Undead Apocalypse Complete

By AbelElizabethWalker

399 19 1

Ever since the Apocalypse happened almost two and a half years ago, Emma has be fighting off the undead horde... More

First Letter to Emma
Chapter one
Second Letter to Emma
Chapter two
Third Letter
Chapter Three
Letter Four
Chapter Four
Fifth letter
Chapter Five
Arthur's Note
Sixth letter
letter 7
chapter 7
Chapter 8
chapter nine
chapter ten
Chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
the end posible sequel

Chapter 6

6 0 0
By AbelElizabethWalker

The screen flashes as the camera shakes. A storm is over head of us, and I watch as a zombies is set on fire. They don't notice and continue to lumber past fifth and third catching others on fire as well. Rain begins to fall putting out the flames. I watch from my side of the futon and Jason stirs looking over at me with his eyes at half mass. Never have I see a more beautiful sight. Here was a man who had helped me along the way and never once asked for anything more then my love. He sits up beside my placing his head in his heads.
"Headache?" I aks and he nods his head.
"Shouldn't of drank so much last night. Do you want some water?" I ask and he nods again.
I lean over to grab the water from under the bed and he grabs my arm pulling back into him. He locks his arms around me as he sinks his teeth into my shoulder. I break his hold on me by pushing my arms up and away. I grab his face pulling him off my shoulder and shove him back against the wall and turn towards him. I reach for handy man and he comes at me again. His face is pale white with my blood dripping from his mouth. His eyes are yellow with blood dripping from them too and his face is falling apart. I grab his chin in the b palm of my head and hold him off as I grab handyman. I cock it with my teeth just as I lose my grip on his chin and his bloody teeth sink into my hand.
I shove him against the wall with my forearm against his chest and pull my hand out of his mouth. I smash my other forearm against his chest and point the gun into his snarling mouth. I pull the trigger causing his brains to splatters on the wall behind him. His body falls over the side of the bed and hits the floor. The sound echoes through the room. I lean over fighting back the scream building up within me as tears fall down my face. I let my hand that is clinching handyman on my lap as I grab a hand full of my hair pulling. My vision starts to blacken as it blurs and I sway. I run my hand over my torn shoulder and find my jugular vain slashed. I cock the gun and place it against my temple. I try pulling the trigger but fail at first almost dropping the gun. I point it back at my head and pull the trigger.
I fall forward off my arm and jerk awake from my night mare. I rub my eyes and look over at the empty futon. I grab my neck and shoulder finding it intake and look over at the chair next to my futon to find a smiling Hannah next to me.
"How did you sleep?" She asks and hand me a plate of food.
"No," I say and eat the bagle that our cook home made.
"I'm sorry. Uh Renee and Jake are missing. Jason took a search party to find them. They left about and hour ago. They where going to the jc food store on the other side of town but didn't radio in at check in time. So Jason is searching for them. And Jade is watching the girls."
"Shit. Why didn't you wake me sooner?" I say dropping my plate and walk around her. I open my drawer pulling out a tank, skinny jeans socks and my boots from beside the dresser.
"Sorry Jason told me to let you sleep." She says shrugging ad I dress quickly.
"Damn him." I say and strap on my guns and swords. I grab my walky off the top of the dresser and hold down the button. "Jason what's your twenty." I say and wait for him to answer.
"Fifth and third. About two blocks away from jc, over." He says.
"Alright give me twenty and I will be there." I say and head to the roof. I jump from roof to roof heading west and make it to fifth and third in about 18 minutes. I find Jason and his group on the roof across the street from me about to head out. I walk to the edge looking or at the horde of z's between us and notice they are the horde that has been heading out of town.
"Jason I'll head to jc from her and circle back around and meet you at tj mack. Over."
"Alright meet you there. Over." He says and I node. I take off roof to roof landing soundlessly on the each roof and come to jc. I climb down the fire escape of the old jc pennies and kill the few zs left. I head across the street and climb the fire escape to the roof. Jason walks up to me once I am on the roof and holds me close to him kissing me.
"How did you sleep?" He wipers in my ear.
"Not good, I had a nightmare off you turning into a z and I had to kill you." I say. "Alright let's get this over with." I say as we turn looking over at jc.
"After you." Jason says jestering for me to go first. I climb back down the latter and stand letting all five of our search party members climb down. We form a group huddled together and take our time walking across the street. I walk up to the glass of jc and tap on the glass hard enough to make any zs know we are here. Two come up to the glass after twenty minutes and we head in through the sliding doors holding them open for each other. I walk up to the zs, slashing their heads in half. I walk around the bodies turning on my flashlight and head down the rows of old food with Jason and Mack flanking me. We spread out searching through the building and meet at the middle of the shop. "Anything?" I ask.
"No," they all say and I turn to the only other place they could be. The employees only section. I nod at the double doors and Jason and the rest of them follow me through the double door. We walk around the empty rooms finding nothing and head out the back door into a horde of zombies.

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