Strength From Within (A Narut...

By Kesokeos

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Naruto has been neglected most of his life by his parents and village for his younger siblings for a reason h... More



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By Kesokeos

Daidai, Hinata, Sasuke and Gai were kneeling infront of the Hokage, alongside Kakashi, Motoshi, and Neji. Katsuko was already on a different mission with a team of chūnin and so wasn't called to be with them. This wasn't Daidai's first mission as a chūnin - he'd been going on missions with Sasuke and Hinata for two months now. They worked well together, though not quite as well as they'd previously worked with Lee. The other boy was still in rehab for his injuries, but would be better and back on missions in a few weeks. Currently, the group were receiving a mission. It was classified as a C-rank, but after some investigation (courtesy of Daidai, Itachi and Hibiki) they discovered the true ranking and the reason why it was covered up.

"This mission is to a place called wave country. The true rank is an A rank, higher than what I would usually give to a chūnin team. However, with five exceptionally strong chūnin and two of our best jounin I don't see that there will be a problem with completing this mission. However, it will be a difficult one and there will be fighting with enemy ninja. You must all ensure you listen to your superiors. Kakashi is the leader on this mission, followed by Gai, and in the case that you chūnin are separated from the jounin Daidai shall take the lead. He has been to wave country before, he knows the layout and he has shown to have excellent leadership skills in the two months he's been a chūnin," Minato explained to them, looking particularly at Motoshi and Neji. The two looked extremely annoyed that Daidai would be third in command, as he had been the chūnin for the least amount of time. Still, they had learnt quite well that they would not be treated better by Minato if they pulled the 'Hokage's son/elite Hyuuga' card and accepted it despite seething quietly. Hinata and Sasuke agreed wholeheartedly, knowing that Daidai had made good calls on their missions and seeing the reasoning behind his position.

"To continue on. A few years prior to this, wave country was threatened to be taken over by a man named Gato and his bandits. There was an anbu mission with Hebi, Weasel and Hitsuji, in which their base was destroyed and Gato, the bandits and some others involved were killed to prevent it from happening. Wave has been a good source of trade for us for a while, after all. However, recently there have been some stirrings that another attack will be tried again, but this time not with bandits. Just a few days ago their bridge was destroyed, making trade extremely difficult now that they were accustomed to using the bridge. Their bridge builder was in our village working on some other carpentry, and the assigned mission was to escort him back to wave country. However, while you are there you must not only protect the bridge builder so that he can aid with the rebuild of the bridge, you must dispose of the organisation and then protect the area as the bridge is rebuilt. Normally I would send Anbu to do this mission, and I will have Hebi and Weasel accompany you for when it comes to actually fighting, but they have paid for us to escort the bridge builder and he does need to be safely taken home."

Daidai had figured that this was going to happen, he'd been there himself in wave. He'd seen the condition that everything was in, he'd seen their base. He'd seen the enemies, multiple A-rank ninja as well as two S-rank ninja. They needed all the people that they could get to do this mission, that was certain. He knew that Hinata and Sasuke were capable of handling it, they had both killed on the missions they had been on when they'd needed too, even though they expressed their dislike towards the act. The biggest issues were Motoshi and Neji. The pair were both stuck up and probably wouldn't listen to his orders if he gave any. He knew they had killed before, but it was only once or twice. They were strong, but if they hesitated at the last minute... as much as he disliked the pair he didn't want to have to have their deaths on his consciousness.

The group all nodded in understanding, standing up and looking at their leader. "Understood," they chimed in unison, varied levels of enthusiasm in their voices. Moments later, Hebi and Weasel appeared beside them, fully dressed in their Anbu gear, nodding in understanding but staying silent. Sasuke's eyes widened, but he kept his lips shut, not making any other signs that he knew his brother was the one behind the mask.

"Good, now get ready and pack for a mission that could last a month. Make sure that any weapons you have are in top condition, be prepared for a fight at any time. Your clients name is Tazuna. He will be waiting at the gates for you in two hours. Kakashi, Daidai, stay behind for a minute, please." They all nodded once more, most of them leaving with only the required people left in the room. Minato got up, walking into the middle of the room and lifting the rug that was there before activating a seal. The room was illuminated in a blue light, for a few seconds, before the three of them were in what seemed to be a black box. "I do apologise for having to take these measures, but I don't know how you're going to react, nor do I want anyone else to overhear this conversation. This is a seal I've recently developed. It takes a lot of chakra to use and would not be usable in battle, but what it does is take us into a different dimension almost. Nobody but the people within the seal's range can enter, and nobody else can exit or enter once the seal has been activated."

Daidai, looked sceptically up at Minato, clearly on guard after what he just did. While he was beginning to trust the man, when he did something like this he had no way to trust whether his intentions were pure or whether this would be a repeat of the Anbu exam. "Why did you bring us here, Hokage-sama," he drawled, watching closely for any negative reactions or signs that sh*t was about to go down. Surprisingly, when he looked into those blue eyes, the only thing he found was sadness and hurt.

"I just wanted to say sorry, Naruto-"

The Hokage's words were cut off as he was tackled to the ground faster than he could react, a kunai at his throat. "Don't you dare say that name in front of me." As if it was instinct, the two chakra chain tails were swaying behind him, and his red eyes became slitted, a low growl escaping from the boy. It was like that name had hit a switch inside of him, and that had released all his pent up anger and frustration towards Minato. Yes, he didn't mind his biological father as much now, but it didn't mean he had forgotten about all the pain he had been caused. The mental scars he had would run deep for a long time.

Kakashi looked at Naruto and sighed, shaking his head and gesturing for him to relax. "Please, Naruto. I've spoken to him and I know he has good intentions. Just hear him out, if not for him for me."

At hearing his voice, Naruto let out another growl but put away his kunai, standing up and watching the blond man warily as he stood and smiled sadly at him. "I don't know why it happened the way it did, and if I could change it I would, believe me. I didn't remember anything regarding you for a long time, but these past few months I keep getting these strange memories. I thought they were dreams at first, I couldn't fathom how they could have been memories. But I remembered my firstborn son, the boy that we treated so horribly, and soon it became obvious that it couldn't be anything other than memories. I don't know why I treated you that way, why Kushina still does treat you that way, but I think it has something to do with the Kyuubi and the attack the night you were born. Still, that doesn't excuse my actions, both as your father and as your Hokage. I have done, horrible, disgusting things, and I hate myself for it as much as you should hate me. Despite this all, despite how much you may hate me, I need you to know that I am truly sorry and from now on I will do whatever it takes to make it up to you. If that is not as a father, than so be it. But that doesn't change the fact that you are my son, Naruto, and I love you even if I haven't gotten the chance to know you. I know I don't deserve your forgiveness, but I promise you that if you give me another chance I will not let you down."

Minato looked over at him, a few tears welling up in his eyes and genuine guilt in his expression. There was nothing he could do to trust fix the mistakes he made in the past, he knew that. The scars ran deep and there was no way he could instantly be forgiven. But Minato would be damned if he didn't at least try to apologise and make it up to his son, especially before a mission that could be deadly if things went wrong.

Meanwhile, Naruto's chakra chains had dissipated, his eyes returning to their normal state. He was staring at his father like a deer in headlights, his bottom lip quivering as he contemplated what to say. He didn't know what to say, he had thought that in any case that he would be the one to reveal his true identity, not Minato. He was overwhelmed and his thoughts were running wild and rampant. Not wanting to mess up, or ruin the potential connection with his father, or make Kakashi hate him, but also wanting to kick and scream and punch and release all of these pent up feelings.

Silent tears leaked from his crimson eyes, and he looked down, unable to talk. The two other men gave him time, though it was clear Minato was getting more worried by the second. Eventually he spoke up, still refusing to look up. "I don't hate you. I should, but I don't, for whatever reason. I can't accept you as my father, not just yet, but maybe in the future. I honestly don't know. We'll talk more when I get back, once I've had a chance to think all of this through. Does Katsuko know?"

Minato listened to him, wiping his tears and shaking his head at the last question. "Thank you, Naruto. I'll be here when you get back. No, she doesn't, or at least I didn't tell her. I figured you weren't telling her for a reason, though I do believe she deserves to know. If it makes you feel any better, she hit me when she realised I remembered you, and then cried since nobody had ever believed her but you, Kakashi and Shikaku."

Naruto chuckled softly when he heard what Katsuko had done, shaking his head and looking up at Minato. "Yeah, she certainly is something. She's an excellent kunoichi and I'm proud she's my sister. She's definitely worthy to be the next Uzumaki clan head." He sighed softly, wiping his eyes. "Sorry for trying to kill you, twice, by the way. If this mission is as messy as I think it'll be then I'll be fine when we get back."

Minato just shook his head and smiled. "No, don't apologise. To be fair, I was trying to kill you too the first time, and I expected you wouldn't take it perfectly either which was another reason I brought you here. Anyways, you're free to go now, both of you. Just stay safe, okay?"

Daidai smiled at him, a distant, almost sad look in his eyes. "I will, I promise, Minato-san."

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