A One Man Army

By TaSha1295

497 39 5

Ella is out in search of her one and only brother, Evan, who is her entire world. She is all alone in the mid... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

chapter 3

158 5 1
By TaSha1295

Hey everyone,

I am here with another chap. Please pass the story to your friends, vote and comment positively. Also, if you don’t like the story please leave kindly. Any harsh comments and swears will not be accepted.

~ Thank you

Chapter 3

||~Ella POV~||

It’s been almost a week since I am searching for Ev without any pictures of him. I am at the verge of breaking down but something is stopping me from doing so. There is a small flame of hope still burning inside me trying hard not to blow off in this windy time. Sighing like every morning I resume my search. All these days I asked several people trying to describe Ev to them but either they don’t follow my description or take me to someone else. Today is no different; some people who by now have memorized me would just give me middle finger or shake their heads at me and leave me there standing hoping for a positive answer or a new reaction from them. I was walking down the street trying to stop one person to listen to me but no one was budging and like every time I collided with something or should I say someone. “Ouch” I said while falling down but soon I froze in the mid air with the help of two strong arms. I sighed in relief and looked up to my savior an… “YOU” we both snapped at the same time.

Great just great! Just the man I wanted to see right now. Oh yeah don’t forget to note the dripping sarcasm in my words. I glared at him while he returned it with same passion. I shook my head and composed myself coming out of his arms. “What the heck are you doing here?” he spat at me getting angrier than before. I gulped but stayed calm and replied “look Rocky or Ryan or whatever I am searching for my brother if you have forgotten.” He tightens his fists and through gritted teeth he added further “damn it I mean what you are doing in this street at this time? Do you have any idea what is about to happen here?” I shook my head in oblivious. And he stepped closer to me make me step back automatically. He gripped my wrist and pulled me with him before I could protest he turned and pushed my shoulders downwards and I fell or should I say forcefully sat where I was standing. He kneeled down in front of me and said “stay right here. Do not utter a single one word. Any sound you made you will be sole responsible for the consequences. Am I clear?” he said the last part with no nonsense tone. I nodded not trusting my scared voice. He stood without another word and places some boxes in front of me like to hide me. Puzzled and helpless I sat there waiting to know what was to happen. I heard bikes and jeeps approaching and so did all last event memories came into my mind. I gulped remembering Ryan beating those other goons. I knew now what was to come but couldn’t do anything anymore. I was stuck here until one team dies and other wins. I shut my eyes and tried remembering Evan’s brave talks at night when I would have nightmares but nothing helped as the danger approached. I covered my mouth when I saw Ryan was being pointed by the guns of the new goons that just came. In return Ryan just smirked evilly and said with sarcasm “come on now you guys gonna kill a weaponless guy. That’s the manliness left in you. Roger I expected more from you at least a fair one on one. But guess what you are that of a loser who won’t play fair ever in his life.”

The Roger guy grunted and signaled his men to back off lowering his gun followed by others. I breathed a sigh of relief but I was still scared. They both positioned in front of themselves ready to fight. First strike was by Roger, he kicked Ryan and he fell on ground. But before I could make anything out Roger was stuck in a head lock by Ryan. Dang Ryan was fast. I bet he did fall to distract him to get the upper hand. I smiled realizing his technique. I know right here I should be pi**ing in my pants but I am smiling at Ryan’s fight tactics. I mentally face palmed and watched the scene unfold in front of me through the small space left in the middle of the boxes. Punches after punches, kicks after kicks, ommphhs, grunts and what not, finally with one last high kick by Ryan Roger fell lifeless on the ground marking the victory of Ryan. I wanted to air fist for the winner but then I realize it’s not a movie and neither is he a hero who saved the heroine nor am I the heroine who needs the knight in shining armor. I sighed and pushed the boxed out of the way standing up. As if he had forgotten about me completely he looked at me with shocked expression. I started walking towards him when I heard someone saying “who is she?” I looked around to find Roger’s men standing there looking at me with stunned looks. I gulped and realized that Ryan didn’t forget about me but I forgot about those other goons.

I looked at Ryan for help who was staring at me with such intensity if only looks could kill. I shivered under his gaze due to fear. “Who the heck are you? And what the hell are you doing here hiding?” Ryan asked me angrily walking towards me and roughly grabbing me by my forearms pretending to not know me at all. “Ry…” I started but was cut off by Ryan “do not utter a single one you foolish lady” if he was pi**ed off earlier than God save me from him now. I tried stepping backward but his grip got tighter not letting me move. “Man she is hot” one of the goon said. “New boss if you don’t mind I would love to taste her after you are done with her” another voice said followed by lots of “me too”. I gasped at their words and Ryan mutters something under his breath. I pleaded him with my eyes but Ryan had the rock eyes look which revealed nothing absolutely nothing not even anger. The only anger I was feeling was through his tight grip. Soon a smirk graced his face and I knew I was in deep sh*t. I tried forcefully to get free but he didn’t let me go instead he pushed me backwards until my back touched the wall. “You are right guys. She is damn hot but all mine.” He said with authority. Everyone grunted but didn’t challenge him. His hand left my forearms but didn’t leave my skin as his fingers traced my arms until they reach my wrists. He then held me close by my waist with one hand while playing with a strand of my hairs with the other hand. I tried shoving him off but he pressed himself against me pressing me between him and the wall. His smirk grew wider and he said “watch out kitty. The more you move the more I enjoy.” He signaled down south making me want to gag for the first time due to him. That day I was praising him and his looks and today I would kill him if I could. I stopped struggling when I realized he was right the more I move the… ugh! Tears started rolling down my eyes while I looked everywhere but him. Ryan after few minutes of playing with my hairs let go of me completely. I looked up at him earning a wink from him “kitty next time when you come let me know in advance so I am well prepared.” With that he signaled his or Roger’s whoever’s men they were to follow him and without another word they all left me there alone in the silent and dead street.

I stood there frozen for God knows when then finally I broke. I cried my eyes out circling in a ball crying. I must have fallen asleep because when I opened my eyes it was dark as in night. I rubbed my heavy eyes and looked around. I jumped up sitting straight when I realized I was in a room instead of street. I panicked and looked for my clothes. Luckily I still had them on. I made sure to make no sound while I got out of the bed and peeped out of the room. I saw a girl watching TV and no one else around. I came out of the room startling the girl. “Oh hey! Sorry I totally forgot about you. I get lost when I watch pretty little liars” the girl sheepishly said. After a small awkward silence she continued again “I found you at the middle of the street so with help of a friend I got you here. I have food prepared, go freshen up so we can eat late night dinner” she giggled a little and left to go in kitchen I guess. I went back to the room, freshened up quickly and entered the kitchen. As soon as I entered I heard faint voices “Don’t worry I have got it everything under control” I heard a female voice.  “Is she fine then?” a male’s voice asked. “yes she is fine. Now go she must be coming in kitchen to have dinner with me soon” the girl said in a low whisper. “What the? You were supposed to take care of her. Can’t you give her the food in bed? I don’t know if bringing her here was such a good idea” the guy grunted. The girl giggled in reply and said “you are cute when you are all worried over a girl. I will make sure she rests I promised now shoooo I missed pretty little liars because of you and can’t afford to miss dinner now for you.” I heard footsteps approach the back door of the kitchen so I pretended I just entered the kitchen. She looked shock to see me in the kitchen but quickly composed herself. “You go in the room I will bring your food there” she said politely and started arranging the food.

This girl is nice but a liar too. She didn’t found me for sure someone else had. And that someone else just came to check on me which means I am in trouble instead of being in a safe place. Also this stranger guy can come back again. This concludes that I should be out of here before he comes back. But the question is how I am supp… “You are still standing here? Come lets go and eat together” my chain of thoughts were broken by this unknown girl who now dragged me to my temporary room. I was too hungry to protest so I ate with her babbling about random stuff. I faked a yawn making sure she buys it and she did “umm I think you should sleep we will talk tomorrow okay good night” saying that she left to sleep God knows where as this place had one bedroom but right now I don’t care. I have to get out of this trap. So for some time I pretended to be sleeping when I was sure that she has fallen asleep I stood up quietly. I reached for the door knob and opened it carefully and left the room then the house. It was chilly but who cares right now I had to get away from these strangers. I kept walking until I was sure that I was a safe distance away from them. I sat under a tree and dozed off.

||~Unknown POV~||

“What do you mean you don’t know where she is?” I shouted at her and threw a vase on the wall nearby. Damn it! I brought her here thinking she will be safe from all those “women eaters” goons. I ran my hand in my hairs frustrated. “I tol…d her to sleep an…d that w…e will talk in mor…ning but she wasn’t here when I cam…e with tea in morning” the bubbly girl was now stammering because of my wrath. It wasn’t her fault that she left. Well I hope Ella left and wasn’t taken by someone else. I tighten my fist at the thought of someone taking her away and harming her. I shook my head pushing all bad thoughts out of my head. I sighed and faked smiled at her and said “you did everything you could. Do not blame it on you. Thanks anyways for doing what I asked you to do.” With a small nod I left hoping to see her around talking to random people in search of her brother, Evan.

*Chapter 3 Ends*

Again vote and positive comments please.



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