Magical RotBTD (Hogwarts AU...

By Aquaticar-Gamez

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After the Advanture in their First year Hiccup, Merida, Rapunzel and Jack haven't had a day not thinking abou... More

Chapter 1: A Sans'ational trip to Diagon alley
Chapter 2: Old School, New kids
Chapter 4: Informative talking
Chapter 5: Message on the Wall and a 'Skelle'ton of more stuff
Chapter 6: Quidditch Week Part:1 Hat of NYEHS
Chapter 7: Quidditch Week Part 2: The Game is On
Chapter 8: Another Victim and Dueling
Chapter 9: Christ-Mess
Chapter 10: Pink Vines
Chapter 11:Creepy Crawly's
Chapter 12: Into the Chamber
Chapter 13: Your Pink Nightmare

Chapter 3: Terrariams on mass

4 0 0
By Aquaticar-Gamez

The Next day arrived and they had their first lesson, Herboligy, with Professor Lorax. They where Potting Mandrakes, a pretty strong healing plant for petrification healing yet very dangerous when not handeled correctly. During the Break between They talked to each other until Merida said "Uh Guys, I need to tell you something." What is it?" Rapunzel asked. Merida sighed deeply "It's about Chara" They all stopped and looked at her. They all noticed that Chara was a bit down lately even though he is a True Gryphendore. "I Talked to him in the Gryphendore common room at Midnight" She Contenued "He Didn't want to talk at first but then after i asked where asriel was, he snapped with a straight and sudden awnser." They all looked at her with confusion and worry, hoping the awnser is not what they're thinking it is. " He Is Dead was his awnser." Merida finished. They all stood there, not realising that a bunch of students heard their Conversation and starred at them.

They all went into their next Lesson wich was of course  Sience with Professor Gaster on the now open again Third floor. While in the First their theme was Diference between Humanoid and Monster Magic, The theme now is The Magic in Terrariam Creatures. Professor Gaster had Three glass Boxes on his Desk wich had some Strange creatures in each of them. "These Creatures you see in these Boxes are Part this years theme." Gaster said. The Greatures where a green blob, and Two tryangle like things, one purple one red, fighting each other.

"Uh, Sir" Hermoine said holding up her hand. "We alredy have the Terrariams next year as far as i know." Gaster simply nodded "Yes you do have them next year in a different Subject that you don't have yet. I simply am gona talk about them sientificly and theoraticly not really going deep into them. Will you now open your books on page 12 please."

They all opened to that page. "Good i want you to read the first two boxes of text and then hold your hand up when your finished." The First box read something like Terrariams are Magical creatures like non other and have a various number of sub catagories and the second box Read like The Most common Terrariam catagory are Slimes and the rest is something not like slimes.

After they all finished reading and held the Hand up gaster opened the First Box with the slime. There was some blue light arround the green blob and it floated in the air over Gasters hand. "Terrariams have a different strenght in there Magic, Slimes for Example have a very weak Magic wich is all used in keeping them toghether so anything can kill them." A Bone was Materializing over the slime. "When Terrariams die they Vaporade into nothing and leaf only some things behind, Slimes for example" The Bone dropped onto the slime and it exploded "Leave Gel behind used to start lasting fire easaly and other stuff."

The Second Box with the Eye opened and the same light came from it. "This is a Demon eye, a Terrariam With Stronger Magic, Is a Nockternal Creature and prety feared by people who are not usualy near Terrariams" Another Bone Formes and Hits the eye. "And they Sometimes leave these Lenses when they die wich are used to cure people with bad sight or who are blinded."

He Finally opened the Last box and Brought out the Two Creatures out who where fighting. "These Creatures are The Same yet Different in everyway. The Purple Creature With the Eye is Called the Eater of souls and the Red Creature is Called The Crimera, They act the Very same way and Leave behind similar Items used for the same thing in diferent ways." Everyone was Confused by that Statement, Another Bone Manifested and Killed the two Creatures Leaving some Strange things Behind.

The Rest of The Lesson was Spent Theorysing on the Sience Behind the Creatures they where shown. After Class they all went to Chara, who was Sitting Outside under a Nearby tree looking at the Ground with a Lifeless look in his face. "Chara!" All of them said but Chara still looked on the Ground. "We Want to Talk with you if it Helps." Rapunzel said gently. "Frisk alredy tried that at home so don't bother trying." He said in a Monotone voice. "We Just want to know what Happened exactly to Asriel." Hiccup said Trying to look him in the eyes.

Chara Quickly rose his head and snapped out "WHAT DO YOU NEED TO KNOW? ASRIEL IS DEAD! THE ONLY PERSON I CONCIDERED FAMILY IS DEAD! MY BROTHER HAS BEEN TURNED TO DUST IN THE CASTLE!" Tears where filling his Angry eyes as he stopped screaming. The Four backed of and tryed to calm him down as a voice came from behind them. "Chara dear, would you please to your next subject." They turned arround and saw Madame Dreemurr standing there. Chara got up and went away. "And you too." She said with some tears in her eyes. They Looked at each other and then went to their next class.

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