Deviants [HIATUS]

Von RandomAnxiety

110 1 16


{1}The First Deviant
{2} Owner+Androids
{3} Paint your identity
{4}Don't Have to Obey

{5} On the Run + Crime Scenes

16 0 1
Von RandomAnxiety

Very short a/n: warning:long chapter ahead. Get comfortable and get some snacks.
Detroit, Michigan
Jimmy's Bar

RK800 stood in front of the average size building, adjusting his tie. The android examined his surroundings, this included the glass door in front him. The door held multiple signs before him. One saying no dogs allowed inside. Above the sign was another sign, saying no androids allowed. If RK800 didn't have a mission that allow3d him to disobey the sign, he would've just walked off, but instead he took his chances when he walked inside, the bell ringing.

The bell got everyone's attention, making them look towards the obvious android. The android annoyed the stares of dislike and the murmurs all around him, focusing on what he came here to do. Find Lutientate Anderson. The android used his scanner to find the Lutientate, finding a match in a matter of seconds. The RK model approached a man with long, grey, messy hair and a beard. LT. Hank Anderson.

"Lutientate Anderson? My name is Connor" he introduced himself suddenly. "I'm the android sent by Cyberlife." The man he was speaking to kept his eyes on his drink, listening to the game on the television above. "I looked for you at the station, but nobody knew where you were. They said you were probably having a drink nearby. I was lucky to find you at the fifth bar."

"What do you want?" Anderson asked, not giving the android any eye contact  and sounding like he wanted nothing to do with this plastic thing, which he didn't. Why would he want anything to do with anything or anyone that interrupt him watching the game?

"You were given a case this evening" Connor informed the Lutientate. "A homicide. Involving a Cyberlife android. In accordance with the procedure, the company has allocated a specialized model  for investigators."

"Well, I don't need no assistance" Anderson claimed in response." Especially from a plastic asshole like you." Connor was informed it may be hard to get Lutientate away from the bar. He was also informed about how stubborn the man can be when it comes to his jobs and him doing said job, so he wasn't surprised by the response at all.

"Listen, I think you should stop drinking and come with me" Connor replied, watching the man pick up his glass to take a sip. "It'll make life easier for the both of us." All Anderson did in response was a nodnof the head. Well, reasoning was out. Time for persistence. "I'm sorry, Lutientate" Connor apologized. "But I must assist. My instructions stipulate that I must accompany You."

"You know where you can stick you instructions?" Anderson asked teasingly, smarting off.

This question made the RK tilt his head, utterly confused. "No" he answered, honestly not getting the teasing. "Where?" Anderson glanced over at the piece of plastic. At first, he did not believe this android didn't get the joke, but once he saw the extremely confused expression, he knew this android had no idea what he meant.

"Never mind" Hank responded, before looking forward. Silence filled the atmosphere inside. The only noise that could be heard was the television.

"You know what?" Connor asked, breaking the weird silence between him and the Lutientate. "I'll buy you one for the road. What do you say?" Connor had no other options. He had to get Anderson out of this bar and go to the crime scene, but he didn't wanna cause a scene. He had to butter this man up. Maybe It'll work. "Bartender, the same again, Please!" The android said, genuinely meaning what he said. The man behind the bar glanced over his shoulder to see who's this android was paying for so he can get the drink right. The man made the drink, handing it Hank.

"You see that, Jim?" Hank asked the bartender. "The wonders of technology." The RK android handed the man his money before the bartender left. Connor watched has the man chugged down his revealed drink before leaning back in his chair, satisfied. "You said homicide?"



Something Levi wouldn't stop doing until he was 1000000000% sure they weren't being followed. It had started pouring a few minutes ago, and it was clear to Levi that if they didn't find shelter soon, the six year old boy in his arms would become sick, and explaining to the doctors what happened to cause Camdyn being sick was risky. Just because the kid was being abused by his own father wasn't a good enough excuse for an android to do what Levi did.

Telling anyone, especially humans, would risk Levi's life, or at least memory. It would also risk Camdyn going back to his father, or the child gki ng into the foster or adoption system, which was fucked up. There is no way Levi was allowing anyone to take Camdyn away from him in less needed.

Finally, the android stopped on his tracks, waiting for the cars to get out of the way. He gently placed Camdyn down on the ground onto his feet, grabbing the boy's hand. Levi looked at the boy giving him a sweet smile, earning  a smile in return from the boy. After waiting a few seconds, the two walked across the road to the other side. Levi had scanned his surroundin while waiting for the road to clear. He saw a laundry mat just a few blocks away. Perfect place for shelter and to dry off their clothes.

The two rushed inside when it started pouring harder. They entered just in time when thunder echoed throughput the city. Levi lead the six year old over to a comfy bench, allowing him to sit down has Levi stood, scanning. They had no destination in mind, all they needed was a place safe and possibly a place that sheltered them from the rain.

Levi was planning on going to a motel for the night, but knowing most motels, he had to cover up his uniform. He scanned the area for possible solutions to hide his uniform and to get Camdyn out of the wet, dirty clothes. Not long after, Levi found a possible solution. In one of the laundry machines was dry clothes. The owner seemed to be "knocked out." He wouldn't mind of they borrowed them, would he?

Levi took a look around before silently and stealthily walked over to the machine. He was crotched down as to make him seem invisible. He took one more look at the sleeping guy a few inches behind him, making sure he was truly asleep. He was, now was Levi's chance. Slowly, the android opened the machine, revealing the nice, dry clothes. There was enough for him and Camdyn.

Has the android reached to grab the clothes, Camdyn stopped him anxiously. "What are you doing" he asked in a whispered tone, his facial expression and tone of voice hinting worried. "You can't take those. They aren't ours. That's stealing." Levi stared at the child for a moment, thinking. Should he really  steal this man's clothing?

Levi was about to close the machine, agreeing with the child completely, but another thunder echoed making him remember why he's doing so. "I'm sorry, Camdyn" Levi apologized. "But we need these clothes. I have to cover up my uniform and you need to get out of those wet clothes." The six year old nodded, understanding the choice Levi made before walking away.

Levi watched has the child walked away, before swiftly grabbing the clothes from the laundry machine. The two walked into the restroom, putting on their new clothes before heading out again. Fortunantly, the rain and thunder lightened up a bit. The android soon scanned the area. A motel was the best option. Levi internally begged for there to be a motel close by. Just then a building of average height, maybe a bit smaller than average, caught his eye. Yes! It was actually a motel. Levi smiled softly, grabbing Camdyn's hand, crossing the road.  

The only problem they had was money. They didn't have any, but what could they do? Rob a store? Yeah. Not happening. The two walked inside to be met with a  worker at the lobby desk. "May I help you?" The man asked, brow raised at the two strangers before him. Levi smiled weakly before actually speaking.

"Yes. Actually" He started, clearing his throat. Levi pulled the beanie wore more over his head, making sure his LED wasn't noticeable.  "We were wondering if you had a spare motel rooms. We kinda need to stay for at least one night." The worker smiled at the two before typing away at his computer.

"Ah, here we.go" he whispered to himself, looking back at two. "That will be 40 dollars." Levi bit his lip, hands in pockets. Despite not believing the coat had anyone in it, he searched for it. Lastly, checked his pockets. He thought he was out of luck, until he felt something papery hit his finger.

He slowly took out the papery object to see what it was. Four tens. The original owner of the clothes actually left forty dollars on his coat? Levi smiled has he handed the money to the worker. The worker then shoved what seeme to be a electronical clipboard. "And now I need you name, then I'll give you the room number and key."

Levi grabbed the pen that was given to him. He couldn't put his real name. Most likely, if he put his real name and the man looks closer, he'll know he's not a real human. Know that he's an android, or a deviant to be more exact. He quickly searched for anything that could spark a name. Behind the man was a sign promoting a car service named "Bowman and Archer Car Service." Bingo.

He wrote his new name (Archer) before, handing the pen back. The man smiled has he put the pen away. "I'm gonna need you drivers license also, please." Shit.

"Oh...uh..." come on, Levi! Think of something! And quick. "Uh, we must of been in a rush and I must be left it at home."

"Oh, no worries" the worker said, actually believing that so-called human. "We're work that out tomorrow." The man crotched down to grab a room access card, handing it to Levi. "Have a good night."

"You too" Levi replied, before grabbing Camdyn's hand, leading them both to their assigned room. The room was on the second and final floor of the small motel. They walked up the steps quietly. When the two came to a stop in front of a door, Levi grabbed the  card from his picket, getting access into the room. He allowed the child in first, him going in last, closing the door behind them. He helped Camdyn take off the slightly oversized, wet coat, placing it on the coat rack. He did the same with his  coat.

Levi sat next to the exhausted six year old, gently holding his hand. "All I wanted was for us to be happy" the child whispered mostly to himself. "To be a good son." The child looked down on the floor, tears threatening to be let out. "I didn't mean to be bad." Levi looked forward, wearing a blank expression on his face. "Why could we just be a happy family? Like others?" Levi just stared, not knowing the kid was talking to him or not. "Levi, Why?"

Levi turned his head to face the boy. "I...I don't know" was all Levi managed to get out. It was not a lie. He didn't know why some people are happy and why some people are sad. He didn't know why some people love and care for their child and some will beat and hurt their child.

"You won't hurt me, right?" That question made Levi's heart break. The fact that a child has to ask that was heartbreaking.

"Of course I wouldn't" Levi shook his head. "I'll never hurt you. I promise." Camdyn gave the android a small smile before a yawn escaped his lips. "Now, let's try and get a good night rest. Hopefully it stops raining in the morning."


A man got on a bus, ready to end his day as a bus driver when something caught his eyes. He thought the bus was empty, and it was. No one was on, except two people. An android and a child. The driver sighed in somewhat aggravation before walking more towards. "All right" he said, waking up the android. "End of the line." Kara glanced around her surroundings before focusing on the man in front of her.

"End of the line?" Kara questioned, tilting her head. Her voice hinted her concern and confusuon. She was internally hoping that didn't mean what she thought it meant.

"Yeah, you're gonna have to go" the man's voice hinted some sort of stress and his aggravation. Kara silently glance down at the sleeping girl, who was sleeping on Kara. She reluctantly grabbed the girl's shoulder gently, softly shaking her awake.

"Hey. Wake up" she whispered, slowly waking the girl. "We have to go." After Alice was somewhat awake, Kara got up. She backed up to allow Alice out, before grabbing the tiny girl's hand. She lead them put the bus. Kara wanted to ask to stay, but she knew he wouldn't do so. She looked back at the driver, almost asking if he at least knew of a place they could stay, but decided against it, getting odd the bus. Now they are back in the rain. Good thing is the rain seemed to lighten up.

The two looked around before crossing the street. Where were they gonna go? They had no money and their is no way a hotel or motel was gonna allow an android to get a room, at least, not in less they didn't know they were an android. Unfortunately, Kara didn't have  anything to cover her uniform with.  she highly doubts she could find any clothes or something. The two walked inside a  convenient store to get out of the rain for a bit.

Their was a man behind the desk, giving Kara and Alice a warm smile. Kara gave a smile back in return while they looked around. Kara looked around in one isle while Alice looked in another. The two met up in the back of the store. They had to figure out a place to stay and some money. Possibly the man could help.

Kara, somewhat hesitantly, walked up to the man with a soft smile. Alice watched from a few inches behind. "I'm with a little girl" Kara started, making a head motion to Alice, fidgeting with her hands. "And we have no where to go. Can we spare some money so we can get a place to stay for the night?" The man didn't seem friendly anymore.

"Shit" he giggled. "A homeless android? Ha. That's the best one yet." He gave the android a serious stare. "Look, this is a convenient store. Not the Salvation Army, okay? You better go if you're not gonna buy anything." Before moving anywhere, she scanned behind the desk to see the cash register. It was unlocked.

Kara walked away, thinking of possible ways to get that man away from the register. The android walked around, hoping that anything sparked an idea for her. After walking in circles for five minutes, she noticed a mountine of cans near her. She then looked at the young eight year old, who was pacing a few inches away. Kara didn't like the thought of using Alice, but it was her only choice that wouldn't end up with them getting killed or hurt.

Kara slowly walked over to the child, glancing at the distracted guy at the register. "Alice, I need your help" Kara said, her voice sounding worried. "You see those cans over there? I want you to go over and knock them down."

Alice was surprised by the request, and who could blame her? "Knock them down?" Alice rose a brow, confused. "But why?"

"Please" Kara spoke, putting a assuring hand on Alice's should."Just trust me." Alice thought for a second before going through with the request. Making sure the man was fully distracted, she made her move. Kara made her move by making sure she was already near the desk when the "accident" happens.

And just with one little push, the mountain of cans fell loudly on the ground, immdiantly grabbing the man's attention. The man got up from his seat, going to see what happened. While handle that, Kara sneaked behind the desk. "You alright?" She heard the man ask, presumably Alice. "Are you hurt?" Kara crotched down, just in case the man looked her way. "Don't worry, it's just a few cans" he sighed, assuring the girl.

Kara grabbed the unlocked Lock on the  register, laying it gently to the side, opening the register, grabbing a few stacks. She silently closed the register again, peaking over the desk. He was completely distracted with the cans, now's her chance. She got out of her crotch position, quickly walking over to Alice, grabbing her hand, and the two tushy walked back outside to the pouring rain.

"Well, we have some cash now" Kara said, seeming to be somewhat happy, but Alice wasn't. She felt used, cause she was used. Used to steal. Alice let go of Kara'a and, making Kara turn around.

"You used me to steal that money" she yelled, clearly hurt. "Why did you do that, I trust you." Kara'a smile slowly dropped when she realized what she had down. Guilt filled her body.

"You're right, I shouldn't of done so" she started apologizing. "I promise, I won't do it again, Alice." Alice's frown turned into a weak smile before she grabbed a hold of Kara'a hand. Kara smiled in return before they kept moving. Where were they gonna stay for the night? They couldn't go to a hotel or motel, so where could they go? Where else is there a shelter to help cover them from the rain?

While stopping in there tracks, waiting for the roads to clear out, Kara used her scanner to scan for any good spaces to stay. There were not that many places to choose from, but there   was one place that may not be the most comfortable thing to sleep in, but was sure to shelter them during the night. A few inches away from them , across the street, was a fenced off car. If Kara found a crowbar or something, they could get in, and stay in there. Once the road cleared, two crossed the street.

They made their way to the fence, Alice confused on why we stopped here. Ignoring the confused looks Alice gave her, Kara looked for a way to open the fence door. She peeked around the sides, looking for any tools  to help. The rain and grass made it more harder to find anything. Kara decided to scan the area once more, finding something hiding in a bush. From the looks of it, it was a crowbar. The android smiled before walking and grabbing the bar. She than walked back over to the door, and used it to open the door. Immdiantly once the door open, Kara pushed Alice gently inside before closing the door back.

The two got inside the abandoned car, now sheltered from the rain. The two just sat there in complete silence.  the silence soon was broken when Kara heard the little girl mumble to herself.   Kara couldn't understand alot of what the girl was saying, but what she did understand broke her heart. She softly placed a hand in the small girl's shoulders, grabbing the girl's attention. The girl stared at Kara before talking once again. "Kara?"

The Android just looked at the girl, giving the eight year old all her attention. "Do you...Do you think we will be Okay?" Alice asked. A question Kara didn't know the answer too. She could just lie and say yes, but that wouldn't be the truth. She didn't wanna loose any of Alice's trust. A human's trust towards an android was rare now n days.

"I...I don't know" Was all Kara could manage to answer.   The two couldn't live in an abandoned car forever, especially without food and water for Alice. They had to leave tomorrow if able and they needed to find food and water. "I wish I knew, but I don't."

"Do you think he'll come back and find us?" Alice asked, referring to her abusive father, Todd. Todd was only unconscious when Kara escaped, surprisingly not to badly damaged. Thinking of Todd finding them secretly scared Kara. He could hurt Alice. Take Alice away from her. He could make sure Kara gets reset to where she doesn't remember any of this and Alice. Not remembering Alice made Kara'a 'heart' sink. She held Alice closer.

"No" she simply said. "But if he does, I will not allow him to hurt you as long as I'm standing." Alice gave a weak smile has a yawn escaped her lips. Kara smiled has she watched the girl slowly fall asleep. She internally prayed they will get somewhere safer and more comfortable tomorrow, or someday. She also prayed that that prick of a father didn't find them. After thinking long and hard, she finally fell asleep, not knowing what's to come the next day.


Police sirens rang throughout the neighborhood has Hank drove through. RK800, also known as Connor, looked out the window, staying has quietly has possible. As Hank parked the android was about to unbunkle himself when Anderson shot a glare. "You stay  here" he demanded before getting out himself.

"Whatever you say, lieutenant" Connor responded quiet, obeying the man's demand. Though, the obedience didn't last long. His assigned job was to assist Lieutenant Anderson in finding these deviants, but that was impossible if Connor obeyed Bank's recent demand. RK800 got out of the car, closing the door. Hank didn't notice has he did so. Connor walked over to a line saying 'no android beyond this line.' Despite this, he couldn't obey it. He was about to walk past the line when an officer blocked his way.

"Sorry" the man apologized, seeming sincere. "No androids beyond this line." Connor was about to talk back when another voice joined in.

"He's with me" he heard lieutenant Anderson reply. The officer nodded at Hank, understanding, before moving out of Connor's way. The RK800 made his way to Anderson. "What part of 'stay in the car' didn't you understand?"

"Your order contradicted my instructions, lieutenant" Connor replied. Hank sighed, knowing this android was gonna be a pain in the ass, but he had no choice.

"Don't talk, don't touch, and don't do anything" Hank told Connor. "Stay out of my way." Connor nodded before the two walked further onto the crime scene, being met with a man.

"Evening, Hank" The man spoke, walking towards them. "We were starting to think you weren't gonna show." Lutientate Anderson was known to not show up at crime scenes, or at work at all.

"Yeah" Hank replied. "That was the plan until this asshole found me." Anderson pointed at the android standing behind him. The man looked surprised and amused. Who would've thought Hank would get an android, out of anyone in the world.

"So, you got yourself an android, huh?" The man teased before leading the two further inside. Hank curled his lip and rolled his eyes, following suit, Connor followed also. "We had a call around eight from the landlord" the man started giving them more information. "The tenet hasn't paid his rent for a couple of months, so he decided to pay a visit, wanting to know what was up. That's when he found the bullet."

Walking inside, an awful smell hit the nose of Hank, making him gag. "Jeez, what's that smell?" Anderson asked, pinch his nose to block his nose from the horrid smell.

"It was even worse before we opened a window" The man responded. The two stopped in their tracks when the deceased body was before them. It was nothing but disgusting. "The victims name was Carl Ortiz. He has a record for theft and aggravated assault. We talked to the neighbors for whatever they knew about Ortiz. According to them, he was kind of a loner. He stayed inside most of the time, they hardly ever saw him. "

"Huh. In state he's in...wasn't worth calling out everybody in the middle of the night" Hank replied, kneeling down to get a better look at the body. "Couldve waited until morning."

"I'd say his been here for at least three weeks" The man added. "We will know more when the coroner gets here." A moment of silence came when Hank analyzed the body more. "I'm gonna have to get some air. You got it from here." As the man left, RK800 moved. He scanned the area for the evidence they have. The first one he saw was a knife with dry blood. The victim was stabbed? To make sure that was correct, he placed to finger on the blood, getting skme blood on his fingers before tasting it.

While analyzing, Hank towered him, disgusted at what he just witnessed. "God. What are you doing?" The man asked in absolute disgust.

"I'm analyzing the blood" Connor replied. "I can check samples in real time. I'm sorry, I should've warned you."  Hank honestly didn't know how to respond to this new information.

"Okay, thats fine, just don't put any more evidence in your mouth, Okay?" Anderson said, brow rose, his face showing disgust.

"Okay, Lutientate" Connor replied with a nod before kneeling to get a closer look at the weapon. He analyzed the blood on his fingers. The information he got was this was, in fact, Carl Ortiz's blood. The sample date was 78 days. He then took a bigger look at the knife to analyze it. No finger prints. Could this mean an android was involved, and maybe the killer? The android soon got up, walking away to the next piece of evidence he could find. While doing so, he saw lots of dried blood stains on the wall, but not in the living room, which was were the body was, but in the kitchen. Did the attack happen in the kitchen and then ended in the living room?

Connor opened the back door. Nothing caught RK800's attention yet, has he left ahead. No sight of live nor androids. About to go back inside, he glanced  down to the ground. If a human came out here, they wouldn't if noticed the foot prints formed in the mud. Unfortunaly, these footprints were an officers' shoes. Hank walked outside to see what made the android come out here. " The door was locked from the inside. Which means the killer mustve went out this way" he spoke, interrupting Connor's train of thought.

"There is no footprints, apart from officer Collins size ten shoes" Connor replied, still staring at the prints.

Hank leaned off the open doorway, walking beside RK. "Well, this happened weeks ago" Hank examined the ground. "Tracks could of faded."

"No" Connor simply said. "This type of soil is one that would have retained tracks. Nobody's been out here for a long time." And with that, Connor went back inside, leaving the Lutientate alone. When Connor went back inside, before his feet was a chair in the kitchen. The chair also seemed to be broken. Was this a sign of struggle? The android soon walked ahead. He already figured the presumably struggle was in the kitchen, but how? What weapons did the murder used? It looked as if an android was the one committing the murder. Either way, he kept looking, but only at the evidence in the kitchen. He needed answers if he was gonna find this criminal.

His scanner spotted a bat a few inches away from rK800. He took a look at it, using his scanner to help him fund any fingerprints, blood, etc.  The first thing that caught his eye was there happened to be fingerprints on this presumably weapon. Collecting data, the database came back almost instantly, showing this was the victim's, Carlos Ortiz's, fingerprints. Did the victim defend himself? He regarded the bat, looking for more evidence. One of the biggest evidence was a blue liquid, also called Therium or blue blood, on the bat. There was an android involve.

The deviant committed the murder, there was no doubt it was a deviant given the blue blood and the knife with no fingerprints, and also the fact that the victim has 28 stab wounds from a knife. Emotional shock was probably the cause of the androids behavior. With the evidence in front of Connor, it wasn't hard to see  Ortiz was beating the android with the bat, giving the android said emotional shock. When the victim was stabbed the first or second time, he fell in the living room by the deviant.

"He was stabbed" he told Hank, he had appeared behind him only a second ago. "28 times."

"Yeah, seems like the killer had it in for him" Hank replied, arms crossed of his chest. Hank went on his way, just staying out of everyone's way. Connor looked back at Anderson before making his way into the dark hall. His scanner had picked something in one of the rooms a  few minutes ago. The room seemed to be the restroom, which was disgusting. His scanner picked something out in the shower/bathtub. Cautiously, RK800 moved the shower curtain to reveal a wall written all over. This showed obsessive writing. Other than the writing, there was nothing else to be found. The android went over to Anderson, ready to speak what he knows what happened.

"Lutientate, I think I've figured out what happened" Connor spoke, walking to the side of Hank.

"Oh, Yeah?" Anderson rose an eyebrow. "Shoot. I'm all ears." The cops have yet to figured out what could of happened and who could be behind this, that's why he decided to give this android a chance.

"It all started in the kitchen" Connnor started. "The victim attacked his abdroid with the bat." The two walked into the kitchen, Hank checking the evidence they had to see if it matches with the story.

"That lines up with the evidence" Hank said, approving. "Go on."

"The Android stabbed the victim" Connor went on, pointing at the knife he had scanned a few minutes ago, the one with no finger prints.

"So the android was trying to defend itself, right?" Hank asked, making sure he understood. "Okay, then what happened."

"The victim fled to the living room" the two walked over into the living room, close to the deceased body. "The android murdered the victim with the knife."

"Okay, your theory isn't totally ridiculous" Hank admits. "But that doesn't tell us where the android went. "

"The android was damaged by the bat, and most some therium" Connor stated.

"Lost some what?" Anderson asked out of total confusion.

"Therium" RK800 explained. "You humans call it "blue blood." It's the fluid that powers android's biocomponets. It evaporates with in a few hours and isn't visible to the naked eye."

"Oh.." Hank process this information, knowing where this is heading. "But I bet you can still see it, can't you?"

"Correct" Connor responded. Haha the two separated, Connor knew what he had to do. Trace blue blood tracks. His analyzer turned on, showing him the track. It went all the way down the hall, but suddenly disappears. Connor looked all around to see where these tracks continued, but failed to find any on the ground. Connor decided to look up to find blue blood hand prints on the attic door. Bingo. Now question was, how was Connor gonna get up there?

Connor re-entered the kitchen only to grab a chair, about to go back in the hall. "Hey, hey, hey!" Hank called out. "What are you doing with that chair?"

"I'm going to check something" Connor replied before going back inside the hallway. He placed the chair right under the attic, before he stood on top. He the pushed the attic do or opened before pull himself up. When he first poked his head up, nothing could be seen or heard. The android cautiously walked further inside, continuing his search. There was no doubt the android was inside this attic, but where was it hiding?

The attic had lots of obstacles Connor needed to get passed without making a sound. He didn't wanna scare or alarm the android. It was already clear that the android was trying to hide. He could hear the heavy breathing and running coming from the very back of the attic.

In front of Connor was now a blank white sheet. This could possibly be were the android was hiding. Wasn't impossible. Cautiously, yet fastly, he yanked the sheet off, revealing a frightened android. "I was just defending myself" the android spoke, trying to explain his actions. "He was going to kill me. I'm begging you, please don't let them know I'm up here."

"Connor what the fuck is going on up there?!" The two heard lieutenant Anderson yell.

Connor stared at the android for one more minute. "Its here, lieutenant!" He replied.

"Holy shit" Hank whispered. "Chris! Get you are in here now!" Has the two waited for the officers to get the android, the deviant looked down, its LED light shining bright red.


Rain was pouring, thunder roaring, and lightening lighting up the sky. Mud was covering the ground of the dump. Now n days, pop cans, useless bags, and just regular trash isn't what's being thrown out. It was androids. Broken, badly damaged androids. The androids who stay turned off. The androids that some people used for parts. That's what you found at the dump.

Despite the loud rain and thunder, you could hear a few of these androids yell. This is what woke him up. Markus woken up for his face to be in the ground. Where was he? That was the first question that popped into his head. Knowing he cannot lay like this any longer, he used all the strength he had in his arms to push himself up.

He wasn't able to stand up, which he figured out when he tried, and failed. His LED was flashing, bright red has he tried his best to scan the area. He tried to figure out where he was. His scanner seemed to be jacked up. When he scanned, the scanner appeared to have cracks and was red and blurry. Realizing this, Markus looked behind him, doing a diagnose. The first thing he found was his audio processor.  The audio data was damaged. Second thing was his optical unit. Vision impaired, corrupted mind palace.

Markus knew these things had to be replaced, but the first thing that needed to be replaced was his legs. Until he could do so, he had to crawl. He crawled, getting himself more muddy then before. He kept going, trting not to give up on hope, despite somewhat hearing the screams of damaged androids. He then stopped when in front of him happened to be a leg. He analyzed the leg, finding it compatible. The android used his strength to get himself in a sitting position. He then grabbed one of his damaged legs, twisting and turning it until it came off. He soon threw it away, grabbing his new, approved leg. He twisted and turned that leg to until he was sure it was on tight enough.

Now, he had one leg, one more to go. Markus kept going, crawling, watching for a new left leg. A few seconds later, before him was another leg. He analyzed the leg, only to see it was incompatible. Keep going, Markus. The android pushed the leg out of his way before he continued to crawl. A minute or so after, before him was a leg. While analyzing, Markus internally begged it was compatible. A few seconds later, the answer for "was it compatible or nor?" Was answered. The answer was yes, it was compatible.  With this answer, Markus got himself back in a sitting position, twisting and turning until his damaged left leg came off. He pushed the trashy leg to the side, grabbing his new leg. He plugged it in, and then he had two legs. Carefully, the android pushed himself up onto his feet.

Of course, the android almost tripped a few times, but it didn't take long for him to adjust. Now, time to replace that thirium pump regulator. Markus walked, examining his surroundings. He used his scanner to see if it picked up any possible compatible pump regulators. The scanner picked up one closest to Markus. With this information, the android bent down on one knee in front of what seemed to be a dead android.

He turned it over on its back. His scanner analyzed the broken android's therium pump. Unfortunately, it came out has incompatible. With this, he got up, continuing trying to search for what needed to be replaced. He kept his analyzer on, trying to find a few places with what he needs. An inches away from where he was before was another broken android. He quickly examined the therium pump to find it compatible.

Has Markus reached to grab the regulator, the androids hand grabbed his wrist. "No, please. Please don't do this" She begged, her voice hinting fear. Markus looked at the android before him with a sadden look. Guilt consumed him has he knew he had to get this android's therium pump, otherwise he'd be without. Ignoring the girl's painful begging, the android removed her thirium pumper, and also "removed" her from her life. Markus than grabbed his damaged pump. He knew he had to act quick otherwise he'd be shut down. With one quick move he changed pumps, throwing his damaged one far away. Now to get out of here.

While on his search, some thing grabbed his ankle gently. Markus turned around to see a severely damaged android. "Please" she spoke, begging.  "End me. I don't wanna live anymore." Markus stared at the android for a few minutes. He had no clue how to respond to this request. If he killed her, her only be doing what shed begged, and she probably wouldn't live much longer either way.  Without another thought, he grabbed her regulator. When the pump is removed from an android, it instantly puts them into permanent shut down. And like that, she was gone.

Markus continued his way, now climbing his way up a big pile of trash and broken android parts. He slide a few times, giving it was a mputine of trash and it was raining, but he soon made it to the top. The android fell to his knees has he looked above him at the night, rainy sky. His LED light now yellow. That reminded him. The android search for something sharp. Only an inch or so away, there was a broken piece of an android. He didn't know what it was, but what he did know was it was sharp.

With no hesitation, he grabbed the object, and put it under his LED light. He pulled it off with the object, the light landing somewhere on the ground. Now he looked full on human. No one could tell he was an android given his Cyberlife uniform was ripped to shreds.

"My name is Markus."

So, this was...this was long. Long as fuck. It is over 6,000 words. Wow. That's amazing. Anyway, hope you enjoyed.

I'm gonna say this, this story is soon gonna be Levi's story mostly. Just heads up that there will probably start being more Levi scenes then others soon. Anyway....

1. What do you think of Connor, Hank, Kara, Alice, Markus, Levi, and Camdyn?
2. Do you think that android had a right to harm his abused?
3. What do you believe gonna happen next?

Hope you enjoyed this!


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