lost soul // Completed

By katt_1705

16 1 0

"Stop!!" I yelled as he ran the grey shining knife down my arm. He looked at me while holding the shiny knife... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12

chapter 13

1 0 0
By katt_1705

Time skip two years later

Baekyun POV
Seoyoen had Bub. She's a beautiful little girl we called her Areum after Seoyoen's mum.

"Babe, I have to go Soobin to school now but I also have to take Areum to kai's because I have an interview." I heard her say as she walked up the stairs with Areum on her hip and Soobin walking behind her with his little school bag.

I smiled at her
"Your too cute I need to get a picture of this!" I grabbed out my phone and took a picture and saved it as my wallpaper straight away. I kissed her

"I love you forever Baekyun." She kissed me

"I love you forever Seoyoen." We hugged

"Eomma we will be late!" Binny yells as he walks out. We both laughed and she left the house.

Authors POV
Seoyoen had dropped the kids off at where they needed to be and she was on her way to her job interview.

She was stopped at a set of lights.
The light turned green and she started to drive when a drunk driver came out of nowhere and hit her. Both cars were a mess, the traffic had stopped and the ambulance and the fire brigade were called and so were the police.

The car was so badly recked that the fire brigade had to cut the car open to get her out. She was rushed to hospital.....

Baekyun POV
I was sitting at my desk at work when I got a phone call
"Hello is this Byun Baekyun?"
"Yes, who's this?"
"This is Officer Kim. Miss Song Seoyoen has been in a bad car accident."
My heart sunk to the bottom of my stomach. I felt warm tears start to fall from my eyes
"What hospital?"
"Thank you" was the last thing I said then he hung up

I called all the guys and told them what happened. I got to the hospital and ran up to the front desk.

"Excuse me back where is Song Seoyoen's?" The last type on her keys

"She's in surgery please take a seat sir and I'll call a nurse to talk to you okay?" I nodded and sat down.

I told Kai to leave Soobin in school for now it's his first day I don't want to take him out unless we have to say goodbye.

"Excuse me sir are you looking for miss Song Seoyoen?" I nodded at the nurse

"Come with me please." She took me to ICU and she told me to sit down

" what happened?" I looked at her

"Miss Song was hit by a drunk driver, he ran a red light and hit her. When the paramedics got there they had to get the fire and rescue to cut her out of the car, she lost a lot of blood both her legs are broken and she has severe head trauma and bleeding on the brain. She's in surgery to try and stop the bleeding but to be completely honest with you sir I don't think she will make it I'm sorry." I couldn't believe what she had said I was starting at the cold fry floor watching it go blurry from the tears welling up in my eyes. I shifted

"Thank you." I said to the nurse she bowed and left.
I sat the for about 20 minutes thinking about how I may not get to marry Seoyoen one day or that she may not get to see her children grow up I cried and berried my face in my hands when I heard a voice.

"Baekyun." I looked up to see Kai and only Kai
"The others are at home." I nodded then I explained what happened, Kai had tears in his eyes. Just as her went to say something a tall lean doctor covered in blood cane out of the door and looked at us with guilt.

"Are you miss songs family?" Kai and I both nodded

The doctors then took off his mask

" I am so sorry but we did everything we could, she didn't make it."

With those last words it seemed like time slowed down I looked at Kai as I felt my heart shatter. The warm tears started running down my face I fell to the ground sobbing, Kai lent done and picked me up I hugged him and cried untill I couldn't cry anymore. After about 10 minutes I looked at Kai.

"Please tell me this is a nightmare." I saw his eyes water and he shook his head.

Two weeks later

I had just laid the last flower on her casket. Soobin was holding the picture of her while crying and Kai was holding Areum. All they guys and I watched as they lowed her casket down.

" I love you forever Song Seoyoen. You found my lost soul."

Hey guys
I hope you like the new ending I changed a lot of the book but it a lot Better now hope you enjoyed it 😊❤️

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