By iamminsoo

78.1K 3.6K 3.3K

Kim Jennie and Kim Taehyung are exes. More

don't chat me x
chats and rude boys !
chats and apartments !
chats and a gummy bear !
chats and ynnuf !
chats and pinterests !
chats and jealousy !
chats and candies !
confusions and conclusions !
denials and liars !
ice creams and hot pots !
chats and catastrophes !
chats and princesses !
regrets and hopes !
sugars and letting go !
the final ocean.
special ?

bottles and tears !

3.5K 181 195
By iamminsoo

(MAKE SURE TO READ EVERY DETAIL OF THE STORY! and also prepare a broken hearted song whilst reading this. i recommend you to listen to IS IT JUST ME by emily burns cause it fits well here but if you don't know that song then it's okay ♡)

"give me the bottle, yoongi." jennie tries to snatch the soju away from yoongi's hold but he raises it up in the air. "would you stop being a drama queen? you had ten bottles already, that's enough." the pale man warns, but jennie refuses to listen.

instead, she grabs another bottle from the beer case, opening it harshly then drinks it.

the two are in a karaoke room inside a bar. yoongi didn't know how he turns out to be here. all he knows is that he was sleeping soundly on the comfort of his bedsheets when an annoying girl decided to ruin his nappy time.

that girl is jennie by the way.

and now, it's been three hours of jennie constantly singing heartbreak songs and drinking soju nonstop.

"why don't you just sing a song again? i ain't carrying your ass on your fucking apartment." yoongi sighs, rubbing his forehead. "as much as i love you jennie, i love sleeping even more."

jennie yells drunkenly, "can you have at least a tiny consideration for me? i am heartbroken here!" she points at her chest rapidly.

yoongi rolls his eyes, "why the hell are you heartbroken anyway? it's not like you have another boyfriend." he snorts but soon stop when he realizes something. "you don't have a boyfriend again, do you?"

jennie laughs drinking another bottle again, she groans at the burning sensation coming down her throat. "i don't have a new playmate." yoongi sighs in relief, "i thought you--"

"but it's about taehyung."

yoongi shuts up. he's seriously pissed off at this girl. he gave her constant advices about her ex, and that is to stay away from him or confess that she still loves him and moves on.

but jennie wouldn't listen and yoongi just wants to smack her with eleven thousand eggs.


"god! saying his name hurts even more!" jennie cries, drinking the last bottle on the case. "yah! hajima! think of another way to relief your broken heart." yoongi (hopefully this time) takes the bottle away from jennie. she ignores his statement, but follows it anyway.

the girl sees the song book lying on the cold floor so she hastily grabs it, yoongi didn't mind her since he's busy fixing the mess jennie made.

jennie, with her droopy eyes, finds the song that reminds her of the days when taehyung and her were still together.

she wants to hurt herself more. so she can be numb. so she couldn't feel the pain.

she's done crying. she's done about him. about a guy named kim taehyung who gives her so much memories and pain that she couldn't take it anymore.

jennie stands up, her legs, wobbily shaking. "careful, you're drunk." yoongi says with concern and sincerity despite him not even looking at jennie.

the female nods her head and finally, she reached the karaoke stand. her fingers start to press the right code for the song.

and after some time, the piano from it rings on her ears.

yoongi stops his movement to glance at jennie. "aish! why that song? you could pick som--"

"no! shh you tiny thing i'm going to sing." jennie grabs the mic. the pale man at the back shakes his head, "you leave me no choice, you annoying prick."

yoongi fishes his phone out, opens it, and dials the right number to help him.

jennie takes a deep breath when the lyrics came.

(incase you're confuse, the italics with the quotation marks is jennie singing.)

"it's been way too long for me to find it this hard, sitting alone my fingers picking the sofa apart,"

she didn't know why but her tears stream down her face like how the chords of this song tunes. jennie feels like she has caught every single pain in this world.

"an attempt to distract from the fact that i missed you."

her knees drop to the floor; she feels so weak. yoongi notices this and stands up, he was about to help her up. but, he sits back down, realizing something.

jennie needs to pick herself up on her own.

"i wonder if your friends have had to carry you home and stay for the night because they don't wanna leave you alone,"

jennie's voice becomes loud and uneven. her throat, her body, her knees, her eyes, her heart, her soul, everything hurts.

the way taehyung threw everything away picks some pins and needles on her heart everytime she breathes, she cries, and she smiles to tell herself that it's okay.

it's okay that he left. it's okay that he was gone.

but if being okay means she's sulking, missing him, thinking about him everyday, and suprisingly still loving him,

then she's not okay.

"way before it was fun, it's becoming an issue."

yoongi stares at his bestfriend practically dying in front of his eyes. he shouldn't move and help her. cause honestly, jennie should do it herself.

she should stand on her feet and not lean onto someone. she should be independent. she should learn how to move forward and forget. she should be strong.

as much as yoongi wants to sweep her up into his arms he will stay still. for jennie to learn.

his phone beeps, peeking at jennie one last time he opens his device.

one new message received !

he smiles bitterly.

"i know it's cruel, but i kind of hope you're tortured too."

jennie sobs. she wish she could reverse the pain to taehyung.

is he even hurting?

jennie guesses she's the only one hurting. only one reminiscing. only one missing their faded relationship.

maybe she's the only one craving for his hugs. his warmth. and his kisses. before, she lived for that and now she's dying.

with no one to help her up.

"tell me does your heart stop at the party when my name drops? like you stood at the platform and the trains cross."

"tongue-tied screaming on the inside, when i say that we broke up and they ask why,"

"are you crying in the shower like a freak?"

suddenly, there's a knock on the door and yoongi stands up, "i'll get it." he says but jennie did not mind him for she's too occupied by the song.

yoongi opens the door to reveal taehyung with his plane green t-shirt, tight jeans, and tousled locks.

the older smiles softly, "finally, you're here. you two need to talk. it'll be better so you guys can move on. i'll be going, if you do something wrong with jennie i'll chop your dick off, okay?" before taehyung could even protest, yoongi pats his back and walks away.

"but hyung!" he shouts, tilting his head to the side to see yoongi. "hyung!" all the pale man did is to give him an okay sign instead of answering his whinings.

taehyung furrows his eyebrows as he notices the movements yoongi is making. it looked so meek and bored.

the older texted him few minutes ago that he needed help with something and since taehyung is like four houses away from this bar he came on running.

yoongi and him were close before jennie and him were together. but, ever since they broke up it seems like yoongi's relationship with him did the same.

he doesn't know if he's mad at him for breaking a girl's heart, or for breaking jennie's heart.

ignoring all the countless thoughts in his head, taehyung enters the loud room. after that he closes the door, heading towards the female who is singing her hearts out.


"i heard a rumor you've been spending some time, with the blonde girl that you worked with and i know she's exactly your type,"

"and my miserable mind's getting wild with the picture."

taehyung touches jennie's arm to help her up. but she only slaps his hand away. "jennie get up, i'll get you home--"

"or are you there by yourself, dialing redialing my number? and i'm calling my mother, spilling tears on my jumper again,"

jennie stands up on her own, turning around to look at him. taehyung's eyes soften at what he sees. jennie's eyes are bloodshot red, her tears are painting the outlines of her cheeks, and her lips are quivering.

"the way i am?"

she continues to sing. taehyung stares back at her, waiting for jennie to do anything. the girl returns his gesture.

but with the pain, hurt, anger, and woeful feelings that taehyung puts her into.

"i know it's cruel," she points at her ex's chest. "but i kind of hope you're tortured too."

jennie's shoulder went up and down because of the tendency of her own heartbreak.

taehyung couldn't do anything. he just watches. watches how his one and only kills herself by the use of her own emotions.

and for him. it hurts to see her like this. but what can he do anyway?

"tell me does your heart stop at the party when my name drops? like you stood at the platform and the trains cross."

"jennie, stop it, you're dru--" jennie lightly punches his chest by the use of her other hand.

"are you hurting, yeah you must be."

"or is it just me?"

jennie is asking him. she's asking him, does he ever feel the pain she's in? is he hurting? does he cry every night thinking what went wrong in their relationship?

jennie wants his answers.

"tongue-tied, screaming on the inside. when i say that we broke up and they ask why,"

taehyung would've said yes. because in their little love story, jennie is not the only one hurting.

he is too.

he regrets his mistakes. his own immature actions. and he wish he could turn back in time, to make everything alright again.

to be in love with her again.

"are you crying in the shower like a freak? or is it just me?"

with that, jennie drops the mic to the floor. "what are you doing here?" her voice sounds so deceitful. it's full of anger, but jennie knows it's just her facade, to hide the fact that she wants to hug taehyung right now.

"i'm going to pick you up, i'm dropping you home. you're drunk." taehyung says. jennie scoffs, breaking their gaze. "liar, are you here because yoongi asked you to? if he didn't call you, you would've left me here."

"jennie look, i just want you to be safe. if i don't truly care about you, then, i will just leave you here until there are no tears in your eyes."

jennie crosses her arms, wiping the tears on her cheeks. "you know taehyung," she sighs, looking up at his eyes again. "i should really move on from you."

"i should really just let go of the idea that we can be together again,"

"like before."

jennie begins to cry. the broken girl bites her lips, closing his eyes.

she refuses to look at taehyung's eyes. because she will give in once again. she will be weak again.

she will remember everything again.

"i shouldn't have texted you that day. i shouldn't have started this mess." jennie opens her eyes, "i shouldn't have loved you."

taehyung gulps, drawing his lips into a thin line. "you," jennie points at her chest this time, "you broke my heart."

"that's not true jennie--" jennie slaps him. "not true?! so me being sad and broken is not true, huh?!" another slap. "you broke my fucking heart real fucking bad, taehyung!" and another one.

"you deserve all of the pain in this world! you deserve to suffer, y-you--"

jennie sobs. the words in her mouth muffle down into wild cries. she falls down to the ground again and looks up at taehyung who is also tearing up.

"you made me feel like i'm in the wrong!"

"you made me feel like i'm not enough!"

"you made me feel like shit!"

"you made me feel like i'm just a piece of trash that you can just throw away!"

"you made me feel so small and fragile."

"you made me feel like i'm so easy."

jennie hiccups, "am i not enough for you stay, taehyung?"

"is there something wrong with me? am i too ugly? too thin? too fat?"

"do i need to change the way i look, the way i am, for you to come back? huh?" taehyung looks down.

he didn't speak. "or maybe, i'm just nothing." that's when his eyes went back on her's.

"i don't mean shit to you, right? well guess what, taehyung,"

"you mean everything to me." jennie breathes heavily. her heart feels like its weighing gallons and gallons of agony.

taehyung crouches down to meet her height. now, he's kneeling in front of her. "jennie, i'm sorry--"

"sorry?! fucking sorry is all you will give to me!? sorry?!" jennie shouts, grabbing the mic on the floor then throws it at taehyung's chest. "fuck your selfish sorry! it won't fix my heart!"

taehyung grabs his pained chest. "s-sorry," he repeats. jennie softens her gaze. "i'm sorry." taehyung tears up.

"i'm sorry if you feel that way."

"i'm sorry that i let you go that," he wipes his tears, "that easily."

"i'm sorry you have seen the worst side of me. that you saw me fucking sana,"

"i'm sorry if i didn't hold on."

"i'm sorry if i became the enemy you fear the most."

"mianhe, jennie-ah."

jennie caresses her hand into her hair, crying harder.

she was about to speak again when,

"how about you?" jennie furrows her eyebrows, "what?"

taehyung's face turns serious and sad. "how about you, when will you say sorry?"

jennie's whole body becomes dull. she feels as if once again, they're back at that incident two years ago.



jennie widens herself back to reality. looking away from her phone, she adverts her gaze to lisa. "good gracious, you look at your phone like your staring at some porn videos."

jennie rolls her eyes, pushing lisa lightly. "it's taehyung, he keeps on spamming me to go home early." she explains, lisa scoffs, "tell you boyfriend to stop worrying. chaeyoung and i are here to protect your hole from any other dicks out there."

jennie gives lisa a face wherein she's questioning if she's older than her. "can you stop being a pervert for one second, please?" lisa was about to say something back when chaeyoung yells. "yah! get in the bar now! the party's going to start soon!"

jennie and lisa obey the blonde girl. the three of them walk through the ocean of people and finally, they land on their reserved table.

"among of all the places we can hang out, why in a bar?" jennie drops her bag to a chair beside her. "my boyfriend is freaking out." she continues.

"tell taehyung to calm down, jeez. i'm here and jimin agreed with me, can he just trust us?" chaeyoung pouts.

"woah, okay, i know you guys have your lover already. no need to rub it in my face that i'm going to be alone forever." lisa crosses her arms.

"then what is jungkook for you? a fucking playdate?" jennie snorts and chaeyoung chuckles. lisa blushes, she clears her throat. "uh, jungkook is different, you know what? let's change the topic."

"hmm, so guys, are you ready to have fun?" chaeyoung announces and lisa yells in excitement. but as for jennie, she's staring at her phone once again.

tatataehyung is online !

tatataehyung :
baby, pls, dont come home drunk

and take care of yourself

please, be safe

call me when to pick you up

i won't be sleeping just for you

i love you so much

and as jennie was about to reply, lisa snatches her phone away, keeping it back on her bag. "no boyfriends for tonight, babygirl," lisa mocks her.

jennie sighs, "drink up, babe. you've been overthinking again." chaeyoung places a glass of alcohol on jennie's table.

"cheers?" lisa raises her glass and chaeyoung tags along. jennie stares at her glass one more time before joining with the duo.

"cheers!" and the three clank their glasses up in the air. they drink their lungs out until every fiber they have died.

after three hours of drinking,

lisa can completely see jungkook everywhere. chaeyoung keeps mumbling shits about herself. and jennie is practically quiet.

now, they're fucking drunk.

jennie grabs her bag, fishing her phone out to text taehyung to come and be her romeo tonight but,

"oh my fucking shitity fuck fuck!" lisa snaps her head at chaeyoung. "what the fuck are you cursing about, jackass?"

"is it just me being drunk? or it's really kai who is coming on our way right now." chaeyoung hiccups. lisa shakes her head, "you're probably just high."

"n-no i'm not kidding he's really coming here."

jennie suddenly tenses. despite her drunken state, her mind can still function properly unlike their's.

k-kai's here? shit.

"jennie?" that deep voice. not the usual deep voice she likes to hear everytime she wakes up. it's the deep voice whom she encountered at the past.


lisa is the first one to stand up, breaking an empty bottle then points its spikes at kai. "don't come closer to my mandu or i'll mandufilfil your ass."

chaeyoung stands up aswell, wobbily walking behind lisa to whisper something on her ear. "what the fuck is a mandufilfil?" she asks.

"no time to explain and besides it fits well in the sentence."

"uh, lisa, chaeyoung?" kai nervously laughs as the two girls yelled a what at him. "w-we can hear you from here."

"I DON'T CARE! WHAT DO YOU WANT?!" the two shout simultaneously and jennie forgots that kai is just right behind her because of embarrassment.

"i just want to talk with jennie." the two calm down a bit but jennie stands up, turning around to see kai.

"jennie what are you--" chaeyoung was cut off when, jennie talked.

"what do you wanna talk about, kai?" kai smiles.


taehyung stares at jennie. his eyes are screaming at her. he's not mad. not in love. but sad. and probably, devastated.

"you know i didn't mean it." jennie says, her tears pour down again. "if you don't," taehyung pauses, "why didn't you stop?"


"yoongi-hyung? have you seen her? chaeyoung and lisa already left." taehyung grips on his phone tighter as he is now talking to yoongi whilst walking around the closing bar.

"no, i kept searching for her but--" yoongi suddenly stops and taehyung is deeply confuse. "hyung? hello? yoo--" the call ended.

taehyung stares at his phone, "fuck, what just happened?" he sighs, placing his phone back on his pocket.

continuing to find his lost girlfriend, taehyung asked at least every person he sees inside the bar. from the janitor, the manager, the strippers, heck even the fucking floor.

but jennie is nowhere to be found.

he also dialed her phone countless times but she wouldn't pick up.

maybe her phone died?

taehyung concludes that maybe his prediction is right. so trusting his instincts, he decided to have a little break because he's been searching for hours.

he needs to smoke on the alley somewhere to calm his senses.

taehyung walks his way to the nearest alley (casually looking from side to side to find jennie.)

but, when he arrives, something else welcomed him.

it's jennie kissing kai.

taehyung drops his cigarette.


"why didn't you stop kissing him?" taehyung repeats the question this time, with his tears. "you think you're the only one who got hurt?" he looks up to reverse the dewdrops, his eyes are leaving.

"taehyung, listen to me, i--"

"i know i hurt you. i know that i cheated on you. but damn jen," he returns his gaze back to her. "you cheated on me first."

all jennie could do right now is to cry in front of him. why can't she speak? why?

"you made me feel like i'm the antagonist here."

"all of your friends, even mine, only knew i cheated on you. you never tell them the truth. now, everytime they see me they're hating on me."

"but that's okay. i think i kinda deserve it too." taehyung laughs bitterly. "why?" jennie breathes out. "i did it on purpose." taehyung bluntly states.

"i know you were coming home that night to settle down with me again. i cheated on you on purpose, i seduced sana that night. i fucked her in front of you so would know what it feels like--"

jennie slaps him again. the sobs are back. the guilt that was once holding her crashed down by the words taehyung said.

taehyung pushes his tongue on the walls of his slapped cheek.

he grabs jennie's hands then pulls it closer to her face. "slap me! slap me all you want jennie!"

"that's what i deserve right? right?!"


"taehyung, hear me out please! please i beg you--" taehyung pushes her lightly. "get lost, jennie," jennie shakes her head, "aniyo! jebal just hear--"

"i don't want your explanation." taehyung says smoothly. his face remains emotionless.


"stop. you sound like a mocking," taehyung glares at her, "dying, fish, when you say my name like that." he continues.

jennie's heart breaks. and if the world is as quiet as the sound of a deaf, maybe he can hear it.

he can hear it shattering into millions and millions of pieces.

"annyeong, kim jennie." taehyung bids his farewell before walking away, leaving jennie and her broken heart.

as taehyung takes a step away, jennie falls down and cries.

but she didn't know that taehyung's tears fall down to the ground as well.

"taehyung!" jennie knocks rapidly on their once apartment's door. "taehyung i know you're there, please let me in." she leans her forehead at the door, closing her eyes.

"taehyung-ah, babe? i know you're listening." the female sighs. "j-j--" she chokes out a sob, "j-jen jen didn't mean it."

jennie remembers how taehyung used to call him that to tease her. and now she wants to hear it all over again.

"l-listen to jen jen please? open the door."

taehyung leans on the door, covering his mouth to prevent any of his cries to come out.

"babe, please listen to me."

taehyung wants to open the door and hug her.

but you know what people say, pride is bigger than anything. even in love.



taehyung slowly drops jennie's hands, "what did you say?" jennie gulps down the words she should've said by now as she raises her one shaking hand to cup his delicate cheeks.

jennie couldn't wait to keep him close.

it's been so long. so long since they have touched each other. and now their skins are closer to each other they want to stay like this, forever.

"i'm sorry," jennie repeats. "mianhe, for," she breathes deeply. "for kissing kai. for everything."

"mianhe, i'm sorry for you. and for myself."

"jennie." the way her name rolls out his lips makes her want to dive into him. "i'm--"

"it's okay." jennie drops her hand, leaving the warmth of taehyung's cheek. "we are both immature back then, we still are." taehyung sniffs, nodding his head. "yes, yes we are."

"i just want you to know that the first day i chatted you,"

jennierubyjane :

oops sorry wrong send.

"i really wanted for us to start all over again. i thought that maybe if i chatted you like that, you would come back again. we will be happy again. but,"

tatataehyung :
sana is here. she needs my company so hurry up.

"but you already have sana. but i also know i won't give you up."

msj16 :



jennie16 :
well goodmornight ;)

jennie16 :
do u think my username is a little bit off?

or is it fine?

jennie16 :
hey hey hey taehyung

"because i love you." jennie sobs, taehyung stares at her teary orbs. "i love you until i run out of words to say to you. until i see you standing on the church with someone else. until i'm too late."

jennie smiles. that smile wherein she's genuinely happy but sad at the same time.

"but i also realized that, we can't have each other again." her smile falters into a small one. "we can't have each other if we're still like this. cause we will keep making the same mistakes again and again."

taehyung shakes his head, holding her hands again, this time tighter. as if he doesn't want her to slip away.

"but jennie, i'll be better i-i promise." taehyung begs, but, jennie just stares at him. "i don't want promises taehyung. i want you to really do it."

"but not in this time."

"not in our love story."

jennie tries to keep her tears in as now all of the things they did went back to her.

"you know how much i love you. how much i will spend my entire lifetime with you,"

"but taehyung, we need to let go."

taehyung cries unevenly. he hides his face by the use of his arms.

i don't want to let you go. is what he thinks.

"we really need to move forward, baby." jennie went closer to him, "i have realized that in love, there's always someone who needs to sacrifice for the sake of ourselves."

"let me be the one who will do it."

"that way, i'll carry the pain with me and you, you need to be happy. find someone else." jennie uncovers taehyung's crying face and leans their foreheads together. "we both need to let go of our feelings and remember what we deserve."

"i don't deserve you, you don't deserve me. but when the right time comes, maybe we can change that fact."

"maybe we'll deserve each other again."

jennie leans away, "not now, but soon, okay?" she stands up. taehyung looks down, still crying.

"when?" he blurts out, "when will that happen?"

jennie sighs, biting her lips. the tears in her eyes are dropping like a slow tune on a melodic love song.

a sad love song.

"maybe in another life."

and as jennie said those four words that made taehyung sorrowful she walks out quickly, closing the door.

she leans on it, crying like there's no tears left for tomorrow.

jennie and taehyung were once united. their lives are fated but, in just a few mistakes their love cuts itself from their hold.

even though they want to hold onto each other.

even though their hearts longed for each other.

and even though they still love each other.

nothing could change the fact that maybe, maybe they're not meant to be. maybe they were made to be broken.

maybe not in this life.

but jennie will cling onto her promise. that if the right time comes and they will meet again.

they'll love each other again. like before.

"i love you kim taehyung."

"i love you too kim jennie."

right person, wrong time.

author's :
nOpE bAbY we are not done cause i'll be giving you some suprise two chapters. one is about someone that you guys will be jungshookt. whilst the other one is, a secret.

i feel sorry for jen and tae.

i love how you guys will comment and beg for me to make this one a happy ending!

we'll see about that ; ) and to all those fucking people who keeps on unfollowing me

WHY :<

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