The Agreste siblings

By disneyworkslove

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When Adrien's unknown twin sister (Lydia) who lives in New York City was forced to move back to Paris due to... More

Getting to know Lydia
Part 1: Siblings Reunite
Part 2: A New Beginning
Part 3: The Reveal
Part 4: A Hidden Secret Revealed
Part 5: The Book
Part 6: Meeting on the Eiffle Tower
Part 7: Walking With a Friend
Part 8: First Day of School
Part 9: Akuma Attacks
Part 10: Siblings Argue
Part 11: The Prohecy
Part 12: The 3 Gifts
Part 13: Dark Akuma
Part 14: The Missing Page
Part 15: The Secret Room
Part 16: Evil Chat

Part 17: Lydia's Fate

1.5K 26 2
By disneyworkslove

Lydia's POV

How am I suppose to beat him. Think Lydia think. Then something came to my mind. A plan. I just need him to back off for one moment. I throw my hardest punch at him and he stumbles back hitting his head on the wall behind him then the floor. I stand there and gather as much energy as I can to increase my healing power and think only about love to trigger it. How much I love my mother, being a hero, saving people, Duusu, and how much I love my older brother and how I'm I'm going to save him!
I open my eyes to see the Adrien was doing the same thing with his power to destroy. Gathering as much energy as possible. I can feel how strong his power is. But I need to be stronger to save him. We release our power at the same time towards each other. And as they hit both energy sources went through each other and hit us. I fall to the ground screaming in pain and everything goes black.

Adrien's POV

A flash of blue light directly hits me as I hear someone screaming. I fall to the ground but I don't feel any pain. I don't feel the darkness anymore. I look over to see Lydia in pain and pass out.
"Nooo, Lydia!" I yell and run towards her.
"Lydia wake up!" I say and detransform. Play flies out of my ring and lays in the floor.
"Cheese." He grumbles and closes his eyes.
"Plagg." I say and toss him a piece of cheese in my pocket and eats it.
I turn my attention back to Lydia who is still in her miraculous form.
"Lydia. I'm so sorry." I say crying as pick her up and pull her into my lap cradling her head.
"What have a I done?" I say tears streaming down my face. I feel all the anger wash away from me and only feel guilt and sadness.
"I'm so sorry. I felt so angry, at father.... and at you for leaving me. I should've went with you. I should've found you sooner and brought you home." I say still cradling her head crying.

Lydia's POV

"What happened?" I say holding my hand and stand up. I look around to see that I'm no longer in the study but in a white room that seems to never end?
"Where am I?" I ask myself.
"You are in limbo." I hear a voice behind me say. I turn around to see... mom.
"Mom?" I say and I can feel the tears grow in my eyes as I run to hug her.
"Hello my little Lydia." She says and hugs me back.
"I missed you so much." I say as I slightly pull away from her to see her face but still holding her.
"I know my darling. But I never left you, or your brother." She says looking down at me as she is slightly taller than me.
"Adrien? What happened to Adrien? I say in a panic tone and pull away from her remembering what happened.
"You healed him. You saved him from his suffering." She says. "But now, he's suffering over you." She says and waves her hand in front of us. Showing a faded picture of him sitting on the floor, holding my lifeless body crying.
"Oh no." I say and move closer to the picture.
"As your energy healed him. His did the opposite to you." She says.
"So, I'm dead." I say looking at her.
"No, not yet. You have the power to heal. You can heal yourself. But it won't be easy." She says
"Or, I can stay with you?." I say.
"Sometimes it's easier to let go then to fight. Trust me. I know." She says looking a little upset. I remember sitting by her bedside when she died. I told her that it was okay to let go. That we will be okay, we will take care of each other.
"I can't leave him again. Not after this. Losing you almost broke him, almost broke us all. Imagine what this would do. He's blaming himself for what he did already." I say as I listened to Adrien crying and whispering that it was his fault.
"I need to go back." I say stepping closer to mom.
"I know sweetie. And it's okay. I'll forever be with you two and looking over you." She says and hugs me tight.
I can feel myself slipping away.
I open my eyes again to see Adrien crying over me. I lift up my hand and place it on his that's holding my head. I feel a rush of pain through my body as he jolts up and looks at me.
"Lydia! You're alive!" He says and squeezes me tight.
"Owe owe owe." I say and he quickly let me go.
"I'm sorry, I'm so so so sorry." He says with tears in his eyes.
"It's okay. It's not your fault. When you got hit the that black shadow from the boogeyman. It was darkness. It increase your negative emotions that caused you to turn evil for a moment." I say as I try to heal my injuries with what strength I got left.
Adrien helps me to sit up and lean against the wall the was closest to us.
"I really destroyed the room." He says with a slight chuckle.
"Better the room than father." I say holding my stomach because of the pain as it slowly fades away.
"Oh god... he knows who we are. Doesn't he?"
"Yea. You kinda gave that away. But I think everything will be okay now. " I say and open my hand to show him the moth miraculous. we both de-transform and our kwamis fly out of the miraculous and land in the ground. Nooroo also appears out of the pin. And the 3 kwamis have a happy reunion.
"Thank you for saving me." Nooroo says to us.
"It's what we do." I say and smile.
I get a text from Marinette asking if everything is okay and that they can come back.
I text her back saying yes.
Her and our father appear around the massive hole in the caused by our fight.
Marinette unties the ropes and our father walks slowly toward us as Nooroo hides on my shoulder.
"Adrien, Lydia... I'm so sorry for what I'd did. I drove you away." He says gesturing to me. "And I neglected you." He says to Adrien.
"We know why." I start to say.
"You were upset about mom and pushed us away, closed us out while you tried to bring her back." Adrien says.
"I know. I tried everything. That spell, was the only thing that I haven't tried. But Marinette explained everything to me about what would have happened. And you mother wouldn't want that." He says and kneels down in front of us since we are still sitting on the floor.
I thought about the moment I had with mom in limbo and I'll keep that to myself for now. If I told them I spoke with her I think it would just complicate things more and get him obsessed again know that there is a life after this one.
"Hey Mari, do you think you could fix the study to how it was before." Adrien asks with guilt in his voice as everything was turn to ash or blown up.
"Yea I could fix it." She said looking around.
"No, leave it. I don't think I'll be needing a study anytime soon. I think we can renovate it and turn it into something we can all enjoy." Father says smiling.
I fell like this could be the start of a new chapter for our family. A better one.

Well there we have it. This story is now complete! I'm thinking of doing a bonus chapter to see how everything turns out...
let me know what you think!

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