By IPurpleKoya

19.2K 1K 90

Yoongis friend gets into some deep trouble with the Deadly sins mafia but what they don't know, is Yoongis se... More



652 41 4
By IPurpleKoya

So far no one had come looking for Jimin or the hard drive.

It makes me slightly sad, I wanted to play.

I sit and pout at the counter as Jimin cooks breakfast.

"Why are you pouting? No good dick recently." I roll my eyes at Jimin.

"Even if I did get some, I couldn't because of you."
Jimin looks at me apologetically, I just ignore him.

I decided to hide the hard drive to the point I'd probably forget about it in a week.

I hear a knock on the door and if I had cat ears then they would have popped up.

Jimin goes to open the door and instantly closes it, I look at him questionably. He just smiles as the person knocks again.

I just huff and push him to the side as I open the door.

"What do you want." The man just looks at me a bit confused, like he knows me.

"Got a problem?" The man just stands there and looks past me.

"Not with you but with him." I stop him from getting in and stare back at him. "His problems are my problems."

The man looks now a bit pissed "what? are you dating him?" I smirk "and if I am."

The man hits the wall and turns around "I'm coming back tomorrow Asshole." I smile and wave him off.

"I expect it." I close the door and slowly turn to Jimin who has the food on the table smiling like a wife who was just caught spending most of the couples money.

I sigh sitting down infront of him. "So he's coming tomorrow." Jimin tenses and nods.

"So it's him?" He nods again as I sigh again as well.

"Well then prepare tomorrow, I'm gonna have fun." Jimin looks at me worried "Yoongi no." I smile "Yoongi yes."

He smacks his head.

"It's the Mafia Yoongi, you shouldn't mess with them like a regular person. You'll get killed."

I stare at him blankly "If I would like to do it then I will, they won't and can't get in my way. The mafia can't do much if they don't want to get in trouble. We have their hard drive."

I finish my food and put the dishes in the sink and start to clean them.

"Even if they kill us for it, who's to say we didn't wipe the drive?" I sigh while cleaning.

"Hey Yoongi?" I just hum.

"Why do you know so much about the Mafia." I instantly stop cleaning and drop the dish.

He doesn't need to know and he won't know, or else I'll have to... I look back him a little to creepy and stare at him....kill him

He shivers at my stare, I shake it off "Just movies and what not, just process of elimination and imagination is all."

He slightly calms down and nods "Ah ok, well I'm gonna go "prepare" for tomorrow haha." I just nod.

As he leaves I leave the kitchen and sit on the couch.

I spread my legs and my arms on the top of the couch. I roll my head back and sigh.

Let's just wait for tomorrow

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