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fvckinwrite tarafฤฑndan

420K 11.5K 2K

While Sam and Dean were looking for their father, they come to find out that they have a sister... Not only i... Daha Fazla

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quick a/n pls read!!!
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vote for a face claim!
a/n (again sorry!)


5.4K 174 34
fvckinwrite tarafฤฑndan

XXXII. Fight It

             THE WINCHESTERS SAT IN THE IMPALA, eating their lunch. While Sybil munched on her soggy fries, Dean crumpled his burger wrapper into a ball. 

"You know, one day, I'd love to just sit down and eat something that I didn't have to microwave at a minimart."

Sybil nodded as Sam changed the subject. 

"What I don't get is the motive," Sam said. "The doctor was squeaky clean. Why would Andy waste him?"

"If it is Andy," Dean countered. 

Sam scoffed. "Dude, enough."


"The doctor was mind-controlled in front of a bus," Sam affirmed. "Andy just happens to have the power of mind control. You do the math."

"I don't think the guy's got it in him, that's all."

"How the hell would you know," Sam asked.

"I dunno, Sammy," Sybil chimed. "Andy was really nice to me when we were driving."

"Hey," Andy exclaimed, slamming his hand on the roof of the car. "You think I haven't seen you three? Why are you following me?"

Sam spoke up. "Well, we're lawyers. A relative of yours has—"

"Tell the truth," Andy interrupted. 

"We hunt demons," Dean answered as if he were in a trance. 

Sam, Andy, and Sybil snapped their head towards Dean's direction in disbelief. 


"Demons and spirits," Dean continued. "Things your worst nightmares wouldn't even touch. Sam's my brother and Sybil is our demigod sister."

"Dean, shut up," Sam and Sybil whispered. 

Dean struggled to stop himself. "I'm trying. He's psychic, like you. Well, not really like you. He thinks you're a murderer, and he's afraid he's gonna become one himself 'cause you're all part of something terrible. I hope to hell that he's wrong, but I'm starting to get scared he might be right."

Sybil hid her face in embarrassment, slouching further into her seat. 

"Okay, you know what," Andy began. "Just leave me alone."

"Okay, All right," Dean said before leaning his head against the window. 

Sam peered at Dean with disappointment before getting out of the car, following Andy. Sybil sighed, patting Dean's shoulder before following Sam's footsteps. 

"What are you doing," Andy questioned, backing up in fear. "Look, I-I said, leave me alone. Get out of here! Just start driving and never stop!"

Sam put his hands out as he proceeded to walk towards him. "Doesn't seem to work on me, Andy."

Andy glanced up at the brunette in confusion. "What? You too?"

"You can make people do things, can't you? You can tell them what to think."

As Sam continued to interrogate Andy, Dean eventually got out of the Impala and picked Sybil up. Dean started to walk towards the two, only to receive a halting hand from Sam. 

"How're you, Deanie," Sybil inquired, resting her head on his shoulder. 

"Could be better," Dean responded honestly. "How come you didn't get mind-controlled?"

The young girl shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe because I'm a demigod."

The two siblings watched their brother from afar.

"I have abilities, too," Sam confessed. "You see, we're connected, you and me. Sybil too."

"Just get out of here," Andy exclaimed, desperation leaking out of his tone.

"Why did you tell the doctor to walk in front of a bus?"

Before Andy could defend himself, Sam began wincing in pain as he grabbed his head. Once the pain subsided, Sam looked at Andy once more. 

"Why did you kill him?"

"I didn't," Andy answered. 

Sam began grimacing again, revealing that the pain worsened. Sybil wiggled herself out of Dean's grip and ran towards him. 

"Sammy! What's wrong?"

The young girl clutched her brother's hand and gasped. Sybil witnessed flashes of a woman burning herself alive at a gas station. She shrieked and let go of Sam's hand, falling back. 

"Sybil," Dean blurted, running towards her. "What happened? Sam, what is it?"

Andy assisted Dean in sitting Sam down. "I didn't do anything to him."

"A woman," Sybil spoke up, scarred from Sam's vision. "He saw a woman burning herself alive."

"What else did you get," Dean asked.

Sam swallowed before speaking. "A gas station. A woman is gonna kill herself."

Andy looked at the siblings in confusion. "What does he mean 'going to'?"

"Shut up," Dean instructed, interrupting Andy from going on a rant. 

"She gets triggered by a call on her cell."

Dean looked between Sam and Sybil. "How did Sybil see your premonition? What did she do?"

"I just touched him, and I saw everything in flashes," Sybil explained. "I don't know why. Maybe the demon's right. It's all part of his plan."

Dean snapped his head towards his sister. "Don't say that! Nothing is going to happen to you. To any of you."

"As long as we keep our eyes on this son of a bitch, nothing will happen," Sam sneered. 

Andy butted in. "I didn't hurt anybody!"

"Yeah, not yet."

Before anything else was said, sirens blared loudly behind them, inducing them to turn over their shoulders. They watched as a firetruck zooms down the road. 

"Go," Sam ordered. "Take Sybil with you. I don't want her anywhere near him."

               AFTER COMING TO THE CONCLUSION THAT Andy wasn't responsible for either altercation, they went to the county office to look through Andy's adoption records. They successfully entered the file room once Andy used his abilities to allow them access. 

They gathered a few boxes before sitting down on the table. 

"Wait, so your little sister is a demigod?"

Dean nodded as he looked through the files. "Yep. Her mother is Hecate."

"So that's why my powers didn't work on her," Andy concluded. "How is she a part of this anyway?"

"What do you mean," Sam asked, looking up at him. 

Andy leaned on the table, grabbing a file. "Well, earlier you said that we're connected. What do you mean?"

"It's kind of a sensitive topic for her right now," Dean whispered, nudging his head towards Sybil's direction.

Sybil shrugged in response. "It doesn't matter. The demon wants to use me as his weapon to start some type of war. He gave you guys abilities to fight for him, but apparently, I'm his ultimate weapon."

"Oh," Andy said, not knowing how to respond.

"I got it," Sam announced, breaking the awkward silence. "Andy, it's true. Holly Beckett was your birth mother."

Andy let out an airy chuckle. "Does anyone have a Vicodin?"

Sybil began to lean towards Dean before he put his hand up, shaking his head toward her. "Nope. Don't ask."

"Dr. Jennings was her doctor, too," Sam continued. "I mean, he oversaw the adoption. You have a solid connection to both of them."

"Yeah, but I didn't kill them."

Dean glanced at Andy. "We believe you."

"Yeah," Sam joined. 

"But, uh, who did?"

Sam took a breath before responding. "I think I got a pretty good guess. Holly Beckett gave birth to twins."

"Holy shit," Sybil exclaimed, grabbing the attention of all three men in the room. 

"Whoa, no, Ma'am," Dean scolded. "Who taught you that?"

Sybil raised an eyebrow at him. "Seriously? You're asking me that?"

Andy laughed. "I like her. She's funny."

"Nu-uh," Dean shook his head in disapproval. "Don't praise her."

"Dean, I don't think right now is the time to tell her not to curse," Sam hinted. "So, Andy, Holly put you and your brother up for adoption. You went to the Gallagher family, obviously, and your brother went to the Weems family from Upstate."

Andy remained quiet, inducing Dean to look over at him. "Andy, how you doing? Still with us?"

"Um," Andy murmured, snapping out of his daze. "What was my brother's name?"

"Uh, Ansem Weems," Sam replied. "He's got a local address."

Andy's eyebrows perked up in surprise. "He lives here?"

"Let's get a look at him," Dean suggested, causing everyone to face him. "I got his picture coming over from the DMV right now."

Dean pulled the picture from the fax machine, exhaling sharply as he walked towards the table. "I hate to kick you while you're freaked, but take a look at that."

Andy grabbed the paper from Dean, immediately looking up at the Winchester brothers. Tired of the tension in the room, Sybil grabbed the piece from his hands to take a look for herself. 

"Oh, you've got to be kidding me," Sybil said. "This weirdo?"

                DEAN RACED DOWN THE EMPTY ROAD in his Impala. Sam looked over his shoulder as he spoke. 

"Tell us everything you know about this guy."

Andy was seated next to Sybil in the back, shrugging. "I don't know much. Webber shows up one day like eight months ago, acting like he's my best friend in the world. He's kind of weird, like trying too hard, you know?"

"Yeah, tell me about it," Sybil states under her breath. 

The conversation began to zone out as a familiar voice overpowers the background noise. 

"Now, now, Sybil, you know you can't defy me."

"Watch me," she said quietly, trying not to gain any unwanted attention.

"There will be consequences. You don't want me to do anything to your precious brothers, do you?"


The three men in the Impala jumped suddenly at Sybil's screams. Dean looked at the eight-year-old through the rearview mirror in concern. 

"What, Sybil? What's wrong?"

"H-he's in my head," She said. "He doesn't want me to do anything."

"Well, screw him," Dean exclaimed. "You're not going to give in."

"Believe what you want, but this is your destiny. You will be mine."

"No, no, no!"

Suddenly, the mist starts stirring up within the Impala. It starts circling her small body as she screams repeatedly. 

"Uh, guys, what's wrong with her," Andy questioned, backing away from the mist.

"Sybil! Calm down," Sam attempted to console. "He can't do anything to you here. Not on our watch."

The mist began to circulate faster until the current was released, momentarily blinding everyone in the car. 

"Sybil," Dean called.

Sybil's eyes, now a misty white, turned towards the front. 

"Don't let the mist take over, Sybs," Sam said, leaning over to her.

Sybil blinked, inducing her eyes to change color to a familiar electric yellow. "Well, hello, boys. Sorry, Sybil's away at the moment, but I can take a message if you want."

"Who the hell is that," Andy asked, instantly regretting being seated in the back with her. 

"Your future leader. Anyways, I can't have this precious little weapon ruin my plans, so I will be taking her with me."

"No way in hell," Dean said, slamming on the breaks. 

The demon smirked, mimicking Sybil's voice. "Thanks, Deanie! This makes it easier for me to get out."

With that, the demon jolts out of the car while in Sybil's body. Dean became furious and stepped on the gas, speeding down the street. 

"Where are you going," Andy questioned. 

"To your evil twin brother. He may take her there," Dean explained. 

               DEAN, SAM, AND ANDY WAITED FOR Ansem's arrival. Once they saw his car slow down to a stop, Sam punched the driver seat's window, shattering the glass. 

"Get out of the car," Sam bellowed. "Now!"

Ansem looked up, glaring at the Winchester. "You really don't want to do this."

As a response, Sam punched his face and dragged him out of the car. He slammed him against the car, gun in his face. 

"Where is she?"

"Where is who," Ansem inquired, confused about who he is talking about.

"Sybil Winchester," Sam said. "Where is my sister?"

"I have no idea!"

Sam punched him once more in the face before tying Ansem up and duct-taping his mouth shut. As he was doing that, Andy ran up to his evil twin and kicked him. 

"I will kill you," Andy threatened, venom dripping from his tone. 

"Andy! Let me handle this, all right?"

While Sam tried to keep Andy in check, Tracy hit Sam with a branch, causing Sam to fall onto the floor. 

Ansem took this as an opportunity to explain to Andy his mindset on how everyone separated them and how powerful they can become.

"You learn you got a twin, you call him up and go out for a drink," Andy stated, interrupting his crazy rant. "You don't start killing people!"

"I wanted to tell you for so long, bro, but he didn't let me," Ansem explained. "He said until the time—"

Andy took a step toward Ansem. "Who?"

"I did," Sybil, who was possessed by the demon, informed. "I'm glad you two have met, but we have my plans to fulfill, so let's skip the whole brother reunion thing."

"Sybil," Sam grunted. "Fight him. Don't give in."

"Sorry, Sammy," the demon exclaimed, jumping down from the car. "I've suppressed everything. She can't hear or see you right now."

"Fight, Sybil! I know you can do it."

The demon scoffed. "You Winchesters sure don't know when to call it quits. She's not here!"

Ansem paused before looking towards the direction of the hills. "I see you. Bye-bye."

The demon laughed in success. "Good boy, Ansem. I knew you had potential. Now, Andy has a little more work—"

The demon began grunting as if he were trying to maintain control. Sam sat up and screamed as loud as he could. 

"Sybil! Fight!"

Sybil let out a bloodcurdling screech. A white mist began surrounding her once more as she regained authority over her body. 


With that, Dean snapped out of his haze, and Andy found the opportunity to shoot Ansem down. After the ringing of the gunshot came to a halt, the white mist disappeared, causing Sybil to fall.

Sam ran over to the girl, cradling her in his arms. "Sybil, you did it. You didn't give into him."

Sybil smiled weakly as she let out a giggle. "I did it."

Okumaya devam et

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