Messages || SakuAtsu (NSFW)

Door ImJustABrew

9.5K 233 653

Sakusa gets messages from Atsumu?? idk nsfw Meer


Messages || SakuAtsu

7.7K 190 644
Door ImJustABrew

Sakusa was just cleaning up his dinner when he got the first text from Atsumu. Yeah, sure, it was a casual text, but he couldn't help the feeling in his stomach as he read Atsumu's name. Butterflies. After thoroughly scrubbing the dishes clean, drying them and putting them up, Sakusa dried off his own hands and grabbed his phone, checking the messages. He had gotten tons by Atsumu, as he liked to double text.. then triple text when he didn't get an answer.. then he slowly wanted more and more attention until eventually, Sakusa had 20 missed messages. He clicked the contact and looked through the messages.

》You're not ignoring me, are ya?

And multiple other messages like that. Atsumu was in the middle of typing another complaint before Sakusa typed a response.

《I was eating dinner. What is it?
》Can we call??
》I'm lonely!!
》And cold.
》And you don't want me to be lonely do you??
《Calling me won't make you any warmer, Miya.
》Sure it willl!!
》Your voice is warm!
《That's weird. And impossible.Atsumu was typing out another response, but Sakusa turned his phone off and decided to move to his bedroom to get more comfortable.

After laying down on his side, Sakusa turned his phone on. 9 missed messages. He rolled his eyes internally and opened the contact again, not bothering to check the messages before pressing the call button. It rang for a few seconds before suddenly, he heard Atsumu's voice.

"Omi-kun!! Ya kill me a lil' bit when you don't respond t' my texts." Atsumu ended the sentence with a small whine, the pout on his face practically audible. Cute.

"I told you, I was eating. Why did you want to call? And make it quick, I've still got to shower before I go to sleep." Sakusa replied, successfully hiding the small smile on his face.

"Oh., uh., I dunno., just., um., wanted to hear your voice.,?"

"Miya, what did you do?" Sakusa's eyes squinted at the wall in front of him, as if he were calculating Atsumu's plan.

"Mmh., Uh., Nothin'..! I told ya, I'm cold, a-and lonely.," That definitely wasn't the answer.  He could hear something in Atsumu's voice, almost like he was hinting at something..

"Then you should go to sleep, I'll see you tomorrow."

"No..!~ O-Omi-kun, please don't hang up." Then, suddenly, a light flickered in Sakusa's head, the gears slowly turning in his head.

"Miya, where are your hands?" He replied slowly, cautiously.

There was a sound of ruffling on the other side of the end of the line, a quiet squeak from Atsumu, along with a response.

"Omi-Omi., I can't stop thinkin' about ya." Atsumu's voice came out as barely a whisper, Sakusa had to focus to understand what he said. But, as soon as he did, his eyes widened in shock as a smirk tugged at his lips."Atsumu," Sakusa's voice had dropped at least three octaves, almost a low growl at this point. "Are you touching yourself?"

"Maybe.." Atsumu trailed off, a breathy moan slipping past his lips and into the microphone. "Doesn't feel as good as when you do it, Omi-kun."

Sakusa couldn't help but lowering his own hands, carefully pressing the heel of his palm to the growing tent in his pants.

"Where are you touching yourself, Atsumu?" Sakusa's tongue poked out of his mouth to lick his lips, which were getting particularly dry now. "Front or back?"


"I asked a question, Miya. Don't push it. Front or back?"

There was a moment of silence, most likely Atsumu debating if they were really about to do this, before he replied, "Both." Atsumu answered with a trembling voice, letting another moan slip past his lips and into the air."Both? I don't remember giving you permission to touch either, goldie." (alex, I really like that pet name ty)

"Omi., please.." Atsumu pleaded, but something in his voice hinted the fact he had stopped touching himself. Sakusa's heart swelled at the thought of Atsumu being obedient, but now definitely wasn't the time to get gushy and lovey with him about it.

"Not yet. Turn your camera on and roll onto your stomach." Without a second of hesitation, Atsumu's camera flipped on and he was on his stomach, hips raised proudly in the air, his chest pressed against the mattress below him. Atsumu's cheeks were flushed dark red, his mouth open as quiet whimpers and pants spilled out. His hair looked about like a bird had made its home there, but it somehow only made the scene hotter. He took note of his clothing, or more, Sakusa's clothing, as Atsumu was wearing one of his hoodies. Almost completely naked, legs spread, ass raised, he sat patiently for Sakusa's next commands. What a good boy.

He couldn't help the smirk that tugged onto his lips as he watched the view in front of him, the growing arousal in his own pants beginning to strain painfully against the sweatpants he wore.

Sakusa carefully set his phone down before reaching to the night stand, grabbing a condom and slipping it on. He knew he would be taking a shower regardless of the fact he was wearing it or not, but this was less mess to clean up. Sakusa hated messes.He shifted his attention back to Miya, who was still quietly begging, not even noticing he had put his phone down. He snickers internally at his desperateness, only /he/ could see Atsumu, on his knees and begging.

Sakusa carefully wrapping a hand around his own length, beginning to slowly pump as he admires Atsumu's current state, interrupting his pleads. "You have the lube, right? Put two fingers in."

He watched as Atsumu put on a generous amount of lube to his fingers, then reached back to slowly slip one digit in. He watched as Atsumu's hole greedily sucked the finger in, making a chill go down both of their spines. Atsumu wiggled the finger arpund a bit before carefully pushing another finger alongside the other, his face contorting into one of pure euphoria.

Atsumu began slowly working the fingers in and out of him, letting a drawn-out moan slip past his lips.

"You're a dirty little thing, aren't you, Atsumu? If I didn't figure it out, you would've gotten off just to the sound of my voice. It's pathetic, really." Sakusa smirked as he heard Atsumu let out a particularly loud moan. He knew damn well Atsumu had a weak spot for dirty talk, and boy did he like to exploit it."Ah., Omi, feels so good. K.,Keep talkin'." Atsumu moved his other hand down and began fisting his member slowly, his fingers curling and twisting inside him.

"Did I say you could touch yourself there, slut? I didn't fucking think so." Sakusa bit his lip, trying to think of a suitable punishment, but how the hell do you punish someone if you're not with them? He could hardly think with Atsumu constantly blabbering about how good it felt.

"Omi, wish it were yer fingers.~ Ya'd feel so much better.,~" Atsumu let out a high pitched moan, and that was when Sakusa snapped.

"Open your mouth, Miya." His voice was stern and monotone, leaving no room for disobedience.


"Just do it." Sakusa's hand sped up more on himself, his thumb rubbing at his tip gently.

He watched as Atsumu slowly opened his mouth, letting out a louder moan now that it wasn't muffled.

"Now stick two fingers in. I'm tired of hearing your voice.""Omi.,!" Atsumu whined quietly, pouting again. He "hated" (No, he didnt.) when Sakusa stopped him from talking.

"Do it, or I'm hanging up and you can deal with your problem yourself." Sakusa looked dead into the camera as he said it. He would never leave Atsumu to deal with his own 'problem', but he didn't need to know that.

As Atsumu's left hand came up and put two fingers in his mouth, his left hand sped up slightly, pumping his fingers in and put quickly. He watched as both sets of fingers disappeared into the piss-haired setter, yet another smirk tugging on his lips.

"Good boy. Now, pull your fingers out, I want you to use a toy." Sakusa watched Atsumu carefully pull his fingers out, whimpering at the loss of contact. He quickly sat up and reached in the nightstand, where he kept his toys.

"Tell me what you have in there.” Sakusa's voice rang through the room, and he could almost laugh at the absolute squeak of surprise that came from Atsumu.

“What I –““Your toys. Do i have to spell it out, Miya?"

Another loud whimper came from Atsumu, his face heated up as he rummaged through the box.

"Okay, um, I have.. a vibrator., then I have one of those small ones with the controller--"

"How big is the vibrator?"

"What?” Atsumu yelped, dropping said toy on the bed in horror. His face went up in flame. “I – I –“

“God your reactions are adorabe. I wanna be there with you so much, bend you over and fuck you until you're seeing stars-”

Atsumu let out a shaky moan, clenching his fists in sexual frustration. He was rock hard, leaking all over his stomach, though Atsumu didn't seem to mind the mess. If Sakusa were there, he'd yell at Miya to get a condom on and wipe himself up. However, they weren't together, so the mess hardly bothered Sakusa. Plus, how could you complain when Atsumu looks like THAT?He watched as Atsumu pulled out the vibrator, showing it to the camera as if it were a product on a fucking makeup channel.

"This is my gucci dildo, I got it for 3,000$, but Sakusa payed for it because he's the best boyfriend ever--"


"Right, sorry., um., it's about 5., no, six inches.,?"

Sakusa bit the inside of his cheek as he mumbled out an "Okay." rubbing himself a little quicker now.

"Omi, can I touch myself now.,? I've been good, right?" Atsumu pleaded, sitting back on his calves as he pouted a bit, his hands neatly folded in his lap. He knew Sakusa could hardly focus when he looked like that.. God, the things Atsumu could do to him.

Sakusa felt himself nodding before he could stop it. "Yeah, yeah, fine. On your knees again, work yourself open slowly. Did you hear that, Miya? I said slowly."

Atsumu pouted a bit but did as he was told anyway. He sucked on two of his fingers to wet them, then moved them back to carefully slip them in his already-loose hole. Atsumu let out the single most beautiful moan in the world, his eyes rolling into the back of his head as he carefully pushed and pulled the fingers in and out of him.Sakusa groaned quietly, feeling himself twitch heavily at the sight. Who the hell did Atsumu think he was, looking that fucking delicious? As much as Sakusa hated messes, he'd be willing to risk it just for a taste of the beautiful man on his screen right now.

"Look so perfect like that, Miya.,~ I could eat you up--"

"I'm sure I don't taste very good.," Atsumu mumbled, his eyebrows furrowing in concentration as he slipped another finger in beside the other two.

"I'd be the judge of that. You're so impatient, aren't you, Miya? What a good slut for me, hmm?" Sakusa smirked a little bit as he slowed his own hand down, clamping his fingers around his base to stop himself from releasing too early. No, he would watch this entire show unfold.

"Can., Can I use the vibrator now? I think I'm stretched enough.,"

"Fine, just do it slowly, yeah? And show the camera."

Atsumu carefully moved some pillows around, readjusting himself until his ass was perfectly positioned at the camera, the three fingers in his ass on full view. Just how Kiyoomi liked it."Look so pretty like this, Miya. You should get on your knees more often." Sakusa snickered quietly at his own joke. Atsumu, however, didn't find it very funny.

"Omi-kun, I'm /dying/ over here, can I just fuck myself, please?"

Sakusa grimaced slightly before he spoke, his voice quiet and reluctant. "Do you /have/ to word it like that?"

"Oh, ya'know what? Yer so right, Omi. Can I make love to my dildo already so I can cum, I'm rock hard--"

Sakusa only cringed more and groaned quietly.

"Whatever. Take your fingers out. Slowly, goldie." Sakusa emphasized the "slowly" part as much as he could, since Atsumu had a tendency to.. go at a quicker pace than his body could handle. And that's how Atsumu ended up in the hospital the first time they fucked. (nah jk I just wanted some humor again-)Atsumu carefully pulled his fingers out, one at a time. He let his noises slip freely past his lips, making no attempt to stop them whatsoever. It was as if he could tell how Sakusa was effected by them, and decided to use it against him. Sakusa knew, however, this wasn't the case. Atsumu was just a noisy bitch.

Atsumu immediately reached for the toy with his, now free, hand, sucking the tip of it in his mouth before reaching back. He placed the blunt end of the vibrator to his hole, rubbing it around the rim in small circles to tease himself.

"Good boy. Now, push it in." Sakusa slowly began pumping himself again, knowing it wouldn't take long to get Atsumu to cum.

Atsumu lined the end of it up and began to slowly push it into his hole. Sakusa watched as it disappeared into Atsumus body, only halfway registering the sounds he was hearing. Was that Atsumu or himself?? He really couldn't tell at this point.

After snugly fitting it all inside, Atsumu rolled his hips eagerly. He could feel it twisting and turning inside of him, making him into an absolute mess. Maybe this was one mess Sakusa didn't care about.

"Can I turn it on? Feels so good, Omi., doesn't feel as good as you, though., want you to fuck me into tomorrow.,~ Pound me into the mattress--"

Sakusa practically snapped, losing all of his control as he spoke eagerly. "Turn the damn thing on and put your hands back in your disgusting mouth."

Atsumu keened and moaned out, immediately putting two fingers in his mouth. He reached back and happily turned the vibrator on. That was when shit escalated. He saw Atsumu pull the fingers out of his mouth and moan out loudly, his entire body tensing up as the vibrator pressed right against his prostate."Oh no, oh /no,/ /oh no.,!" Atsumu cried out, bucking his hips into the mattress below him. "Omi.,! Omi-kun.,! 'M not gonna last., Hah.,!~ Too much.,"

Sakusa could feel himself pulse again in his hand. This time, however, he didnt move it away. Instead, he pumped himself through it. "Didn't I say to shut up, Miya--?"

"Call me Atsumu." Atsumu's voice came through, all high pitched and beautiful. He really couldn't deny his offer.

"You're a perfect slut for me, /Atsumu./" Sakusa's voice lowered as he spoke Atsumu's name, it rolled off of his tongue smoothly. Perfectly.

And so, it was really no surprise when Atsumu suddenly came with a loud yell, his mess shot onto his chest and sheets. Atsumu was visibly shaking from overstimulation as he struggled to reach down. However, he eventually got it and turned the vibrator off, then sat in his own mess, panting.

Sakusa had watched the entire thing and fUck if he wasn't about to spray his load too. The angle made it difficult to see his face, but Sakusa's imagination was extensive. He listened to Atsumu's cries, imagining his face as he ripped through the most power orgasm of his young life. Sakusa's face paled as his own body tensed up, shooting his own load into the condom he had previously put on. Thank God for that. He didn't let a moment pass before he took the condom off and tied it, tossing it in the trash can.

It was quiet for a few seconds, the both of the catching their breath. But eventually, Sakusa spoke up."You need a shower, you're disgusting."

"I thought you liked my disgustingness, Omi.,?~" Atsumu grinned and lifted his head up to look at the camera again.

"I tolerate your disgustingness. Now, shower."

"But Ommiiiii-kuuuuunnnn!!!!! 'M tired now.,!!!" Atsumu whined loudly, a pout on his lips.

"Then at least clean your sheets off and wash your stomach, you lazy bum. And you're showering in the morning." Sakusa cringed at the thought of Atsumu sleeping in his own filth. He almost felt the need to gag.

"Okay, promise.,! I'll call ya back when I'm done, 'kay?"

Sakusa nodded a bit and sat up, running his fingers through his hair to brush it out of his face.

"Okay." "Thank you, Omi.,~" Atsumu grinned more and snickered quietly, turning the video call off before Sakusa could say anything else

After cleaning his bed up, Sakusa laid back down and and closed his eyes, until suddenly, he got a fucking notification. He was about to throw his phone at the wall, but a name caught his eye first.

Atsumu Miya.

Internally rolling his eyes, he opened his phone to look at the text.

》I love you. Sleep well, Omi ❤

Sakusa could feel his face heat up a bit as he sent his own reply, then turned his phone back off and laid down.

《You know how I feel, I don't have to say it. Good night, Atsumu. ♡

Okay.. maybe messages from Atsumu weren't so bad.

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