Lurid (BWWM)

By ReignXBlack

272K 12.8K 1.7K

⚠️THIS WAS MY SECOND BOOK SO HALFWAY BEWARE?⚠️ A girl named Reign has been sick the eighteen years she's been... More

|Chapter 1|
|Chapter 2|
|Chapter 3|
|Chapter 4|
|Chapter 5|
|Chapter 6|
|Chapter 7|
|Chapter 8|
|Chapter 9|
|Chapter 11|
|Chapter 12|
|Chapter 13|
|Chapter 14|
|Chapter 15|
|Chapter 16|
|Chapter 17|
|Chapter 18|
|Chapter 19|
|Chapter 20|
|Chapter 21|

|Chapter 10|

10.7K 557 101
By ReignXBlack

Chapter 10
"Have we not come to such an impasse in the modern world that we must love our enemies - or else? The chain reaction of evil - hate begetting hate, wars producing more wars - must be broken, or else we shall be plunged into the dark abyss of annihilation."-Martin Luther King, Jr.

"So... tell me about yourself." The guy named Kale said.

"My names Reign." I said taking a sip of my coffee.

"Like rain down on me?" I laughed a little.

"No, like rule." He nodded his head. "Well umm... thanks for the coffee." I said getting up from the table. I didn't feel that comfortable talking to strangers you bump in the streets.

"No wait." He said pulling my arm once again, well doesn't he love touching my arm.

"This pulling arm thing has to stop." He let go of my arm and I started to rub the area where he grabbed it.

"We should hang out more." I laughed.

"Maybe we shouldn't." I said opening the door from the coffee shop trying to get away. Can't he notice that I'm trying to get away? It's pretty freaking obvious.

"And why not?" Kale said following me. He can't take a hint.

"My time here is almost up." I turned around smiling at him then started to walk the direction to my house. I don't want any friends. I just don't. There's no point of making any new friends when you know for damn sure you aren't going to live long. Maybe I was a little too mean, but oh well, shit happens. He did kinda sound familiar though... it's probably nothing. I felt something wet on my arm and when I looked down at my arm I saw it was bleeding. I pulled back my sweater and saw that my skin was peeled back.

"Fuck!" I cursed out loud and started to run to my house. When I got there my ma still wasn't home. I rushed into my bathroom and put my arm under the running water. I forget my skin is fragile. It tares and scares easily. When all the blood was gone there was a big crescent moon covering my forearm. "What the..." I trailed off looking confused at my arm.

I touched it and instantly regretted it, because it started to sting. I got my first aid kit and put alcohol on it. "Ah... fuck!" I gently patted down my arm with a cloth and started to wrap a bandage around my forearm. When I was done I sat down at the end of my bed confused. Did Kale give me the crescent moon scare? I mean that's clinically impossible, it would be possible if he carved into my skin, but he didn't.

He simply tugged at my arm. He didn't do it that's fucking stupid of me to think of that in the first place. Magical people, magic shit doesn't exist. Stupid supernatural people doesn't exist. I'm like a seven year old kid, were their imagination is wild. They'll think the stars are fairies and the rocks are trolls. I can't believe I thought the solid shadow was the grim reaper.

I can't believe I even considered that. If I was it and I was stalking some poor girl, and she asked me the same question I'll bust out laughing. I got off of the bed and took off my clothes, I crawled back into bed. Maybe me resting will calm down my delusional thoughts.
What delusional thoughts? I looked at him then put my head in my hands.

"Oh I don't know... you know just stupid shit." The things you think aren't stupid. "I thought a grim reaper was going to reap me." I said with a straight face. Oh... well yeah. That's kinda-"stupid? I know." He smiled at me then put his fingers through my hair.

It's so beautiful. He said fingering my hair. "Tell me about it." This time my hair was atop my breast... the same length it was when it started to fall out. "How?" I asked myself whispering. Maybe magical people are real?

"No, no they aren't." Get that crap out of your head Reign. What happened to your arm? He unwrapped my bandage and looked up at me confused. Why wrap your arm when nothing's there? "What?" I looked down at my arm and no scare... no crescent moon fucking scare.

"That's insane."

I woke up breathing heavily and sweat pouring down my face. I tore off the bandage off of my arm quickly and saw a regular strait scare. No crescent moon scare, no fairy dust sprinkles around, it nothing. I quickly got out of bed screaming,


"WHAT? What? Did something happen?" She asked storming down the steps and meeting me in the living room. "What's wrong?" My ma asked breathing hard.

"This! Happened." I said sticking my arm out towards her. She looked down the back at me with no expression.

"First of all, why are you in your underwear and second, a scare? Really Reign? A- OH MY GOSH!"-oh here we go-"what did I tell you about being more CAREFUL?!"-is she serious?-" oh my FUCKING GOSH you don't listen."


"It's like I have to tell you again and again-"


"And again-"

"MOM! I know I have a scare, but it didn't look like this." I finally said pointing at the scare.
"What did it look like then."

"A crescent moon." My ma's eyes got big for a second. She looked shocked then quickly recovered it.

"You probably imagined it." She said walking up the steps.

"But I didn't. I'm telling you it wasn't like this is was-"

"Reign, stop. There was no crescent moon." My mom said going into her room. I stood there for a few moments. Why did she get fed up when I said it was a crescent moon? There was nothing to be mad about. I shacked my head and went inside my room. Maybe I need another nap to clear my thoughts. I could probably say I was imagining it, but what if my perspective of things are different, because of the events that's been happening to me. It doesn't matter right now. I have a date and it's waiting in my bedroom.

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