Bittersweet and strange ~ Doc...

By StineSkar

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Genderbent Doctor who story. Season 5 - ? More

Season 5
The Eleventh Hour
The Beast Below
The Time Of Angels
Flesh And Stone
Vampires Of Venice
The Hungry Earth
Cold Blood
The Lodger
The Pandorica Opens
The Big Bang
Season 6
The Impossible Astronaut
Day Of The Moon
The Curse Of The Black Spot
The Doctor's Husband
The Rebel Flesh
A Good Woman Goes To War

The Almost People

79 0 1
By StineSkar


The new Doctor is suffering, "Argh. What's happening? I wonder if we'll get back. Yes, one day. Argh. I've reversed the polarity of the neutron flow"

"The Flesh is struggling to cope with our past regenerations. Hold on" the Doctor points out.

She now speaks with the voice of the fourth Doctor, "Would you like a jelly baby?" the G-Doctor holds out her hand.

She suddenly flinches back and cries, "Why? Why? Why?"

"Why what?" the Doctor asks her.

"Hello. I'm the Doctor" She speaks with the voice of the tenth Doctor before she goes back to normal, "No, let it go, we've moved on"

"Hold on, hold on, you can stabilize" the Doctor assures her.

"I've reversed the jelly baby of the neutron flow. Would you like a Doctor, Doctor, I'm, I'm the. I can't" G-Doctor stutters over her words in great pain.

"No, listen, hold on. Hold on"

"No! Argh"

The other Gangers are trying to batter their way in. Then it all goes quiet, "I think I liked it best when they were being noisy" Buzzer comments.

"Mm-hmm. Doctor, we need you. Get over here" Rory calls her over.

"Hello" G-Doctor has finally stabilized herself.

"Doctor" Rory says a little unsettled.

"Cybermats" the Doctor says to quiz the ganger of herself.

"Do we have time for this?" G-Doctor asks her.

"We make time. I'd like more proof that you're me. Cybermats"

"Created by the Cybermen. They kill by feeding off brainwaves" G-Doctor answers her.

"Are you sure there aren't any weapons to can get to, like big guns with bits on?" Rory asks them.
"Yeah, big guns would be good right now" Buzzer comments.
"Why would we have guns? We're a factory. We mine" Jimmy tells her.

"Acid" Rory realizes to late as the door starts to dissolve and the Gangers recommence their battering.

"Rory and Andy, they may not trust both of us" the Doctor tells her ganger.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"


"I'm glad we're on the same—"

"Wavelength. You see, great minds" the Doctor smirks.

"Exactly. So, what's the plan?"

"Save them all, humans and gangers" the Doctor points out.

"Tall order. Sounds wonderful"

"Is that what you were thinking? It's just so inspiring to hear me say it"

"I know" G-Doctor grins back at her.

"Doctor, come on" Rory calls for her.

"So, what now, Doctor?" G-Doctor asks her.

"Well, time to get cracking, Doctor"

Both the Doctor steps forward to join them again, "Hello. Sorry, but we had to establish a few ground rules"

"Formulate a protocol" the Doctor says.

"Protocol? Very posh" G-Doctor comments.

"A protocol between us. Otherwise—" the Doctor begins.

"It gets horribly embarrassing—" G-Doctor continues.

"And potentially confusing" the Doctor finishes.

"I'm glad you've solved the problem of confusing" Rory says sarcastically.

"That's sarcasm" G-Doctor points out.

"She's very good at sarcasm" the Doctor tells her.

Suddenly both of them turn to her and says, "Breathe"

"What?" Rory says confused but the Doctors continues as if that hadn't happened.

"We have to get you off this island. And the Gangers too" the Doctor tells the rest of the people.

"Sorry, would you like a memo from the last meeting? They are trying to kill us!" Cleaves reminds her.

"They're scared" the Doctor defends them.

"Doctor, we're trapped in here" Rory reminds her before she starts to fight with Cleaves.

"Right, See, I don't think so. The Flesh Bowl is fed by cabling from above" the Doctor starts to think.

"But where are the earthing conduits?" G-Doctor starts to talk with her.

"All this piping must go down into a tunnel or a shaft or something, yes? With us?" She finds a grating in the wall, "Yowza. An escape route"

"Yowza?" Rory questions confused.

"You know, I'm starting to get a sense of just how impressive it is to hang out with me" the Doctor tells Rory.

"Do we tend to say yowza?" G-Doctor asks her confused.

"That's enough, let it go, okay? We're under stress" the Doctor says a little embarrassed.
When the armored Gangers break in, the Doctor is sonicking the grating shut again. The two Cleaves stare at each other briefly.



"We need to find a way to contact the mainland" Cleaves says.

"What about Andy and Jen? They are both out there" Rory reminds them.

"No, this place is a maze. Takes a long time to find someone in a maze. I bet you lot have got a computer map, haven't you?" the Doctor asks Cleaves.

"If we can get power running, we can scan for them. Be a lot quicker" Cleaves answers her before they start coughing.

"Doctor, you said earlier to breathe" Rory says breathing heavily.

"Very important, Pond. Breathe"

"Yeah, well, I'm struggling to" Rory coughs.

"Acid interacting with the stone" the Doctor says.

"Creating an asphyxiant miasma" G-Doctor finishes for her.

"A what?" Cleaves asks.

"Choking gas. Extra heavy. If we can get above it" The Doctor tells her.

"The evac tower. It's this way" Cleaves leads the way.


Evac Tower

"Oh. I think I coughed so hard, I pulled a muscle or something. It's okay, it's better. It's easing off" Rory complains holding her stomach.

The church bell starts ringing, "It's midnight. It's Adam's birthday. My son's five. Happy birthday, bud" Jimmy says.

The two Doctors keep bobbing up and down behind the console, "Can you really get the power back?" Cleaves asks the Doctor.

"Oh, there's always some power floating around" G-Doctor tells her.

"Sticking to the wires, like bits of lint" the Doctor finishes her sentence.

Rory asks annoyed, "Can you stop finishing each other's—"

The Doctor cuts her off, "Sentences? No probs"

"Yes" G-Doctor agrees.

"No, hang on. You said that the Tardis was stuck in acid, so won't she be damaged?" Rory asks her.

"Nah, she's a tough old thing. Tough, old, sexy" the Doctor trails off speaking about her Tardis.

"Tough, dependable, sexy" G-Doctor throws in her input.

"Come on. Okay, how can how can you both be real?" Rory asks them.

"Well, because we are. I'm the Doctor" G-Doctor tells her.

"Yeah and so am I. We both contain the knowledge of over nine hundred years of memory and experience. We both wear the same bow tie, which is cool"

"Because bow ties are—"

"And always will be"

"But how did the Flesh read you? Because you weren't linked up to the it" Rory asks her.

"Well, it must've been after I examined it. Thus, a new, genuine Doctor was created" the Doctor tells her.


"No getting away from it. One of you was here first" Rory points out.

"Well, okay. After the Flesh scanned me, I had an accident with a puddle of acid. Now, new shoes. A situation which did not confront me learned self here" the Doctor tells her.

"That satisfy you, Pond?" G-Doctor asks her.

"Don't call me Pond, please" Rory tells her before she notices that both of them has stopped and is looking at her with a questioning expression, "What?"

"Interesting. You definitely feel more affection for her than me" G-Doctor tells her.

"No, no, I. Look, you're fine and everything, but she's the Doctor. No offence. Being almost the Doctor is pretty damn impressive" Rory tries to explain to her.

"Being almost the Doctor's like being no Doctor at all" G-Doctor sulks.

"Don't overreact" Rory scoffs.

"You might as well call me Smith"


"Jane Smith"

"Yes! Communication a go-go" The Doctor interrupts them as she gets everything back online. Cleaves rushes to the console.

Rory is back to finding Andy, "Find Andy! Show me the scanning tracking screen. Come on, Andy, let's be having you"

"There's no sign of him anywhere" Cleaves tells her.

"Come on. Come on, baby, show yourself"


Evac Tower

"We've got to get out of here. We are, we're going to get out" Buzzer says.

"We're not leaving without them" Rory snaps.

"I want them found too, but it's about casualties, innit? Can't be helped" Buzzer shrugs.

"What are you doing?" Rory asks the Doctor.

"Making a phone call"

"Who to?"

"No one yet. It's on delay" She informs her.

"Right. Not getting it. Why exactly are you making a phone call?" Rory asks her confused.

"Because, Rory, I am and always will be the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes and the dreamer of improbable dreams. The wheels are in motion. Done"

"You know really there can be only one" Rory tells her quietly.

"Hmm?" the Doctor hums distractedly.

"Oh, nothing. Carry on. Be amazing" Rory is drawn to the far wall. A hatch opens and she sees the Eye Patch Lady again.

"Rory? What happened?" the Doctor asks her noticing her scared expression.

"It's her again"

"It's who again?"

"There's a woman I keep seeing. A woman with an eyepatch, and she has this habit of sliding walls open and staring at me. Doctor?" Rory explains to her still freaked out about it.

"It's nothing" the Doctor tells her.

"Doesn't seem like nothing" Rory mutters.

"It's a time memory. Like a mirage. It's nothing to worry about" the Doctor tells her distractedly.

"It's in my head" G-Doctor mutters before she leaves the room.

"Hey, hold on" Jimmy tries to stop her.

"Don't let her go" Cleaves says.

"No, leave it to me" Rory says as she follows G-Doctor out of the room.


Outside The Tower

Rory walks over to the G-Doctor who has her back to her, "I'm sorry. What I said about you being almost the Doctor, it's just really hard, because I've been through so much with him. I've even seen. I've even seen the moment of his. Can you die? If you really are the same, then you can die. You can be killed, and I might have seen that happen"

"Why?" G-Doctor whispers distractedly, not really listening to Rory.

Rory answers thinking she asked her, "Why? Because you invited us to see it. Your death"
She suddenly pushes Rory against the wall, "Why?!"

"You're hurting me" Rory says, scared.

"It's all the eyes say. Why? I can feel them as they work each day, knowing the time was coming for them to be thrown away again. Not again, please. And then they are destroyed and they feel death, and all they can say is, why?" She lets Rory go, who runs back inside.


Evac Tower

"Why?" The Doctor whispers distractedly as Rory enters, followed by the Ganger Doctor.

"Keep her away from me" Rory demands as she points to G-Doctor.

"Did you sense it?" G-Doctor asks the Doctor ignoring Rory.

"Briefly. Not as strong as you" the Doctor answers her.

"Rory, I'm sorry" G-Doctor apologizes to her.

"No, you keep away. We can't trust you" Rory snaps at her.

"It would appear I can connect to the Flesh" G-Doctor explains.

"You are Flesh" Rory sneers at her.

"I'm beginning to understand what it's been through, what it needs"

"What you want. You are it"

"It's much more powerful than we thought. The Flesh can grow, correct?" G-Doctor asks.

"Its cells can divide" Cleaves tells her.

"Well, now it wants to do that at will. It wants revenge. It's in pain, angry. It wants revenge" G-Doctor explains.

"I was right. You're not the Doctor. You can't ever be. You're just a copy" Rory says.

"Doctor, it might be best if you stayed over there for now, hmm?" Cleaves suggests to her.

"Hold on a minute, hold your horses. I thought I'd explained this. I'm her, she's me" the Doctor defends her ganger.

"Doctor, we have no issue with you, but when it comes to your Ganger" Cleaves tells her.

"Don't be so absurd"

"Buzzer" Cleaves ignores the Doctor.

"Sure, boss" Buzzer puts out a barrel for the Ganger Doctor to sit on, "Take a seat, mate"

G-Doctor sits down on the barrel, "Nice barrel, very comfy. Why not? Is this really what you want?"


Evac Tower

"This is the shuttle. We're right above you, but we can't get low enough. Gamma static could fry our nav-controls. Sit tight. We'll get to you. Just" The Pilot speaks through the communication device.

The Doctor scans Cleaves with her sonic screwdriver. "Hello? Can you hear me?" Jimmy says through the microphone.

"I can't find Andy. I'm going out there" Rory decides.

"We could use the sonic to track him. Humans and Gangers give off slightly different signals. The sonic needs to tell the difference" the Doctor tells her.

"Oh, so the sonic knows Gangers are different. The other Doctor is different" Rory tells her.

"She is the Doctor" the Doctor continues to defend her ganger.

"Not to me. I can tell"

"Sure you're not prejudiced?" the Doctor asks her curiously.

"Nice try, but I know, okay? We've been through too much. You're my Doctor. End of"


Evac Tower

"Hey, there's a camera up. We've got a visual" Buzzer tells them.

"That's Andy and Jennifer" Rory says, seeing them on the screen.

"They're heading for the thermostatic room" Cleaves notices.

"Let's go get them" Rory says. The Doctor throws the sonic screwdriver to her counterpart, "Hang on"

"We can't let her go. Are you crazy?" Cleaves tells her.

"Am I crazy, Doctor?" the Doctor asks her ganger.

"Well, you did want to plumb your brain into the core of an entire planet just to halt its orbit and win a bet" G-Doctor reminds her.

"She can't go rescue them. I'm going" Rory says.

"Do you know, I want her to go. And I'm rather adamant" the Doctor tells her.

"Well then, she'll need company. Right, boss? It's fine. I'll handle it" Buzzer says.

"Thank you, Buzzer. It'll be all right. I'll find him" G-Doctor assures her.

"Can't explain it to you now, but I need you to trust her. Can you do that for me, Rory?" the Doctor asks Rory.

"And what if you're wrong?"


Evac Tower

"These temperature gauges are rising. Jennifer and Andy must have shut off the underground cooling vents" Cleaves informs them.

"Why do that? They'll kill us" Dicken says.

"There's a million gallons of boiling acid under our feet" Cleaves tells them.

"And now it's heating up the whole island. How long till it blows?" the Doctor asks before they hear rumbling.

"Gangers or no Gangers, we need to get the hell out of here" Dicken says.

"Shuttle, we need evac. Where are you? Can you hear me? Can you—" Cleaves is suddenly struck by a stabbing headache.

"Cleaves? Cleaves? Cleaves, sit down" the Doctor tells her.

"I'm fine"


Evac Tower

"I'm waiting for results, so let it go" Cleaves tells her.

"It's a very deep parietal clot" the Doctor tells her what she already knows.

"How can you possibly? Inoperable?" Cleaves asks her.

"On Earth, yes"

"Well, seeing as Earth's all that's on offer. Hmm. I'm no healthy spring chicken, and you're no weatherman. Right?" Cleaves asks her before there's a bigger rumble.

"Something just cracked. I heard it" Rory points out.

"Yeah, we can't stay here. Let's go" the Doctor tells them.

"She's right. Let's shift" Jimmy agrees with her.

"Cleaves to Shuttle. Respond. We need to move, and we can't be collected from the Evac tower" Cleaves tells the pilot.

"Give us the codeword"

"The codeword is" before she gets to say the codeword there's a big rumble and a bang before alarms starts up.

"Cleaves? Cleaves, it's dead. It's dead. We need to get out of here. We need to get back downstairs and get those vents back on. Come on" the Doctor tells her.



"I'm getting something" G-Doctor says as she follows where the sonic screwdriver is pointing her.

"Is it human?" Buzzer asks her as he hangs behind her.

"Yeah, it's human, but it's fading. It's fading. This is bad. Fading is very bad. Argh. The signal's gone. She's dead" the Doctor says as they find Jennifer, "She was hanging onto the edge of life and she just, just slipped away. Oh, Jennifer, I'm so sorry. She's been out here for hours"

"But if the real Jen's been lying out here?" Buzzer asks.

"Andy's in trouble" G-Doctor realizes.

Buzzer suddenly hits the Ganger Doctor over the head with his torch, "Sorry, pal. It's boss's orders. Us and them, innit?"



Lots of Ganger eyes watching from the wall, "Ah. The eyes have it" the Doctor says creeped out.

"Why are they here?" Rory asks her.

"To accuse us"

"Ignore them. It's not far" Cleaves tells them as she moves on.


Thermostatic Room

"It's a chemical chain reaction now. I can't stop it. This place is going to blow sky high" the Doctor says as she observes the acid.

"Exactly how long have we got?" Cleaves asks her.

"An hour? Five seconds? Er, somewhere in between" the Doctor says uncertainly. A klaxon wails, "Out!"



They meet Andy coming the other way, "Thank God. All right?" Andy asks them.

"Oh, Andy. Oh, Andy" Rory hugs him in relief.

"There's a way out. Jennifer found it. A secret tunnel under the crypt" Andy tells them.

"From the crypt? It's not on the schematics" Cleaves says.

"It runs right out of the monastery. Maybe even under the Tardis, Doctor. Follow me" Andy ushers them.



The Ganger Doctor wakes to find the other Gangers standing over her, "Got anything for a sore head?"

"This is how they'll always treat us. Do you see now? After all, you're one of us, Doctor" G-Cleaves tells her.

"Call me Smith. Jane Smith"


Acid Room

"We can't leave without Buzzer" Jimmy protests.

"I'll go back for him" Cleaves decides.

Andy suddenly hesitates, "Er, Doctor, look. I'd better tell you. I haven't been quite straight with you" Ganger Jennifer closes the door, locking the rest in.

"Andy!" the Doctor shouts as they are locked in.

"Hang on, Jen. We don't need to lock them up. We should just show them what we've found" Andy tells Jennifer.

"I don't think so"

"Andy Pond, Amelia Pond!" the Doctor shouts at him through the door.

"Andy, What the hell are you playing at?" Rory asks, looking at him through the window in the door.

"They've been throwing away old Flesh and leaving it to rot. Alive. I think the world should see that" Andy tells them.

"Andy, there is no time. The factory's about to explode" the Doctor informs him.

"Are you sure about this? Because I'm not. Let them out" Andy tells Jennifer as he changes his mind.

"The little girl got strong" Jennifer tells him.


"The little girl lost on the moors in her red wellies, looking for a way home? Well, she got strong, Andy. I told you, remember?"

"But that wasn't. It was the other Jennifer that told me about being a little girl"

"Oh? What other Jennifer?"

"Well, the, the er. Wait, you tricked me? Let me go. I'm opening the door. Let me. I'm sorry!" Andy shouts as Ganger Jennifer drags him away.

"No!" Rory shouts as she pounds at the door.


Acid Room

The Doctor scans the acid vat with the sonic screwdriver, "This is going to overheat and fill the room with acid, just as a point of interest"

"And we can't stop it?" Cleaves asks her.

"Just as a point of interest? No"


Dining Hall

"You created another Ganger just to trick me. You tricked me. When I found you, you were both Flesh and you tricked me into trusting you. Jen's dead, isn't she?" Andy realizes.

"She's gone, Andy. Gone" G-Doctor tells him.

"Shuttle. We're dropping down on our approach. Stand by for evac" the pilot informs them over the radio.

"The humans will be melted, as they deserve, and then the factory will be destroyed. Once we get to the mainland, the real battle begins. The humans won't stand a chance. You're one of us, Doctor. Join the revolution" G-Jennifer says.

"I've got to go and get them out" Andy was about to walk out of the room but the Doctor pushes him back.


Acid Room

Dicken is lowering the lid onto the vat.

"It'll never hold her" Jimmy shakes his heads.

"If you have a better plan, I'm all ears. In fact, if you have a better plan, I'll take you to a planet where everyone is all ears" The Doctor tells him.


Dining Hall

"Doctor, we can't just let them die" Andy tries to plead with the Ganger Doctor.

The Doctor checks her wrist watch, "Ring, ring"

"Doctor!" Andy shouts to get her attention.

"Ring, ring" The whole monastery shakes, "Stay" the Doctor tells Andy.


The telephone rings, "Ah, that'll be the phone. Somebody get the phone. Jimmy, get the phone. No? Fine, I'll get the phone. Stay put" the Doctor gets the phone. It's a holographic communication system. A little boy in pajamas is standing underneath the words Morpeth Jetsan Pre-Booked Holo-Call 011-109-4455.

"Thank you for booking your holo-call with Morpeth Jetsan, bringing the world together"

The Doctor speaks, "Ha! Hello, Adam, I'm the Doctor. Well, other Doctor. Or Smith. It's complicated and boring. Anyway, who cares. It's your birthday"

"Yay" Adam jumps in joy.

"Yay. Now, have you been getting up very early and jumping on the bed?"

"Yes, really high"

"I expect chocolate for breakfast. If you don't feel sick by mid-morning, you're not doing it right. Now, I think you want to speak to Dad" the Doctor asks him.

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Daddy?" Adam calls for his dad.

"You'll do, Jimmy. What does the other Jimmy matter now? You're both the same dad, aren't you? Come on, Adam's waiting" the Doctor speaks to G-Jimmy.

"Daddy? Daddy, what's that rumbly noise? What's going on, Daddy? Daddy?" Ganger Jimmy runs out.

"You've tricked him into an act of weakness, Doctor" Ganger Jennifer tells her.

"No, I've helped him into an act of humanity. Anyone else like the sound of that? Act of humanity" Ganger Doctor corrects her.

"Dicken, drain the acid well in Crypt One" Ganger Cleaves tells Dicken.

"Don't you dare" Ganger Jennifer snarls.

"I've had it with this. What's the point in this ridiculous war? Look at you, Jen. You were a sweet kid. Look at you now. The stuff of nightmares. I don't want my world populated by monsters" Ganger Cleaves tells Jennifer.

"You can't stop the factory from melting down, boss. I'll take revenge on humanity with or without you" Ganger Jennifer tells her.

"It doesn't have to be about revenge. It can be so much better than that" Ganger Doctor tells her as she runs out.


Acid Room

Jimmy is trying to keep the lid on the boiling vat. He gets burnt by acid just before his Ganger comes in, "Argh!"

"Let me through" Ganger Jimmy kneels by Jimmy's side.

"There's nothing we can do. The acid's reached his heart" the Doctor tells him.

"Hang in there, mate"

"I'm quite handsome from this angle" Jimmy jokes as he looks at his ganger.

"I'm sorry. I'm the fake. Adam deserves his real dad" Ganger Jimmy cries.

"Shut up"

"What do you want me to do? Anything. Just say it"

"The way things are, mate, it's up to you now. Be a dad. You remember how" Jimmy hands over his wedding ring then dies.

"Jimmy Wicks, you're a dad" The Doctor tells him.


Dining Hall

"Daddy? Where's my daddy?" Adam calls out as the rescued group enters. Andy and Rory hug. The two Cleaves stare at each other.

"Daddy, it's me"

"Hey, sunshine. What are you up to?" Jimmy answers his son's call.

"Opening all my presents"

Jimmy laughs, "Ha ha, good lad. You have fun today. And remember your dad, he loves you very, very much"

"When are you coming home?"

"Daddy's coming home today, Adam"

"Yay" Adam jumps in joy as the call ends.

"Now we need to move" the Doctor tells them.



Ganger Jennifer morphs into a ravening beast, "Run. Run. Run! Ooo, roof's going to give" the Doctor shouts as they run.

They get to a security door marked No Humans,

"We have to stop her. This door doesn't lock" Ganger Dicken tells them.

"No, but the far one does" Dicken runs back along the passage and struggles with the jammed door as the monster approaches. He finally gets it shut with himself on the wrong side.

"No!" Ganger Dicken shouts as Dicken dies.

"Here she comes" Ganger Doctor says as the Tardis crashes through the roof and lands in front of them.

"Oh, she does like to make an entrance" the Doctor smirks as she opens the door, "Everyone move"

"Go. Go, go, go" Ganger Doctor rushes them inside.

"Get on board. Go" Ganger Cleaves tells the other Cleaves as she holds the door closed with the Doctor.

"I'm not leaving"

"Go" Ganger Cleaves insists and Cleaves finally goes inside the Tardis.

"Hey, hey. Now's our chance" Rory tells the Doctor.

"I have to stay. Hold this door closed. Give you time to dematerialize" the Doctor tells her.

"Oh, don't be crazy. Okay, what happens to you?" Rory asks her.

"Well, this place is just about to explode. But I can stop her" the Doctor tells her.

"Both of you can survive this, okay? There has to be a way" Rory tells them.

"Or perhaps you think I should stay instead? Miss Smith" Ganger Doctor asks Rory, or who Rory thinks is the Ganger.

"No, of course not. But look, this woman, I've flown with her, you know? And you are amazing and yeah, I misjudged you, but you're not her. I'm sorry" Rory tells her.

"Rory, we swapped shoes" the now revealed Ganger Doctor tells her.

"I'm the Doctor" the Doctor that is standing beside her says.

"And I'm the Flesh" says the Doctor that is standing by the door holding it close.

"You can't be. You're the real her" Rory denies at first, not believing it.

"No, I'm not, and I haven't been all along" Ganger Doctor tells her.


"I'm the original Doctor, Rory. We had to know if we were truly the same. It was important, vital we learn about The Flesh, and we could only do that through your eyes"

Rory hugs the Ganger Doctor, "I never thought it possible"


"You're twice the woman I thought you were" Rory tells her.

"Push, Rory. But only when she tells you to" Ganger Doctor whispers to her.

Before Rory could ask her about it Andy shouts for from the Tardis, "Rory, come on!"

"Well, my death arrives, I suppose" Ganger Doctor says.

"But this one, we're not invited to" the Doctor says as she remembers how Rory told her how they had seen her death.


"Nothing. Your molecular memory can survive this, you know. It may not be the end" The Doctor throws a sonic screwdriver to her Ganger.

"Yeah, well, if I turn up to nick all your biscuits, then you'll know you were right, won't you" Ganger Doctor jokes.

"Doctor! No, please" Rory pleads as the Doctor drags her to the Tardis.

"You too, Cleaves. Off you pop" Ganger Doctor tells Ganger Cleaves who is still by her side.

"I'm staying"

"This is not the time for grand gestures"

"Says the queen of grand gestures. This is my factory. I'm not going anywhere" Ganger Cleaves tells her.

"Foreman Miranda Cleaves, marvelous. Beware of imitations"

"Clear off out of here, the lot of you" Ganger Cleaves tells the others.

The Doctor, Andy and Rory run into the Tardis to join the others. The Tardis then dematerializes.

"This will dissolve her" Ganger Doctor holds up the sonic screwdriver for Cleaves to see.

"And us too" Cleaves points out.

"There may be a way back from this" the Doctor tells her.

"From being vaporised? How?" Cleaves asks her.

The Doctor shrugs, "Don't know. Let's find out, eh?" She flings open the door and fires the sonic screwdriver at Monster Jennifer, "Geronimo"

The monster goes Splat! then so do they.



"The energy from the Tardis will stabilize the Gangers for good. They're people now" the Doctor tells them.

"And what happens to me? I still have this" Cleaves points to her head, indicating her blood clot.

"Ah, that's not a problem. I have something for that. It's small and red and tastes like burnt onions. Ha. But it'll get rid of your blood clot" The Doctor throws a small vial to Cleaves, then plucks a red balloon from somewhere, "Happy endings"



The Doctor watches the family reunion from a distance.

"Hey! Hello, bud" Jimmy greets his son, holding the red balloon the Doctor had in the Tardis.

"Daddy, you're back"

"Hello, my boy. How are you doing?"


Morpeth Jetsan

The Tardis parks herself in the big steel and glass company headquarters.

"You really want us to do this?" Cleaves asks her.

"Your company's telling the world that the situation is over. You need to get in there and tell them that the situation's only just begun. Make them understand what they're doing to the Flesh. Make them stop. Dicken, remember, people are good. In their bones, truly good. Don't hate them, will you?" the Doctor tells them.

"How can I hate them? I'm one of them now" Dicken tells her.

"Yeah. And just remember, people died. Don't let that be in vain. Make what you say in that room count" the Doctor reminds them.

"Ready? Side by side" Cleaves asks him.

"You got it, boss" They open the door on the press conference.

"You okay?" Rory asks her as she looks solemn.

"I said breathe, Pond. Remember? Well, breathe" the Doctor tells her.

"Why?" Rory asks her confused.

"Breathe" the Doctor repeats before Rory suddenly doubles over in pain, "Oh!"

"Whoa" Andy is at her side supporting her.

"Oh" Rory groans in pain.

"What's wrong with her?" Andy asks concerned.

The Doctor looks solemn and doesn't answer his question, "Get her into the Tardis"



"Doctor! What is happening to her?" Andy shouts after her as he supports his wife.

"Contractions" the Doctor answers as she has her back to them.

"Contractions?" Andy asks confused.

"She's going into labor"

"Did she say? No. No, no. Of course she didn't. Andy, I don't like this. Ow" Rory winces in pain.

"You're going to have to start explaining some of this to me, Doctor" Andy says.

"What, the birds and the bees? She's having a baby. I needed to see the Flesh in its early days. That's why I scanned it. That's why we were there in the first place. I was going to drop you off for fish and chips first, but things happened and there was stuff and shenanigans. Beautiful word, shenanigans" the Doctor rambles off.

"It hurts" Rory whimpers.

"But you're okay?" Andy asks in confusion.

"Breathe. I needed enough information to block the signal to the Flesh" the Doctor turns to them.

"What signal?" Rory asks her.

"The signal to you" the Doctor doesn't meet her eyes.

"Doctor. Doctor" Rory tries to get her to look at her.

"Stand away from her, Andy" The Doctor ignores her now.

"Why? No. And why?" Andy snaps, confused.

"Given what we've learned, I'll be as humane as I can, but I need to do this and you need to stand away!" the Doctor raises her voice at him and Andy slowly steps back.

"No. No. Doctor, I am frightened. I'm properly, properly scared" Rory cries.

The Doctor walks over to her and holds her hands as she speaks to her, "Don't be. Hold on. We're coming for you. I swear it. Whatever happens, however hard, however far, we will find you"

"I'm right here"

She lets go of her hands and backs off, "No, you're not. You haven't been here for a long, long time" The Doctor aims her sonic screwdriver at her.

"Oh, no" Rory melts away like the Flesh.



Rory wakes up in a cubicle. She's wearing a white dress and she's heavily pregnant. A hatch opens in the top and the eye patch lady looks down at her,

"Well, dear, you're ready to pop, aren't you? Little one's on its way. Here it comes. Push!"
Pregnant Rory screams in pain and fear.

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