even have considered Leonard Des Moines a father figure of sorts. Of course, his death was hard on her as well. Which is why and how her role got bigger and she started the daily dinners.

Each of them slowly assembled into the cabin as dinner was being made. James was in his wheelchair waiting in the living room. He watched in fascination as this assorted group of misfits chatted and bickered among themselves around him. He was reminded about how this was the perfect set up for an Agatha Christie novel. Now all that was left was for there to be a mystery. Then he stared at that locked door again. Mystery indeed. What secrets might be beyond that door? He got his note pad and jotted all of this as an idea for his next book.

"Hey there! You must be James Solberg! The famous author!" Hunter approached with his hand extended out. Everyone else finally turned to look, seemingly noticing him for the first time. "Welcome to the Retreat!" They shook hands. "The animals say hello too!"

Everyone surrounded James like a bunch of fans flocking to their celebrity idol. In that moment, he felt loved again. Not kicked to the curb and rejected because of his handicap. He felt like he was on top of the world. He relished it as it invigorated him. As they asked him questions, he looked back at that locked door again. Something was calling to him. Then his attention went to the window with the woods outside. Calling and beckoning him. Almost like this is exactly where he belonged, and needed to be. Finally, he stared at Hunter again.

"The wolf wants you James..." Hunter seemingly mouthed quietly while also shouting in James' ear at the same time.


The kitchen door slammed open with Karen and Cal bringing out the food. "Dinner is served!" Both women loudly announced.

James broke out of trance and smiled at Karen from across the room. She smiled back as her and Cal laid the food out on the table. Everyone then took seats at the table. Hunter wheeled James over towards the end of the table.

"The wolf wants to talk to you..." Hunter whispered into James's ear as he placed at the spot. Hunter then took the seat to James's left.

Karen sat down to the right of James. She took his hand. "Everything okay?"

"Yes", he replied. "Just got caught up in the moment. A perk of being a writer!" He smiled at her.

Looking around at the group of people, Karen considered that. "Yes, I think I know what you mean. This is an interesting selection of individuals! Definitely worthy of a story!" She winked at him.

James's heart fluttered. He could barely manage winking back. It amazed him at how in tune with each other they were. And they did not even know each other for a whole day! He was still anxious from his previous history but yet as time went on, it slowly diminished. He was not one to mess with fate but he had felt the pull, or push, and could not fight it.

Cal knocked on the table to get everyone's attention. "Due to his popularity, all of you know of him, but I will like to introduce him anyway!" She stood up. "Let's give him a warm welcome to the Retreat! James Solberg!"

Everyone around the table clapped and smiled while facing him. Seeing so many people so happy to see him, made him really feel good. It had been years since he felt like this. Slowly, he realized how great of a decision it was to come here. At the same time, he did not know the reach and impact his stories had. That made him smile.

As they ate, James was asked about his life, his works, his popularity, the accident, everything!  He answered the best who could without coming off annoyed, and mean. Fortunately, the topic shifted, a bit, and he was thankful.

"As a writer who has dabbled in the mystery genre every now and then, do you know what makes the town of Carson famous?" Xavier bluntly asked James.

Yes, there was something familiar about Carson. James definitely knew it, but was not too sure. Now he was going to find out. And he was happy for it.

"Not exactly but something about the town, and..." James looked at Karen but paused. She stopped eating and looked at him. He saw recognition in her eyes. Then she casually shrugged. "Nevermind..." He shook his head. "Anyway, yes. The town does come to my mind but for what exact reason, I am not sure. My recall has not been good since the accident!" He knocked on his head.

Xavier smiled. Almost everyone at the table either rolled their eyes or shook their heads. Karen seemed to be the most animated, in a way.

"What?!?" Xavier cried out. "What is wrong with bouncing my ideas off of him? James is a writer, maybe he can help me! For all we know, it could inspire him to write a story about it!"

Everyone looked at James. "So, what is it? What happened to this town to make it so famous?"

"Let's see if this jogs your memory: 1987, Carson, single murder, victim Mille, suspect William Eisenberg; who disappeared into these very woods after his girlfriend's dead body was found." Xavier smiled at the look on James's face.

James finally remembered and realized. It had been years since he stumbled upon and last thought about that case. William Clark Eisenberg and Leonard Des Moines. That was the connection. Maybe. But he was sure there was more to it. But he kept that go himself, for now. He looked over at Karen and nodded. Her expression was one of bewilderment.

"Yes, now that most definitely rings a bell. It was many years ago when I must of found out. Well before my accident! I just can't believe I had forgotten..."

"Wait..." Guy interupted. "You did not come to write a story about that?"

James shook his head.

"Oh... That's a shame..." Guy looked down. "We kind of had a bet going... Between some of us. I guess I lost..."

"So did I..." Xavier confirmed.

"But I did not!" Hunter spoke up. "I have been telling everyone that something else was drawing you here. Something in these woods. They did but believe me so most of us bet on it!"

Everyone was quiet guaranteeing and confirming that that was the truth. Once again James caught himself staring out the window to the woods. The Douglas fir moved to the breeze. He may have denied it before but there was a chance that something was drawing him here. Out of all the places he could of picked, or refused, he selected this place. Of all places. He shook his head. He was a realist and a relatively grounded person. Maybe. But still, such notions are filled with fancy. And yet... He turned again to look at the closed and locked door. What was hidden away in there?

Soon after dinner and cleaning up, everyone congregated next to said door. Karen helped James onto the couch and sat next to him. She was lovingly holding his hand regardless of everyone else seeing. Fortunately, no one said anything, which he was really happy about. They all made him feel so comfortable. Except Hunter. With twitching eyes, he would glance from outside at the woods back towards at him. Like he was anxious about something. Something in the forest... Wolves... Wolves in the forest. He shook his head when someone called his name.

"James, Xavier wants to know if you agree with him." Guy inquired. "Mr. Conspiracy Theorist over hear thinks that he has the Eisenberg case figured out, or something!"

Xavier smiled when James looked at him. "Tell me what you think."

"Honestly, I don't think William killed his girlfriend Mille. Before the murder, the town use to say good things about their relationship. Even with his celebrity status, they were seen as the perfect couple. Then literally, overnight, some people just started saying these horrible lies. Those that continued to speak positively about them either disappeared or met with an unexpected death! The witnesses too, shared a similar fate. Those who tried to say that William was down the block or outside the building during the murder, were quickly silenced. A select few were certain that William was there and actually did kill Millie. They kept their stories 'straight' for many years. As soon as the investigation stopped, those witnesses vanished as well!" Xavier paused. "There is more, of course. Like how his wallet, some clothes, and his car keys were found in Millie's blood. All of that just seems to good to be true! After all of the research I have done, I just have this feeling that there is more to this murder. That someone, for some nefarious reason, wanted to specifically pin Millie's murder on William. Almost like they were trying to get rid of him."

James smiled and nodded. Everyone eagerly listened for his response.

"I believe and feel, from what I can remember, that I stumbled upon that conclusion as well. Maybe more! But I can tell that you are definitely on the right track!"

Xavier smiled back. "Will you help me investigate then? To the best of your ability, help me crack this conspiracy?"

"The game is afoot!" James winked shaking his hand.

Once everyone had left after some fun and games, James and Karen were alone in her room.

"I did not want to say anything in front of the others, but..." James held Karen's hands, "I know that your father was friends with William Eisenberg. He most likely could have known whether or not William was the murderer. Don't ask me how or why, but I have a distinct feeling that the answer to that mystery lies in that locked room."

Karen straddled him. "Since you might be regaining your feeling from the waste down, do you think you will be able to use everything again?" She asked grabbing his crotch.

Suddenly, James experienced something he had not felt in a while, arousal, and the beginnings of an erection. "Hey now! I know that you trying to distract me! But... But... Oh, I think that it is working! Please don't stop... It has been a while since I had such... feelings..."

"Don't worry my love. We will have plenty of time to talk about my father. He had his secrets, most of which he kept from me... But all in due time..." Karen deeply kissed him while helping him take off his clothes.

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