Psycho 2 - 백현

By fileur

46.3K 2K 810

Don't open this book it's not reading-worthy "Why are you doing this?" You asked. "Because I have to protect... More

Autors note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43


738 35 12
By fileur

3 years later~

The rain was finding its way down and it was heard on the shelter. The clouds were dark and it didn't seem like they're were going away soon. The bad weather would continue for a couple of hours while the palm trees continued waving harshly till the end of the small storm. The sea wasn't calm and the sand on the beach was looking darker than it should be, but even when there was heavy rain and some air brushing against your body, the temperature wasn't cold. You looked in front of you, noticing every raindrop falling onto earth. This is not what you expected from the little hiatus they gave you in Thailand.

You moved your hand a little bit up, forming it into a little hole to catch the rain. Some fresh drops were now falling in your hand, making you surprised about how cold it felt. In the distance, a man came running towards you, he could almost not be recognised because he was hiding under his cap for the rain. Once he was under the shelter standing next to you, he took it off. "I searched the whole area, but there's no bus driving in this rain. We'll just have to wait here till it's over."

"But that could be hours." You complained, but you knew this wouldn't change anything. "I know, but as long as we're together..." He said, smirking. His voice smooth and cute. "Sure Baekhyun." You rolled your eyes, not even surprised by his sentence. His innocently smile made your heart skip a beat. Nothing has changed these 3 years. It still beats for him. It will never stop.

Baekhyun's gaze all went over the area before it stopped at the house where the shelter belongs to. "Is there someone home?" He asked, his beautiful gaze back on you. You shrugged your shoulders. "I have no idea. I haven't knocked yet." You answered, noticing Baekhyun movements. His small, but gorgeous hand forms into a fist and softly makes sound by knocking on the door. It stayed still for some seconds. No answer.

"There's no one home." You said, as if it wasn't clear by now. Baekhyun, who was quite curious, carefully opened the door and looked inside. "Hello?" He raised his voice a little, not in an angry way, but just to make sure if there was someone, he could be heard. Everything stayed silence. No one responded and from what Baekhyun saw inside, he assumed no one lives there, but he wasn't sure. "The house is empty." He said, closing the door again.

Half an hour passed and it kept raining with no end. Your jacket, who was wet from some raindrops before you could hide for the rain, was now giving off a cold vibe and it made you shiver. Baekhyun saw and gave you a concerned gaze. He wanted to take off his own jacket and give it to you, but that one was also soaked. He grabbed your hand, getting more concerned when he felt it was way too cold. "Let's go inside." He said, not caring about the fact it's not his house.

"But Baekhyun-" You started, couldn't even say anything more than those 2 words. "You want to freeze to death?" His voice was not so sweet as always, because he doesn't accept struggle. So you shook your head and just let him lead you inside.

The house was kinda old and it looked as if no one lived there. As if someone just leaved it without coming back, but again, you couldn't be sure about that. By hearing the rain falling on the roof, it made you feel cozy. While Baekhyun searched for some blankets, you were looking around in the room. It felt lonely being in a abandoned house, but being here with your loved one, made you more relaxed. "It's nice being here with you." Your words let his heart skip a beat and made him smile.

"I can say the same." He said, his eyes finding yours. Not only his heart fluttered, yours did too. "There are no blankets." Baekhyun said after looking everywhere. His gaze went to you, concerned because you were shaking. He himself, was also feeling the cold through the fabric of his jacket. "But there's another thing... that can help warming up." He said, getting a little shy. It's such a cutie.

"And that is?" You asked, trying to find his gaze, but he avoided your eyes. Sometimes he just feels so shy he can't look you in the eye. "Body temperature." He awkwardly smiles, seeing you shocked reaction. "What?" You let out a small gasp, your gaze not leaving his face.

"They say that two bodies close to each other can be a solution if you're freezing. They sort of warm each other." He said, sending a small but cute smile towards you. You stared at him. Was he being serious or does he just want a hug? No matter what the answer was, you told him to come closer. "Then come here. Give me a hug."

His smile went brighter and he happily approached you. He's always in the mood for a hug. His soft hands went around you while yours did the same by him. You secretly smiled when you smelling his scent and closed your eyes. He did the same. Some minutes passed, you both were enjoying the moment like no else, when Baekhyun suddenly was reminded of something.

"Erm... Jagiya?" He asked, opening his eyes while feeling the butterflies flying around in his stomach. A small 'hmm' came from you lips, as an answer. "I read that the bodies only warm each other when they're both ... erm... naked." He said, coughing awkwardly, not wanting to make you feel uneasy. Your eyes opened and you stiffened. "Aish... You really-" You began, but stopped yourself. Baekhyun immediately knew what you were thinking and tried to defend himself. "I swear it's not because I want to fuck."

"Are you sure about that?" You let out a chuckle, soon removing yourself from the hug to look him in the eye. "Okay. Let's do what you say." You smiled at him, noticing the surprising gaze in his eyes. "You agree that quickly?" He asked, his mouth was forming into a 'o' when you took of your shirt. "Yes, but I am keeping my pants and bra on." You said, glaring at him when he started pouting. "And that cute face your now making Mr. Byun, won't make me change my mind."

"Ugh okay." He said, a little annoyed, but accepted your 'privacy' while taking of his shirt, revealing his chest. He should control himself. Then the hug continued and feeling his bare chest against yours, made your cheeks blush. You gave him a little kiss in his neck, making it even harder for him to control himself. "Jagiya you know what'll happen if you keep continuing. Are you fine with the consequences?" He playfully asked, smirking a little, but tried to make his voice sound as innocent as it could be.

"Maybe." You said, teasing him a little with your answer while giving him another small kiss. "I'm serious. If you continue I'll-" Baekhyun is doing his very best to control, but no matter what he says, you'll just keep teasing him. "You'll get a problem down there. I know." You said, breaking the hug a little to look into his eyes. Your hidden smirk was making him more crazy, so in order to stop you he gave you a kiss on the lips.

Surprised, but surely not disappointed, you gave one back, before you both got back in the hug-position. "I'm glad you came into my life Baekhyun~ah." You said, closing your eyes on his shoulder. "Me too." His voice was soft, but you just knew he was smiling. "I love you." You said, also smiling. "I love you too." He answered, while both hearts felt at peace being close to each other.

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