only angel

By belle_pepperxx

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alright let's be real: all stories or fanfics about harry styles are dirty as heck. if you love harry styles... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 7

364 55 361
By belle_pepperxx

remember how good it was being here last night

when you're lost, i'll find the way

you'll never feel like you're alone

i'll make this feel like home

~Home by our boys, One Direction

a/n: i explain this at the end don't worry, i'll stop talking so you can read hehe love y'all x


Sunlight. Warm sheets. Hair tickling my nose.

Those were my first thoughts as I slowly was brought back down to Earth, pulled from the comfort of my dreams of a faraway place. Such fantasies were always imagined in vain and reality soon crashed into the perfection of my make believe world like a meteor. The image burned up in my mind. I found my stubbornness gripping onto the memory, feeling it quickly slip through my fingers. Slammed back into the real world, I groaned, saying one last goodbye to the world that would never truly exist, but I would continue to visit every night until I could no longer stand it, the fact that it could never be real shredding through the blissful peace, the hope dissipating into the thin air of the world I lived in. I rubbed my eyes, finally giving in to the inevitability of life.

I felt disoriented as I rolled over and opened my eyes. I instantly froze. My eyes grazed across the scene before me. Gray sheets were pulled over my curled up body, hardwood floors stretching underneath the current bed I was situated in, a large window to my right with blindingly white curtains, sun filtering through them. To my left was a master bathroom and a door that I assumed led to a closet. Another door was cracked open which I guessed led to the rest of the house. The unfamiliar bedspread was striped in similar colors of gray and black, white intricate designs etched into the fabric. Where the heck was I?

Maybe I had been kidnapped. Maybe the kidnappers were through one of those doors. I glanced at the small table next to the bed, noticing the expensive alarm clock and fancy lamp. I could possibly use the lamp as a weapon if needed. Or maybe I had gotten drunk and someone had taken me home with them. But that didn't make sense, I don't drink. I still turned to see if someone else was in the bed, being extremely cautious just in case the kidnappers heard me. No one was there. The sheets beside me lay limp, most of them still pulled up nicely and fitted over the mattress. He could've left earlier and made the bed afterward. What if I had gotten drunk and then kidnapped? What if it wasn't a he and was a she? What if it was a he and a she?? What if there were twelve people out there waiting for me to get up so they could-

Wait. Hold up. Calm down, Sam.

You weren't freaking kidnapped and you didn't get drunk. I flopped against the pillow, attempting to bring myself back to more rational thoughts. Think about what you did last night, where you were. There has to be a more reasonable explanation than kidnapping. The grogginess of sleep slowly left me and I started remembering.

Harry. The boys. Ice skating. Harry. Hot cocoa. Cards. Harry. Pillow. Titanic. Harry. I must've fallen asleep last night watching the movie. This must be Harry's room. Or a guest room. Did he . . . would he . . . ? I decided I wouldn't know the truth unless I went out and checked. The clock on the bedside table said it was 7 am, about three hours earlier than I usually woke up. I was a deep sleeper and sleeping in was a talent of mine, the exception being when I slept in a bed that wasn't mine, which seemed to be the case as I looked over the unfamiliar sheets that covered me.

I slipped the covers off, my bare feet enjoying the coolness of the hardwood floor. I was grateful I had taken my socks off since I could never sleep longer than an hour with them on. I felt my joints pop slightly and almost headed out of the room before deciding to take a quick stop at the bathroom. The master bath was gorgeous. I washed my hands in one of the pristine sinks and built up the courage to finally look at my reflection in the mirror. Yikes.

The girl who stared back at me had her blonde hair scrunched up in a mess of tangles near the back of her head, the waves from the night before still slightly visible within the mess. Her gray eyes squinted back at mine, full of a deep exhaustion, her eyelids heavy with sleep and dark from lack of sleep. Not a spot of makeup was present as she had rushed to leave her apartment before and decided not to put any mascara on which she only did occasionally. Her lips were cracked and dry. A faint red streak stretched across her face, an imprint left from the pillow she had slept on. She looked like a zombie.

I sighed as I quickly ran my hands through my hair, yanking and pulling at the snarls. I attempted to get it to lay a bit more naturally before turning the sink back on and flushing my face with the cool water. I gargled some water and spit it back into the sink as I prayed that my breath wasn't as bad as I thought it was. After using a soft gray towel to dry off my face and faintly wondering if it was Harry's, I pulled out chapstick from my jeans and brushed it across the desert that my mouth had become. I ran my fingers through my nest of hair once more, rubbing at the red pillow crease on my face before sighing and heading out of the room. That's as good as it was gonna get.

I tiptoed down the hall and peered into the kitchen. No one. I spotted the couches in the spacious family room and heard faint snoring. Aw. I made my way slowly, making sure to stay quiet. My feet savored the soft carpeting as I surveyed the sleeping boys.

Liam was curled up in a ball, clinging to Niall's arm. His legs were tucked up on the couch and his eyelashes brushed against Niall's shoulder. Niall was a different story. His limbs were spread out and his mouth was wide open as he snored a bit louder than the others, his head resting on Louis' chest. Louis' legs were hanging off of the edge of the couch and his arms rested behind his friends' heads. They were adorable. I frantically searched for my phone, sensing a picture opportunity, before I abruptly stopped at the sight in front of me.

His hair draped across his sleeping face, ruffled from sleep. His long legs spilled over the small loveseat, his arms tucked around his waist. His mouth was slightly open as he breathed deeply. His angelic features looked so peaceful and serene. A feeling I couldn't describe bloomed in my chest and flowed through my veins. He had slept on the extremely tiny couch so I could sleep in his bed. Wow. I honestly had no words. I don't think anyone has ever done anything like that for me ever before.

I shook myself out of my thoughts, considering what I should do next. I could just leave. But then I would feel awful since they had done so much and I wanted to say goodbye. I glanced at the kitchen, playing around with the idea of waking them up with breakfast. Then I remembered how little food Harry had and the fact that I was complete rubbish at cooking and would probably burn something. Like, the entire kitchen. I sighed, realizing there was only one other thing I could do.

I softly padded over to the couch Harry was asleep on and secured one of his locks of hair between two of my fingers. Slowly and carefully, I brushed it down his nose and across his chiseled jaw. His nose slightly twitched. I felt myself smiling as I continued to trace his features with the dark strand. His breathing halted and his hands made their way to his face, brushing his hair away. I was about to do it again when his large hand caught my wrist lightly. His eyes fluttered opened and I was reminded of their beauty as they stared back into mine.

A small smile played on his lips, "Good morning." His voice was deep and raspy from lack of water. I felt my own mouth run dry.

"Mornin'," I returned, letting the soft curl drop from my hand.

"Did you sleep well?" he questioned, releasing my wrist and stretching out his crunched frame. Cracks followed as his body protested at the position he had slept in the night before.

"I did. Did you?" I asked as he slowly sat up. I took a spot next to him on the couch.

"Yeah," he lied, staring at the floor. I nudged his shoulder with my own.

"No you didn't." Before he could protest, I finished, "There's no way you slept well on this couch. It's way too small for you." His eyes found mine.

"Alright, so I didn't sleep great, but it wasn't awful. Besides, if you slept well, it was worth it," he smiled at me. Not allowing myself to overthink, I quickly kissed his cheek, tingles flowing from my lips to my fingertips. His eyebrow quirked upward, his eyes never leaving mine. "I thought you said I'd get one if I had given you something."

He smirked at me as I responded, "You've given me a lot. It's the least I could do."

"The least you could do?" he continued. I laughed as I realized he was quoting our first encounter and he chuckled.

"You just couldn't resist, could you?"

"Nope," he replied, sending me a cheeky grin. I let out a breathy laugh. As if we both suddenly remembered there were other people in the room, we glanced over at the sleeping boys piled on top of each other.

"What're we gonna do with them?" he whispered. I snatched my phone from where it was resting on the ground beside their couch, shooting Harry a smirk before snapping a picture.

He chuckled, "Okay, now what?" I shrugged at him.

"I have no clue. Maybe we should just let them sleep?" I suggested.

"Feeling generous, are we?" he asked me, coming over to stand by me.

"I know, strange, right?" I rolled my eyes as I nudged his shoulder, causing him to laugh.

"Just a bit," he replied, beaming at me. I yawned softly and slowly made my way to the door, slipping on my socks and shoes.

"Well, thanks again," I said as he held open his door for me, leaning against it slightly, his hair falling into his eyes, his dimples very present. He smiled at me sleepily and my heart stuttered. No one should be allowed to wake up and look that good.

"Anytime," Harry told me. I tried not to think about what that implied as I sent him one more smile before walking out the door. I heard it softly click behind me.

I let out a sigh, rubbing at my eyes. I slowly made my way down the hallway to the elevator. My phone started buzzing and I picked it up without checking the caller ID. "Hello?"

"Where in the blazes ARE YOU?!" my roommate's screechy voice shouted from the other end. I winced, holding the phone away from my ear.

"Bec, chill," I huffed.

"Chill? CHILL?! You didn't come home last night!" she shouted.

"I'm very aware," I chuckled, shaking my head at her. She groaned loudly.

"This isn't funny, Sam. You spend months staying at the apartment, never going out and doing anything, but the last two weeks you've been going out a lot more and then you spend the night SOMEWHERE ELSE?!" I attempted to tune her out as she continued to go off. As I was deciding whether or not to hang up on her and weighing the consequences, a door down the hallway burst open. Three very sleepy boys tumbled out of Harry's door, tripping over each other as they made their way to me.

"Sammy!" Louis said, wrapping his arms around me tightly. Niall and Liam did the same, successfully squeezing the air out of my lungs. But I felt a large grin on my face regardless. Harry looked disheveled as he raced down the hall after them.

"Sorry, they wanted to say goodbye, they were upset that-" I stopped him.

"Har, it's okay. I'm glad they did," I said laughing as they all released me. Harry let out a breath and smiled, his eyes shining at the scene before him.

"SAM?!" I heard through my phone.

I groaned, "Shoot." The gorgeous boys in front of me sent me looks of confusion as I brought the phone back to my ear.

"Who is that? Who the HECK is that?! Did you spend the night with a boy? Sam, how many are there? What is UP with you? If you come home with-" I quickly cut her off.

"Bec, I gotta go."

"Nuh-uh, don't you dare. Explain yourself," she said stubbornly.

"I'll be home in a bit," I ignored her, shutting off her protests as I hung up.

"Well she sounds like a joy to be around," Niall mumbled.

"She's really not," I laughed. "Thanks for last night, you guys. It was basically the best night of my life."

"Of course, love," Liam said, his eyes a deep chocolate brown at this time in the morning. Niall ran a hand through his already tousled hair, Liam softly rubbed his eyes, and Louis let out a yawn. Oh my heck oh my heck oh my heck, I am literally witnessing sleepy, cuddly One Direction, how am I even breathing?

"We don't wanna keep you. Sounds like you've got somewhere to be," Louis said softly.

"Yeah, we'll see you later," Niall added, pulling me into another hug. I found myself laughing as I hugged him back.

"I sure hope so," I said teasingly, heading into the elevator. I watched their smiling faces as the doors slowly closed, Harry tapping his nose timidly.

Have you ever woken up in a stranger's bed completely disoriented, but then went out to find yourself in Harry Styles' apartment, then woke up Harry with a lock of his hair 'cause over the past couple of weeks you two had somehow become close friends, then taken a picture of One Direction asleep before making your way out quietly just to have them wake up and tackle you in the hallway for not saying goodbye, and have them tell you they'll see you later, implying that they like having you over and want to see you again?

Because . . . same.

I was still smiling as I opened the door to my apartment. It immediately fell from my face as I attempted to sneak back to my room and was stopped. "Sam! There you are!" I cringed, slowly turning around.

The apartment was less than half the size of Harry's, cramped and cluttered with random things. The tiny kitchen led into a small sitting area with a TV. The hallway near the front door that I had been headed down led to three bedrooms. I turned to face the girl in front of me, her brown hair pulled back in a tight ponytail, her hands on her hips.

"Explain," she demanded.

I sighed, "Explain what?"

"Where you were? What you've been doing? Who those boys with the accents are? Where they're from? Where you spent the night? How long you've-"

"Bec." She tended to ramble on a lot. "You aren't my mother. Why do you even care?" She pulled back in surprise, eyes wide.

"Well I just thought . . . I mean you didn't . . . ." she trailed off.

"I didn't tell you because it's my life and you don't need to know everything about it," I stated, heading back down the hall.

"That is so not fair!" she hissed, following me. "I deserve to know!" I stopped abruptly, causing her to ram into my back. I turned around to face her, looking into her hazel eyes. She was much taller than me and fairly pretty, but she wore too much makeup and she didn't exactly have a likable personality. But, I was sorta stuck with her for the time being.

"And why do you deserve to know?" I stared her down as she fumbled for an answer. I let the silence drag on a bit. "The only reason you want to know is so you can meet these boys and somehow tempt them to like you so you can use them as an advantage over me." She looked down frustratedly, proving to me that I was right. "Well, I hate to break it to you, but that's not gonna happen. You aren't gonna meet these boys if I have anything to do about it. Not yet, anyway. Maybe look outside of yourself for once and I'll think about it. Besides, you have no reason to be jealous. We both know you have way more friends than I do and you're doing so much better than I am. So can you just chill?" She nodded slightly, realizing I was right. "In the meantime, can we just go back to leaving each other alone and minding our own dang business?"

"Ugh, fine! I cannot stand you! And stop calling me Bec! I'm so glad I'm leaving this weekend," she finished her tantrum, pushing past me and slamming the door of her room shut.

I headed into mine, mumbling, "That makes two of us." I was searching for a fresh change of clothes when my phone buzzed.

Har: Sam, I am so sorry, I know I said I'd come over this weekend but something came up. I hope it's okay, we'll have to do something another time

I sighed heavily, the euphoria of this morning leaving quicker than I thought possible.

Me: that's totally fine!! we'll definitely have to

Har: I look forward to it :)

Me: me too :)

I flopped down on my small twin bed. Well, this weekend was looking to be rather dreary.

My door opened and I jolted up into a sitting position. "Samantha and Rebecca at it again," Harper said, waltzing in and taking a place next to me on the bed.

I chuckled, "Good to see you, too." She lounged back on one of my pillows, brushing her shoulder-length, platinum blonde hair out of her eyes.

"You two never cease to amaze me," she sighed, placing her hands behind her head.

"I just tend to annoy people, it's kinda my thing," I replied. My pillow instantly flew to my face, but I had been expecting it and was able to deflect it, laughing as I did so.

"You do not, don't even lie to me. Becca's just . . . a bit much sometimes," she concluded.

"A bit? Sometimes?" I quirked an eyebrow up at her.

She huffed, "She's not that bad."

"You're right. Only on the days that end in a y," I said. She rolled her eyes good-naturedly and I smiled. "Oh c'mon, that was a good one!" She cracked a smile, giving in.

"It wasn't awful," she admitted. "I just might use it." She sent me a wink. I headed to my small closet, filtering through the clothing, looking for a comfy shirt. "Speaking of not being annoying," she continued, "who did you not annoy yesterday that ended up letting you stay the night at their place?"

"Just a friend," I responded vaguely.

"Sam, c'mon, please?" she whined at me. I grabbed my pile of clothes.

"Maybe I'll tell you some other time, Harper. I'm just not ready to tell yet. Besides, he really is just a friend," I told her, heading to the door.

"He?" she asked incredulously, standing up quickly. Shoot.

"I'm gonna get in the shower," I said, quickly walking out to the bathroom at the end of the hall.

Harper trailed behind me. "Sam," she pressed.

"Nothing happened. I told you, I'll tell you when I'm ready," I turned to face her. She looked at me with her big brown eyes, poking her lip out in a pout. "I promise."

"Fine. I guess I'll just have to wait in agony until then," she sighed dramatically.

"Yep, guess so," I said cheekily, shutting the bathroom door and letting out a breath. I trusted Harper, I did. We were much closer than Rebecca and I, we just had different interests so we didn't hang out much unless we were at the apartment together. I considered her a friend. I just wasn't ready to tell anyone about Harry and the boys. Not yet. Maybe never. If things went badly, a fight happened or other things got in the way, I didn't want a whole lot of people knowing about it. I especially didn't wanna get into the public eye. I wanted to make sure Harry's career stayed on track and I didn't wanna get in the way. If that meant keeping the friendships on the down-low and not having any bragging rights over Rebecca, then I'd do it. There wasn't a lot I wouldn't do for those boys at this point.


My heart was pounding against my chest, sweat oozing from my pores. I tried to keep my breathing even as I finished the set of crunches, sitting up into a plank. 'Girl Almighty' was blasting through my speaker as I finished my workout in the small family room, sitting down to stretch. Rebecca had left the day before with a couple of friends on a weekend trip and Harper had gone this morning to visit her family. I shouted at the top of my lungs to the song, feeling confident that no one could hear me.

Listening to 1D had become increasingly better since I had started getting to know the people behind the voices and was able to put a personality with each one. I stood up to get a glass of water, my muscles thrumming, excitement for a cool shower pushing me to hurry. That's when I heard a knock at the door.

Insert word I can't say here.

Who the heck was that? Why were they here? Did they hear me singing? Who am I kidding, they totally heard me screeching the chorus. I turned the music down a bit before deciding to get it over with and yanked the door open.

. . .

. . .

. . .

Oh, I'm sorry, Sam has passed away. You're welcome to attend the funeral.

I stared at Harry, suddenly very aware of how I must look. My cheeks were most definitely bright red from the exertion and heat radiating off my body. I was wearing an old pair of basketball shorts and a random tee. I had zero makeup on again, but this time I felt like my acne was extremely visible. I probably looked like I had bloody chickenpox on my face. My hair was up in a messy bun. No, not one of those cute messy buns you're thinking of. This one looked more like a rat's nest piled up on the top of my head, half of the hair hanging out from the recent exercise. I felt my cheeks flush even more as I thought about the absolute horrendousness of my appearance. Horrendousness. That's a word, right?

"Har, what're you doing here?" I brought myself out of my thoughts. "I thought you had something come up?" He brushed one of his shoes against the floor.

"It ended a lot sooner than I thought it would and I wanted to see you," he explained to me.

A soft 'Oh' escaped my lips as we continued to stand in the doorway. A pause. "Well, come in."

He shot me a smile and walked through the door. Fresh pine, morning rain. His smell wafted through the air as he passed. I prayed real hard that I didn't smell as bad as I suspected. "I hope I'm not interrupting."

"Interrupting? Nope, I wasn't doing anything. You aren't interrupting a thing," I rambled nervously. I noticed I was biting on my pinky fingernail and quickly brought my hand down to my side.

"You sure? 'Cause I thought I 'eard someone blasting One Direction," he smirked in my direction, his eyes sparkling.

"What? Um, that wasn't . . . I . . . well, okay, maybe a bit," I said sheepishly. "How much did you hear?" I ventured a glance up at him.

"Don't worry, I think you sounded great," he said, winking.

"Well you aren't exactly known to tell the truth. If I remember correctly, you once said I wasn't a horrible dancer which we both know is complete crap," I shot back.

He shook his head at me, "What am I gonna do with you?" I was taken back by his question.

"I dunno," I replied.

"Me neither," he chuckled.

"Well, while you figure that out, I'm gonna go hop in the shower real quick. You smell amazing, but I don't think it'll cover up how terrible I must smell," I said quickly before mentally cursing myself. I really just needed to shut my mouth sometimes.

"You really think I smell amazing?"

"Um . . . I'll be out in a sec, you can just sit on the couch." I didn't even look back at him as I raced down the hall and into the bathroom. I was very good at showcasing my idiocy, wasn't I?

I hopped in the shower, the cool water sending shivers down my spine. I hummed the tune of 'Home' as I quickly shampooed and conditioned my hair. I hurriedly got out, wrapping a towel around myself.

I cracked the door open, checking to see if anyone was there. That's right, I know what you were thinking. But no. That's not gonna happen. Seeing that the coast was clear, I rushed to my room and shut the door. I dried myself off and threw on an old football jersey of my brothers that reached to the middle of my thighs. I then pulled on some black yoga pants, neglecting to put on the Nike shorts I had planned on wearing before, fully aware that I hadn't shaved in a week and my legs were looking like the Hundred Acre Woods, which I didn't exactly intend on Harry finding out.

Running my hands through my hair, I made my way back to the bathroom and put my towel away, rubbing moisturizer on my face before heading back out to the sitting room. I could care less about what I looked like right now. He had seen worse just moments before, but at least this time I smelled decent.

He was sitting on one of the couches with his hands folded in his lap and his back was stiff. He looked extremely uncomfortable. I let out a laugh before I could stop it. He glanced over at me. "What?"

"Nothing, you just don't look very comfortable at all," I said, still giggling at his posture. He shot me a look and attempted to lean back on the couch.

"I'm plenty comfortable," he responded.

"Sure you are," I said disbelievingly. He chuckled as I sat down beside him. I ran my hands through my wet strands of hair.

"Wow, you smell amazing," he teased and I lightly shoved his shoulder.

"Shut up," I mumbled as he laughed. I settled back onto the couch, my head resting against a rough pillow and I let out a sigh, closing my eyes.

"Where are your roommates?" he asked after a bit.

"One's on a weekend trip with friends, the other one is visiting her family," I informed him.

"Do they know that we . . . do they know about . . . ?" he trailed off, trying to find the words.

I found them for him, saying, "Know about you? No, I haven't told anyone." I felt his eyes on me but kept mine closed.

"No one?" he pressed.

"Not a soul," I said matter-of-factly. I felt him shift beside me.

"Why not?" he whispered softly. I opened one of my eyes, peeking at him as he ran his hands through his hair before shutting it again.

"I dunno. I respect your privacy. I don't wanna cause you any problems, or any of the other boys for that matter," I replied truthfully.

"That's . . . that's really thoughtful of you," he responded after a moment.

I shrugged, "Just doing what any genuine person would do."

"Actually, most people would jump at the opportunity to tell everyone they know that they had met us, especially a fan. And after the amount of time we've spent together, you honestly 'ave every right to. Yet you haven't. I'm just . . . impressed," he admitted. I opened my eyes and sat up slowly.

"Um . . . thanks, I think," I laughed lightly. I found myself chewing my pinky fingernail again. Dang it.

"I should be thanking you," Harry smiled. I ran my hands through my hair, allowing the silence to stretch on. I needed to talk to him about something, I just wasn't sure I could, or how he would take it. I decided to rip off the bandaid and just get it over with.

"Har, I needa ask you something," I let out a breath. His emerald eyes found mine.

"Anything," he said in that amazing accent of his.

I took another deep breath before saying, "I'm not exactly sure how to ask this or where to start but . . . well I've been thinking about us and . . . I dunno, Har, I guess I just couldn't stop thinking about what we are and where this is going. I honestly am so grateful I met you and . . . I'm not sure how you feel about it, but I think we should just stay friends. Just . . . ya know, be there for one another like we have been. And if you ever need to leave, we can keep in touch. I just . . . don't wanna lose the friendship we've gained." Wow, that was harder than I thought. Did I have feelings for Harry? I looked into his deep, green eyes. Well, yeah, who wouldn't? But it was better this way. It had to be. He slowly took in the information before responding.

"I agree. I've loved having you around and it's nice to have a close friend who isn't a celebrity," he smiled lopsidedly. "But yes, I think that's a great idea." I felt myself relax, unaware I had been tense.

I smiled at him, "Just friends?"

"Just friends," he nodded. That way, publicity wouldn't get in the way or make things worse for both of us. That way, neither of us would get hurt. That way, if anything happened, we could continue on with our lives. I wouldn't be a problem for him. He could keep living his life without me, and I would be eternally grateful for the time I got with him.

I felt both of us settle into the couch and we turned on an episode of Friends. A bit ironic, if you think about it. But a sinking feeling slowly crept its way inside of me. He probably didn't have any feelings for me and that's why it was so easy for him to accept what I had said. A twinge of hurt made its way through my veins but I quickly suppressed it. Many girls would kill to be in my position right now. I was extremely lucky. This was how it was supposed to be. I wasn't supposed to be any more than friends with Harry. It had to be this way. Right?

. . . right??

I pushed away my selfish thoughts. Harry seemed happy. So I was, too. I soon lost myself in the show, laughing along with Harry, leaving behind my chaotic thoughts. Little did I know how similar his current thoughts were to mine.


i uh... well i really have no words... how are you feeling?? comment, tell me your thoughts, shout at me, yell at me, virtually strangle me, i deserve it all just tell me what's running through your head rn i honestly am so curious to knowwwwww

harry and sam are friends. end of story.

orrrrrr is it????


i'm grateful for DiamondMatrix04 and her loveliness, i'm grateful for dokatarain18 and her amazing criticism, i'm thankful for M_A_N_G_T_A and her wonderful support, i'm thankful for kiss_in_the_kitchen and her beautiful soul, i'm so grateful for bffhiz111 and the laughs we have, i'm grateful for ida_johanna for pushing me and being my biggest support ily, and i'm thankful for stacycool25 for just joining the journey, and trust me, it's gonna be a long one and i'm thankful for allyeagar cuz she's my gorgeous babe and i love her spams

and i am entirely and completely grateful from the bottom of my heart to harry styles for, like, existing

i'm sorry i feel like i just won a brit award or something and i'm not even a brit ahaha

so i'm getting to more important parts of the story and the story line and i'm not entirely sure what to write for the next chap specifically... so i thought it would be fun to get YOUR opinions soooooo for next chap... who's point of view do you want it to be from?? comment to the side anyone you want to hear the next chap from, doesn't matter who, as long as they've been mentioned in the previous chaps and PLEASE give your opinion i want to be able to interact with you all :D anyways, whichever characters name is commented the most after four days (june 6th, this saturday) will be the pov for next chapter!! i better see the same amount of comments as views on this chap ;)

alright LAST THING so i usually have a specific song that inspires each chapter and have decided to post the song title and the most applicable lines to the chapter at the beginning of each chap just so y'all can know hahaha i've done the song for this chapter at the beginning and hopefully by tomorrow i'll have the previous chaps updated with their song inspirations

wow that was a lot of housekeeping but at least it's all done now

wait i lied sorry heh but the world is absolutely CRAZY rn. if you're going through anything and need help and someone to talk to or someone to just listen, i'm always here. never hesitate to ask for help. educate yourselves and please please stay safe, i'm praying for you all <33 lmk if i can help you in any way at all


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