one flight (djs)

By abbywharrison

44.4K 874 529

one flight In which the girl who hates boy bands realizes the cute guy she met at the airport was in fact Da... More



1.4K 23 15
By abbywharrison

Gen's POV

I sigh and roll over.

The alarm clock reads 12:40.

I can't wait, I just really want to see Daniel.

I think Isla is asleep but I can't be for sure, so I whisper her name a few times.

No response except for some light snoring, so I assume she's asleep.

Thank goodness, the room had two beds, so I could get out of mine without bothering her.  I normally don't really care how I look but I decided to at least brush my hair so I didn't look like a zombie.

I slowly tiptoe towards the door.

Shoot, I forgot that hotel doors and heavy and loud.

I try to open it quietly but with my luck, it squeaks really loudly and I cringe.

Isla doesn't do anything except roll over and I let out a sigh of relief.

I finally get out into the dimly lit hallway and I sprint down the halls and stairs to the outside.

It's the beginning of April, so it's a little cold in la

(haha see what I did there for the date and the song tehe im so cool. But yeah, it's Daniel's birthday in this chapter)

I watch as my breath fogs up as I blow it into the cold air.

I glance at my phone and it's three minutes till one.

"Gen?" Comes a soft voice and I turn to see Daniel, wearing a heavy coat, his hands shoved in his pockets.

"Hey," I say happily and run and melt in his arms in a tight embrace.

"Hey, angel," he breathes into my hair. "Are you ready for the best night of your life?" He asks.

"Um, the question is are you ready for the best night of your life?" I ask.

"What do you mean? Gen, we're celebrating you, not the other way around."

"Um, excuse me Mr. Famous, but today is your birthday. Did you think you'd get that by me?"

"I was kind of hoping," he shrugs.

"Just because I'm not a major fan doesn't mean I didn't do my research. And it's your birthday. You deserve to celebrate!" I say, as we start it walk down the sidewalk, his arm around my waist.

"Well, I'm still treating you tonight, like the princess you are," he says.

"I thought I was angel," i joke.

"You're everything to me," he says in all seriousness.

I can't say anything.

That was very smooth.

"Wow, very impressive flirting there, Mr. Seavey," I say.

"I just know what I want and how to get it," he shrugs.

We walk down the sidewalk, until he stops right outside a cafe.

"We're going in here, love," he says, as I've kept walking away from him.

I blush fiercely and follow him inside.

It's very warm and cozy and we're seated at the bar.

Daniel orders and I can only concentrate on his talking.  He has such a way with people and he's charismatic but that's definitely due to the fact that he's famous.

The waitress brings out our food and a shake.

Daniel punches two straws on the table and puts them both in the shake.

"Really?  We're going to be that cliche?" I ask.

"Yes," he says straight faced.

We both lean forward and drink out of the straws while Daniel makes eye contact with me.

That's kind of hot.

At least, it was until he crossed his eyes, and I lost it, and spit the drink out all over him.

"I'm so sorry!" I say, grabbing napkins and trying to clean it up.

We're both dying laughing as we attempt to mop up the small mess.

"It's ok.  I just wanted to see your reaction to that," Daniel says, and I can't even look at him, I'm blushing so hard.

"That was so embarrassing," I say, and bury my head in my hands.

"We can leave," he says, slapping a couple bills on the counter and shoving me out the door.

Next he takes me ice skating, which is really cute except for the fact that I can't skate.

However, Daniel Seavey being Daniel Seavey can pretty much ice skate perfectly, and of course has to basically hold me as we attempt to skate three feet.

I guess I don't mind the holding part, that was fine, but when we got done, I knew I definitely had bruises on my legs and arms and butt.

"I didn't know anyone could be that bad at ice skating," Daniel laughs as we're taking our skates off.

"Shut up.  I've never ice skated before.  You know, for my first time, that was pretty impressive," i explain.

"You fell. seventeen times!"

"Were you counting?" I ask horrified.

"I was counting how many times I could make you laugh when you looked like you were about to cry and it usually correlated with falling," he said and stood up.

He held his hands out and I grabbed them and stood up.

"So, what're we doing next?" I ask.

"You'll see," he says, and we walk back to his hotel which is the same one I'm staying at.

Yeah, he didn't mention that either, the sneaky kid.  No wonder it was so easy to find my hotel.

He took me up to the roof and I was really confused until a saw it.

It was the a picnic set up on the roof.

The picnic blanket was a faded fleece blanket that was laid out in the corner of the roof and a small wicker basket was sitting in the middle.

He led to the blanket and sat me down while pulling things out of the basket.

"I hope you like apple juice, watermelon, and pastries," he says, as he takes those items out.

I laugh at Daniel and his randomness.

"Yes, I love all of them," I say, and he hands me a small apple juice box.

We clink them together and drink while looking at the stars and the city at night.

"This is nice," he says quietly.

"What?" I ask.

"It's so quiet.  Normally my life is crazy and there's noise all the time, but right now, with you, it's peaceful.  I feel relaxed," he says.

I smile and move closer to him, cuddling into his shoulder.

"I like this too," I whisper.

"Gen, I need to ask you something?" He says, and turns toward me.

The cute date just turned serious, and it's like everything stopped for a moment.

"Ok," I say and turn to face him.

"I know we've known each other for a few days but I'm going to say it.  I like you.  I don't know if this is going to go farther but I wanna explore this with you.  I know you're not the biggest fan of us but do you think there's a chance for us?" asks.

Whoa.  I was not expecting that.

I don't say anything for several seconds and Daniel's face sinks.

"Oh, I get it. It's ok....I-"

I interrupt him by throwing my arms around him and hugging him tightly.

"Yes, there is a chance," I whisper into his ear.

He smiles and holds me for a while

We watch the stars until we fall asleep.

"Gen?  Gen!" a voice rocks me awake.

I slowly open my eyes and look around.  A figure moves beside me and I let out a scream.  A hand comes over my mouth, muffling the noise.

"Shhh!  We're not trying to let the whole world know we're up here!" Daniel's voice is filled with a humor that makes me calm down.

I sigh and take a glance at our position.

Somehow we had managed to end up sleeping on our backs cuddling instead of sitting, which is where we were before we had fallen asleep.

His arm snakes around my waist and my hand was against his chest and I could feel his steady heartbeat.

"Can't we sleep more?" I ask.

"Gen, we have to get up.  If Isla or the boys find out we're not there, they'll flip and hell's going to break loose," he says.

"How'd you know I was here with Isla?"

"I have my ways," he says vaguely.

I groan a little not being able to think straight.  His voice in the morning...just wow.

Finally, the thought clicks and I spring up, knocking Daniel in the head.

We both groan in pain before we start sprinting down the stairs to our appropriate rooms. We were surprisingly in the same hallways just different rooms on the opposite end of said hallway.

"Ok, bye!" I say, as I know Isla likes to wake up early.

"Bye," he echoes and we start walking away.

You know in movies, when characters walk away and then they turn around and run back?  That's what happened.

I turn around just as Daniel does and next thing I know I'm running towards his and I jump into his arms.  We don't say anything, but I place a soft kiss on his neck.

He just hugs me tighter before slowly setting me down on the ground

"Ok, now we really have to go," he says and we both run to our rooms for real.

I quickly unlock my door and shut it quietly before jumping into bed and pulling the covers over my head just as Isla moves around.

"Gen?  You awake?" She asks.

I don't say anything, hoping that she just leaves me alone.  She doesn't say anything but gets up and heads into the bathroom.

As soon as the door shuts I look above the sheets and let out a breath of relief.


Daniel's POV

I get into my room, which is still pitch black.

Phew, none of them are awake.

I had offered to take the couch so that no one would've been disturbed when I got up so I plop back on the couch and wait for them to wake up.

I can't possibly go back to sleep, not with the thought of Gen on my mind.

She's just so....I don't know...amazing.  She's so fun to be around and beautiful.  Taking her out was so exhilarating.

She even attempted to sing me a happy birthday before we fell asleep.  It was so adorable as I just sat there and watched her sing to me.

Finally, when she had fallen asleep, I had laid us down so she's be more comfortable which was a good thing because all she did was pull me in closer.

I'm smiling like crazy remembering what happened.

I look at my phone and see that Gen's texted me.



i had the best time
thank you
and ur cute when you sleep:)

says you
i had a great time too
we gotta do it again sometime



"Are you good?" A voice asks.

I flail as I'm startled by the voice.

"Yeah, why?' I ask, trying to play it off cool.

"I don't know.  you're just all smiley," the voice, whom I recognize as Corbyn says.

"Yeah, I've just been texting Gen a lot," I lie.

Corbyn doesn't say anything but I hear soft snores so I'm guessing he fell back asleep.

I sigh in relief.  It's still my secret.

My secret angel.


Yay, this chapter was cute.  What should their ship name be?

hope you enjoy!


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